Mentor-Mentee Compact & Expectations Form
*From the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT).
Commitments of Graduate Student Mentee
• I acknowledge that I have the primary responsibility for the successful completion of my degree. I will be committed to
my graduate education and will demonstrate this by my efforts in the classroom and the research laboratory. I will
maintain a high level of professionalism, self-motivation, engagement, scientific curiosity, and ethical standards.
• I will meet regularly with my research advisor and provide them with updates on the progress and results of my
activities and experiments.
• I will work with my research advisor to develop a thesis/dissertation project. This will include establishing a timeline
for each phase of my work. I will strive to meet the established deadlines.
• I will work with my research advisor to select a thesis/dissertation committee. I will commit to meeting with this
committee at least annually (or more frequently, according to program guidelines). I will be responsive to the advice of
and constructive criticism from my committee.
• I will be knowledgeable of the policies and requirements of my graduate program, graduate school, and institution. I
will commit to meeting these requirements, including teaching responsibilities.
• I will attend and participate in laboratory meetings, seminars and journal clubs that are part of my educational
• I will comply with all institutional policies, including academic program milestones. I will comply with both the letter
and spirit of all institutional safe laboratory practices and animal-use and human-research policies at my institution.
• I will participate in my institution’s Responsible Conduct of Research Training Program and practice those guidelines in
conducting my thesis/dissertation research.
• I will be a good lab citizen. I will agree to take part in shared laboratory responsibilities and will use laboratory
resources carefully and frugally. I will maintain a safe and clean laboratory space. I will be respectful of, tolerant of, and
work collegially with all laboratory personnel.
• I will maintain a detailed, organized, and accurate laboratory notebook. I am aware that my original notebooks and all
tangible research data are the property of my institution but that I am able to take a copy of my notebooks with me
after I complete my thesis/dissertation.
• I will discuss policies on work hours, sick leave and vacation with my research advisor. I will consult with my advisor
and notify fellow lab members in advance of any planned absences.
• I will discuss policies on authorship and attendance at professional meetings with my research advisor. I will work with
my advisor to submit all relevant research results that are ready for publication in a timely manner prior to my
• I acknowledge that it is primarily my responsibility to develop my career following the completion of my doctoral
degree. I will seek guidance from my research advisor, career counseling services, thesis/dissertation committee, other
mentors, and any other resources available for advice on career plans.
Commitments of Graduate Student Mentor
• I will be committed to mentoring graduate student to be a future member of the scientific community.
• I will be committed to the research project of the graduate student. I will help to plan and direct the graduate
student’s project, set reasonable and attainable goals, and establish a timeline for completion of the project. I recognize
the possibility of conflicts between the interests of externally funded research programs and those of the graduate
student and will not let these interfere with the student’s pursuit of their thesis/dissertation research.
• I will be committed to meeting one-on-one with the student on a regular basis.
• I will be committed to providing financial resources for the graduate student as appropriate or according to my
institution’s guidelines, in order for them to conduct thesis/dissertation research.
• I will be knowledgeable of, and guide the graduate student through, the requirements and deadlines of their graduate
program as well as those of the institution, including teaching requirements and human resources guidelines.
• I will help the graduate student select a thesis/dissertation committee. I will assure that this committee meets at least
annually (or more frequently, according to program guidelines) to review the graduate student’s progress.
• I will lead by example and facilitate the training of the graduate student in complementary skills needed to be a
successful scientist, such as oral and written communication skills, grant writing, lab management, animal and human
research policies, the ethical conduct of research, and scientific professionalism. I will encourage the student to seek
opportunities in teaching, if not required by the student’s program.
• I will expect the graduate student to share common laboratory responsibilities and utilize resources carefully and
• I will not require the graduate student to perform tasks that are unrelated to their training program and professional
• I will discuss authorship policies regarding papers with the graduate student. I will acknowledge the graduate student’s
scientific contributions to the work in my laboratory, and I will work with the graduate student to publish their work in a
timely manner.
• I will discuss intellectual policy issues with the student with regard to disclosure, patent rights and publishing research
• I will encourage the graduate student to attend scientific/professional meetings and make an effort to secure and
facilitate funding for such activities.
• I will provide career advice and assist in finding a position for the graduate student following their graduation. I will
provide honest letters of recommendation for their next phase of professional development. I will also be accessible to
give advice and feedback on career goals.
I will provide for every graduate student under my supervision an environment that is intellectually stimulating,
emotionally supportive, safe, and free of harassment.
• Throughout the graduate student’s time in my laboratory, I will be supportive, equitable, accessible, encouraging, and
respectful. I will foster the graduate student’s professional confidence and encourage critical thinking, skepticism and
Mentor and Mentee Establishment of Expectations
Resources available for support are the DBBS Resolution of Conflict and Code of Conduct Policies, and the NS Program
Directors. Answer each question, addressing the specifics mentioned below each one. Use as much space as you need.
1. Communication and meetings:
What is the best way/technology to get a hold of each other? What is the appropriate time frame to expect a response?
When do you plan to meet (be as specific as you can), how long will the meeting be?
2. Mentee’s role on project:
Describe trainee’s primary area(s) of responsibility and expectations (e.g. reading peer-reviewed literature, in-lab
working hours, etc.).
3. Participation in group meetings, journal clubs, seminars, etc (as relevant):
Trainee will participate in the following ongoing events:
What does this participation look like (attending, presenting, asking questions)?
4. Opportunities for feedback:
In what form and how often can the trainee expect to receive feedback regarding overall progress, research activities,
5. Professional meeting(s) that the trainee will attend and dates (local and national):
What funding is available to attend these meetings?
6. Networking opportunities:
Discuss additional opportunities to network (e.g. meeting with seminar speakers, etc.)
7. When to be and not to be in lab:
Discuss expectations regarding vacations and time away from campus and how best to plan for them.
What is the time-frame for notification regarding anticipated absences?
What is the expectation for time in lab?
How will mentor and mentee discuss participation in other activities (internships, student groups such as BALSA,
teaching, outreach and other)?
8. Funding:
Discuss the funding model and plans for future funding (fellowships, etc.).
9. Completion of programmatic milestones and other milestones (as applicable).
Consult Program Director and Coordinator for Academic Milestones and complete according to program guidelines.
List expectations for years 1-5. Include coursework, MTE, qualifying exam deadlines, thesis proposal, intervals for thesis
update meetings.
10. Personal and professional goals:
Identify short-term and long-term goals and discuss any steps/resources/training necessary to accomplish the goals
(reference IDP discussions as appropriate).
If career goals are uncertain, discuss ways to identify opportunities for career exploration (visit DBBS website).
11. Skill development:
Identify the skills and abilities that the trainee will focus on developing during the upcoming year. These could be
academic, research, or professional skills, as well as additional training experiences such as workshops, courses, or
12. Discuss the plan to balance coursework, program requirements, thesis work and professional development:
Will you expect to meet specifically to discuss this balance on a regular basis or as commitments to efforts outside the
lab change?
How will you resolve conflicts? Both mentor and mentee should be aware of the Resolution of Conflict Policy and the
Code of Conduct Policy posted by DBBS.
12. Other areas:
List here any other areas of understanding between the mentee and mentor regarding working relationship during the
trainee’s tenure.
We agree to uphold the Compact. We agree on the stated goals in the Expectations form and will discuss any needed
modifications at least once a year.
_____________________________ ____________________________ _________
Mentee Name Mentee Signature Date
_____________________________ ____________________________ _________
Mentor Name Mentor Signature Date
_____________________________ ____________________________ _________
Co-Mentor Name Co-Mentor Signature Date
(if applicable; Faculty only)
Program Director Approval: _____________________________________________