Through the National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program (NNPSMP),
states monitor and evaluate a subset of watershed projects funded by the
Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Control Program.
The program has two major objectives:
1. To scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of watershed technologies
designed to control nonpoint source pollution
2. To improve our understanding of nonpoint source pollution
NNPSMP Tech Notes is a series of publications that shares this unique
research and monitoring effort. It offers guidance on data collection,
implementation of pollution control technologies, and monitoring design,
as well as case studies that illustrate principles in action.
Statistical Analysis for Monotonic Trends
The purpose of this technical note is to present and demonstrate the
basic analysis of long-term water quality data for trends. This publication
is targeted toward persons involved in watershed nonpoint source
monitoring and evaluation projects such as those in the National Nonpoint
Source Monitoring Program (NNPSMP) and the Mississippi River
Basin Initiative, where documentation of water quality response to the
implementation of management measures is the objective. The relatively
simple trend analysis techniques discussed below are applicable to water
quality monitoring data collected at fixed stations over time. Data collected
from multiple monitoring stations in programs intentionally designed to
document response to treatment (e.g., paired-watershed studies or above/
below-before/after with control) or using probabilistic monitoring designs
may need to apply other techniques not covered in this technical note.
Trend Analysis
For a series of observations over time—mean annual temperature, or weekly
phosphorus concentrations in a river—it is natural to ask whether the values are going up,
down, or staying the same. Trend analysis can be applied to all the water quality variables
and all sampling locations in a project, not just the watershed outlet or the receiving water.
Broadly speaking, trends occur in two ways: a gradual change over time that is consistent
in direction (monotonic
) or an abrupt shift at a specific point in time (step trend). In
watershed monitoring, the questions might be “Are streamflows increasing as urbanization
increases?” [a monotonic trend] or “Did nonpoint source nutrient loads decrease after the
TMDL was implemented in 2002?” [a step trend]. When a monitoring project involves
widespread implementation of best management practices (BMPs), it is usually desirable
Linear trends are a subset of monotonic trends.
Trend analysis can
answer questions like:
Are streamows
increasing as
urbanization increases?
Have nutrient
loads decreased since
the TMDL was
Donald W. Meals, Jean Spooner, Steven A. Dressing, and Jon B. Harcum.
2011. Statistical analysis for monotonic trends, Tech Notes 6,
November 2011. Developed for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
by Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax, VA, 23 p. Available online at https://www.epa.
November 2011
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
to know if water quality is improving: “Have suspended sediment concentrations gone
down as conservation tillage adoption has gradually increased?” [a monotonic trend] or
“Has the stream macroinvertebrate community improved after cows were excluded from
the stream with fencing in 2005?” [a step trend]. If water quality is improving, it is also
important to be able to state the degree of improvement.
Trend analysis has advantages and disadvantages for the evaluation of nonpoint source
projects, depending on the specific situation (Table 1). Simple trend analysis may be the
best or only approach to documenting response to treatment in situations where
treatment was widespread, gradual, and inadequately documented, or where water quality
data are collected only at a single watershed outlet station. For data from a short-term
(e.g., 3 years) monitoring project operated according to a paired-watershed design (Clausen
and Spooner 1993), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using data from the control
watershed may be more appropriate than trend analysis to evaluate response to treatment
because it directly accounts for the influences of climate and hydrology in a short-term data
set. In contrast, for a long data record from a single watershed outlet station, trend analysis
may be the best approach to evaluate gradual change resulting from widespread BMP
implementation in the watershed in the absence of data from a control site.
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of simple trend analysis as the principal approach for evaluation of
nonpoint source monitoring projects.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can be done on data from a single monitoring
Usually requires long, continuous data record
Does not require calibration period Difficult to account for variability in water quality data
solely related to changes in land treatment or land
Applicable to large receiving waterbodies that
may be subject to many influences
Not as powerful as other watershed monitoring designs
that have baseline (or pre-BMP data) with controls (e.g.,
control watershed or upstream data), especially with small
sample sizes
Useful for BMPs that develop slowly or
situations with long lag times
Provides no insight into cause(s) of trend
The application of trend analysis to evaluate the effects of a water quality project
depends on the monitoring design. Data from a watershed project that uses an upstream/
downstream or before/after study design where intensive land treatment occurs over a
short period generating an abrupt or step change may be evaluated for a step trend using
a variety of parametric and nonparametric tests including the two sample t-test, paired
t-test, sign test, analysis of (co)variance, or Kruskal-Wallis test. In general, these tests are
most applicable when the data can be divided into logical groups.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
On the other hand, data from long-term, fixed-station monitoring programs where
gradual responses such as those due to incremental BMP implementation or continual
urbanization are of most interest, are more aptly evaluated with monotonic trend analyses
that correlate the response variable (i.e., pollutant concentration or load) with time
or other independent variables. These types of analyses are useful in situations where
vegetative BMPs like the riparian buffers implemented in the Stroud Preserve NNPSMP
project (Newbold et al. 2008) must mature, resulting in gradual effects expressed over
time. Trend analysis of data collected in a large receiving waterbody such as a lake or
estuary may be the principal way of evaluating large, complex watershed programs. The
Chesapeake Bay Program has conducted trend analyses since the early 1990s to detect
and quantify water quality responses in the Bay to nutrient reduction actions to measure
progress toward Bay restoration goals (CBP 2007). While the examples in this technical
note focus on detection of changes in concentration of individual pollutants with respect
to time, these tools can also be used when evaluating the relationship between variables
such as chlorophyll and nutrients.
Trend analysis needs to account for the variability in water quality
data that can be due to many factors, including:
l Seasonal cycles;
l Diurnal cycles;
l Variations in hydrology and weather;
l Human activities and management;
l Measurement error;
l Natural variability; and
l Actual trends
The task of trend analysis is to characterize and account for other sources of variation and
to identify and quantify the actual trend in a statistically rigorous way.
It is important to recognize some other limitations of trend analysis. Trend analysis is
more effective with longer periods of record. Short monitoring periods and small sample
sizes make documentation of trends more difficult. Most importantly, the statistical
methods discussed below can help identify trends and estimate the rate of change, but
will not provide much insight in attributing a trend to a particular cause. Interpreting
the cause of a trend requires knowledge of hydrologic processes, land use, and human
activities in the watershed. Establishing causality requires a different study design.
Finally, in looking for trends in water quality, it is important to recognize that some
increasing or decreasing patterns in water quality especially over short time periods are
not trends. Many water quality variables exhibit seasonality as a result of temperature,
Statistical trend analysis can help to
identify trends and estimate the rate of
change, but will not provide much insight
in attributing a trend to a particular cause.
Interpreting the cause of a trend requires
knowledge of the watershed, and a
specific study design.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
precipitation, and flow. A snapshot of water quality data from a few months may suggest
an increasing trend, while examination of an entire year shows this “trend” to be part
of a regular cycle associated with temperature, precipitation, or cultural practices.
Autocorrelation—the tendency for the value of an observation to
be similar to the observation immediately before it—may also be
mistaken for a trend over the short term. Changes in sampling
schedules, field methods, personnel, or laboratory practices may
also cause shifts in data that could be erroneously interpreted as
trends. Characterization of project data through exploratory data
analysis (see Tech Note #1) will help recognize and account for such
features in a dataset.
General Considerations
Is a simple trend analysis appropriate?
The first step in trend analysis is to decide if it is an appropriate tool for answering the
questions you have about project data. Effective trend analysis requires a fairly long
sequence of data collected at a fixed location, collected by consistent methods, with few
long gaps. It has been suggested that five years of monthly data are the minimum for
monotonic trend (continuous rate of change, increasing or decreasing) analysis; for a
step trend (abrupt shift up or down), at least two years of monthly data before and after
treatment are required (Hirsch 1988). These time frames are only guidelines; longer
periods of record and/or more intensive sampling frequency would generally provide a
greater sensitivity to detect smaller changes. Trend analysis is best suited for a situation
where the land treatment program has been successful in implementing BMPs over an
extensive portion of the critical area, implementation occurs over several years, and water
quality change is expected to be gradual.
The water resource type, project design, type of land treatment, and implementation
schedule largely determine the type of trend to be expected. Most of the trend analysis
techniques discussed in this publication apply to the evaluation of a monotonic trend, the
kind of change that might be expected in response to gradual, widespread implementation
of BMPs. Step trends may occur in response to an abrupt change in the watershed, such
as the completion of a detention pond or a ban on winter manure application. To properly
evaluate a step trend, it is critical to have a solid a priori hypothesis concerning when the
step change took place; examination of the data themselves to search for the best place
to locate a shift is inappropriate. Although techniques exist for testing for step trends, in
many cases a two-sample test (e.g., t-test of before vs. after) may be a better choice when
an abrupt change at a specific point in time is expected.
All increasing or decreasing patterns in
water quality are not trends. Characterize
your data to avoid misinterpreting seasonal
cycles, autocorrelation, or changes in
monitoring methods as significant trends.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Explore the data first
Before beginning trend analysis, define the question that needs to be answered and then
conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the data set (see Tech Note #1). EDA will
often give preliminary indications of trends and set the stage for further trend analysis.
Use EDA to evaluate how well the data satisfy assumptions of parametric statistical
analysis (normal distribution, constant variance, and independence), evaluate the
effectiveness of transformations, and characterize relationships between variables. EDA
can reveal important explanatory variables (covariates) like flow or precipitation that
drive dependent variables at this point. Some trend analysis techniques can account for
Evaluate the data set for significant missing observations, such as a year-long interruption
in the middle of a 7-year program. Some techniques are sensitive to gaps in data
collection. If a long gap exists in the data, step trend procedures (e.g., assessing the
difference in sample means between the two periods using a two-sample t-test) may be
more appropriate than the monotonic trend analysis techniques discussed below. Although
there is no specific decision rule, Helsel and Hirsch (1992) advise using step trend rather
than monotonic trend analysis if a data gap is greater than one-third of the total record.
Select variables
Trend analysis can be applied to all the water quality variables and all sampling locations
in the project. In large projects tracking many variables at many stations, this can be a
daunting task. If full analysis is not feasible, there are several options. First, a subset of
monitored variables can be selected, focusing on those expected to be most responsive to
land treatment or those that directly relate to water quality impairment. Alternatively, it
may be possible to use an index that combines information from a number of variables,
such as the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for stream fish communities (Karr 1981), or
the Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI) that integrates measurements of temperature,
dissolved oxygen, BOD, pH, ammonia+nitrate nitrogen, total phosphate, total solids,
and fecal coliform (Cude 2005). Third, overall water quality trends have been efficiently
assessed and presented by conducting trend analysis on principal components as surrogate
variables for individual water quality constituents (Ye and Zou 1993).
Data reduction and flow adjustment
Before proceeding to trend analysis tests, it may be necessary or beneficial to perform
some preliminary data reduction. Transformations may be necessary to satisfy assumptions
for parametric analysis. If sampling has been collected regularly at very frequent intervals,
the data can be aggregated to standard periods (e.g., from daily observations to monthly
means or medians). Adjusting data because of changing sampling frequency (i.e., weekly
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
in years 1–5, monthly in years 610) requires subsampling from the higher frequency
data to create data of the same frequency as the lower frequency to preserve constant
variance. For example, do not compute monthly averages from weekly data in the early
part of the record to combine with monthly data collected in the more recent part of the
record. Rather, randomly choose one sample per month from the weekly data to construct
a consistent data record of monthly samples. On the other hand, aggregating data, by
computing monthly means or medians from weekly data throughout the period of record
will reduce autocorrelation.
The flow-weighted or time-weighted mean concentrations are common methods to
aggregate data collected with high frequency (Richards and Baker 1993). Flow-weighted
mean concentration (FWMC) can be defined as:
where c
is the concentration of the i
sample, q
is the instantaneous flow associated
with the i
sample, and t
is the time associated with the i
sample. In other words, the
FWMC is calculated by dividing the total pollutant load by the total flow volume over a
given time period. The FWMC can be thought of as pollutant load normalized for flow
or a flow-proportional concentration.
The time-weighted mean concentration (TWMC) can be defined as:
In a fixed-frequency sampling program, the TWMC would be identical to the arithmetic
mean of the observed concentrations.
Because much of the variance in nonpoint source pollutant concentra-
tions may result from variation in streamflow, flow adjustment is a
common technique to prepare for trend analysis. Removing this source
of variance from the data makes subsequent trend tests more power-
ful and prevents the identification of a trend in concentration when it
is the result of correlation with flow. When flow effects are removed
from a record of concentrations, the test performed becomes a test for
a time trend in the flow-adjusted concentrations versus time.
A regression of concentration against some function of discharge is computed and the
residuals (the differences between observed concentrations and concentrations predicted
from the regression, i.e., flow-adjusted concentrations) are then tested for trend. Examples
of this analysis are found in Hirsch et al. (1991) and Helsel and Hirsch (1992). This
Flow adjustment is a common technique to
prepare for trend analysis. Removing this
source of variance from the data makes
subsequent trend tests more powerful
and prevents the identification of a trend
in concentration when it is the result of
correlation with flow.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
technique requires that a relationship exists between concentration and discharge. For
this procedure to be valid, the streamflow distribution must be stationary, i.e., be itself
free of trend. If the distribution of streamflow has changed over the period of record (e.g.,
because of diversions, detention ponds, or stormwater BMPs), then residuals analysis or
any other flow-adjustment technique should not be used. Presence or absence of trend
in flow can be verified through knowledge of changes in watershed hydrology or by
independent analysis of trends in the streamflow record itself. Where streamflows are not
stationary, it may be possible to remove the effects of varying hydrologic conditions on
the concentration variable by using some appropriate measure of basin precipitation as a
covariate or account for hydrologic changes by other trend analysis techniques.
Alternatively, because land treatment effects are generally expected to change the
relationship between concentrations and flow, an analysis of covariance will usually be
Before proceeding to intensive numerical analysis, it is useful to re-examine the time
series plots developed earlier in the process of exploratory data analysis. Visual inspection
of a time series plot is the easiest way to look for a trend, but data variability may obscure
a trend. Visualization of trends in noisy data can be clarified by various data smoothing
techniques. Plotting moving averages or medians, for example, instead of raw data points,
reduces apparent variation and may reveal general tendencies. Spreadsheets like Excel can
display a moving-average trend line in time-series scatterplots with adjustable averaging
periods. A more complex smoothing algorithm, such as LOWESS (LOcally WEighted
Scatterplot Smoothing), can reveal patterns in very large datasets that would be difficult
to resolve by eye. LOWESS is computationally intensive (see Helsel and Hirsch 1992),
but computer programs exist that make the procedure relatively easy to accomplish.
Note, however, that visualization has limitations because people tend to focus on outliers,
strong seasonal variation can mask trends in a variable of interest, and gradual trends
are difficult to detect by eye alone. Additionally, simple visualization cannot adequately
quantify the magnitude of a trend. Visualization is not a substitute for the hypothesis
testing discussed below.
Monotonic Trend Analysis
A number of statistical tests are available to identify and quantify monotonic trends
in a way that is defensible and repeatable. Statistical trend analysis is a hypothesis-
testing process. The null hypothesis (H
) is that there is no trend; each test has its own
parameters for accepting or rejecting H
. Failure to reject H
does not prove that there
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
is not a trend, but indicates that the evidence is not sufficient to conclude with a specified
level of confidence that a trend exists.
Table 2 lists some trend tests available for different circumstances, including adjustments
for a covariate and the presence of seasonality. The tests are further divided into para-
metric, nonparametric, and mixed types. Parametric tests are considered more powerful
and/or sensitive to detect significant trends than are nonparametric tests, especially with
a small sample number. However, unless the assumption of normal distribution for para-
metric statistics is met, it is generally advisable to use a nonparametric test (Lettenmaier
1976, Hirsch et al. 1991, Thas et al. 1998). Both parametric and nonpara metric tests
require constant variance and independence. Methods for testing assumptions of distri-
bution, constant variance, and independence required for parametric linear regressions
are discussed in detail in USEPA (1997a). Nonparametric tests provide higher statistical
power in case of nonnormality and are robust against outliers and large data gaps.
Table 2. Classification of tests for trend (adapted from Helsel and Hirsch 1992)
Type of test
Not Adjusted for
covariate (X) Adjusted for covariate (X)
Parametric Linear regression of Y on t Multiple linear regression of Y on X and t
Mixed Mann-Kendall on residuals from regression of Y on X
Nonparametric Mann-Kendall Mann-Kendall on residuals from LOWESS of Y on X
Parametric Linear regression of Y on t
and periodic functions
Multiple linear regression of Y on X, t, and periodic
Mixed Regression of
deseasonalized Y on t
Seasonal Kendall on residuals from regression of Y on X
Nonparametric Seasonal Kendall on Y Seasonal Kendall on residuals from LOWESS of Y on X
Y = dependent variable of interest; X = covariate, t = time
These tests will be discussed below, with emphasis on linear regression, Mann-Kendall,
and seasonal Kendall procedures. For more detailed information, consult the references
listed at the end of this technical note.
Tests without covariates (Y versus time)
Parametric test: Linear regression of Y on t (Example 1, p. 18).
If project data satisfy all the assumptions necessary for linear regression (Y is linearly
related to t, residuals are normally distributed, residuals are independent, and variance of
residuals is constant), a simple linear regression of Y on time is a test for linear trend:
Y =
+ β
t + ε
The null hypothesis is that the slope coefficient β
= 0. The t-statistic on β
is tested
to determine if it is significantly different from zero. If the slope is nonzero, the null
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
hypothesis is rejected and it can be concluded that there is a linear trend in Y over time,
with rate equal to β
. Missing values are allowed. In some cases, it might have been
necessary to log transform the data to satisfy the above regression assumptions. In this
case, the trend slope will be expressed in log units. A linear trend in log units is an
exponential trend in original units. This can be expressed in percent per year to make the
trend easier to interpret. If β
is the estimated slope of the linear trend in log
units, then
the percentage change over any given year is (10
1)* 100. When there is no trend, the
slope is zero and the equation results in zero percent change (i.e., β
= 0).
Nonparametric test: Mann-Kendall (Example 2, p. 19)
If the data do not conform to a normal distribution, the Mann-Kendall test can be
applied. This test evaluates whether y values tend to increase or decrease over time
through what is essentially a nonparametric form of monontonic trend regression analysis.
The Mann-Kendall test analyzes the sign of the difference between later-measured data
and earlier-measured data. Each later-measured value is compared to all values measured
earlier, resulting in a total of n(n-1)/2 possible pairs of data, where n is the total number
of observations. Missing values are allowed and the data do not need to conform to
any particular distribution. The Mann-Kendall test assumes that a value can always be
declared less than, greater than, or equal to another value; that data are independent; and
that the distribution of data remain constant in either the original units or transformed
units (Helsel and Hirsch 1992). Because the Mann-Kendall test statistics are invariant to
transformations such as logs (i.e., the test statistics will be the same value for both raw and
log-transformed data), the Mann-Kendall test is applicable in many situations.
To perform a Mann-Kendall test, compute the difference between the later-measured
value and all earlier-measured values, (y
), where j>i, and assign the integer value of 1,
0, or –1 to positive differences, no differences, and negative differences, respectively. The
test statistic, S, is then computed as the sum of the integers:
j= i+1
S =
sign (
- y
Where sign(y
- y
), is equal to +1, 0, or -1 as indicated above.
When S is a large positive number, later-measured values tend to be larger than earlier
values and an upward trend is indicated. When S is a large negative number, later values
tend to be smaller than earlier values and a downward trend is indicated. When the
absolute value of S is small, no trend is indicated. The test statistic τ can be computed as:
τ =
n(n - 1)/2
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
which has a range of –1 to +1 and is analogous to the correlation coefficient in regression
analysis. The null hypothesis of no trend is rejected when S and τ are significantly
different from zero. If a significant trend is found, the rate of change can be calculated
using the Sen slope estimator (Helsel and Hirsch 1992):
= median
( )
- y
- x
for all i < j and i = 1, 2, …, n-1 and j = 2, 3,…, n; in other words, computing the slope for
all pairs of data that were used to compute S. The median of those slopes is the Sen slope
Tests accounting for covariates
Variables other than time usually influence the behavior of water quality variables.
These covariates are usually natural phenomena such as precipitation, temperature,
or streamflow. By removing the variation caused by these explanatory variables, the
noise may be reduced and a trend revealed. Correction for hydrologic and meteorologic
variability is essential in both parametric and nonparametric trend tests to determine if
the statistically significant trends are due to processes and transport changes such as land
use changes, or to artifacts of system variability.
Selection of an appropriate covariate is critical. It should be a measure of the driving
force behind the behavior of the variable of interest, but must not be subject to human
manipulation during the course of the project, i.e., must not be changed by BMPs or
the land treatment program. In nonpoint source monitoring, much of the variance in
concentration data is usually a function of runoff and streamflow; thus, natural streamflow
is a commonly used covariate in trend analysis. However, streamflow should not be used
as a covariate if the land treatment program itself affects streamflow, such as with urban
stormwater inltration practices or conservation tillage. In such cases, precipitation may
be a good choice for a covariate.
In deciding whether or not to remove the variation caused by flow from a data set,
consider project objectives and the nature of the land treatment program. If a land
treatment program has caused a measurable change in the watershed flow regime, such
a change may in fact be a desired outcome and the resulting trend in both flow and
pollutant concentration may be important to detect and quantify. Removing variation
caused by flow may risk reducing the magnitude of any trend in concentration alone
below detection level, considering other noise in the system. On the other hand, failure
to account for a trend in flow that is not associated with the land treatment program may
result in showing a trend in concentration where none exists. It is generally advisable to
test the covariate data set independently for trend before proceeding.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Parametric: Multiple linear regression of Y on X and t
Multiple linear regression can be used to account for the effects of other variables such
as flow, land management, or other water quality characteristics on a response variable.
Multiple regression includes covariates in trend analysis in a single step. Appropriate
covariates are those that are correlated with the water quality variable Y and adjust for
changes in climate to better isolate trends due to BMPs. Consider multiple regression of
concentration (Y) versus time (t) and flow (Q ):
Y =
+ β
t + β
Q + ε
The test accounts for the effects of the covariate by including them in the regression
model. The null hypothesis for the trend test is β
= 0; the t-statistic for β
tests for trend.
If the coefficient β
for the covariate is not significantly different from zero, the effect of
the covariate is not significant and a simple regression model of Y on t should be used.
An exception to this would be the case where flow is increasing over time and the effects
of increasing flow are already accounted for in the time component; in such a case, flow
might still be logically included in the regression model even if β
is not different from
zero. It should be emphasized that as for simple linear regression, the assumptions that Y
is linearly related to t and Q , that residuals are normally distributed and independent, and
that variance of residuals is constant must be satisfied to use this test properly.
Mixed: Mann-Kendall on residuals from regression of Y on X
This is a hybrid test that includes removal of covariate effects by a parametric procedure,
followed by a nonparametric test for trend. If a reasonable linear regression can be
obtained (i.e., residuals have no extreme outliers, Y is approximately linear with X), the
regression between Y and one or more Xs (i.e., Y =
+ β
X + ε) can remove the effect of
X prior to performing the Mann-Kendall test for trend.
The residuals (R) from the regression model are computed as observed minus predicted
R = Y -
+ β
Then the Kendall S statistic is computed on the R-time data pairs and tested to see if
it differs significantly from zero. If assumptions for parametric statistics are seriously
violated, a fully nonparametric alternative (e.g., using LOWESS) should be selected to
estimate the relationship between Y and X as described in the next section.
Nonparametric: Mann-Kendall on residuals from LOWESS of Y on X
The LOWESS smoothing technique describes the relationship between Y and a covariate
X without assuming linearity or normality of residuals. Applying LOWESS smoothing to
a scatterplot of X and Y is roughly analogous to regression, without forcing a straight line.
Given the LOWESS fitted value Y, the residuals (R) are computed as:
R = Y - Y’
Then, the Kendall S statistic is computed on the R-t data pairs and tested to see if it
differs significantly from zero.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
If the distribution of the data is unknown or known to violate parametric assumptions,
this procedure should be used instead of the parametric or mixed tests.
Frequently, changes between seasons are a major source of variation
in water quality data because land management and use change
with the seasons. Most concentrations in surface waters show
strong seasonal patterns. Seasonal variation in streamflow is an
important component of this seasonality, but biological processes
(e.g., enhanced survival of fecal microorganisms in colder water temperatures, release of
nitrogen through decomposition) and management activities (e.g., fertilizer applications,
tillage) often contribute to seasonal variation. Thus, some techniques beyond controlling
for the effects of a flow covariate are often necessary for water quality trend analysis.
Some trend analysis techniques require you to define a “season” in advance. Examination
of box plots of data by season or other graphical displays may help identify reasonable
divisions. In general, seasons should be just long enough so that some data are available
for most of the seasons in most years of monitoring. If data are collected or aggregated
on a monthly frequency, for example, seasons should be defined representing each of the
12 months. If data are considered in quarterly blocks, there should be four seasons. In
agricultural settings, it may make sense to consider either two or four “seasons”: cropping
and non-cropping, or non-cropping, seed preparation, cropping, and harvest.
Parametric: Linear regression of Y on X, t, and periodic functions
Periodic functions like sine and cosine can be used to describe cyclic seasonal variations in
a multiple regression model, with or without covariates. For an annual cycle:
= β
+ β
sin (2 πt/n) + β
cos (2πt/n) + β
t + other terms + ε
Where: t=1,2,3...N (N=total number of samples)
n = number of samples per year (e.g., 12 for monthly data, 52 for weekly data)
note: a “DATE” variable can be used instead of ‘t’ with n=365.25 because ‘DATE
is a daily value.
Where “other terms” are covariates such as flow, precipitation, or other influences. The
trend test is conducted by determining if the slope coefficient on t (β
) differs significantly
from zero. This test assumes that the sine and cosine terms realistically simulate annual
seasonal cycles. Of course, the usual assumptions of parametric regression must be met.
If variability introduced by strong seasonality (e.g., extremely dry or wet season) is high
enough to cause violation of parametric assumptions, it may become necessary to break
out data by season before conducting trend analysis.
Water quality data often show seasonal
patterns that require trend analysis
techniques that go beyond simply
controlling for the effects of flow.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Mixed: Seasonal Kendall on residuals from regression of Y on X and
Regression of deseasonalized Y on t
Two hybrid procedures may be used to account for seasonality. First, the seasonal
Kendall test can be applied to residuals from a simple linear regression of Y versus X.
This approach should only be used when the relationship of Y and X complies with the
appropriate assumptions for parametric statistics.
Second, the data can be “deseasonalized” by subtracting seasonal medians or some other
measure of seasonal effect from all the data within the season. The deseasonalized data is
then regressed against time (Montgomery and Reckhow 1984). Although this technique
has the advantage of producing a description of seasonality (seasonal medians), it has
generally low statistical power.
Nonparametric: Seasonal Kendall on Y (Example 3, p. 21)
The seasonal Kendall test statistic is computed by performing a Mann-Kendall calculation
for each season, then combining the results for each season. For monthly seasons, January
observations are compared only to other January observations, etc. No comparisons are
made across seasonal boundaries. The Seasonal Kendall test is highly robust and relatively
powerful, and is often the recommended method for most water quality trend monitoring.
The S
statistic is computed as the sum of the S from each season:
= S
where S
is the S from the i
season and m is the number of seasons.
The seasonal statistics are summed and a Z statistic is computed; consult other sources
for the method of calculating Z
(e.g., Helsel and Hirsch 1992, USEPA 1997b). If the
number of seasons and years are sufficiently large (seasons * years > 25), the Z value may
be compared to standard normal tables to test for a statistically significant trend. For
fewer seasons/years, the applicability of standard normal tables has not been evaluated.
An estimate of the trend slope for Y over time can be computed as the median of all
slopes between data pairs within the same season using a generalized version of the Sen
slope estimator described above. Consult other sources for the method of calculation (e.g.,
Helsel and Hirsch 1992, USEPA 1997b).
Emerging trend analysis techniques
A recent paper by Hirsch et al. (2010) called for a “next generation” of trend analysis
techniques in response to the observations that new and longer monitoring data sets
exist, new questions about the effectiveness of control efforts, and the availability of new
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
statistical tools. The authors identified seven critical attributes for the next generation of
trend analysis:
l Focuses on revealing the nature and magnitude of change, rather than strict
hypothesis testing;
l Does not assume that the flow-concentration relationship is constant over time;
l Makes no assumptions that seasonal patterns repeat exactly over the period of
record, but allow the shape of seasonality to evolve over time;
l Allows the shape of an estimated trend to be driven by the data and not
constrained to follow a specific form such as linear or quadratic; trend patterns
should be allowed to differ for different seasons or flow conditions;
l Provides consistent results describing trends in both concentration and load;
l Provides not only estimates of trends in concentration and flux but also trend
estimates where the variation in water quality due to variation in streamflow has
been statistically removed; and
l Includes diagnostic tools to assist in understanding the nature of the changes that
have taken place over time, e.g., to identify particular times of year or hydrologic
conditions during which water quality changes are most pronounced.
The authors propose and demonstrate an experimental trend analysis technique called
Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) that addresses these critical
attributes. While a presentation of this approach is beyond the scope of this Tech Note,
the reader is referred to the original paper for additional information.
Step Trends
Monotonic trend analysis may not be appropriate for all situations. Other statistical tests
for discrete changes (step trends) should be applied where a known discrete event (like
BMP implementation over a short period) has occurred. Testing for differences between
the “before” and “after” conditions is done using two-sample procedures such as t-tests
and analysis of covariance (parametric techniques) and nonparametric alternatives such
as the rank-sum test, Mann-Whitney test, and the Hodges-Lehmann estimator of step-
trend magnitude (Helsel and Hirsch 1992, Walker 1994).
Monitoring Program Design and Trend
Trend analysis is effective with data sampled continuously at fixed-time intervals. If
you are presently designing your watershed monitoring program, here are key points to
consider if you plan to use trend analysis to evaluate your project:
l Use consistent sampling locations throughout the monitoring period;
l Operate the monitoring program continuously, starting before implementation and
continuing after implementation;
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
l Use consistent field and laboratory procedures;
l Collect data on important covariates to help explain variations in water quality;
l Monitor land treatment, land use, and other nonpoint source-related activities in
your watershed to provide information to help you interpret observed trends.
Statistical tools for trend analysis
Trend tests, especially nonparametric tests like the Mann-Kendall and seasonal Kendall
are computationally intensive and are impractical to apply manually in most cases.
Unfortunately, statistical software packages that calculate Mann-Kendall and other
nonparametric analyses are less common than those that perform parametric tests. The
table below lists some examples of software that will run some or all of the nonparametric
tests discussed in this publication and web sites to visit for more information. Practical
Stats (see Further Reading and Resources, below) provides a useful review of the
capabilities of low-cost statistical software at: http://www.practicalstats.com/aes/aes/
Package Name Web Site URL
Add-ins for MS Excel:
Fast Statistics
Stand-alone statistical software:
[add-in programs for nonparametric trend analysis from USGS software
library: http://water.usgs.gov/software/S-PLUS/]
Stand-alone Windows programs for running Mann-Kendall and Seasonal Kendall tests
have been published by USGS and are available for free download at
http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5275/. An example of a custom-made spreadsheet
calculator for running Mann-Kendall tests on quarterly data can be found at
http://www.in.gov/idem/4213.htm (Indiana Department of Environmental
Management 2011).
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Chesapeake Bay Program. 2007. Chesapeake Bay 2007 health & restoration assessment.
[Accessed 9-15-2011]
Clausen, J.C. and J. Spooner. 1993. Paired watershed study design. 841-F-93-009. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC
Cude, C. 2005. Specific examples of trend analysis using the Oregon water quality index.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Laboratory Division,
http://www.deq.state.or.us/lab/wqm/trendex.htm [Accessed 9-15-2011]
Helsel, D.R. and R.M. Hirsch. 1992. Statistical methods in water resources. Studies in
Environmental Science 49. New York: Elsevier. (available on-line as a pdf file at:
http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/twri/twri4a3/) [Accessed 9-15-2011].
Helsel, D.R., D.K. Mueller, and J.R. Slack. 2005. Computer program for the Kendall
family of trend tests. USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5275, U.S.
Geological Survey, Reston, VA. http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5275/ [Accessed
Hirsch, R.M. 1988. Statistical methods and sampling design for estimating step trends in
surface water quality. Water Resour. Res. 24:493-503.
Hirsch, R.M., R.B. Alexander, and R.A. Smith.1991. Selection of methods for the
detection and estimation of trends in water quality. Water Resour. Res. 27:803-813.
Hirsch, Robert M., Douglas L. Moyer, and Stacey A. Archfield, 2010. Weighted
regressions on time, discharge, and season (WRTDS), with an application to
Chesapeake Bay river inputs. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 46(5):857-880.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management. 2011. Mann-Kendall spreadsheet.
http://www.in.gov/idem/4213.htm [Accessed 9-15-2011].
Karr, J.R. 1981. Assessment of biotic integrity using fish communities. Fisheries 6(6):28-30.
Lettenmaier. D.P. 1976. Detection of trends in water quality data from records with
dependent observations. Water Resour. Res. 12:1037-1046.
Meals, D.W. 2001. Lake Champlain Basin agricultural watersheds section 319 national
monitoring program project, final project report: May, 1994-September, 2000. Vermont
Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Waterbury, VT, 227 p.
Montgomery, R.H. and K.H. Reckhow. 1984. Techniques for detecting trends in lake
water quality. Water Resour. Bull. 20(1):43-52.
Newbold, J.D., S. Herbert, B.W. Sweeney and P. Kiry. 2008. Water quality functions of
a 15-year-old riparian forest buffer system. NWQEP Notes No. 130. NCSU Water
Quality Group, NC State University, Raleigh, NC.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Richards, R.P. and D.B. Baker. 1993. Trends in nutrient and suspended sediment
concentrations in Lake Erie tributaries, 1975-1990. J. Great Lakes Res. 19(2):200-211.
Thas O., L. Van Vooren, and J.P. Ottoy. 1998. Nonparametric test performance for trends
in water quality with sampling design applications. J. American Water Resour. Assoc.
US EPA. 1997a. Linear regression for nonpoint source pollution analysis. EPA-
841-B-97-007. Office of Water, Washington, DC.
US EPA. 1997b. Monitoring guidance for determining the effectiveness of nonpoint
source control projects. EPA 841-B-96-004. Office of Water, Washington, DC.
Walker, J.F. 1994. Statistical techniques for assessing water quality effects of BMPs. J. Irr.
Drainage Eng. ASCE. 120(2):334-347.
Ye, Y-S and S. Zou. 1993. Relating trends of principal components to trends of water-
quality constituents. Water Resour. Bull. 29(5):797-806.
Further Reading and Resources
There is far more to trend analysis than is covered in this technical note. For more
details on the techniques and calculations discussed, examples, and information on other
approaches, consult these additional sources:
Berryman, D., B. Bobee, D. Cluis, and J. Haemmerli. 1988. Nonparametric tests for trend
detection in water quality time series. Water Resour. Bull. 24(3):545-556.
Gilbert, R.O. 1987. Statistical methods for environmental pollution monitoring. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Grabow, G.L., L.A. Lombardo, D.E. Line, and J. Spooner. 1999. Detecting water quality
improvement as BMP effectiveness changes over time: use of SAS for trend analysis.
NWQEP Notes No. 95. NCSU Water Quality Group, NC State University, Raleigh, NC.
Hirsch, R.M, J.R. Slack, and R.A. Smith. 1982. Techniques of trend analysis for monthly
water quality data. Water Resour. Res. 18:107-121.
Practical Stats, offering statistical training for environmental sciences and natural resources,
with emphasis on applied environmental statistics, nondetects data analysis, and
multivariate analysis. http://www.practicalstats.com/index.html [Accessed 9-15-2011].
Rheem, S. and G.I. Holtzman. 1990. A SAS program for seasonal Kendall trend analysis
of monthly water quality data. Proceedings, Sixteenth Annual SAS Users Group
International (SUGI) Conference, February 17-20, 1991, New Orleans.
Richards, R.P. and D.B. Baker. 2002. Trends in water quality in LEASEQ rivers and
streams (northwestern Ohio), 1975-1995. J. Environ. Qual. 31(1): 90 - 96.
Taylor, C.H. and J. C. Loftis. 1989. Testing for trend in lake and ground water time
series. Water Resour. Bull. 25(4):715-726.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Trend analysis example 1: Simple linear regression
l Eight years of monthly total phosphorus concentration data from Samsonville
Brook, a stream draining a Vermont agricultural watershed
l Data satisfy assumptions for regression after log transformation
Normal distribution
Constant variance
Independence (low autocorrelation)
Rate of change:
Slope of log-transformed data = -0.00414
- 1)*100 = -0.95%/month or ~11%/yr
This result suggests that total P concentrations have decreased significantly over the
period at a rate of approximately 11% a year.
Simple linear regression
(using Excel or any basic statistical package)
Log [TP] = -0.8285 - 0.00414(Time)
= 0.18 F = 21.268 P < 0.001
Note: data used in this example are taken from the Vermont NMP Project, Lake Champlain Basin agricultural watersheds section 319
national monitoring program project, 1993 – 2001 (Meals 2001).
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Trend analysis example 2: Mann-Kendall
l Eight years of quarterly mean total phosphorus
concentration data from Samsonville Brook, a stream
draining a Vermont agricultural watershed
l Data satisfy assumptions for constant variance and
independence, but are not normally-distributed without
The Mann-Kendall trend test for this example may be evaluated
in two ways. First, in a manual calculation, use the formulas
below. The value of S (sum of the signs of differences between
all combinations of observations) can be determined either
manually or by using a spreadsheet to compare combinations,
create dummy variables (-1, 0, and +1), and sum for S.
j= i+1
S =
sign (
- y
) = -106
Mann – Kendall
τ =
n(n - 1)/2
= -0.353 decreasing trend
Calculating Z
as (S ± 1)/σ
where σ
= (n/18) × (n - 1) × (2n + 5) = 42.817
Z =
= -2.454
(USEPA 1997b)
1 0.180
5 0.200
9 0.250
13 0.068
17 0.201
21 0.063
25 0.099
29 0.125
33 0.205
37 0.078
41 0.216
45 0.059
49 0.098
53 0.102
57 0.137
61 0.037
65 0.100
69 0.051
73 0.180
77 0.060
81 0.095
85 0.021
89 0.120
93 0.063
97 0.035
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
This Z statistic is significant at P = 0.014, indicating a significant trend, i.e., we are 98.6%
confident there is a decreasing trend in TP. See USEPA (1997b) for the calculation of σ
when there are ties among the data.
To estimate the rate of change, use the Sen slope estimator
= median
( )
- y
- x
211 individual slopes -0.00945 to +0.00766
median slope = -0.0011 mg/L/month = -0.013 mg/L/yr
This result suggests that total P concentration decreased significantly over the period at a
rate of about 0.013 mg/L/yr.
Alternatively, use a statistics computer program to run the Mann-Kendall procedure. For
example, using the USGS program for the Kendall family of tests (Helsel et al. 2005),
set up a text data input file specifying the Mann-Kendall test (test #4) without flow
adjustment (0) or seasons (blanks) and name the data input file (MKexample2.txt) as:
4 0 MKexample 2
1 0.180
5 0.200
9 0.250
97 0.035
The output from the program gives the same results as shown above, including the
estimated slope of the trend (-0.0011) computed by the Sen slope estimator above:
Kendall's tau Correlation Test
US Geological Survey, 2005
Data set: MK Example 2
The tau correlation coefcient is -0.353
S = -106.
z = -2.454
p = 0.0141
The relation may be described by the equation:
Y = 0.15412 + -0.1125E-02 * X
Note: data used in this example are taken from the Vermont NMP Project, Lake Champlain Basin agricultural watersheds section 319
national monitoring program project, 1993 – 2001 (Meals 2001).
Helsel, D.R., D.K. Mueller, and J.R. Slack. 2005. Computer program for the Kendall family of trend tests. USGS Scientic
Investigations Report 2005-5275, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5275/
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Trend analysis example 3: Seasonal Kendall
l Six years of weekly E. coli data from a stream draining Godin Brook, a Vermont
agricultural watershed
l Data satisfy assumptions for constant variance and independence, but are not
normally-distributed without transformation
l Data display high degree of seasonality to the eye (low E. coli counts in winter,
high counts in summer) due to influence of water temperature on bacteria survival
and to grazing season
Raw data plotted:
Data aggregated to monthly median values:
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
1994 3750 7725 16350 4600 565 535 74
1995 4400 5900 3300 2663 1530 345 69 29 12 31 8 688
1996 6788 2125 14500 11450 2900 190 43 72 20 69 50 185
1997 4825 13250 3635 592 4100 116 20 33.5 19 20 18 262
1998 2025 1200 3083 5825 1563 78 23 14 11 63 16 8 07. 5
1999 378 265 109 1000 2360 653 37 21 8.5 19 6 161
2000 106 4.5 24 42 1432
(values represent E. coli/100 ml)
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Monthly median data plotted still show a strong seasonal cycle:
As in Example 2, the Seasonal Kendall trend test may be computed manually, using the
formulas below, either by hand or using a spreadsheet:
The Mann-Kendall statistic (S
) is calculated for each month; the seasonal Kendall
statistic S
calculated as sum of monthly S
= S
= -48
suggesting a downward trend
is estimated as Z
where σ
= (n
/18) × (n
- 1) × (2n
+ 5)
= 18.439
Z =
= -2.549
(USEPA 1997a)
This Z statistic is significant at P = 0.011, indicating a significant decreasing trend.
To use the Sen slope estimator, calculate slopes between all possible pairs within each
season, rank all slope estimates, and find the median:
= median
( )
- y
- x
180 individual slopes -13,050 to +11,200
median slope = -5.8 E. coli/100 ml/yr
This result suggests that E. coli counts have decreased significantly over the period at an
approximate rate of 6 E. coli/100 ml/yr.
National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program November 2011
Alternatively, use a statistics computer program to run the Seasonal Kendall procedure.
For example, using the USGS program for the Kendall family of tests (Helsel et al. 2005),
set up a text data input file specifying the Seasonal Kendall test with data as year, season,
and value (test #2) without flow adjustment (0”), seasons (ignored for this type of input
data) and name the data input file (SKexample3.txt) as:
2 0 SK Example 3
1994 6 3750
1994 7 7725
1994 8 16350
2000 3 24
2000 4 42
2000 5 1432
The output from the program gives the same results as shown above, including the
estimated slope of the trend (-5.75) computed by the Sen slope estimator above:
Seasonal Kendall Test for Trend
US Geological Survey, 2005
Data set: SK Example 3
The record is 7 complete water years with 12 seasons per
year beginning in water year 1994.
The tau correlation coefcient is -0.267
S = -48.
z = -2.549
p = 0.0108
p = 0.2003 adjusted for correlation among seasons
(such as serial dependence)
The adjusted p-value should be used only for data with more
than 10 annual values per season.
The relation may be described by the equation:
Y = 246.1 + -5.750 * Time
where Time = Year (as a decimal) - 1993.75 (beginning
of rst water year)
Note: data used in this example are taken from the Vermont NMP Project, Lake Champlain Basin agricultural watersheds section 319
national monitoring program project, 1993 – 2001 (Meals 2001).
Helsel, D.R., D.K. Mueller, and J.R. Slack. 2005. Computer program for the Kendall family of trend tests. USGS Scientic
Investigations Report 2005-5275, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5275/