The seals on the cover represent the two sides of
The Congressional Award Medal. The Capitol Dome is surrounded
by 50 stars, representing the states of the Union,
and is bordered by the words, “Congressional Award.”
Bordering the eagle are the words that best dene
the qualities found in those who have earned this honor,
“Initiative – Service – Achievement”
Public Law 96-114, The Congressional Award Act
2019 Gold Medal Ceremony
The Congress of the United States
United States Capitol
Washington, D.C.
The Congressional Award
It is my honor and privilege to applaud the achievements of the recipients of
the 2019 Congressional Award Gold Medal. These outstanding 538 young
Americans have challenged themselves and made lasting contributions to
local communities across this great nation. This is our largest class of Gold
Medalists to date!
The Gold Medal Ceremony is the culmination of a long journey for our
awardees. For each participant the journey was unique, but one that
likely included many highs and lows. The Congressional Award program
was designed to instill a wide range of life skills and attributes that are
necessary to navigate and overcome obstacles on the path to success - both
in the classroom and beyond. And now that each young person has met
these challenges and attained their goals, we hope they will continue to
amaze and inspire us by pursuing their passions, utilizing their talents, and
demonstrating an unwavering commitment to making the world a better
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to extend our
great appreciation to our partner organizations and sponsors for their
continued support. Each organization plays a vital role in our ability to
deliver this program, especially in this time of tremendous growth and
development. Without your sincere commitment to our mission, this
opportunity for our youth would not be possible.
And nally, we thank the teachers, parents, community leaders, and
loved ones for sharing their resources and personal time. You have made
an incredible difference in the lives of these young people.
Paxton K. Baker
National Board of Directors
Voluntary Public Service
Sharing time and talents for the benet of others.
Personal Development
Pursuing a new interest or advancing to another
level in an ongoing interest.
Physical Fitness
Improving one’s quality of life.
Expedition/ Exploration
Immersion in an unfamiliar environment or
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certicates and Medals are presented to all
eligible young people. The Bronze and Silver Medals are presented by
Members of Congress at the local level. The Gold Medal Ceremony is
held annually in the U.S. Capitol.
No limits are placed on the number of Congressional Awards presented
each year. Any young person, ages 13 ½ - 23, can earn the award. There
are no deadlines, scholastic requirements, or nominating processes, and
participants work entirely at their own pace. The Congressional Award
Gold Medal is the pinnacle of achievement.
Complete details on age of entry and required hours are available from
the National Ofce at
It is my honor and privilege to applaud the achievements of the
recipients of the 2018 Congressional Award Gold Medal. These
outstanding 442 young Americans have challenged themselves and
made lasting contributions to local communities across this great
nation. This is our largest class of Gold Medalists to date!
The Gold Medal Ceremony is the culmination of a long journey for
our awardees. For each participant the journey was unique, but one
that likely included many highs and lows. The Congressional Award
program was designed to instill a wide range of life skills and
attributes that are necessary to navigate and overcome obstacles on
the path to success - both in the classroom and beyond. And now that
each young person has met these challenges and attained their goals,
we hope they will continue to amaze and inspire us by pursuing their
passions, utilizing their talents, and demonstrating an unwavering
commitment to making the world a better place.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to extend our
great appreciation to our partner organizations and sponsors for their
continued support. Each organization plays a vital role in our ability
to deliver this program, especially in this time of tremendous growth
and development. Without your sincere commitment to our mission,
this opportunity for our youth would not be possible.
And finally, we thank the teachers, parents, community leaders, and
loved ones for sharing their resources and personal time. You have
made an incredible difference in the lives of these young people.
Paxton K. Baker
National Board of Directors
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificates and Medals are presented to all
eligible young people. The Bronze and Silver Medals are presented
by Members of Congress at the local level. The Gold Medal
Ceremony is held annually in the U.S. Capitol.
No limits are placed on the number of Congressional Awards
presented each year. Any young person, ages 13 ½ - 23, can earn the
award. There are no deadlines, scholastic requirements, or
nominating processes, and participants work entirely at their own
pace. The Congressional Award Gold Medal is the pinnacle of
Complete details on age of entry and required hours are available
from the National Office at
Voluntary Public Service
Sharing time and talents for the benefit of others.
Personal Development
Pursuing a new interest or advancing to another
level in an ongoing interest.
Physical Fitness
Improving one’s quality of life.
Expedition/ Exploration
Immersion in an unfamiliar environment or
Gold Medal Program
Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Mississippi, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming
June 20, 2019
Congressional Auditorium
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center | 10:00 a.m.
Introduction by Master of Ceremonies
Mary Bruce, ABC News
Presentation of the Colors and National Anthem
U.S. Capitol Police
Fr. Patrick J. Conroy
United States House of Representatives Chaplain
Welcoming Remarks
Mr. Paxton Baker
Chairman of the Board
Presentation of the Horizon Award to Gail Miller
Presentation of
The Congressional Award Gold Medals
Members of the United States Congress
Closing Remarks
Alabama, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Illinois, Indiana,
Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New York,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas
June 20, 2019
Congressional Auditorium
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center | 12:30 p.m.
Introduction by Master of Ceremonies
Anna Palmer, POLITICO
Presentation of the Colors and National Anthem
U.S. Capitol Police
Fr. Patrick J. Conroy
United States House of Representatives Chaplain
Welcoming Remarks
Mr. Paxton Baker
Chairman of the Board
Presentation of
The Congressional Award Gold Medals
Members of the United States Congress
Closing Remarks
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, Oregon,
Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington
June 20, 2019
Congressional Auditorium
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center | 3:00 p.m.
Introduction by Master of Ceremonies
Chip Reid, CBS News
Presentation of the Colors and National Anthem
U.S. Capitol Police
Admiral Barry Black
United States Senate Chaplain
Welcoming Remarks
Mr. Paxton Baker
Chairman of the Board
Presentation of the Inspiration Award to Mrs. Lynn Lyons
Presentation of
The Congressional Award Gold Medals
Members of the United States Congress
Closing Remarks
Lynn Lyons has served as a
Congressional Award Advisor since
1998. She’s worked with over 500
students in Martin, Palm Beach, and St.
Lucie counties in Florida. Having guided
nearly 200 participants to the pinnacle
of the program, The Congressional
Award Gold Medal, Lynn understands
the intricacies of what it takes to earn
Congress’ highest honor for youth. She has served on the Board
of Directors since 2006, most notably contributing her talents to
the Program Committee. Prior to retirement, Mrs. Lyons was an
elementary educator for 28 years.
Mrs. Lyons is a graduate of Rutgers University.
Gail Miller is the owner and chairman
of the board of the Larry H. Miller
Group of Companies. Gail and her late
husband, Larry, grew their business
into one of the largest privately-owned
companies in the United States.
Beginning with the purchase of Toyota
of Murray (Utah) in 1979, the Larry
H. Miller Group is now comprised of
more than 80 businesses and properties operating in 46 states and
employing more than 10,000 people.
Gail and Larry created a strong legacy of giving back to the
communities in which they do business. They founded Larry H.
Miller Charities, a nonprot organization focused on health and
education programs that support women and children’s issues. Gail
also presides over the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation,
which supports religious, charitable, scientic, literary, and
educational programs.
Gail has been recognized with many public honors including
Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Utah and Salt
Lake Community College, and an honorary Doctor of Humanities
from Weber State University. She is the recipient of the Salt Lake
Chambers highest award “A Giant in Our City,” as well as the
internationally-recognized ATHENA Award.
In 2012, Gail married Kim Wilson, who is a senior attorney with
one of Salt Lake City’s oldest law rms, Snow, Christensen and
Martineau. Gail and Kim enjoy traveling, serving others and
spending time with their large family. They make their home in
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Congratulations to all of the
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists are listed by last name.
Asterisk (*) denotes Gold Medalists receiving a STEM Star.
Autobiographies submitted by 2019 Congressional Award Gold
Medalists are listed by Congressional District and then last name.
Chantel Abdulai, Arizona*
Nour Abouyoussef, Colorado*
Flora Ahn, California
Siddhant Ahuja, Texas*
Smriti Ahuja, Texas
Michael Akerson, Massachusetts
Juan Aleman IV, Pennsylvania*
Abigail Amato, North Carolina*
Lillian Amato, North Carolina*
Bahara Amiri, Colorado
Candace Anderson, Maryland*
Lorraine Angelakos, Florida*
Zachary Asselta, New Jersey
Alice Attebery, Wyoming
Mary Aumen, Nebraska*
Dua Azhar, Utah
Eunice Bae, New Jersey*
Yuna Baek, California
Bree Baker, Missouri
Ajay Balaraman, Illinois*
Mercedes Bartels, Wyoming
Angelina Bayrak, North Carolina
Tierra Beard, Kentucky
Isaac Beasey, Virginia
Hunter Beaton, Texas
Alyssa Bedard, Wyoming
Tanvi Bekal, New Jersey
Sydney Bell, Wyoming
Jessica Bennett, Florida*
Emily Bergwall, Connecticut
Makaylah Berkovitz, Wyoming
Logan Bhamidipaty, California
Pooja Bhatnagar, California
McAllister Bianchi, Massachusetts*
Andre Biehl, New Jersey*
Ted Bigler, Oklahoma*
Madison Bindl, Wyoming
Sai Ashish Bommasani, Ohio*
Kamin Bond, North Carolina*
Max Bowman, Illinois*
Ryan Brady, Ohio
Kristen Brennan, New York
Thaddaeus Broussard, Indiana*
Abigail Brown, California*
Madeline Brown, California
Abigael Bylow, Wyoming
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
Amanda Cai, California
Julia Canellis, Illinois
Asher Carr-Chellman, Idaho
Aila Carr-Chellman, Idaho
Jules Carr-Chellman, Idaho
Jennifer Carvel, Florida
Sai Chalasani, Indiana*
Andrew Chang, California
Casey Chang, California
Justin Chang, Massachusetts*
Ann Chen, California
Ruby Chen, Pennsylvania *
Yujin Choe, California
Jiseon Choi, California
Jung-yoon Choi, California*
Ridhi Choragudi, Georgia*
Harsh Choudhary, Massachusetts*
David Choung, California
Todd Christian, Texas
Evelyn Chung, California*
Joshua Yoon-Ho Chung, California
Jerry Clark, Mississippi
Robert Daniel Claud, Illinois
Lee Clyne, Washington, D.C.*
Muhammed Colak, New York
Elijah Cole, Wyoming
Carson Cook, North Carolina
Grace Cousens, Ohio
Paige Cromley, Texas*
Connor Crowe, Texas
Morgan Cryder, Arizona*
Robert Cuff, New Jersey
Saachi Dalal, Texas*
Wesley Dale, California
Rucheer Dave, North Carolina*
William David, North Carolina*
Daimion Davis, Utah
Jessi Davis, Mississippi
Sydney Davis, Idaho*
Jean-Pierre De Jesus-De La Cruz,
Emily De Wulf, Hawaii
Mykenzie Dean, Wyoming
Rohan Desarapu, Ohio*
Harmeen Dhariwal, California
Samantha Dijohn, Wyoming
Julia Dillenbeck, California
Ciara DiMaiolo, New Jersey
Evan Doliszny, New Jersey*
Joseph Dong, California*
Sarah Douglass, Arkansas
Noah Dreiling, Wyoming
Katelin Drennan, Utah*
Kimberly Drennan, Utah*
Caitlin D’Souza, New Jersey*
Cammeron Durham, Kentucky
Amanda Dynak, Illinois*
Lauren Eavenson, Florida*
David Edeneld, Georgia*
Ashlyn Edmisten, North Carolina
Cole Ellis, Florida*
Sophia Emmoth, Georgia
Andrew Engebretsen, Tennessee*
Michael LaShon Everhart, Florida
Fatima Faizi, Utah
Hailey Farrington, Washington
Joseph Farroha, Maryland*
Amanda Feagans, Indiana*
Abigail Fearneyhough, Wyoming
Benjamin Ferguson, Kentucky
Claire Fernandez, California
Jack Ferreira, Connecticut
Taylor Fields, Mississippi
Rebekah Fodale, Pennsylvania*
James Foran, New Jersey
Lucas Fortwengler, Kentucky
Andrew Harrison Fruend, Missouri*
Robert Trey Fruend III, Missouri*
Teresa Fundter, California*
Andrew Funk, California
Scott Funk, California
Jacob Furne, Illinois
Orion Gangopadhyay, Maryland*
Daniel Garza, Texas
Jessica Gates, Mississippi*
Katherine Gates, Florida
Garrett Gerdau, North Carolina*
Geoffrey Gerdau, North Carolina*
Emma Geringer, Wyoming
Ashley Gibson, Texas*
Jillian Gillen, Kansas
Trenton Gin, California*
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
Alexander Goetschius, Florida
Cole Goggio, Illinois*
Madison Gorman, New York
Hattie Rose Greene, North Carolina*
Warren Griggs, Alabama
Andrew Gronning, Wyoming
Abbey Grooms, Missouri
Logan Grosz, Wyoming
Demetrius Gunn, Kentucky
Agrayan Gupta, Indiana*
Aryaman Gupta, Indiana*
Blake Guzy, New York
Paul Hager, Ohio
Genevieve Hager von Carlowitz, Ohio
Zachary Hammer, Nevada*
Becky Han, New York
Jeseung Han, California
Ye-Eun Han, California
Keelie Hanley, Florida
Rileigh Hanley, Florida
Aasim Hawa, Kansas*
James Hayes, Wyoming
Cole Heinrich, North Carolina
Madison Henry, Connecticut
Gunnar Hensley, South Carolina*
Jennifer Ho, California*
Jonah Holland, Mississippi
Sydney Holles, Wyoming
Andrew Hong, California
Joseph Hong, New York
Isabelle Houseman, Wyoming
Royce Howley, Florida
Mirabel Zixin Hu, California
William Huang, Pennsylvania*
Yijin Huang, Missouri*
Jacqueline Huff, California
Priscilla Hui, California
Lane Hutchison, Wyoming
Dayeon Hwang, California
Seung Hyun Hwang, California*
Justin Hyon, California
Tasneem Ibrahim, New York*
Carmina Inguito, California
Anushka Iyer, New Jersey*
Saiomkar Iyer, New York
Kylah Jackson, North Carolina*
Cassandra James, Florida
Ritvik Janamsetty, Nevada*
Victoria Jawork, Pennsylvania
Annika Jenkins, Virginia
Julia Jeong, New Jersey
Marvin Jiang, Michigan
Ryan Jiang, Arizona
Alex Jin, Maryland
Andrew Jockelle, California
Olivia Johanns, Missouri
Baird Johnson, New York
Caroline Johnson, Wyoming
Jayla Johnson, Wyoming
Katie Johnson, Wyoming*
Makala Johnson, Wyoming*
Julia Jones, Pennsylvania
Lorin Jones, Wyoming
Michaiah Jones, Wyoming
Mindy Jun, California
David Jung, California*
Sky Jung, California
Samantha Jurkowski, Wyoming
Shravan Kalahasthy, Ohio
Sachi Kalvakaalva, Texas*
Sami Kandil, Virginia
Pat Kane, Oklahoma*
Rachel Kang, California
Kunal Kanwar, New Jersey*
Nihal Kariparduc, Utah*
Baird Kazazian, Georgia
Mamoon Khalid, Texas
Maisha Khanum, California*
Anne Kickert, Virginia*
Ami Kim, California
Andrew Kim, California
Ann Clare Kim, California
Bridgette Kim, Maryland*
Calvin Kim, California
Elissa Kim, California
Evan Kim, California
Faith Kim, California*
Grace Goeun Kim, California
Grant Kim, California
Josephine Kim, California
Junhee Kim, California
Renny Kim, California
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
Stephanie Kim, California
Steve Kim, California
Sungmin Kim, California
Tiffany Kim, California
Grayson King, North Carolina*
Bella Kissell, South Carolina
Alex Kim-Man Klassen, California
Thomas Klingonsmith, Utah
Maeve Knepper, Wyoming
Lauren Knoll, North Dakota
Kamry Knotwell, Wyoming
Ishita Kode, Ohio*
Hannah Komroff, Florida*
Weronika Konwent, Texas
Varun Kota, Virginia*
Alexandra Kukal, New Jersey
Erin Kwak, California
Yohan Kwak, California
James Joseph Laberee, New Jersey*
Baya Laimeche, Arizona*
Shikha Lakhi, Texas
Selena Landa, Wyoming
Ruhika Lankalapalli, Florida*
Shannon Leahy, New Jersey*
Megan Leavitt, Wyoming
Madeleine LeBeau, Virginia*
Araceli Ledesma, Wyoming*
Chaerin Chloe Lee, California
Claire Lee, California
David Lee, California
Ethan Lee, California
Ethan Lee, California
Jae Hoon Lee, California*
Jay Lee, California*
Jeong Eun Lee, California*
Jiin Lee, California
Jisung Lee, California
Justin Lee, California
Justin Lee, Georgia
Kendra Lee, California
Mark Lee, Florida
Samantha Lee, Virginia
Seohyeong Lee, California
Suhwoo Lee, California
Sunghee Lee, California
Avery Lehr, Minnesota
Carmen Leon, Wyoming
Salomee Levy, Nevada
Arianna Lewis, Wyoming
Christine Li, Tennessee*
Kelly Li, California*
Tina Xiaotian Li, California*
Daniel Lim, California*
Henry Lin, New York*
Jacob Lindsey, Mississippi
Kyler Liscinski, Idaho*
Jimmy Liu, Texas*
Nicole Jiayi Liu, California
Mackenzie Lo, California*
Quincey Lochard, Idaho*
Megan Loh, California*
William Longsworth, Maryland*
Lucas Lopatofsky, Kansas
Morgan Lyons, Mississippi
Yanxin Ma, Massachusetts
Taylor Maese, Wyoming
Vinit Majmudar, California*
Aditi Malay, Kansas*
Sruthi Mannepalli, North Carolina*
Jazy Manoukian, Wyoming
Zoey Mares, Wyoming*
Mackenzie Marler, Wyoming
Nathanial Marsters, Missouri
Vivian Marsters, Missouri
Alexis Massie, Arizona
Kenichi Matsuo, California
Garrett May, South Carolina*
Trevor McArthur, Washington
Jacqueline McCabe, New York
Olivia McClain, Wisconsin*
Jake McGillion-Moore, Connecticut*
Micah McKnight, South Carolina
Noah McKnight, South Carolina
Dwyn McNeil, Massachusetts
Raheem Memon, Texas*
Rehman Memon, Texas
Alyssa Miller, Wyoming
Claudia Miller, Wyoming*
Harrison Miller, South Carolina
Michael Miller, Illinois
Teiryne Miller, Mississippi
Fernando Miranda-Fred, Texas*
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
Audrey Mitchell, Wyoming
Matthew Mitchell, Texas
Kasey Mize, Virginia
Adam Mohmand, Colorado*
Kevin Mok, California
Cammie Moore, Mississippi*
Junuenth Morales, Wyoming
Evan Morgan, California*
Abby Morillon, Wyoming
Mitchell Morrison, Tennessee
Elias Mosby, Texas
Samuel Mosby, Texas
Emily Kate Mosley, Texas*
Johanna Moter, Wyoming*
Quentin Moter, Wyoming
Lucas Moyon, South Carolina*
Rhea Mudnal, Texas
Manas Mudunuri, Georgia
Josef Mueller, Pennsylvania
William Mun, California
James Munroe, Connecticut
Connor Murphy, Florida*
Tommy Neal, Wyoming
Manaswini Nedunuri, Ohio*
Grace Nemec, Texas*
Paris Nguyen, California*
Thanh Nguyen, Wyoming
Aislinn Niimi, North Carolina
Hyerin Noh, California
Laura Noronha, California
Maura Null, Florida
Hannah Nyquist, New York
Varshini Odayar, Ohio*
Harrison O’Donnell, Florida*
Yuna Oh, California
Anthony O’Leary, California
Adelle Ostrom, Wyoming
Kendra Ostrom, Wyoming
Sena Oten, California*
Gabriella Owens, Connecticut
Audrey Pack, Illinois*
Katherine Pack, Illinois*
Ali Jean Paksima, Florida
Thomas Pallan, Maryland
Sophia Pao, New York*
Krishna Parikh, New Jersey*
Aylen Park, California
Brian Park, California
Chelsie Park, California
Elisa Park, California
Eric Park, California*
Esther Park, California
Hailey Park, California
Heejae Park, California
Hyoungjin Park, California
Julie Park, California
Noah Park, California
Rachel Park, California
Rachel Gia Park, California
Steven Park, California
Sung Yun Park, California
Weena Park, California
Zane Pasha, Nevada
Tiffany Passehl, Wyoming
Khushi Patel, New Jersey
Vishreshta Pathak, Texas*
Akshat Patwardhan, California
Grace Pecheck, California
Kacilyn Pegues, Mississippi*
Isha Pema, California
Mariah Perez, Florida
Cody Perkins, Wyoming
Christian Petrisko, Florida*
Derek Petrisko, Florida*
Callie Philips, Mississippi*
Lillian Pinkham, Florida
Julianna Pizzato, Wyoming
Cris Plunkett, California
Nathan Pollon, California*
Ethan Posard, California*
Ruth Potter, Wyoming
Matthew Powers, Florida*
Michael Powers, Florida*
Katherine Prior, New York*
Manvi Punukollu, Virginia*
Emily Purifoy, Wyoming
Haley Purifoy, Wyoming
Krishant Putrevu, New Jersey*
Bailey Quitter, Ohio*
Pavan Raghupathy, Ohio
Timothy Rah, Virginia
Archit Raichura, California*
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
Anjali Raju, Ohio*
Nevedita Ramachandran, Texas*
Nikita Ramachandran, Texas*
Alaina Randolph, North Carolina*
Chloe Rankin, Wyoming*
Dylan Raymond, Wyoming
Trevor Rey, Missouri
Nicole Reyes-Aguilar, Wyoming
Elizabeth Rice, Maryland
Rosemary Richards, Arizona
Sydney Richardson, New Hampshire
Grace Ritschard, Wyoming
John R. Robinson, Florida*
Neha Rokkam, Ohio*
Cristian Roma, Texas
Ben Romero, Texas*
Bryson Rose, North Carolina
Kayla Rothstein, Virginia
Amy Ryan, Iowa
Connor Ryan, Massachusetts*
Jana Sabri, Texas
Lauren Salsgiver, Wyoming*
Wilson Sands, Texas
Nathanael Sangster, Kentucky*
Alex Satterwhite, Kentucky
Kathryn Sauerwein, Wyoming
Emmanuel Augustin Scaria, Ohio
Camden Schmidt, Wyoming
Arya Selvam, Washington*
Alderic Senecal, Kentucky
Melina Seng, Virginia*
Rene Servin, California
Darshi Shah, New York*
Abigail Shameklis, Wyoming
Allison Sharer, Texas*
Ashley Sharer, Texas*
Ayush Sharma, Pennsylvania*
Mikayla Shelton, Mississippi*
Sophia Shi, California
Jaeyong Shim, California
Cutler Shiver, Georgia*
Jakob Shuey, Wyoming
Maurissa Shumpert, Mississippi*
Sarah Shwani, Utah
Jonathan Simak, Maryland*
Katherine Simic, California*
Brett Sims, North Carolina*
Benjamin Smith, Maryland*
Ciara Smith, Virginia*
Tanner Smith, Florida
Helen Sohn, California*
Annette Son, California*
Joshua Son, California
Kenneth Song, California
Caitlin Souers, Missouri
Grace Sowa, Rhode Island
Divya Srihari, Missouri*
Taylor Stevens, Florida*
Sarah Stewart, Washington
Noah Stiles, New York
Colby Stockton, Wyoming
Olivia Stump, Oklahoma
Margaret (Sissy) Sugarman, California*
Albert Sun, California
Colman Sun, California
Seraphine Sun, California
Lindsey Suncine, Florida
Jacqueline Sutera, New York
Sierra Tagman, Florida
David Takacs, New Jersey
Nicole Talkington, Wyoming
Chatura Tamirisakandala, Ohio*
Freedom Scott Guildford River Tansley,
Tristan Taylor, Illinois
Ambrose Terneus, Nebraska
Robin Mia Tian, Maryland
John Tomlinson, Kansas
Lillian Tougas, Florida*
Patrick Townsend, Oregon
Loyalty Traster-Lee, California
Vicky Trieu, New Jersey
Ashley Turnage, Texas
Kenneth Jr. Um, California
Kristina Vaher, North Carolina
Sarah Valley, Virginia*
Amelia Van Winkle, Wyoming
Shravya Vasireddy, Florida*
Samith Venkatesh, Ohio
Vahin Vuppalanchi, Indiana*
Heema Vyas, Ohio*
Colin Wang, California
2019 Congressional Award Gold Medalists
David Wang, Texas*
Jiahui Wang, California
Johnny Young Wang, California*
Phillip Wang, Washington*
CJ Weddle, Mississippi
Cassidy Weibel, Wyoming
Eleccia Wells, Wyoming
Chuhan Wen, California
T’ajahlon White, Mississippi*
Micayla Whiteld, Wyoming
Jasmine Willis, Idaho
Taylor Wilson, Wyoming
Rose Wittenmye, Washington*
Samantha Wong, California*
Richard Wu, California*
Jack Xiao, California
Zifeng Xie, California
Qixiang Xiong, California
Allison Yang, Pennsylvania
Alec Yarnoff, Pennsylvania
Andre Yeung, California*
Aaron Yi, California
Danniel Yi, California
David Dongwon Yi, California
Brian Yoon, California
Na Won Yoon, California
Patrick Yu, California
Emily Yuan, California
Peter Ze, California
Tiffany Zha, California
Albert Zhang, Georgia
LinYue Zhang, California
Olivia Zhou, New York
Yixuan Zhu, California
Warren Griggs
Birmingham, Alabama
Advisor: Daniel Strunk
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
I spent over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service working on projects which have
positively impacted my community. These included building a walkway at the Alabama
Veterans Memorial Park, building benches at schools, and cleaning up walking trails.
This gave me a greater appreciation for my community. For Personal Development, I
honed my acting and stagecraft skills. I was able to land two major roles as a freshman
at my college. For my Physical Fitness goals, I completed a challenging 116-mile hike
at Philmont Scout Ranch. I walked daily for one year, lifted weights three times a week
to build muscle, and completed many training hikes. Doing this helped me learn that I
can do anything I set my mind to. Finally, for my Expedition, I completed the Northern
Tier Boy Scout High Adventure Trip to Atikokan Ontario Canada. We canoed 45 miles
in 6 days. I carried all of my own gear, including food, and learned how to preserve the
environment by effectively leaving no trace of our visit. I had a great experience working
on my Congressional Award Gold Medal and learned so much. I was very proud of
myself for overcoming challenges and feeling a sense of accomplishment.
Freedom Scott Guildford River Tansley
England, Armed Forces Europe
Advisor: Hillery Williams
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Girls and Boys Clubs of America, Red Cross, United
States Air Force
Through the Boy Scouts of America, I did numerous volunteer activities. These activities
beneted United States Air Force bases both in Europe and local communities in host
nations. I worked hard, learned skills, met new people, and saw how the work of just
one person can have a large environmental impact or improve the lives of many. Many
of my Congressional Award activities were STEM based. In Personal Development, my
goals were to learn more about farming and agriculture, specically poultry-keeping.
Not only did I learn new concepts and skills, but I was also able to use this knowledge
to teach other youth. In the area of Physical Fitness, I worked hard to increase my
strength, endurance, and running performance. The Award was a catalyst to give me
focus and direction to achieve my goals. Through participation in this program, my
overall health and tness levels have improved signicantly, making me a much better
athlete. My Expedition included a canoe trip across 3 counties in England. I traveled
through remote areas of Fenland and Breckland; areas of rich ecology with rare ora and
fauna, designated as Sites of Special Scientic Interest, Special Protection Areas, and
Conservation Nature Reserves. The Congressional Award taught me many new skills and
pushed me to learn and try things outside of my comfort zone, making me more well-
rounded and a better citizen.
Sarah Douglass
Little Rock, Arkansas
Advisor: Kimberly Cook
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity
I was a volunteer counselor at a camp for kids with medical conditions and participated
in a variety of community events as part of my school’s Beta Club chapter. As the Beta
Volunteer Coordinator junior year, I helped my peers get involved in the community
by researching and sharing opportunities. For the Personal Development category, I
auditioned and performed in a school musical. I gained condence in public speaking
and collaboration skills. I also explored my passion for working with youth while
babysitting and helping with children’s ministry at my church. For Physical Fitness, I
balanced service, work, and academics with playing varsity and club volleyball. The
Congressional Award helped me set attainable goals to improve my athletic performance
and leadership skills. For my Exploration, I planned an educational and memorable trip
for myself and my family to explore the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It was great
to explore this beautiful part of my home state while learning to plan for my family’s
diverse interests and adapt to unpredictable weather. The Congressional Award helped
me develop my goal-setting skills and get out of my comfort zone, which in turn gave me
condence and great new experiences.
Rosemary Richards
Tucson, Arizona
Advisor: Jennifer Ball
My favorite hours spent in Voluntary Public Service were with the Down Syndrome
Association. Since it was local, I was able to get many of my friends involved who
would not normally have connections with the amazing DS community. Camping,
venturing, and learning environmental survival skills were a huge part of my Personal
Development goals. I loved experiencing the outdoors in several states and climates
and learning about the different ecosystems. My rst Congressional Award Physical
Fitness goal was to hike 100 miles... and I never stopped. I continued to add challenges
to my goals including hiking the Grand Canyon and overnight backpacking. I loved the
challenges, the great conversations when hiking with family and friends, and of course
the views. For my Exploration, I traveled to Tokyo after 2 years of enjoying Japanese art.
I was able to navigate the transportation systems and visited all of the cultural and art
centers I had studied before traveling. I am grateful for the Congressional Award program
which gave me a reason to organize my time and priorities and to push my abilities.
Chantel Abdulai
Phoenix, Arizona
Advisor: Asli Karatas
To earn my Gold Medal, I volunteered with my Science Olympiad team as a student
coach, which meant mentoring team members and making sure the club ran smoothly.
In addition, I was a teachers aide, so I helped grade papers and create new worksheets.
For Personal Development, I decided to work on improving my SAT score by at least
200 points. I studied at least two hours a week and used various studying tools, such as
Khan Academy and Kaplan Prep Books. For the Physical Fitness portion, I swam 100
laps every other day during the summer months. During the other months, I walked one
mile, three times a week. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a ve-night camping trip
to Northern Arizona. There, I learned about new cultures and discovered Arizona’s great
history. During my time working towards my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I learned
to make goals for myself, but more importantly, I learned to be persistent in achieving
these goals.
Baya Laimeche
Phoenix, Arizona
Advisor: Asli Karatas
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service goals, I spent more than 400 hours mentoring a science
team and volunteering with various organizations including Girl Scouts, Helping Hand
for Relief and Development, and my school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. For
my Personal Development goals, I memorized chapters of the Quran, the Muslim holy
book, and was able to commit over a dozen chapters to memory. I also studied for the
SAT exam by completing online programs and taking practice tests. I contributed over
200 hours towards both of my Personal Development goals. For my Physical Fitness
goals, I practiced soccer to increase my playing stamina from 45 minutes to 90 minutes,
making me capable of playing a full soccer game. I also ran on a treadmill at the gym
to decrease the time it took me to run a mile, and I decreased that time by more than
two minutes. For my Exploration, I traveled to Algiers, Algeria and Istanbul, Turkey to
compare the traditions of Eid to the cultural norms of my own community. I immersed
myself in the preparation for Eid in Algiers and the celebration of the Islamic holiday in
Istanbul to gain a full experience during my trip. The Congressional Award gave me the
opportunity to set dened goals for myself and achieve them in an efcient and lasting
manner. I learned many vital qualities such as leadership, cooperation, initiative, and
dedication, and learned to apply myself in the best possible way to accomplish great
Morgan Cryder
Mesa, Arizona
Advisor: Karin Moftt
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
my local animal shelter and a local observatory. At the shelter, I assisted with animal
adoptions and keeping the animals comfortable. At the observatory, I was a telescope
operator and helped educate the public. For Personal Development, I attended drum
practice each week and worked on playing songs on my own. I can now sight-read music
and play the drums. For my Physical Fitness activity, I practiced soccer four times a
week. My goal was to become a more technical player and eventually I could easily
execute more than ve new moves. Finally, for my Expedition I traveled to different
geological formations throughout the state of Arizona. I explored the Grand Canyon, the
Meteor Crater, the Red Rocks of Sedona, Lake Havasu, Horseshoe Bend, and Antelope
Slot Canyon. Earning the Congressional Award was an amazing experience and I am
thankful for the opportunity to grow and expand my horizons with the guidance of this
Ryan Jiang
Chandler, Arizona
Advisor: Shangyun Sun
For Voluntary Public Service, I consistently volunteered at Feed My Starving Children,
packing bags of food to ship to developing nations where basic nutrition is difcult to
come by. I also volunteered with a local youth center, ICAN Youth Center, working
with underprivileged children. For Personal Development, I participated extensively in
Public Forum Debate, working to improve my own personal advocacy skills as well as
argumentation. I also learned to utilize my voice for action. For Physical Fitness, I played
soccer at all levels: club, school, and recreational. Doing so provided me with a unique
team environment I wasn’t exposed to as much in other activities. For my Expedition, I
went on a backpacking trip, hiking for miles before setting up camp every night. I went
with my father and younger brother, engaging in a host of activities including shing and
Tiffany Zha
El Dorado Hills, California
Advisor: Ann Pendleton
In order to raise mental health awareness, I initiated an Active Minds chapter that
hosted nationally acclaimed speakers, launched a peer counselling program, created a
website, and wrote articles in a local newspaper to inspire community members to stand
up against silence. My passion for linguistics motivated me to learn my third foreign
language - Italian - in addition to French and Mandarin. I studied vocabulary, reading,
writing, and listening online, as well as practiced speaking on my own daily for the last
two years and continue to do so. In addition to daily stretching for gure skating and
dance, I began weight training, ran a 5K weekly, swam, and incorporated calisthenics
exercises. I increased my pushups from 32 to 70 and completed 1000 sit-ups in one
session, becoming stronger mentally and physically. In Quebec and Montreal, I practiced
speaking French to locals in restaurants and out in public. Immersed in Quebecois
culture, I learned about cathedrals, historic battleelds, native tribes. I sampled Quebecois
cuisine and experienced the maple tradition. Even Canadian dollars are maple-scented!
In pursuing long-term goals for the past two years, I’ve learned to set grand goals, chase
after them indenitely, trust my instincts, and know that one day, I’ll surmount whatever
summit stood in my way, plan in one hand, goals in the other, and a huge smile on my
Yuna Oh
Apple Valley, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at a local hospital where I interacted with
patients and made blankets for them. I also participated in various beach cleanups by
partnering with organizations such as Heal the Bay, and planted trees and shrubs with
Bolsa Chica. As for Personal Development, I took piano lessons and prepared for higher
levels of Certicate of Merit by practicing independently and participating in several
recitals. For Physical Fitness, I joined my school’s tennis team and worked to improve
on different techniques by working with my teammates. Finally, for my Exploration, I
studied the unique environment and culture of the Big Island of Hawaii by learning from
locals and researching on my own.
Alex Klassen
Tracy, California
Advisor: Dr. Zachary Boswell
I accomplished 400 hours of community service at my community hospital, senior
center, and the City of Tracy recreational Department. Through all those community
engagements, I developed a strong understanding of my community’s needs and saw the
difference I could make in the lives of others. For Personal Development, I improved my
leadership skills and public speaking skills through holding the position of Tracy College
Bound class president, student council vice president, and City of Tracy Youth Advisory
Commissioner. For Physical Fitness, I became a better basketball player and tennis player
by setting goals on my tness level by conditioning, running drills, practicing with my
teams, and participating in tournaments. For Exploration, I learned researching, planning,
and budgeting for a trip to Italy. I also learned about Medici cultural, Renaissance arts,
and Medici history. By participating in the Congressional Award, I have gained a sense
of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. I watched myself become a better goal-
setter. I also developed new skills and new talents. This Award program empowers me to
become a better student and citizen.
Cris Plunkett
San Francisco, California, California
Advisor: Alex Lazar
For Voluntary Public Service, my overall goal was volunteering my time towards
various community service organizations that seek to alleviate poverty and those lesser
off in San Francisco. Simultaneously through my honors society, I was given numerous
platforms to give back to my university, which was critical for me. For my Personal
Development activity, I was appointed to serve on the San Francisco Youth Commission
by Mayor London Breed to serve SF Youth of District 5 and the Housing, Recreation,
and Transportation Committee (HRT Committee). For Physical Fitness, I advocated
for and authored resolutions to positively impact and raise up SF youth and Transitional
Aged Youth Jogging. For the Exploration program area, I traveled to Mexico City for Día
De Los Muertos to experience a holiday in another country and understand the cultural
differences that exist. My goal was to learn more and explore something that I understand
so little about, and moreover escape the many narratives told by the media. Earning the
Congressional Award has been a privilege and an honor, and I am so incredibly grateful
to be given the experiences to succeed in my respective environment.
Casey Chang
Millbrae, California
Advisor: Sandy Springer
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I spent over 400 hours tutoring kids at
my local community center. I helped children in grades K-7 with their schoolwork as
well as helped them develop their Chinese speaking skills. For Personal Development,
I began to learn how to play chess with a professional chess player. Two times a week, I
would practice how to strategize how to play as well as learn on my free time. I can now
play against elite players and even win. For my Physical Fitness portion, I swam almost
6/7 days of the week to train for my high school championship. I would swim about
5,000 yards every day, focusing on improving my technique more and more each time.
Finally, for my Exploration I travelled to Japan for a ve-night trip. I planned the entire
trip myself; guring out where to adventure, what to see, and what to eat. Overall, I had
such an impactful experience in earning my Gold Medal and learned valuable lessons and
skills that have helped me grow as a person.
Samantha Wong
Redwood City, California
Advisor: Ann Ohsawa
I volunteered at the Hiller Aviation Museum and at Medaka no Gakko, a Japanese
cultural camp. I also earned a scholarship to attend the Global Leadership Academy with
other teens around the world and partnered with Stanford’s Lucile Packard Children’s
Hospital to donate activity kits. For Personal Development, I worked on improving my
skills in the kitchen by cooking more for my family. I also interviewed local women
in STEM from a variety of different jobs. I wrote short biographies about them and
published them on my website in order to inspire others to pursue STEM activities.
For the Physical Fitness requirement, I participated in sports in all the seasons offered
throughout middle school and worked hard enough to be a starter on my school’s varsity
basketball team since freshman year. I was also chosen as a captain this past year. Lastly,
I planned our family trip up the West Coast for my Expedition. We travelled to Seattle,
Washington and Vancouver and Victoria, Canada and immersed ourselves in the culture
and nature there. The Congressional Award provided me the opportunities to explore my
passions and give back to my community, and I am so grateful for the experience.
David Jung
San Ramon, California
Advisor: Walter Kim
For Voluntary Public Service, I focused my volunteering on education and mentorship.
Through my educational nonprot, Empower Educate Support Youth (EESY) to Change,
I assisted low-performing and low-income students. Additionally, I provided fencing
coaching at a local community college. For Personal Development, I honed my oratory
and business-focused skills. In high school, I competed actively in Congressional Debate
and Future Business Leaders of America to improve my critical thinking. These skills
came to great use at national invitationals and tournaments. During my four years, I
practiced fencing and intensive cross-training activities to supplement my primary sport.
For fencing, I took private lessons for my skill improvement and competed in regional
tournaments. For cross-training, I frequently utilized weights and also took part in
swimming. For my Exploration, I visited Salinas Valley and Monterey Bay of California.
Throughout my journey, my focus was on the immigrant experience and environmental
conservation. I interviewed regional historians regarding immigration patterns and
searched for wildlife at Point Lobos State Park. Through the Congressional Award, I was
able to hone important organizational skills and learn to maximize my community impact
for youth education and low-income support.
Kelly Li
San Ramon, California
Advisor: Calvin Xu
In earning my Gold Medal, I completed 440 hours of Voluntary Public Service. I ran a
free swimming program in China to help teach local children water safety. In my local
community, I offered tutoring services and other activities to help fellow students. For
Personal Development, I learned how to program through online courses, then I self-
studied java to take the AP Computer Science exam. I then self-prepared to participate in
competitive programming at USACO competitions. For my Physical Fitness, I improved
my swimming times by improving my technique and undergoing a recovery process for
my knee injuries. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a 5-day trip from Changsha to
Beijing by researching the local transportation and places to go to enhance my experience
there and learn some of China’s history. Through the Congressional Award, I was able to
take more responsibility for activities and events I did in my life.
Archit Raichura
Fremont, California
Advisor: Yogesh Kaudan
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered through Boy Scouts by working
on others’ Eagle Projects and various service projects. I also volunteered as a science
lab instructor, teaching elementary school kids science through experiments. I also
volunteered at my local library. For Personal Development, I worked on my Eagle
Project and my merit badges. My goal was to attain all the requirements to apply for my
Eagle Scout conference, which I have accomplished. I will be an Eagle Scout soon. For
Physical Fitness, my goal was to increase my BMI to a healthy BMI from underweight,
through a more frequent tness regimen, which involved playing ultimate frisbee and
football at the park. My Expedition was a weeklong leadership camp where I led the
rest of the group. As a staff member, I was one of the people in charge of planning the
week out. At times, the path to the Gold Medal ahead seemed long and treacherous, but it
taught me resilience. Additionally, learning to clearly set my goals and plan how to work
towards them is a lifelong skill I am grateful to have developed.
Richard Wu
Pleasanton, California
Advisor: Judy Zhang
I founded and led a math program to help kids gain interest for math over the last four
years. Over the summer, we had two-hour sessions three times each week and we taught
fun math games and introduced the concepts of math associated with each of them. I
played piano many hours a week to develop my musical sense and piano playing skills.
I can now sight read longer and tougher passages. I swam at least ve hours a week in a
local swim team, which dropped my times signicantly over the years. These practices
also improved my endurance as I could now swim longer sets. Swimming also taught
me time management as I had to learn how to balance sports and academics. While I
was in Texas, I planned a road trip that would allow us to travel from Dallas to Houston
while visiting many national forests and visitor attractions. I learned how to plan my own
trip, realizing that it takes a lot of coordination and adjust the trip when it didn’t go as
planned. Overall, the process to earn the Congressional Award aided my personal growth
a lot and motivated me to try new experiences. It taught me how to persevere at my tasks
and go outside of my comfort zone.
Vinit Majmudar
Fremont, California
Advisor: Ray Scherer
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
At the Mission San Jose Little League (MSJLL), I was an assistant coach in the minor
division and helped coach a team of 12-14-year-olds. I also volunteered at the Tri-
City Food Bank and prepared and handed out meals to the local homeless population.
I interned in the Stanford University Center for Advanced Lung Disease, assisted
in a graduate study at the Maharbiz Lab Group, and was a research assistant at the
Bustamante Lab at UC Berkeley. I also took a digital photography course and used the
acquired skills to capture several images. I worked out at my local gym for 5 days a
week, developed a healthy eating plan, and explored the different aspects of weightlifting.
I utilized internet research and personal trainers at the gym to develop a workout plan
that helped me reach my weightlifting goals. I traveled to Philmont Scout Ranch and
completed the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). I learned
skills to be a dynamic and effective leader through hands-on, practical applications while
hiking through the New Mexico mountain ranges.
Logan Bhamidipaty
San Jose, California
Advisor: Padmasri Bhetanabhotla
To earn the Gold Medal, my Voluntary Public Service focused on helping individuals
with their U.S. immigration applications. Also, to help reduce food insecurity, I
volunteered at the regional food bank by packing fresh produce and dry goods for
distribution to community pantries. For my Personal Development, I wanted to improve
my Mandarin language skills. As a non-native language learner, I took Mandarin lessons
and volunteered at Chinese cultural events to improve my skills. I learned over 200+
words. For my Physical Fitness, I swam and did yoga. I discovered the breathing and
stretching exercises from yoga helped with my swimming. I went from JV to Varsity
swim team in the same year. For my Exploration, I traveled through the Kensai region of
Japan for ve days. I studied the architectural style differences between Buddhist temples
and Shinto shrines. I also focused on the region’s Edo period history as well as its
contemporary culture. Through the course of earning the Congressional Award, I’ve met
individuals who’ve supported this 4-year journey and encouraged me to persevere.
Daniel Lim
Mountain View, California
Advisor: Terence Lee
I founded the Computer Engineers of the Next Generation Club to provide free 7-week
coding classes to under-represented elementary students in the Computer Science eld
in addition to refurbishing old laptops through EqOpTech to provide equal technology
access to all students. I challenged myself in coding and completed all the full Java
course in CodingBat. I also improved my Mandarin by taking Mandarin classes every
week for two years. Meeting the goal of improving my running times in cross-country
and swimming took a lot of perseverance and persistence. I trained every week to build
my muscles, develop my stamina and nally achieved my goals. My 5-day, 4-night
Singapore cultural immersion trip exposed me to the different cultures, customs, food
and religion of the four main races in Singapore: Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian.
It has broadened my horizons to help me see things from others’ viewpoints given their
upbringing. I learned that if I set a goal for myself, and gradually inch my way there, I
will eventually attain it.
Chelsie Park
Palo Alto, California
Advisor: Sonah Kang
I dedicated over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at the KA Santa Clara Senior
League teaching violin classes to the elderly. I taught my students from the basics
of reading music, all the way to playing a short waltz or folk song. For my Personal
Development, I memorized and performed the rst movement of the Tchaikovsky
Violin Concerto in D Major. Not only was I able to overcome and learn the technical
and physical challenges imposed by the piece, but I also developed my sense of artistic
expression. For my Physical Fitness piece, I decided to train for and run a half marathon.
I gradually increased my running times and basic tness and strength to complete the half
marathon. Lastly, for the Expedition portion, I planned a 6-day trip to local cities in my
area to explore and discover African culture. I tried authentic food from all parts of Africa
and visited many shops and museums featuring African art. The Congressional Award
experience taught me perseverance, the value of goal-setting, and led me on an incredible
journey of self-discovery as well as world discovery.
Akshat Patwardhan
Saratoga, California
Advisor: Sunita Jayakar
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at the El Camino Hospital
and Indian Community Center. I helped discharge patients and run errands around the
hospital. At the Indian Community Center, I was a head counselor and helped organize
a variety of summer camps. For Personal Development, I took an honors level geometry
course as well as an Introduction to Java course. This was a self-paced course and I
advanced my knowledge in geometry, as well as introduced myself to a little bit of
computer science. For Physical Fitness, I wanted to focus and hone my soccer skills,
so I joined the Los Gatos United 01B club team and practiced and played games over 5
times a week. For my Expedition, I completely independently planned a trip to Florida
and Utah to visit and learn about the historic national parks. We hiked and took in the
breathtaking views while also camping. The Congressional Award was a very enriching
experience that taught me how to not only help the community but also pursue activities
that would benet myself, which eventually helped me explore my passions in life.
Julie Park
San Jose, California
Advisor: Sara Yu
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goal, I volunteered at my local hospital and
created an organization that provides a local school district’s pre-school health assessment
center with books. To complete my Personal Development goal, I helped physicians
create communities that provide medical care to those who have difculties in nding
access to such resources. To do so, I shadowed health-care professionals and directly
provided medical attention to those in need. For my Physical Fitness goal, which was to
decrease the time it takes for me to run one mile, I improved my endurance by gradually
running longer distances. To increase the power of my strides, I focused on workouts that
target various individual regions of the body. Out of a two-week stay in South Korea,
I planned ve consecutive days and four nights’ worth of adventures. To complete my
goal, I mapped out popular locations including historical landmarks, researched the most
common methods of transportation, and arranged a place to stay throughout the trip. The
Congressional Award has challenged me to simultaneously address multiple aspects of
my life, and it has stimulated an unprecedented amount of personal growth.
Andrew Funk
Gonzales, California
Advisor: Sandra Banuelos
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
I have used benets of the small town that I live in to complete a series of programs,
including the Youth Summer Camp Program, Boy Scouts, and with the Teen
Conservation Leadership program through the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Some of the
goals that I had completed to achieve the Personal Development section of the program
were joining the Gonzales Youth Council, which is a small program created by the City
Council and the School Board, as well as several programs through Boy Scouts. In order
for me to successfully complete the Physical Fitness portion of the program, I had to
take that leap of faith and try out for sports that I’d never imagine myself participating
in, like cross country and track, while continuing to play sports such as baseball and
basketball. My Expedition included multiple trainings, two rescheduled itineraries due
to wildre cancellations and ultimately backpacking the Big Basin Redwoods National
Park located off the California coast near Santa Cruz. My overall experience in obtaining
the Congressional Award has been a blast; I have personally learned so many great skills
over the course of earning my Gold Medal, such as public speaking skills and improved
leadership training from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Program.
Scott Funk
Gonzales, California
Advisor: Rick Sanchez
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered at the Monterey Bay
Aquarium, where I would teach people about conservation and sea life. I also helped
organize and volunteer at community events as part of my local Interact Club and Boy
Scout troop. To complete my Personal Development goals, I joined various clubs like
My Strength, where I learned more about society and how we can improve it. I joined
our city’s local Youth Council, which helps give youth a voice and helped me better grow
and develop my communication skills. To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I joined
my school’s track and cross-country teams and made varsity in both sports my freshmen
year. I also went on to become a captain of the Varsity teams of both sports my junior
year. I also was a part of my school’s marching band program for four years. To compete
my Expedition goals, I had to plan and carry out a 5-day backpacking trip to Big Basin.
Before the trek I had to become CPR certied, take a wilderness rst aid class, and plan
out what we would need on the trek. On the trek, I journeyed over 40 miles and was able
to bond with my troop. I believe my experience in the Congressional Award program
was worthwhile and that it helped me better appreciate my community as well as help
motivate me to volunteer and further develop myself in the future.
Nathan Pollon
Arroyo Grande, California
Advisor: Camille DeBruin
For my Voluntary Public Service, to promote STEM and education throughout the
county, I volunteered for a local organization that refurbishes broken computers for
underprivileged students. Additionally, I mentored a local middle school robotics team,
teaching programming and engineering. As an avid musician, I knew I wanted to learn
how to record music. For two years I worked with a local musician learning about
music production and recording techniques and produced two completed tracks along
with a myriad of experimental recordings. For Physical Fitness, I improved my ranking
by two belts in the self-defense martial art Aikido. Through regular practice, I gained
better coordination, skill, and technique. For my Exploration, I decided to explore and
photograph the Colorado Rockies by organizing a three-day hiking trip.
Rene Servin
Stevenson Ranch, California
Advisor: Fabiola Singer
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service
serving marginalized members of my community. My work with Holocaust survivors
and serving the homeless, autistic, poor, and abused, turned me into a dedicated and
passionate social justice advocate. My Personal Development goals in leadership taught
me through hands on experience that an effective leader never stops learning, and should
always nd ways to improve skills, gain new perspectives, and learn new approaches.
I also learned that time management, making team members feel valued, & knowing
how to delegate are essential skills to have. My Physical Fitness goals taught me that
perseverance is honorable even when goals aren’t met. Through my water polo/swim
competitions, I learned the value of consistency and being proud of my best efforts. My
Expedition was a trip to France to learn more about my ancestry and culture. Executing
an international trip was difcult, but learning to navigate and communicate with the
native language was priceless. The importance of being gracious, alert and adapting
to unforeseen circumstances was key. My Congressional Award journey has brought
experiences of quality and change for the better. Each and every Holocaust Survivor and
person I have served has humbled and taught me compassion. Each project, experience,
and individual encountered has left an indelible mark in my life.
Pooja Bhatnagar
Thousand Oaks, California
Advisor: Manisha Agarwal
I worked towards the improvement of the lives of seniors as president of a club on my
high school campus, and “adopted” two local senior citizens. I also taught middle-
schoolers debating skills at a local school, and supported organizations for education in
India by holding fundraisers. I took voice, piano, and guitar lessons weekly, and used
my skills for charity performances. I also was a varsity attorney on my school’s Mock
Trial team; I practiced negotiation, speaking, and persuasion skills while creating and
memorizing a court statement for competition. I attended martial arts classes and ran two
miles at least twice per week and took Bollywood dance lessons on the weekend and
regularly during the summer, which included performances every few months. I planned
a 6-day trip to Cancún and Mayan cultural sites. I visited the Mayan archaeological sites
Tulum and Chichén Itzá, the island of Isla Mujeres for an immersive experience in local
culture and language, a cenote, which is a natural pit that exposes groundwater, and an
eco-archaeological park. From participating in the Congressional Award program, I have
gained the ability to make realistic, measurable, and challenging goals along with the
discipline to pursue them over extended periods of time.
Teresa Fundter
Pasadena, California
Advisor: Allison Dalbeck
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service. I
assisted the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association by decorating their oats and training
and supervising volunteers. I also volunteered at Huntington Memorial Hospital as
a lobby escort, earning a badge for 100 hours of service. For Personal Development,
I earned 12 patches and 45 badges through the National Park Service Junior Ranger
Program. I have been to 18 National Parks and hope to one day become a Park Ranger.
I also pursued my interest in writing by participating in the Write Girl program and
local writing contests, of which I won 2. For Physical Fitness, I wanted to become
more offense-minded in my sport, water polo, by improving my shooting accuracy and
becoming faster in my transition speed. I doubled my scoring average per game from 0
goals to 2 goals and dropped 3 seconds on my 100-meter freestyle swim time. Finally,
for my Expedition I brought my family on a ve-day camping trip to Sequoia National
Park to learn about the geological features and unique habitat that allows Sequoia trees
to grow. We went on hikes, visited learning centers and museums, climbed Moro Rock,
and hugged giant Sequoia trees. The Congressional Award was an amazing three-year
experience that expanded my interests, challenged me, and encouraged me to be more
involved in my community, all of which I am incredibly thankful for!
Trenton Gin
San Marino, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
I volunteered with an organization called Global Youth Mission to provide humanitarian
services to the underserved locally and in Mexico. I visited patients in hospitals and
children at orphanages. I organized activities to do with those that we visited and created
gifts to give them. Seeing that technology and information are the future for almost any
industry, I challenged myself to learn to become procient in technology and computer
operations beyond what is taught in school. I found a tutor and actively used online
courses to learn programming and productivity software. I wanted to explore a sport
that provided me individual challenges for personal achievement as well as providing
a competitive environment to develop sportsmanship character. I chose to fence using
a sabre for the need to develop speed, agility, strategy, balance, reexes, strength, and
accuracy. For my Exploration, I ventured to the place of my ancestry—Myanmar. The
country has been in isolation for over 50 years due to international sanctions for human
rights violations. Behind the economic and social challenges, I discovered the beautiful
culture, art, music, and people of the diverse ethnic tribes. Through the Congressional
Award program, I found it rewarding to reach a high standard and also nd a balance
across the different disciplines.
Justin Hyon
Sierra Madre, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I dedicated over 400 hours under the direction of
Global Youth Mission. I aided in holding fundraisers, distributing blankets and other
supplies, and helping to put together events for the needy in the community. For
Personal Development, I improved my skills as a photographer and lmmaker on a
professional level. I made short lms on trips and for events, videos for community and
student outreach, both for my school and for my personal passion, and accumulated a
photography portfolio. For Physical Fitness, I earned a black belt in Karate, and improved
the number of defensive techniques I could perform from 2 to over 30. Finally, for my
Expedition, I expanded my horizons and connected with nature by spending a week in a
totally different environment, Iceland, untouched by humanity.
Steve Kim
San Marino, California
Advisor: Jenny Kwak
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Habitat for Humanity
For Voluntary Public Service, I built an ADA handicap approved ramp in my community.
Additionally, twice a month, I would go on hiking trails with my Boy Scouts troop to
clean the trail. My Personal Development goal was to improve upon my piano skills. I
have continued to practice the piano for an hour every day to perform for my friends,
family, and the Certicate of Merit organization. For Physical Fitness, I attended golf
classes and practice at the range every week. Every month, I would go out on the eld
with my parents and compete with them to see who the best golfer in the family is.
For the Expedition portion, I started by planning out simple camping trips with family,
friends, and Boy Scouts. As my organization and planning skills progressed, I started to
plan larger trips outside of California. I explored the Boston area last summer going on
the Freedom Trail and looking at the many historical sites. I have learned the importance
of setting and completing my goals and how it benets me as a person.
Nicole Jiayi Liu
Temple City, California
Advisor: Jose Marquez
I completed hundreds of Voluntary Public Service hours within two years. I participated
in several local organizations, such as Global Youth Mission, Mentor Program at my
school, Asian Youth Center and was able to help many local communities. To complete
my Personal Development, I practiced piano every day and it was one of the most
important daily routines in my life. For Physical Fitness, I implemented a rigorous
walking program and exercised often. I always walk to places I need to go if they are
not far away. To complete my Exploration goals, I visited China during winter break
by myself. It was a really interesting trip and I not only learned a lot but had so much
fun. I appreciate the Congressional Award for giving my many diverse experiences and
encouragement to accomplish my goals.
Jack Xiao
Claremont, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
In achieving the Gold Medal, I completed 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service. This
included helping local music programs by organizing and performing in concerts,
fundraising events, and festivals, as well as taking part in community outreach activities
such as ESL tutoring and gift drives. For Personal Development, I sought to practice
my speech and debate skills while competing at local, state, and national competitions.
With speaking/research drills at weekly debate team meetings to weekend tournaments, I
was able to signicantly better my communication and persuasion abilities. To complete
Physical Fitness, I set clear goals to improve my mile time and to increase the number
of push-ups I could do in a single set. Taking part in various physical activities, from
jogging/gym sessions and team sports to daily sets of push-ups, allowed me to exceed
those initial goals. Last but certainly not least, my Exploration involved planning a 6-day
trip to San Francisco. There, we experienced the extensive public transportation system
and explored the city’s history/culture through places like the Haight-Ashbury District,
Japantown/Chinatown, and important landmarks. Through the Congressional Award and
the enriching, life-changing lessons it taught me, I have undoubtedly grown as a person,
leader, and citizen.
Andre Yeung
Arcadia, California
Advisor: Ernest Tsui
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service
primarily by co-founding Fruit for Homeless (@fruit4homeless) to pick fruit for the
homeless. My team that I built has harvested over 25,000 pounds of fruits which
served more than 40,000 homeless/low-income families. For Personal Development, I
took piano lesson once a week, and practiced ve days a week. I have achieved level
Advanced in Certicate of Merit of Music Teachers’ Association of California and
volunteered as a piano therapist at a local hospital. Regarding Physical Fitness, my goal
was to compete on the Maple Leafs traveling hockey team. I began at lower levels and
gradually improved my goal percentage which earned our team numerous tournaments,
championships, and playoffs qualication. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a ve-
day shing and kayaking trip in Anchorage and Seward in Alaska. I learned about the
intricate salmon run and the unique formation of icebergs and glaciers. The Congressional
Award was a life-changing experience that empowered me to better engage and inspire.
Junhee Kim
La Crescenta, California
Advisor: Molly Geiser
Through my local chapter of the Leo Club, I participated in park clean ups, serving the
homeless, and providing vision care. For Personal Development, I focused on music
producing, recording, composing and more. Through these activities, I trained myself to
become an independent artist. For Physical Fitness, I played volleyball for two years and
I was also in competitive dance for two years. For my Expedition, my friends and I went
camping for the rst time in Santa Barbara. We went without our parents and we cooked,
planned activities, and explored around the camping area. I am really proud that I am
earning the Congressional Award and I appreciate every single member of Congress who
continually presents this award to youth all around the country.
Katherine Simic
Burbank, California
Advisor: Whitney Crispi
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
My Voluntary Public Service goal was to serve those in Burbank who are most in
need. I served the homeless through volunteering with Family Promise and Burbank
Temporary Aid Center. I volunteered at food drives, made hygiene kits and lunches.
I also volunteered in the Emergency Department at Providence Saint Joseph hospital.
For Personal Development, I learned to play classical piano. I practiced daily and
perfected Clair De Lune, Toccata in D Minor, Canon in D, and Fur Elise. For Physical
Fitness, I learned proper rowing technique, became physically t, and competed in
races throughout California. My team won the 1st Place US Rowing Southwest Junior
Championships and 1st Place Southern California Cup. I also gure skated and learned to
land a Lutz jump. I was fortunate to explore the Galápagos Islands for my Expedition. I
learned about Charles Darwin, became familiar with the native plant and animal species,
and explored amazingly different terrains. This experience has compelled me to major in
Biology in college. I am forever grateful to The Congressional Award for providing me
the challenge to develop many skills and interests, while learning how to address the vast
needs around me.
Joshua Song
La Crescenta, California
Advisor: Chan Ju Kang
Afliations: Key Club
To earn the Congressional Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Volunteer Service
within my community service group Hwarang Leo Club. I went to countless park
cleanups at Grifth Park every Saturday, attended multiple homeless serving events, and
worked locally within my community. For Personal Development I did speech and debate
to help me improve my communication skills and debating skills to help me in the future
when I (hopefully) become a lawyer. I am now comfortable talking to anyone without
being nervous and can strike up a conversation without being awkward. For my Physical
Fitness, I attended Hwarang Taekwondo to pursue my goal to one day earn a black belt.
I am currently training and am a brown belt within this Taekwondo club. Finally, for my
5-day Expedition, I went with a group of 3 friends and spent 5 days learning how to cook,
take care of ourselves and each other as a group, and learned many life skills that will be
benecial to me in the future. In retrospect, the Congressional Award has honestly been a
great, unforgettable, and worthwhile experience that I will never forget It has taught me
valuable skills that will help me on my pathway towards my future life.
Kenneth Um
La Canada Flintridge, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service under the direction of the non-
prot organization Global Youth Mission and raised my school’s Environmental Club
participation to over 10 members. For Personal Development, I learned and practiced the
ukulele six days a week at the start of my senior year. For Physical Fitness, I increased
the amount of pickup basketball games I played and increased my shooting percentage
by 15%. Finally, for my Exploration, I traveled to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico to not only
explore an unknown area and biome but to learn about a new culture.
Jiseon Choi
Mission Hills, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
With the non-prot organization Global Youth Mission, I provided necessities to patients
in hospitals, travelled to Mexico to support orphans and medical patients, and worked
at community events for my Voluntary Public Service. I also assisted cancer patients
and provided food for those in need. For Personal Development, I focused on speech
and debate. I have attended one tournament at least every other month continuously,
developing both at my school team and home my speaking and researching skills. I have
also attended a debate camp to further enhance my understanding of how to properly
set up debate cases. To achieve my Physical Fitness goal, I have exercised regularly to
improve muscle strength, jogged around my neighborhood with my dog, and hiked local
trails. For my Exploration, I visited sights I’d never seen before, ate at restaurants I’d
never heard of, and learned about different cultures of people I’d never met before. This
was all through my road trip to San Francisco, Big Sur, Monterey, Hearst Castle, San
Simeon beach, Cambria beach, Morro Bay, Solvang, and Santa Barbara.
Harmeen Dhariwal
Reseda, California
Advisor: Oner Semra
At the West Valley Regional Library, I volunteered at the Friend’s Bookstore, a non-prot
organization, where I organized books and helped children and the elderly with their
purchases. In addition, I volunteered at my school’s peer mentoring program in which I
mentored students. In order to complete my Personal Development, I started to learn how
to play the violin at White Oaks Music Center. Later on, I started to study for the SATs
with different practice books and Khan Academy. For the Physical Fitness program area,
I was able to join my high school’s Students Run Los Angeles program, which trains
students for months to complete the Los Angeles Marathon. For the past three years, I
completed three marathons and I am looking forward to my fourth one next year. I was
lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to England during the summer of 2018 for
my Exploration. In England, I was able to learn about British culture, history, and society.
Overall, the Congressional Award Program put me into places that I didn’t think I would
be which I’m genuinely grateful for.
Maisha Khanum
Reseda, California
Advisor: Semra Oner
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered at my local library. A
typical volunteer day included sorting books and reading to visitors. To complete my
Personal Development goals, I picked up the violin. I had weekly or bi-monthly lessons
and I would practice every day. To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I began training
for a marathon. I would schedule my practice runs and races to prepare for the 26.2 miles
I’d have to run. To complete my Expedition goals, I went on a trip to Sierra National
Forest. During those days, I learned and applied forest ecology and environmental
Rachel Park
Studio City, California
Advisor: Joseph Blassberg
For my Voluntary Public Service, I went on a service trip to Mombasa, Kenya through the
nonprot organization mtree. There, I helped teach art classes and also interacted with the
Mayan community to serve the local people. For Personal Development, I worked on my
art to create better quality work and more creative projects. As a member of my school’s
varsity swim team, I continued to work on my 50- and 100-yard freestyle times to fulll
my Physical Fitness goals. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a trip to Italy for about
a week. With my parents, we travelled to various cities and experienced the culture and
tourist attractions.
Grace Pécheck
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Jill Marshall Larson
Afliations: Discovery Bound NLC
For my Voluntary Public Service, I worked with animals in need. I provided a temporary
shelter to ease overpopulation in shelters, where I groomed, cleaned, and administered
medicine to cats. In addition, I volunteered my time at a local shelter where I fed
animals and cleaned cages. To complete my Personal Development goal of learning
more about the religion Christian Science, I attended local lectures and had discussions
with practitioners and Christian Science teachers. I read Science and Health by Mary
Baker Eddy and other texts such as The Greatest Thing in the World. For my Physical
Fitness goal, I went to horseback riding lessons weekly and practiced both Western and
English riding. I also worked at a horse ranch in Colorado and competed in gymkhanas
and several polocrosse tournaments. For my Exploration goal, I planned a six-day trip
to Mexico. I explored the archaeological, geographical, and cultural history of Baja
California, and practiced speaking Spanish. I toured historical sites and museums and
even attended an authentic cooking class. I am so grateful so have been able to participate
in The Congressional Award and will continue to hone all the skills I’ve learned from this
Laura Noronha
Loma Linda, California
Advisor: Dr. Maryam Zand
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service at local
hospitals. I volunteered in the obstetrics department, helped make care-kits, and played
piano in the hospital lobby. I learned through my experiences what a big difference
little acts of kindness can make. For Personal Development, I focused on improving
my classical piano repertoire through regular practice. During this journey, I earned the
unique opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall. For my Physical tness, I improved my mile
time to under 9 minutes and ran a 5k. For my Exploration, I researched the history and
architecture of the California Missions and planned a road-trip for my parents and myself
along part of the El Camino Real. We drove from Carmel to San Diego, visiting 13
missions over 5 days. My Congressional Award journey helped me discover California’s
rich history and the satisfaction one gets from perseverance and helping others through
seless acts.
Abby Brown
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Francesca Taylor
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
My Voluntary Public Service was completed primarily through various Girl Scouts
outreach projects. Such projects included sewing reusable menstrual supplies for
underserved communities, collecting trash on local beaches, and hosting an event for
low income mothers at a pregnancy clinic. For my Personal Development goal, I took
on the challenge of working a part time job by ling medical records at a local doctors
ofce. Working there proved to be a tremendous learning experience, as I gained better
intuition for working with others in an ofce environment. As a member of the golf team,
my Physical Fitness goal was to improve my individual game to improve my team as a
whole. In order to do this, I practiced chipping to increase my precision. I also learned
new swing techniques to improve my drive by around twenty-ve yards. To fulll my
goal of learning more about Japanese culture rsthand, I took a ve-day Exploration trip
to Japan. During my time there, I observed various cultural practices, such as taking off
one’s shoes in certain places. It gave me better insight into global cultural differences.
Meeting with my local representative Ted Lieu gave me the awesome opportunity to meet
an individual who has power to affect policy for the better in our country.
Madeline Brown
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Francesca Taylor
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
I participated in two hundred hours of community service under the umbrella of Girl
Scouts. I participated in several activities with my troop from beach cleanups to serving
at food banks. On my own time, I completed my Girl Scout Gold Award project, which
was to sew diaper bags and baby hats. My Personal Development goal was to learn how
to work in a medical ofce and use resources such as an online database to organize
charts. I learned how to become certied with HIPAA law, proper phone etiquette for
business/medical purposes, and how to stay organized. My Physical Fitness goal was to
expand my ability to do different tosses and spins as part of color guard. After studying
different tosses and spins on YouTube, I practiced and had my teammates help me
achieve this. After much practice, I was able to achieve a double toss, a J toss, and a 45
toss. My Exploration goal was to more thoroughly understand Japanese culture, history,
and language. I planned a trip to Japan with my grandparents where we experienced
different cultural attractions, activities, and restaurants to eat at. The Congressional Award
has taught me the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving my goals.
Faith Kim
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Advisor: Mrs. Darlene Vlasek
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at Kaiser Permanente South Bay and Torrance
Memorial Medical Center, catering to the patients’ needs and visitors’ queries while also
assisting nurses in managing paperwork. I also worked as a Spanish speaking liaison,
translating directions for non-English speakers. For Personal Development, I developed
my photography skills, expanding my subject frames and thematic photo shoots. I imitated
different photographers, including Edward Weston, and used Flickr as a means of critique and
feedback. I also improved my Photoshop skills through YouTube tutorials and photography
online courses. In order to lower my 9-hole golf score to less than bogey game for my
Physical Fitness goal, I worked on short-range shots, including putting and chipping. I also
worked on iron accuracy and increasing the percentage of ‘hitting the green’ in regulation.
I also compacted my swing to increase ball velocity and distance. For my Expedition,
I camped in Yosemite for ve days, hiking up natural waterfalls and biking around the
campgrounds. I used this trip as an opportunity to create a nature series for my photography
portfolio, snapping photos of sweeping landscapes and close-up macro shots of owers. The
Congressional Award Program has allowed me to greatly improve my life as a whole. Over
the course of achieving this high award, I have improved various aspects of my life that have
geared me toward success. From recreational photography to committed volunteerism, the
Congressional Award has allowed me to stay in tune with the needs of my community and has
taught me how to respond to such needs. The four program areas of the award have greatly
impacted my future, including my interests at the collegiate level, and I truly appreciate this
program’s dedication to promoting student involvement and development.
Tina Li
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Advisor: Kristen Nelson
I volunteered close to 1000 hours at the Aquarium of the Pacic for the Voluntary Public
Service program area. Through my volunteer positions, I promoted conservation efforts
such as recycling and banning gill nets, taught the public about animal and environmental
conservation, and assisted in scientic research for Global FinPrint. For Personal
Development, I designed an app that helps owners nd the perfect pet. Through designing
this app, I developed app making skills and marketing skills. For Physical Fitness, I
focused on improving my tennis skills, increasing my feet movement, adjusting my
form, and improving my hand- eye coordination. I rose from the bottom of the team to a
singles number one starter. Finally, for my Expedition, I organized a ve-day, four-night
trip to the North Shore in Oahu, Hawaii. I planned and executed this camping Expedition
completely independently. On this trip, I studied local ora and fauna and collected the
pH values of local bodies of water.
Eric Park
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For Voluntary Public Service, I dedicated over 400 hours to improving the world we
live in through the organization Global Youth Mission. With this organization, I tutored
students to learn new academic concepts in STEM, while also touching on new concepts
they never learned before. I have also supported the elderly at Senior Citizen events. For
Personal Development, I improved my knowledge and skills in the eld of drones to
participate in competitions. I enhanced my skills by joining a drone team at my school,
reading articles to learn about parts and advancements, and creating my own drones from
scratch. For my Physical Fitness goal, I improved my 9-hole golf score from above 50
average to below 40. I improved my skills even further by joining my high school’s golf
team, practicing with a private coach, and working on putting, chipping, and driving on
my own. Finally, for my Exploration I planned a ve-night trip to Seoul, South Korea.
While in South Korea, I learned to cope with a language barrier and adapt to a new
environment. The Congressional Award was an enriching experience that taught me
perseverance and selessness to open myself to foreign areas.
Seraphine Sun
Palos Verdes Estates, California
Advisor: Heidi Shulman
Afliations: HOBY, National Honor Society
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed 580 hours of Voluntary Public Service by
volunteering at the various philanthropies within National Charity League (NCL). I
researched and introduced an animal rescue philanthropy to NCL, and spent countless
hours helping pets get adopted. For Personal Development, I improved my harp skills
by performing in an orchestra and at private and charitable events. I donated all the
proceeds from my performances to the animal rescue philanthropy. For Physical Fitness,
I continued my training in the equestrian dressage discipline. I later attained my goals of
earning Overall Championship and becoming captain of my school’s varsity equestrian
team. As for the Exploration program area, I planned a ve-night trip to Costa Rica
and a ten-night trip to Thailand (Koh Samui and Bangkok) and compared the different
ecosystems, cultures and languages. I also tried ziplining, ATV-riding, jet-skiing and
snorkeling for the rst time. The Congressional Award taught me to set well-dened
goals, and to achieve those goals through perseverance, focus and organization.
Danniel Yi
Torrance, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I committed myself to tutoring and mentoring
children that were in need. In order to do this, I have gone to the local public library and
helped many children with their homework. I have also taught children new skills about
different subjects in school. For my Personal Development, I improved my art skills by
listening to my independent teacher and practicing new artistic techniques with him.
Additionally, I have also practiced skills on my own ve times a week in order to get
even better at my craft. In order to complete my Physical Fitness goals, I have gone to
the boxing gym two or more times a week to expand my skillset. I have trained with my
coaches and done many different drills and exercises to get better. I have also improved
my stamina by joining the school track and cross-country teams. For my Exploration,
I spent a lot of time planning the activities for my trip to New York. I talked to many
people who have visited New York in the past and got words of advice about what to
expect. I also completed signicant research in order to get the best experience possible.
I have learned how to work hard to achieve the goals I set and learned to be more open
minded when it comes to new activities and meeting new people.
Brian Yoon
Beverly Hills, California
Advisor: Sue Byun
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at a local tennis court to assist tennis
instructors and guide beginner techniques. I also led warm up exercises and cleaned the
courts. For Personal Development, I continued to lead my Boy Scout Troop as the Senior
Patrol Leader during weekly Monday meetings, camping trips, and special outings.
Leading my troop during these activities requires constant communication and forward
planning. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve my tennis skills, so I watched online
lessons on how to improve my serves and completed specic drills with a private coach
that allowed my double faults per match to decrease. To complete my Exploration, I
traveled to multiple places in Manhattan for ve days and four nights. I explored the
nancial district and saw the New York Stock Exchange building. I had the opportunity
to see the diverse cultures of the city just by walking through the streets. My journey to
complete the Congressional Award has been lifechanging because it has challenged me to
consistently improve myself as a member of my community.
Ye-Eun Han
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I completed various activities through
the nonprot Global Youth Mission. I’ve learned what love truly is and how to give
it to others. My Personal Development goal was to improve my piano skillset. I spent
2 hours daily to achieve my goal. Setting and achieving my Physical Fitness goal has
helped me become immensely more active in my daily life through basketball. For
my Exploration, I wanted to explore the northeast region of the country as well as the
northwest region. I planned a trip to explore Rhode Island and San Francisco. I enjoyed
the time spent together with my family and liked planning things out and following the
plan. Sometimes, I had to adjust the plan when things didn’t go as expected. It was a
meaningful time for my family and for myself. I am very thankful that I was able to take
part in Congressional Award. It helped me nd who I really am and helped me grow as a
beautiful and strong woman. I feel that my high school experience was busy because of
this program but it was very meaningful because I was trying to achieve my goals that
I set for myself. Every time I achieved my goals, I was very happy and motivated to do
Dayeon Hwang
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
With the non-prot organization Global Youth Mission, I’ve made blankets for cancer
patients, tutored young children in a variety of concepts, and attended community events
for the less fortunate. Through volunteering, I’ve cared for peoples’ wellbeing and
learned to be comfortable around a variety of people. I practiced the ute individually
and with an independent teacher for my Personal Development. I also performed with
an orchestra outside of school. Over time, I’ve learned to overcome the monotony of
practice and become a skilled musician. To accomplish my Physical Fitness goal I took
daily walks, worked out at a local gym, and stretched. Before I started exercising, I could
run for about 20 minutes at about 5 mph. Now, I can run for almost an hour straight at
a faster speed. For my Expedition, I planned a family trip to Sedona, Arizona, where
I studied the environment and culture of an outdoors lifestyle. I researched tourist
destinations, bought appropriate hiking equipment, and looked into popular restaurants
and cafes. I pushed myself to complete long hikes to stay on schedule. By participating in
the Congressional Award, I’ve learned more about the value of setting goals, the ability to
step outside of my comfort zone, and dedication. These are all skills that have helped me
develop my new, positive mindset.
Elissa Kim
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
I volunteered through Hwarang Leo Club and at the Alexandria House. Hwarang Leo
is a volunteer organization in the Los Angeles area where I volunteered by serving the
homeless, helping with garage sales, and providing free medical checkups. Through
Alexandria House, I tutored at-risk and underprivileged children in low-income households.
To complete my Personal Development goals, I played the piano almost every week.
Although I took lessons as a child, I never really grasped a perfect skill in the instrument. I
retaught myself piano and learned to play songs by Beethoven and Chopin. To complete my
Physical Fitness goal, I ran every weekend. I did not do cross-country or track, so I used
most of my free time to run around my neighborhood. When I rst began, I felt tired and
slow, but soon enough, I caught the hang of it and ran three miles with ease. I traveled to
Kauai with my family over the summer for my Expedition. I went on hikes, drove from one
tourist location to the next, went snorkeling, and even went on a helicopter ride. This trip
helped me broaden my love for nature and explore new places I would have never had the
opportunity to see in Los Angeles. On my journey toward earning the Congressional Award,
I stepped out of my comfort zone to do activities I would usually overlook in my day to day
life. From playing the piano to running a mile, I was able to take my hobbies to new heights
and stayed absolutely committed to achieving a goal. I am proud of not only the hours that I
have done but by my commitment to these activities and condence I have gained.
Grace Kim
Los Angeles, California
Advisor: Elisa Sagardia
I founded a nonprot volunteer organization called America’s VOICE. The members
and I utilized our talents to tutor children and perform music at elderly homes. We also
volunteered with local organizations for beach cleanups, and distributed meals to the
homeless population of LA. For Personal Development, I improved my cello skills through
constant practice and perseverance, dedicating around 6 hours a week to music. I utilized
several books and online resources to improve my technique, mastering difcult pieces
measure by measure to break down intimidating pieces into manageable chunks. I improved
my archery skills by practicing for 6 hours per week to complete my Physical Fitness
goal. Even when not at the archery range, I consistently worked out my arms to improve
my strength and precision. In doing so, my score steadily improved as I reached my goal
of averaging approximately 1000 for the indoor tournaments. I went to several areas in
Old Town San Diego to explore the history and culture of immigrant families. I visited art
galleries, local restaurants, and street performances. Through this trip, I learned more about
the Chicano community in California, along with their history, culture, and stories. Through
the Congressional Award, I learned about patience, dedication, and perseverance; improving
my skills while simultaneously using them to help my community over several years.
Joshua Chung
Cerritos, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
Afliations: Special Olympics
Through the non-prot organization Young Ambassadors of Tomorrow, I and my fellow
members helped our community through neighborhood clean-ups and regular visits
to the local orphanage. From my volunteer experiences, I learned the importance of
unity and the power of bringing people together. For my Personal Development, I spent
almost every week learning how to play the guitar. In the beginning, it was very difcult
on my ngers and hands. However, through the constant practice and determination, I
was able to improve drastically and use it to enhance my musical abilities. For Physical
Fitness, I was able to successfully increase my three-point shooting percentage on my
school’s basketball team by about 10 percent. It took a lot of days working on being more
consistent, but in the end, it was worth it as it helped my varsity team during games. For
my Expedition, I went camping for the rst time in Big Bear, California. It was hard at
rst to get adjusted to doing things on my own and in the campgrounds, but as time went
on, I realized the beauty in the nature itself. Through learning from my mistakes, I was
able to have a memorable trip at Big Bear. I would like to thank my friends and family
for supporting me along this journey and I denitely could not have done it without them.
Josephine Kim
Cerritos, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
I served mainly with RAY (Resilience Amongst Youth) Club as well as YSPM (Young
Scholars Pursuing Mindfulness), both of which I took leadership of. I coordinated fun
activities that overcome language and cultural barriers in RAY Club, while increasing
awareness of psychological topics for YSPM. For Personal Development, I learned to
express my personality through playing music on the piano and used this to develop
myself. I practiced during my free time at home, and had piano lessons with a private
piano teacher, learning different styles and skills on the piano such as classical,
contemporary, and ragtime. To complete the Physical Fitness portion, I have exposed
myself to a variety of dance styles such as pom, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary, and
added in cardiovascular exercises such as running or strength training three times a week
to improve my stamina and technique on the dance oor. I worked on my exibility and
dance skills daily. For my Exploration, I traveled to London, England during winter break
of my senior year, and also explored other cities during the week that I spent there. I
felt like I was able to bring out the best version of myself through bettering the different
aspects of my life.
Chaerin Lee
La Mirada, California
Advisor: Jenny Wheatley
For Voluntary Public Service, I participated in the Global Youth Mission, a nonprot
organization dedicated to various local service projects. Through Global Youth Mission,
I organized donated items to be distributed among local communities and supervised
parents and children waiting to receive emergency medical attention. To enhance
my leadership skills and complete my Personal Development goal, I participated in
my school student government for four years, working my way up the Student Body
President. I also went to multiple leadership summer programs and conferences. I spent
several hours per week in the pool to complete my Physical Fitness goals. I was able
to improve my time treading water, hold my breath for a longer time, and swim faster
overall. Over the summer of 2017, I completed my Exploration trip by visiting South
Korea and Thailand to better understand the history and culture of Asia. I’ve done so by
trying new traditional food, visiting historic places, and taking pictures of the beautiful
natural environment.
Claire Lee
Cerritos, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, Key Club, National Honor Society
I volunteered on a weekly basis to take care of pre-kindergarten children while teaching
them class worksheets and activities as a volunteer teachers aide. In addition, I
volunteered at local community events with organizations such as Key Club and the
California Scholarship Federation. To complete my Personal Development goals, I
developed my communication, research, and public speaking skills by engaging in Model
United Nations conferences and local debate tournaments. Each weekday, I trained for
approximately 2.5 hours through intensive core, speed, and endurance running workouts
to complete my Physical Fitness goals. Additionally, on weekends, I participated in
local cross-country races and invitationals. In order to complete my Expedition goal, I
organized, coordinated, and planned a trip to develop my independent qualities while
being immersed in nature. Activities that were incorporated into this Expedition included
camping, hiking, and journaling. My overall experience in earning the Congressional
Award was a milestone that I am proud of achieving. It was a challenge that taught me the
importance of organizing, planning, and taking small steps to achieve my goal.
Isha Pema
Cerritos, California
Advisor: Brian Nguyen
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Key Club, National Honor Society
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed Voluntary Public Service
at the Boys and Girls Club of Cypress, where I worked with inner-city children. I also
volunteered at events like track meets through clubs such as National Honors Society,
Key Club, and California Scholarship Federation. For Personal Development, I interned
at a domestic violence shelter, where I learned about cultural stigmas surrounding the
cycles of abuse. I also took piano lessons weekly and practiced playing daily. For my
Physical Fitness, I ran with my high school cross-country and track & eld teams. I was
able to take training camps at Mammoth Lake and participate in meets in Hawaii and
Oregon. Finally, for my Expedition I planned a seven-day trip to Costa Rica. I stayed
with a local family in a small town that did not speak any English and learned so much
about the Spanish culture. Overall, earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal was an
eye-opening experience that allowed me to build my condence and knowledge of the
world I live in.
Qixiang Xiong
Irvine, California
Advisor: Sherrie Lah
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered through the nonprot
organization Future Young Leaders of America. Activities included serving an orphanage
and an abused women’s shelter, as well as helping others in need in my community. For
Personal Development, I practiced with a private guitar teacher and learned various guitar
styles. For Physical Fitness, I improved my basketball free throw shooting percentages
through consistent practice and hard work. For my Exploration, I planned and executed a
trip to Hawaii to explore its unique culture and history.
Flora Ahn
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
For my Voluntary Public Service, I spent hundreds of hours volunteering with the
nonprot organization Young Leaders of Orange County. This organization brings
together high school students from all around our community to provide math and
English education to younger students in Orange County. For my Personal Development
goal, I served as vice president of this organization in addition to learning and mastering
Violin as new instrument. I began learning and mastering tennis for my Physical Fitness
goal and was able to immensely improve my skillset through consistent practice on the
Sonora high school tennis team. For my Expedition, I planned and executed a trip to
Antelope Valley and Canyon where I was fully immersed in nature’s beauty.
Yujin Choe
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
Through the volunteer organization Future Young Leaders of America, I have helped
improve the environment of my community and nearby areas by participating in many
park and beach cleanups. I have also recycled cans and bottles and participated in garage
sales to fundraise for the homeless and for children in developing countries. For my
Personal Development, I practiced ne arts and dedicated time each week to developing
my skillset. I have also participated in many art competitions to apply the art techniques
I have learned. For Physical Fitness, I have learned to play tennis. I started off with
knowing nothing about the rules of tennis, and I would always hit the ball out of the
court. However, now I am skilled enough to play casually with friends or family. For my
Expedition, I organized a camping trip to Yosemite National Park. During the trip, I got
to experience hiking, cooking for myself, and providing transportation for myself. I am
grateful to the Congressional Award for encouraging and pushing me to learn new skills,
explore new places, help new people, and gain new experiences.
Jung-yoon Claire Choi
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Rick Chi
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
I worked with students from Boys and Girls Club and taught them how to play the clarinet
for my Voluntary Public Service. Through this activity, I was able to serve my community by
providing underprivileged students the opportunity to experience a more personalized learning
method. For my Personal Development, I sought to expand my knowledge of computer
applications by learning new programming languages. Throughout the course of my learning,
I not only honed my hard skills in coding and electrical engineering but also my soft skills in
problem solving and communication. My Physical Fitness goal was to run a half-marathon, so
I trained every other weekend with my father and my running club and ran a 15k at the Stars
and Stripes/Freedom Run in preparation for the half marathon. Last summer, I successfully
completed my run at the Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon. For my Exploration, I hoped
to learn about another country’s culture in depth while also becoming more independent.
In order to achieve my goal, I went on a trip through multiple provinces of Eastern Canada,
trying many traditional foods and sightseeing at famous attractions. By participating in
the Congressional Award, I have grown as a person by becoming more independent and
developing my understanding of the world around me. I grew to be more aware of the needs of
the youth in my community and became more goal-oriented in personal objectives. Through
my Exploration to Eastern Canada, I also learned not only about the culture of another country,
but also the unexpected difculties that can still potentially arise during a planned trip.
Evelyn Chung
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
For Voluntary Public Service, I mostly spent time volunteering along with my local
community service organization, Future Young Leaders of America, where I was able to
clean up local parks and beaches in order to give back to the community. I was able to
fulll my Personal Development through playing piano. In addition, I also fullled my
Personal Development goal while attending Korean school every Saturday; through this
time, I was able to improve reading, writing, and speaking skills as well as learn more
about Korean culture and history. For Physical Fitness, I engaged in volleyball. Whether
it was on the school team or for my club team, I spent a large amount of time practicing
for the sake of my health and also to improve my skills as a volleyball player. I was
able to complete my Exploration in November 2017 in Korea. Though I’ve been in the
past, this trip was new and eye opening because I visited cities and regions I hadn’t been
before. This Exploration allowed me to learn more about my family’s culture as well as
Korea’s history. Overall, my experience with the Congressional Award has been very
rewarding because I was able to be recognized for my hard work and development into a
well-rounded person and member of society.
Wesley Dale
Yorba Linda, California
Advisor: Ken Hall
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Discovery Bound NLC
As an involved athlete, I completed most of my Voluntary Public Service supporting
various sporting events at my school. I helped run the snack shack at many water polo
tournaments as well as coached a youth lacrosse team for 2 years. I read through different
Christian Science literature with my advisor to complete my Personal Development goal.
We had weekly discussions about our readings which included biographies of Mary
Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, and old articles published
in Christian Science periodicals. For Physical Fitness, I played lacrosse for all four years
in high school. In addition to that, I marched in the band at my school for two years. To
complete my Expedition, I planned a national parks road trip for my family in which
we visited 3 national parks in 5 days. We drove through Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Death
Valley, appreciating and learning about the desert ecosystems of the west.
Joseph Dong
Diamond Bar, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I performed Voluntary Public Service
for over 400 hours through the nonprot organization Global Youth Mission. I
tutored children and provided homework support under this organization and taught
programming as part of the organization’s volunteer trips to Mexico. I also improved my
cello-playing skills for Personal Development. I practiced cello under the guidance of a
cello teacher outside of school as well as practiced at home independently. For Physical
Fitness, I improved my mile running time from eight minutes to under seven minutes. I
did so by running at my local neighborhood park. Finally, I planned out a trip to Northern
California to study the culture and history of this location. I visited several museums,
such as the Intel Museum and the Computer History Museum. Overall, I found my
journey in the Congressional Award truly unforgettable.
Jennifer Ho
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Christian Aguirre
I completed my Voluntary Public Service by serving various non-prot organizations
specialized in treating and empowering victims of human trafcking and abusive
environments. Additionally, I have led cybersecurity summer and yearlong training
courses to students from middle schools and high schools. For Personal Development,
I attended music classes weekly, practiced daily, and studied music theory in order to
graduate from California’s Certicate of Merit State Music Exam with full honors. Since
then, I have competed and won multiple music festivals, and am performing at Carnegie
Hall this summer. To achieve my Physical Fitness goal, I signed up for a two-year long
gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness as well as taken Aerobics, Yoga, and Pilates classes
multiple times a week. For my Exploration, I traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
where I spent time volunteering at orphanages, saving their endangered sea turtles, and
exploring the Malaysian culture. The Congressional Award has inuenced me to maintain
a healthy lifestyle and to always strive for progress and learning; while doing so, I have
helped communities of under privileged women and children.
Andrew Hong
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 200 hours of Voluntary Public Service through
the non-prot organization Future Young Leaders of America. I participated in activities
such as park clean-ups and held group discussions about our goals to participate in good
deeds on a daily basis. For Personal Development, I bought Korean language books to
study for the SAT II subject test. I also took advanced Korean classes at my school to
help me become a more uent speaker. For my Physical Fitness portion, I was determined
to increase my rate of consistency in tennis from 65% to 90%. I began by practicing
on the weekdays and weekends and gradually added various routines to strengthen my
body. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a four-night camping trip exploring the
wilderness of Ventura. While camping, I learned valuable lessons on how to set up a tent,
start my own re, and become more organized. By participating in The Congressional
Award, I learned to assist my community through work that will benet people and the
environment. This program has enabled me to become more responsible and organized.
AnneClare Kim
Brea, California
Advisor: Dan Moyer
As president of Music Hearts, I visited Greeneld Care Center every month to perform
piano pieces for the senior residents there and helped organize the other students’
performances as well. We also prepared gifts to distribute to the elderly. For Personal
Development, I improved my Korean speaking and writing skills with guidance at
Ivy Master Academy. I practiced everyday speaking to and texting my parents only
in Korean. To achieve my Physical Fitness goal, I practiced kendo at Anaheim Youth
Center every week and got up to my 1st degree black belt. I also helped train the younger
students and participated in multiple competitions. I went on an Exploration of South
Korea and educated myself about my home country. I visited important cultural sites
such as the DMZ, 63 Building, Korea University, and the National Museum of Korea.
I developed a stronger sense of national pride and respect for my culture. Earning the
Congressional Award has given me opportunities to improve myself overall as well as
discover my growth potential.
Erin Kwak
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Albert Lee
I completed my Voluntary Public Service goals under the guidance of two organizations:
Pacic American Volunteer Association and HOPE Global Outreach Foundation. I
participated in numerous activities to improve the lives of the less fortunate, children,
Korean communities, and help the environment. For Personal Development, I
participated in an organization called California Association of Student Councils to learn
and apply leadership skills. I attended conferences, worked as a counselor, and created
a branch at my school. As for Physical Fitness, I worked to increase my limb poundage
from 24 pounds to 32 and improve my shooting outdoors. I did this by doing physical
training, practicing outdoors, and focused on improving my form. For Exploration, I
planned a trip to England, specically Henley-on-Thames, London, Canterbury, and
Princes Risborough. During my stay, I encountered different foods, people, and lifestyles
and visited various museums, observed different types of architecture, and perused local
stores. While exploring a different country and numerous aspects of myself, the effort
that I put into earning the Gold Medal provided ample opportunities to learn new skills
and improve existing ones.
Yohan Kwak
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
In earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I dedicated hundreds of hours to
Voluntary Public Service. I helped clean my local parks, clean my local beaches, and
prepared care packages for the less fortunate. To complete my Personal Development, I
dedicated time to practicing the ute. During this time, I was able to improve my skills
immensely and work on playing techniques. For Physical Fitness, I committed hours to
practicing my tennis game. During the process, I was able to signicantly improve my
skills and ability to play the sport. Finally, for my Exploration, I visited the country of
South Korea. I was able to learn a lot more about my cultural background. In addition,
I was able to grow more as a person because I had to learn how to do everything on my
Ethan Lee
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
I completed my Voluntary Public Service Goals by participating in park cleanups,
recycling programs, and helping with garage sales. Once a month, I participated in park
cleaning in our local community and collected recyclables to donate money to a city in
Africa. I also held a garage sale every six months. I completed my Personal Development
goals by getting a tutor for my math and English school subjects. I used those tutors
to enhance my English and math abilities by practicing every day. I completed my
Personal Development goals by practicing baseball every day. I also had special training
to increase my skills as a pitcher and as a hitter. I completed my Expedition goals by
planning a camping trip to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. It took me many
days to research and plan the trip. I planned out daily activities and daily meals. My
overall experience in earning The Congressional Award was very positive; I have learned
many core values in life, and I came to appreciate many little things I took for granted.
Now, I have more sympathy for young unfortunate children especially in underserved
communities. I learned how to take responsibility, take charge, and gained great
leadership skills. Throughout this journey, I have learned so many lifelong skills to help
me became a great leader in the future.
Ethan Lee
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at my
local non-prot organization through creating a youth mentoring program for foster
children in Orange County. I worked on-site to develop the necessary documents such
as registration forms and rules and regulations for mentors and foster children. I also
provided one-on-one tutoring and mentorship for a 7
grade student by giving him insight
on potential opportunities and preparing him for future academic success. For Personal
Development, I took private violin lessons every week, participated in the Pacic
Symphony Youth Orchestra, and practiced daily on my own. I won the American Protégé
International Spring Competition and will play solo in Carnegie Hall on this June. For
the Physical Fitness portion, I love playing basketball, so I participated in the school
basketball team last year. I then trained on my own and joined the church basketball team
which met weekly. My skills continued to improve, and I reached my goals enabling me
to signicantly contribute to my church team’s winnings during several games. Finally,
for my Expedition, I planned a ve-night experience to learn Mexican culture in Loreto,
Baja California. While visiting the country, we went shing and on hikes, photographed
ocean and wildlife, visited a mission, and learned how to cook Mexican food. The
Congressional Award was an enriching experience that taught me perseverance and
selessness and enabled me to meet new people and discover my passions.
Justin Lee
Brea, California
Advisor: Becky Marchant
For Voluntary Public Service, I was part of service clubs such as the Hwarang Leo
Club and Future Leaders of America Club in order to provide help and support for
the local community. I did activities such as homeless feedings, beach cleanings, park
beautication, etc. For Personal Development, my goal was to become more social
throughout my high school career. I have come very far and made many friends and I
now love engaging in social activities and hanging out with my friends whenever I have
the time to. My Physical Fitness goals were to lose weight, get t, and get out of the
overweight range on the weight scale. I accomplished all of these goals through hard
work and I still am engaging in exercises and dieting in my daily life. I’ve currently lost
over 30 pounds through healthy eating and exercise. For my Exploration, I wanted to
go to Korea and experience my motherland’s culture and traditions. I was able to go and
learn a lot from my relatives and go on many road trips to hiking spots, traditional homes,
and learn about traditional foods.
Sunghee Lee
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I volunteered in organizations like Future
Young Leaders of America, Boys and Girls Club, Heart of Africa, and Sunrise Senior
Living. I provided community service in different elds, such as playing music for
elderly residents, working for the homeless, and tutoring. For the Personal Development
portion, I practiced playing the ute by self-teaching from beginner level. I gradually
improved to reach intermediate level through hours of practicing tonguing and abdominal
breathing. For Physical Fitness, I increased my technique, exibility, and creativity
through three hours of dancing every week. I trained through warmups and extensive
practice of different genres of dance. As for my Exploration, I planned a trip to Seoul,
South Korea to learn about the development of their culture and traditions. I was able to
explore the different entertainment elds through art exhibitions, plays, and musicals.
The Congressional Award allowed me to grow as a compassionate and a strong person. It
allowed me to strengthen myself mentally and physically, and I was truly able to provide,
learn, and break out of my comfort zone.
Megan Loh
Placentia, California
Advisor: Alice Yee
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Lion’s Heart,
National Honor Society
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service to
design hands-on STEM activities and teach under-resourced kids who otherwise wouldn’t
have had opportunities to appreciate STEM. For Personal Development, I practiced
violin with my conductor every other week in addition to studying on my own. I am now
a violinist performing at benet concerts to help children suffering from the effects of
natural disasters around the world. For Physical Fitness, I improved my resting heart rate
from 87 beats per minute to 77 beats per minutes by dancing to rhythm games ve times
a week, 30 minutes each day. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a ve-day trip from
the urban parts of Japan to the rural areas to explore and revel in the unique culture and
environment. It was my rst time relying solely on public transportation to visit Tokyo,
Hakone, and Kyoto! Earning the Congressional Award has allowed me to explore my
interests and passions. I have become a healthier, more condent, more adventurous, and
overall a better version of myself.
Kevin Mok
Brea, California
Advisor: Dan Moyer
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, United States Army
For my Voluntary Public Service, I worked with local non-prots and youth programs
that focused mainly on community improvement and homeless relief. I mainly cleaned
up local parks and beaches and used the recyclables to fund care packages for those who
needed them. For Personal Development, I took on leadership roles in both my Boy
Scout troop and in the community. I also read books on effective leadership and ways
to clearly communicate with other people. To achieve my Physical Fitness goals, every
week I would condition myself at the gym or at home so that I can become condent in
my physical abilities and self-image. This consistent work also drastically improved my
performance at competitive high school tennis, and I was also able to pass the US Army
Personal Fitness Test. For my trip to Italy, it took many weeks of planning to be able
to complete my goal. I spent hours researching popular locations and points of interest
that would t my schedule and allow me to get the most out of the experience. Earning
the Congressional Award was denitely a journey that took a lot of self-motivation and
dedication to achieve; through it I was able to nd what I am capable of achieving.
Sena Oten
Santa Ana, California
Advisor: Hulya Odabasoglu
Afliations: American Red Cross, National Honor Society
I served as an afterschool tutor, precalculus teacher assistant, and my school’s Red
Cross president in order to complete my Voluntary Public Service goal. To complete my
Personal Development goal, I practiced improving my math and English skills in order
to achieve a higher SAT score. Through consistent practice and hard work, my score
improved from 1280 to 1450 on the SAT. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve my
mile time. After training for over two years, I cut my mile time in half, going from 16 to
8 minutes. To complete my Exploration goal, I traveled to the San Francisco Bay Area
to observe its rich history and culture. I compared and contrasted the differences in the
environment of the Bay Area and my hometown, Orange County.
Noah Park
Diamond Bar, California
Advisor: Kimberly Hong (Carver)
In pursuit of the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service
spread out between Kaiser Permanente and Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Centers.
At each hospital, I serviced both visitors and patients in order to improve their medical
service experience. For Personal Development, I spent two weeks in Santander, Spain
as a study abroad student at the University of Cantabria. I participated in intermediate
level Spanish language and culture courses in order to augment my Spanish uency. In
order to satisfy my Physical Fitness requirements, I committed myself to my school’s
swim team. Every day, I strived to maintain the condition of my body and to achieve even
faster times. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a ve-night road trip from California
to Montana and nally to Banff, Canada. It was an exhilarating and liberating experience
to travel across the northern United States. The Congressional Award was an enlightening
experience that motivated me to become the best version of myself.
Steven Park
Walnut, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For Voluntary Public Service, I took on the leadership role of president of the nonprot
organization Global Youth Mission. Our main activities included going to Mexico
and visiting an orphanage to educate the children and donate items they were in need
of. Other events included donating and providing assistance to various underserved
communities. For Personal Development, I focused on my participation in Boy Scouts
of America. I have been a part of the Boy Scouts of America for nearly 10 years now.
I have learned many life skills including camping, cooking, treating wounds etc. Boy
scouts has also taught me discipline and many other things that continue to apply to my
everyday life. For Physical Fitness, I was a part of my school’s swim team. I specialized
in the freestyle stroke, so my competitions mainly consisted of that stroke. I would train
everyday inside and outside of school to improve my time. For my Exploration, I went to
South Korea with my family. I learned a lot about the Korean culture and how different it
is compared to America. I visited many museums and historical sites that taught me a lot
about the history of South Korea and how it came to be today.
Sung Yun Park
La Habra, California
Advisor: Myeong Park
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed about 200 hours of Voluntary Public Service at St.
Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, California. I assisted full-time registered nurses with
nursing tasks such as discharging, operating call lights from patients, and communicating
with patients. For Personal Development, I participated in the 2016 National Theatre on
Ice Competition with the Ballyhoo Ice Theatre team. As a team, we arduously practiced
weekly for 4 to 5 hours to perform a long and short program. For Physical Fitness, I
practiced my technique by taking private gure skating lessons every week. Through
this practice, I was able to hone my skills to take U.S. Figure Skating (USFSA) tests
for movement in eld and freestyle. For my Exploration, I went to Jeju Island in South
Korea. I immersed myself in Korean culture by sampling local foods, learning a bit
of the language, being immersed in the beautiful environment, and visiting important
Helen Sohn
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Hannah Huh
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
I dedicated over 430 hours of Voluntary Public Service with Boys & Girls Club of
Fullerton and the Fullerton Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention (FullGRIP). I
helped FullGRIP children improve their math skills. With Boys & Girls Club, I taught
young students instruments like the violin and piano. My Personal Development revolved
around developing artistic abilities for creating my art portfolio. I dedicated hours every
weekend to mastering various mediums such as acrylic and charcoal. For Physical
Fitness, I tracked my mile-walking speed in my neighborhood park. Over the course of
my tness plan, I shortened my power-walk time from 20 to 15 minutes per mile. For my
Exploration, I planned a ve-day trip to South Korea, where I learned from a multitude
of cultural and familial experiences. Pursuing this Exploration gave me an opportunity
to navigate foreign environments while progressing on my quest to dene myself and
discover my ethnic roots. Through my efforts in participating in the Congressional
Award, I have come to greatly value the importance of setting new goals and achieving
Annette Son
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Hannah Huh
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
I started playing piano at a young age which has been a huge part of my life. It led to
a weekly volunteer opportunity to teach underprivileged children how to play piano
as well as tutor them in mathematics. I am grateful for the new friendships made with
students and other volunteers. I also focused on piano for my Personal Development –
I’ve played piano for over 10 years and every year I’ve taken the Certicate of Merit and
accomplished up to level 10. I studied musical theory and practiced playing diligently to
improve every year. It was a challenge, but I learned about myself and how to set long-
term goals in life. For my Physical Fitness activities, going to dance class every week
became the new normal. Attending Hart Academy helped me meet incredible dancers
and make new friends. During the summer, I joined the swim team at Biola University
and developed my health and strength. Regarding my Exploration experience, I toured
and hiked Banff National Park with help from my Aunt who lives in Calgary. This
will forever be a thrilling and rewarding memory for the rest of my life. Overall, the
Congressional Award gave me experiences that I will treasure, and I will be forever
thankful for the chances to explore my own personal growth.
Kenneth Song
Walnut, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For Voluntary Public Service, I dedicated my time to the Los Angeles-based community
service organization, Hwarang Leo Club, where I made an impact on my local
community by cleaning up my city, volunteering at community events, and raising funds
for cataract eye surgeries in developing nations. I devoted my Personal Development
efforts to playing the tenor saxophone. Through my involvement in my school’s marching
band and concert ensembles, and under the tutelage of a private instructor, my skill level
improved signicantly over a two-year period. Under the instruction of my coach, I
dedicated my time to improving my skills at tennis for my Physical Fitness program area.
By attending multiple community practices/meets and lessons every week, I was able to
improve my skills signicantly. For my Exploration, I took a week-long trip to Spain in
order to immerse myself in a new culture that I was unfamiliar with. Through interaction
with the locals of the various cities that I explored, I was able to maximize my exposure
to the cuisine, language, and history of Spain.
Zifeng Xie
Walnut, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
Afliations: American Red Cross, Key Club, YMCA
I have dedicated over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service under the guidance of Global
Youth Mission, a non-prot organization aiming to improve the lives of the less fortunate.
Through Global Youth Mission, we made blankets and toys for the kids at a Mexican
orphanage. By helping the kids, we as volunteers aim to make this world a better place. For
Personal Development, I focused on honing my photography skills. Photography is my way
to capture the amazing moments around me. Once a week, I went to Downtown LA to do
photography. I have become an active member of local photography organization Conquer LA.
To improve my skills, I joined a photography class and watched tutorial videos on YouTube.
For Physical Fitness, I focused on running. Running is what I do daily. Every evening, I go
to the gym to work out and train myself to be a better runner, which also helps me get better
at soccer. In addittion, I’ve also studied nutrition to maximize my running potential. After
training, I control my diet and try to eat right. In the summer of my freshman year, I planned
a 7-day Exploration to New York to study the history and culture of this wonderful location.
I visited museums, landmarks, and treated myself to famous NYC local food: hot dogs and
pizza. I blogged about my trip along the way too. My experience with the Congressional
Award has not only made me who I want to be but also encouraged me to become an activist
for making my community a better place. Now I’m no longer just a dreamer but an achiever.
Aaron Yi
Fullerton, California
Advisor: Julia Zhang
While earning the Gold Medal, I gave back to the community by completing 452 hours of
teaching and tutoring children. At my local library, I motivated children of all ages, from
young toddlers to other teens, to read and learn. In addition, I spent summers volunteering
to teach kids tennis. For Personal Development, I spent 869 hours learning the piano. On
this journey, I was able to go all the way to the highest level of the Certicate of Merit.
In addition, I competed in and got awards in various competitions. For Physical Fitness, I
swam at Biola University for 2 hours twice a week. I was able to work myself up to the pre-
senior level, which is a level that prepares swimmers for their high school’s varsity swim
team. In addition to this, I would often go cycling or work out when I was not swimming.
For my Expedition, I planned a 5-day camping trip at Kings Canyon and Sequoia National
Park for my family. It was a challenge to organize such a long trip for 4 people so far away
from home, but I managed to pull it off with an experience that was both educational and
entertaining. The Congressional Award was an amazing catalyst that helped me experience
so much in life and showed me how much I can achieve with just passion and perseverance.
Patrick Yu
Brea, California
Advisor: younghee Kim-Park
I completed my Voluntary Public Service in the Oncology Department of St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton,
California, for three hours every Saturday. I am also the president of mobile library club to bring books to
Saturday school for elementary school children to promote reading at young age. The club also held book
donation drive. For Personal Development, I was the founding member of Mock Trial Team at the high
school and assumed the pre-trial attorney role. At the completion of regional level competition, I was chosen
as an outstanding pre-trial attorney by the presiding and scoring judges. I also taught speech-and-debate to
eight students for ten weeks. For Physical Fitness, I regularly practiced tennis during summer vacation and
maintained a healthy diet. I lost weight and have been able to maintain my weight at the desired level. I have
joined tennis team at school and participated in practices and games to maintain my Physical Fitness. For my
Expedition, I took a backpack trip to the wilderness in Kings Canyon. I set up a tent, cooked food and washed
dishes. I did not have access to modern comforts, such as electricity or internet, but that gave the precious
opportunity to be completely surrounded by nature and appreciate its beauty and value. The Congressional
Award has been a big part of my high school life. At the beginning, I started the Voluntary Public Service
activity and Expedition just to fulll the requirements. After receiving the Bronze Medal, I realized the
benets of these activities. After the realization, I actively sought out more volunteer opportunities to leave
positive impacts on my community and planned and executed the Expedition to the parts of the country that I
have never been before. I met and talked to many people and that helped me to mature. When I decide what to
study in a college and what to have as my career, I will always think about the lessons that I learned from the
process of getting the Congressional Award, and choose to do the things that will benet society as a whole.
Carmina Inguito
Winchester, California
Advisor: Carol Hernandez
Afliations: National Honor Society
In earning my Congressional Award, I dedicated over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
a summer day camp by facilitating various activities and assisting counselors on excursions as a
junior counselor. Plus, I shelved books and helped with the Children’s Reading Program within
the community. For Personal Development, I learned how to play the piano and took a few
lessons every week. After performing at several recitals, I also joined my city’s Youth Advisory
Council and became a mentor to kids, establishing an inclusive environment while improving
my leadership skills in communication. To complete my Physical Fitness portion, I wanted to
improve my mile time by training myself to run at a faster pace and gradually increasing the
distance every month until I reached nine minutes. Lastly, for my Expedition, I planned a four-
night trip across Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Yosemite with my family.
We backpacked through the hiking trails, explored differences between the parks’ ecosystems,
and discovered a wide variety of wildlife! This Congressional Award journey enabled me to
nd my passion in giving back to the community and taught me how to be optimistic in times
of setbacks; thus, impacting my life in more ways than I could have imagined because of the
initiative that I have taken to not only better myself but also the world around me.
Tiffany Kim
Torrance, California
Advisor: John Park
To achieve my Voluntary Public Service goals, I taught guests at the Aquarium of the
Pacic about conservation and environmental issues. I also fed animals and took care
of their dens. For Personal Development, I played difcult concertos on the cello and
expanded my skillset through hard work and consistent practice. To achieve my Physical
Fitness goals, I learned how to do a top spin serve in tennis. Through my hard work on
the team, I advanced to varsity level tennis at my school as their number one doubles
player. For my Exploration, I traveled to New York City to learn about the diverse
ecosystems present in the Hamptons.
Elisa Park
Harbor City, California
Advisor: Dan Moyer
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service at a local preschool. I furthered the young children’s’ education and
helped out the teachers. For Personal Development, I dedicated time to my writing. I
wrote pieces for the music column of the Boston Hassle and worked on my novel. For
the Physical Fitness program area, I worked with an instructor for my exibility. I also
improved my cardiovascular healthy so I can now run more miles without taking as many
walking breaks. For my Exploration, I explored prominent areas of Seoul, South Korea
by myself. In doing so, I was able to be immersed in the fascinating culture and learn to
appreciate the varying lifestyles by visiting temples as well as its famous tourist spots.
Amanda Cai
Coto de Caza, California
Advisor: Hao Jiang
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Lion’s Heart
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service work through Lion’s Heart, a
national non-prot volunteer organization. I worked as a camp counselor at Special Camp
for Special Kids, helped out at the local food bank, and was a volunteer at the Boys and
Girls Club. For Personal Development, I took ute lessons and practiced on my own. I
ultimately took and passed the Certicate of Merit levels 5 and 6 tests for ute. For my
Physical Fitness portion, I took lessons with my Irish Dance teacher and practiced on
my own. I’ve improved both my technique and stamina greatly from when I rst began.
Finally, for the Exploration, I planned a trip to Munich, Berlin, and Venice. I practiced
my German speaking to communicate with locals and visited historical landmarks that
broadened my perspectives and taught me more about this fascinating culture.
Ann Chen
Irvine, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To accomplish my Voluntary Public Service goal, I volunteered at a local children’s
science museum to teach new academic concepts to future generations, and aided
patients at medical clinics in my area and in Mexico. For Personal Development, I took
art classes and studied paintings at museums and from books to learn new painting
techniques. Through my studies and hours of painting, I have become a procient
painter. I decided to improve in tennis for my Physical Fitness. The countless matches
and practices with friends and coaches have helped me signicantly improve my playing
strategies, placement, and consistency. Last but not least, I chose to complete my
Exploration in Paris, France over six nights. I was able to learn about the culture and
overall environment of the city through the breathtaking architecture, museums, music,
and cuisine. The Congressional Award has taught me to become more proactive and
determined to help communities while also pursuing personal goals.
Jacqueline Huff
Orange, California
Advisor: Karen Fuchs
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
For Voluntary Public Service, I was able to help those who are sight impaired which is
important to me. I was also able to mentor disadvantaged elementary school students. I
designed and implemented an after-school program which allowed participants to get
experiences that they otherwise wouldn’t have. My goal is to be an elementary school
teacher. While working on the Congressional Award for Personal Development I was able
to substitute teach while studying to become a teacher. This was an extremely valuable
experience to me. As a member of my high school’s cheerleading team, I earned my
Physical Fitness hours with the many hours of outside practices and tumbling classes. For
my Exploration, I visited parts of the country that I had never been before. I was able to
explore my family’s heritage as Polish immigrants and farmers in the state of Nebraska. I
was able to visit the family farm which was honored with a marker honoring 100 years of
Priscilla Hui
Irvine, California
Advisor: Ellen Wong
As part of my participation in the Congressional Award, I worked as a volunteer at
my local food bank, sorting and packaging donated foods for later distribution. I also
spent the majority of my summers working at my local community park working with
children and helping with ofce work. For Personal Development, I attended Chinese
school weekly to rene my world language skills. I also trained in speech and debate to
better my public speaking skills. I believe that public speaking skills are vital in being an
effective communicator and are an applicable skill in the real world. For Physical Fitness,
I trained with a professional badminton player several times a week outside of school. In
addition to badminton, I also participated in my high school’s dance program, working
on my dance techniques for a couple of hours a week. For my Exploration, I visited
Canada, specically Quebec and Montreal, to examine the differences in culture between
the United States and Canada. From the language to food, I was truly able to experience
the cultural differences between the neighboring countries. The process of earning the
Gold Medal has allowed me to gain leadership experience, has been a testament of my
perseverance, and has given me an appreciation for Canadian culture.
Seung Hyun Hwang
Irvine, California
Advisor: Chan Moon Hwang
Through the Irvine Volunteer Organization, I undertook a community awareness project
that specically focused on how improper plastic disposal kills marine life to achieve my
Voluntary Public Service goals. We planned out and built a whale statue using recycled
plastics. This structure was displayed as an exhibition on Huntington Beach. For Personal
Development, I practiced violin at least 5 days each week, anywhere between 30 minutes
to 2 hours of practice. I studied music theory using the Certicate of Merit level 10 for
violin. To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I worked out 3 times a week in the gym
doing core and leg workouts. I also practiced on my short game and my golf swing 5
times a week both indoors and outdoors. I went to the golf course and practiced at least
once a week there. For the Expedition, I got my PADI open water divers license. After
renting gear from OC Scuba Center, I went on a scuba diving trip at local diving points
in Laguna Beach. I booked the hotels and planned out the dive points as well as the dive
plans and itinerary for the Expedition days.
Andrew Jockelle
Irvine, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered for ShareTrees to improve the lives of
members of the community. I participated in service under Future Young Leaders of
America working to recycle and participate in community cleanups. I also worked
to process material for my school district for the upcoming school year. For Personal
Development, I self-taught myself Adobe design programs through my own research
and from freely available resources online. I spent copious amounts of time learning to
use other programs such as TinkerCAD and Google Sketchup. I also improved upon my
French speaking skills. For Physical Fitness, I ran, jogged, and biked to and from school
in addition to biking longer distances after school and consistently exercised on my bike
for extended periods of time during the summer in order to build up my stamina and
improve my wellbeing. For my Exploration, I traveled to San Francisco, an environment
drastically different than the one I’m typically in and immersed myself in a different
lifestyle than one I’m currently familiar with. I also spent time there learning more about
my heritage and explored the city, gaining a fresh perspective.
Rachel Kang
Irvine, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at an orphanage at Mexico as
well as a rehabilitation center in order to give back to my community through helping
others in need. For Personal Development, I taught myself guitar through watching
videos and tutorials about how to learn the beginner methods and mastering different
techniques. For Physical Fitness, I wanted to reduce the time it took to run a mile. I
accomplished this goal by improving my endurance through running and swimming
more frequently. My Expedition trip to Hawaii exposed me to the Hawaiian culture and
environment through the activities of swimming, hiking, zip lining, visiting various
museums, and spending time at the Polynesian Culture Center.
Renny Kim
Irvine, California
Advisor: Dan Moyer
Afliations: National Honor Society
To achieve my Voluntary Public Service goals, I worked at the Orange County Global
Medical Center. My duties included helping accompany patients and serving their needs.
For Personal Development, I woked tirelessly on rening my skills on the saxophone. I
took lessons weekly and practiced a concerto that I will be performing soon. For Physical
Fitness, I worked on my basketball shots. I shot free throws so that I can become a better
player. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned and executed a trip to Death Valley. It was a
meaningful experience as I had done everything independently from start to end.
Sungmin Kim
Irvine, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered under the direction of Future Young
Leaders of America. We spent time picking up trash at the beach and the park and
collecting the items for recycling. We also held fundraisers which beneted supporting
students who are without food in Malawi, Africa. For my Personal Development, I
practiced my clarinet four times per week, learning how to play different pieces for
orchestra rehearsal and necessary techniques such as position on embouchures and
counting measures. Through all of my hard work, I have become a skilled clarinet player.
For my Physical Fitness, I spent three times per week improving the accuracy of my
serve from 50% to 75%. I played pick-up matches at the court and used a stretch band
to warm up my body before practice. In the end, my serve accuracy increased by over
80%. For my Exploration, I went a 6-day trip to Peru, visiting the capital city Lima and
the rural town of Manchay, where I could see the various lifestyles of the local residents.
During my trip to Manchay, I visited the local cathedral and the homes of the locals. The
Congressional Award is a valuable experience that helped me become more goal-oriented
and self-disciplined. Though some tasks were challenging, it was worth devoting my time
and effort to it.
Jeannie Lee
Irvine, California
Advisor: Nina Song
To fulll my Voluntary Public Service goal, I volunteered through a local organization
to help out at centers for historically marginalized groups of individuals. I formed
connections with diverse people through arts and crafts and realized the impact that art
could have on my community. For Personal Development, I learned how to use various
software for computer graphics and animation to create different personal projects. I
learned how to express myself through different mediums and apply computer graphics to
other aspects of my life. To accomplish my Physical Fitness goals, I joined my school’s
tennis team and practiced outside of school during weekends and summers until I could
improve my skills and win ratio. Lastly, for my Exploration, I planned a trip to Phoenix,
Arizona and the area surrounding the city to explore and experience different Native
American cultures as well as gain a deeper understanding of their history. I was able
to expand my perspective on their culture and see how they have evolved throughout
history. This has become an unforgettable experience that has helped me develop
into a more attentive and organized individual and has shown me the importance of
perseverance and curiosity.
Kendra Lee
Irvine, California
Advisor: Chris Bonneau
Afliations: National Honor Society, Youth Service America
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered under the direction of
the nonprot Crops of Love to create packages for the homeless community. I also
visited an orphanage and spent time with the children there. To complete my Personal
Development goals, I worked on my cello skills with an instructor. I also had to make
sure that I practiced cello outside of the scheduled time work on my independent playing
skills. To complete my Physical Fitness goal, I scheduled a weekly lesson with my golf
swing coach and updated him on what I practiced throughout the week. Then, we would
spend a couple of hours together to improve my overall tness and golf game. For my
Exploration, I planned out every aspect of a trip to San Francisco. I had the responsibility
of determining what to do each day and I had to think on my feet when something did not
go as planned. To complete this trip, I also had to do a lot of research in preparation. My
overall experience was a difcult yet memorable experience because I was able to learn
and develop into a more well-rounded person.
Mackenzie Noelle Lo
Irvine, California
Advisor: Holly Wylie
To earn hours for Voluntary Public Service, I used my time and talents in leadership and
music to work with various non-prots, each dedicated to providing help to those in
physical, mental, or spiritual need. For Personal Development, I further honed my skill
as a pianist and performer. I joined a Krav Maga self-defense studio to fulll my Physical
Fitness hours, and I am now both physically stronger and fully equipped to defend myself
from an attacker. For my Exploration, I traveled to London, England and the surrounding
areas where I learned more about English literature and culture through comparison to my
experience as an American. Because of my trip, I caught the travel bug and would love to
continue exploring new cultures and experiences. When I rst began the Congressional
Award program, I had no realization of the impact it would have on my life, but now
looking back, I am grateful for the enriching experience. This program played a huge
role in developing my condence and leadership through hard work.
Hyerin Noh
Irvine, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
To fulll the Voluntary Public Service requirements of the Gold Medal, I volunteered
at a local language school where I helped students learn their material. For Personal
Development, I practiced violin every day and improved my technique immensely. For
Physical Fitness, I ran every day in the neighborhood trail and was able to improve my
endurance and speed. For my Exploration, I visited New York City to be immersed in a
big city environment and explore American culture and history.
Hailey Park
Irvine, California
Advisor: Luz Arellano
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered every Saturday for two years at Livingstone health
clinic, helping those with Down Syndrome build upon skills through reading practice and
musical therapy. I also helped out at food banks and health fairs in order to support the
La Jolla Indian Reservation. For Personal Development in my art skills, I devoted nearly
300 hours to attending art studio classes in order to enhance my painting and drawing. I
was able to use various mediums and take the time to brainstorm valuable ideas to make
my pieces meaningful. For Physical Fitness, I trained in track & eld every day with
stretches and runs in order to qualify for the Pacic Coast League. After I nished track
& eld, I made it my own responsibility to keep in shape by jogging whenever I had the
time in order to lower my mile time to below 8 minutes. To complete my Exploration
goals, I planned out a 6 day and 6 night trip to Cancun, Mexico for my family. I made
sure to take the time to research properly so that our Exploration would not only be
exciting, but also be a very involved, educational, cultural experience. My participation in
the Congressional Award has allowed me to take on large responsibilities and experience
the rewards of achieving very ambitious goals.
Heejae Park
Irvine, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
Afliations: National Honor Society
Much of my Voluntary Public Service goals were accomplished through my involvement
with Global Youth Mission, a non-prot community service organization. In this
organization, I participated in monthly service activities and aided in additional events
with other organizations. To complete my Personal Development goals with writing, I
worked on my writing skills through personal means and through other organizations. I
worked on developing my voice and style in writing through practice in both journalism
and creative writing. My primary goal with Physical Fitness was to improve the time I
spent running the mile. I approached this goal through consistent practice in the hopes of
decreasing the time that I spent running a mile, with an initial time of eight minutes and
a nal result of six and a half minutes. To complete my Exploration goals, I traveled to
Korea and Japan in order to explore the culture and key characteristics of those societies.
I stayed with family in Korea and explored a number of natural landmarks in Japan in an
effort to understand the value behind their cultures.
Colman Sun
Irvine, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
For Voluntary Pubic Service, I spent time doing things I enjoy doing but used them to
contribute positively to society. I taught underprivileged children how to swim at no cost
to them. I built relationships with the children, played games with them, and improved
their quality of life. In order to achieve excellence with the trumpet for my Personal
Development goal, I worked on basic skills then practiced difcult pieces. After tiring,
I studied jazz theory to further improve my improvisation skills. I also rehearsed with
my school ensemble to prepare for contests. In order to improve my swimming times for
Physical Fitness, I trained 6-8 times a week for 3-4 hours and occasionally lifted weights
at the gym. In addition, I participated in over 30 competitions to develop racing mindset
and skills. For my Exploration trip, I spent ve days and four nights on the East Coast -
specically in New York and New Jersey. I visited important cultural sites of our nation
including the 9-11 memorial, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and many more. All was
done with my own nancial and time management.
Yunqi (Colin) Wang
Irvine, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For my Voluntary Public Service activities, I participated in weekly charity events,
fundraisers, food drives, and various other volunteering events with the Youth Action
Team in order to give back to the community. For Personal Development, I improved
my video editing skills by building a YouTube channel. My goal was to create interesting
stories and high-quality content. To achieve my Physical Fitness goals, I practiced
running and participated in cross-country meets every week in order to improve my
running speed and stamina. For my Exploration, I took a trip to China to completely
immerse myself in the history and culture of the country and to better communicate with
the people. I feel that in my journey of earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal,
I’ve grown immensely as a persona and learned more about how the world around me
really works.
Jiahui Wang
Irvine, California
Advisor: Sherrie Lah
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at an orphanage and collected water bottles
for donation to help those in need. To achieve my Personal Development goals, I spent
countless hours playing the piano and improving my technical skills. For the Physical
Fitness program area, I played basketball throughout high school and improved my game
immensely through consistent hard work and practice. For my Exploration, I organized a
trip to Beidaihe, China where I was immersed in a completely new culture.
Johnny Wang
San Jose, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For Voluntary Public Service, I started a computer science competition at my local high
school to promote STEM-related activities to nearby traditionally underrepresented
communities. In its third year of operation, the competition was able to reach more than
70 students from 5 schools throughout Northern California. For Personal Development,
I improved my skills in Computer Science throughout the past four years. I honed both
fundamental computing skills and cybersecurity skills through both self-studying and
interning. As a milestone of my accomplishment, I was able to obtain employment at
a large Internet company in the Bay Area. For Physical Fitness, I disciplined myself to
speed-walk every day during my commute to school and on the school tracks. I also
went to the gym to run on the treadmill during the last year of my Congressional Award
journey. For my Exploration, I visited China to explore my own heritage and to learn
more about Chinese culture. I visited museums and historic places such as HuTongs in
Beijing over a 7-day trip. Additionally, I planned the trip myself to learned how to live
independently. The Congressional Award has helped motivate me to focus on areas that
were previously undervalued and to become an overall healthier person.
Na Won Yoon
Irvine, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To earn the Gold Medal, I committed over 400 hours to the nonprot organization, Global
Youth Mission. With Global Youth Mission, I traveled to Mexico and volunteered at
orphanage and medical clinics, made packages and distributed them to homeless people,
and made blankets for cancer patients. For Personal Development, I improved my singing
skills in preparation to compete in competitions and sing with a choir. To improve my
singing skills, I worked with a private coach, joined an acapella group, and practiced
independently on a daily basis. For Physical Fitness, I reduced my one mile running time
from 11 minutes to 8 minutes. To reach my goal, I ran once per week, stretched, and
completed several cardiovascular endurance exercises. For my Exploration, I planned
a trip to Canada where I explored nature, history, and culture. I visited Niagara Falls
in Ontario, Canada, to observe the awe-inspiring nature of other countries. I wanted
to explore something new that I cannot experience in southern California. Through
volunteering and experiencing new aspects of the world, I learned how important it is to
make connections with different people and to support the community.
LinYue Zhang
Irvine, California
Advisor: Daniel Moyer
Afliations: National Honor Society
My family has always taught me to show love to the community and be kind to all. By
doing a variety of Voluntary Public Service such as going to a family homeless shelter,
playing games and interacting with underprivileged youth, I learned how satisfying
it is when people that I helped smiled to me. For Personal Development, I focused
on improving my leadership skills. By studying leadership skills through watching
leadership videos and taking classes, I found that leaders hold a huge responsibility, and
they must be condent and be ready to face different situations. For Physical Fitness, I
explored my passion for dance. My passion for dancing for the past two years has helped
me reach a higher technical level and created more possibilities for me in the future. The
Congressional Award motivated me to break out of my comfort zone and make the plan
for exploring Big Bear Lake in California for my Expedition. The lessons that I gained
through this experience taught me how to live independently. I am grateful that my
actions can make a difference to make the world a better place. I will use my strength to
keep pursuing my passions.
Sky Jung
Buena Park, California
Advisor: Dan Moyer
In order to complete my Voluntary Public Service, I assisted the local community
through Future Young Leaders of America and Sharetrees, two organizations where I
held administrative duties and participated in various community events. In order to
complete the Personal Development requirement, I dedicated several hours every week to
drawing and painting, with a heavy focus on developing my technical skills. In order to
complete the Physical Fitness requirement, I participated in an orienteering club several
times a week, practicing my navigational skills and improving my distance running. For
my Expedition, I spent 6 days on Santa Catalina Island shing, hiking, and sightseeing. I
provided for myself during this time and managed my resources carefully.
Brian Park
Cypress, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at the non-prot organization Global
Youth Mission. Through my work with Global Youth Mission, I committed myself to
the community by making blankets for cancer patients, writing letters to soldiers, and
participating in frequents trips to help out at an orphanage in Mexico. For my Personal
Development, I chose to improve my violin skills by practicing whenever and wherever I
could, even if it was just for twenty to thirty minutes. Practicing the violin allowed me to
understand the importance of individual effort. In order to improve my Physical Fitness,
I chose to take tennis lessons at a nearby court. The experiences I had in the classes
and various competitions helped me focus on my health and abstain from a sedentary
lifestyle. For my Expedition goal, I chose to plan and take a trip to the Grand Canyon and
Lake Tahoe. I viewed this trip as an opportunity to explore states outside of California
using my own ability as well as study the rich history of the area. It was a challenging yet
awarding adventure that I will be forever thankful for.
Loyalty Traster-Lee
Long Beach, California
Advisor: Chardy Lang
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed more than 300 hours of Voluntary Service, rst
with my local Leo Club, and, later, as a Lion. I helped out as needed at various Orange
County events and volunteered weekly at my local Bay Shore Library, where I catalogued
books and did basic clerical work. For Personal Development, I successfully curated
TEDxYouth@AlamitosBay, an event designed to stimulate conversation within my
community. With my team of high schoolers, we hosted an audience of more than 100+
people. To maintain a Gold Medal level in Physical Fitness and start each day on a
positive note, I integrated four miles of ‘purposeful brisk walking’ into my routine each
morning. Finally, I planned a four-day Expedition to Northern Ireland with a friend. We
hiked, explored the city of Belfast, and embraced an independent lifestyle. Completing all
the levels of the Congressional Award was a brilliant experience that taught me tenacity
and empathy, while inspiring and encouraging me to chase my passions.
David Yi
Cypress, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I worked through a non-prot
humanitarian organization focused on providing rehabilitation support and supplying
donations for impoverished citizens within Tijuana. To complete my Personal
Development goals, I focused on constantly training myself to reach a higher vertical and
be able to dunk the basketball. I did this through not only having extreme plyometric
training schedules on my own time but also ensuring that I was well-educated on vertical
training. To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I participated in numerous sports such
as basketball and track and eld. In addition, I dedicated myself to running ve times a
week outside of school to stay in shape. For my Exploration, I travelled to South Korea
where I dedicated time to studying the culture of my origin, from the cuisine to the ne
arts. I learned so much about my country and was able to create an extensive report of
the entire process. I am extremely excited to be receiving the Congressional Award Gold
Medal, and believe this was an amazing experience that bettered me as a community-
builder and future leader of our generation.
Julia Dillenbeck
Huntington Beach, California
Advisor: Chardy Lang
To earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service serving in my community. Helping out and serving food at community
events gave me the opportunity to serve others. For Personal Development, I assisted at a
camp, helping take care of children. During this time, I learned to interact with different
personalities and strengthened my leadership skills. While on a swim team, I worked
toward improving my breaststroke time for my Physical Fitness portion. This allowed
me to grow in perseverance and gain mental and physical strength. For my Exploration, I
planned a ve-night trip to Washington D.C. where I enjoyed visiting the National Mall,
Arlington National Cemetery and Mount Vernon. The Congressional Award allowed for
positive growth and new experiences in my life.
Claire Fernandez
Carlsbad, California
Advisor: Karen Lonsway
Afliations: 4-H
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at Next Step Service Dogs to help train dogs
for veterans and rst responders with PTSD or TBI. I trained dogs, fostered dogs, and
puppy-sat. I’ve also been the Community Service Leader three years for the Olivenhain
Valley 4-H Club and have planned events for my whole club. For Personal Development,
I took guitar and voice lessons to increase my musical ability. Additionally, to improve
my knowledge of sheep, I raised market lambs and bred sheep for fair where I showed
them. Lastly, to work on my leadership skills, I served and was a member of my local
4-H club where I was Vice President and President. For Physical Fitness, I joined a
volleyball team and practiced and played with them for six months – we took 3
at our tournament. I also take English and Western riding lessons and compete in both
English and Western pleasure events. For my Exploration, I planned a two week trip to
Japan with my parents. During this trip we explored several cities in Japan, saw many
historical landmarks, and tried new food. I learned a lot about Asian culture, and it was a
trip I won’t forget. Earning the Congressional Award was a lot of hard work, but I learned
a ton and it was worth it.
Ethan Posard
Encinitas, California
Advisor: Dr. Laura de Ghetaldi
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of community service under the
direction of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Chapters and community
partners to promote public health and disease prevention. I was selected as a speaker at
the AAP FL Conference and Immunization Summit. Science communication through
art was my Personal Development activity. I learned to surf for the Physical Fitness
program area. My Exploration was a cultural immersion trip sponsored by the Seminole
Nation Tribal Health Department to tour Central and Southern Florida speaking to
Native children about disease prevention, literacy, healthy eating habits, and drinking
water instead of sugary drinks. By participating in the Congressional Award, I gained
communication skills, personal condence, and empowerment through hard work, goal
setting, and helping others.
Margaret Sugarman
Encinitas, California
Advisor: Nancy Gray
Afliations: Discovery Bound NLC
For Voluntary Public Service, I created a program called “The Honeybee Road Show”
which teaches children about the vital role honeybees play in our world. I recognized
that children in my community were disconnected from animals & agriculture, so I
organized and led tours and events at my farm. I also volunteered at a horse rescue. For
my Personal Development, I worked to become a better public speaker by competing
in speech competitions across my state. Fashion design and sewing became a huge
passion for me after learning to sew in 4-H Club and winning California State Fashion
Revue with my designs. For Physical Fitness, I trained with my horse and competed in
equestrian sport, Three Day Eventing, all over California. Over the years, we improved as
a team and climbed through the levels of eventing. This summer, we have qualied for a
championship show in Montana and we are training hard to be ready. For my Expedition,
I traveled to the east coast where I hiked a section of the Appalachian trail in Virginia and
went white water rafting in the Carolinas. The scenery was gorgeous, and I really fell in
love with the southeast. I am so grateful that I participated in the Congressional Award
because by setting goals in the four program areas, it encouraged me to become a well-
rounded person and develop a unique variety of diverse skills and interests.
Peter Ze
San Clemente, California
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
During the process of achieving my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I helped in many
public well-fare programs to complete my Voluntary Public Service. One of the most
memorable service activities I did was serving a soup kitchen that provided free food
for local homeless people. Not only did I helped local homeless people, I also learned
practical skills like frying an egg. As an international student that rst came to America
during my middle school years, I focused on improving my English communication skills
for Personal Development. In my free time, I concentrated on doing English composition
problems and listening to podcasts about English communication. For Physical Fitness,
I focused on improving my tennis skills. In completing these goals, I practiced at least
once a month with my peers in school. In my free time, I also joined tennis clubs and
took lessons outside of school to improve my skills in serving and backhand. For my
Expedition goals, I went to China for over a week and learned many historical and
interesting facts about this ancient civilization. I visited museums and walked down the
ancient streets in Southern China. I also visited the temples and the great mountains in
Evan Morgan
Poway, California
Advisor: Roger Dohm
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
Serving the homeless to ensure basic needs were met was by far the most impactful part
of my Voluntary Public Service work. From creating hundreds of sack lunches to building
homes in Mexico, I not only gained new perspectives on basic needs, I also had a hand in
supporting self-sufciency. For my Personal Development, I focused on my participation
as a camp counselor through Boy Scouts. Serving for three years as a National Youth
Leadership camp counselor within the Boy Scouts of America organization taught me to be
a servant leader; an ideology that emphasizes the group over individual interests. For my
Physical Fitness goal, I received a Kukkiwon black belt in taekwondo. For my Exploration
I took a trip to New York City – urban exploration is epic in New York City. From
Washington Heights to the southern tip, I found monuments, statues and museums that only
expanded my love of art. Perhaps my favorite destination was Langston Hughes’ residence,
which brought to life his poem, “I, Too”! The experiences I had while working toward the
Congressional Award Gold Medal brought me to neighborhoods and people that would
were foreign to me. Going through this program has been deeply impactful and meaningful.
Anthony O’Leary
San Diego, California
Advisor: Sabrina Goosby
Afliations: American Red Cross, National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked with Voices for Children, who provide Court-
Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) for foster youth. I gave speeches at fundraising
events and served on a panel to recruit new CASAs. CASAs give a voice to foster
youth in an overburdened system. For Personal Development, I represented the youth
in my district on the San Diego Youth Commission, appointed by the Mayor of San
Diego. I also recorded my original music in a local studio. Additionally, I started my
own organization to help foster youth. For Physical Fitness, I worked out to improve my
overall tness. Then, I participated in three high school sports: football, basketball and
baseball. In football, I had never played before, so I worked hard to make the varsity
team and we made it to the seminals of the California State Championships. For my
Expedition, having never been in snow before, I went on a snowboarding trip to Utah.
I also went on my rst camping trip; a four-day campout at a nearby lake. I tried new
adventures including kayaking, mountain hiking, snorkeling, and visited historical sites
in California. I had new experiences that I never would have had, and I have personally
developed skills that will help me in college and in my future career, thus I am thankful to
the Congressional Award Program.
Bahara Amiri
Denver, Colorado
Advisor: Heather Chol
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
Denver International Airport by staying in one of the information booths and answering
passengers’ questions about the airport. I also tutored elementary school students on their
math assignments. For Personal Development, I applied to the travel retailer Paradies
Lagardere for a part-time job at Denver International Airport. My duties were to take care
of the customers, clean the store, and work as a cashier. For Physical Fitness, I joined
volleyball, basketball, and soccer varsity teams in my school. I attended after-school
practices for 2 hours each day, ve days a week, and played in all of the games. For my
Expedition, I planned a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park for 4 nights. During
our camping trip, we visited Yellowstone River, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone,
Grand Prismatic Spring and many more. I also experienced an unexpected rain, but
overall it was a very fun trip. Ever since I started participating in The Congressional
Award program, I’ve experienced a whole new life through working and volunteering,
improving my communication skills, and learning to always follow my dreams.
Nour Abouyoussef
Centennial, Colorado
Advisor: Osman Demir
To achieve my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered in my local library to help
my community. I shelved books and other media and registered library patrons in a
summer reading program for children of all ages. I also helped in my school by tutoring
middle school students. For my Personal Development, I wanted to expand my horizons
and learn about various topics. I took part in many clubs and teams in school. I was
in Apocalypse club for the rst half of my 9th grade, Korean club for the second half,
along with the Math Olympiad for 10th and 11th grade. I also was part of the Robotics
club for 3 years, starting from 10th grade to 12th grade. Ever since ninth grade, I was
part of two sports: Tae Kwon Do and swimming, which I used to complete my Physical
Fitness goals. In Tae Kwon Do, I learned Korean martial arts, and I am now a rst-degree
black belt. In swimming, I learned and mastered all the skills that are part of swimming
competitively. For my Expedition, I went to two trips; one about hunting, and the other
about art and local marine activities. I travelled to Granby, Colorado to learn how to
hunt using a rearm. In Laguna Beach, California and Newport Beach, California, I
visited the local art festivals, went shing, and explored the marine life. In earning the
Congressional Award Gold Medal, I learned how to organize my activities, and for that I
am grateful.
Adam Mohmand
Aurora, Colorado
Advisor: Serkan Danisman
Afliations: National Honor Society, United States Air Force, United States Marine
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I signed up for every single volunteering event
I saw throughout the years and learned that I truly get a thrill out of volunteering because
I nd it to be fun and I know I’m helping people in my community. For my Personal
Development, I focused on my participation in the Air Force Junior Reserve Ofcers’
Training Corps. Signing up for drill team, color guard, and senior staff had no bearing on
my class performance, but it developed me as a leader. It was denitely worth waking up
at 5:00 AM every day and getting to school at 6:15 AM for these voluntary opportunities.
In completing my Physical Fitness goals, I found that exercising was something I really
enjoyed. I took up Taekwondo and got in really good shape. I then continued to take
classes at the gym and strengthen myself. For my Exploration, I planned a trip to the
United Kingdom. It was an absolutely magical place. I believe everyone needs to go at
least once in their life. The Congressional Award denitely makes me feel recognized
for all the hard work I put in over the years and motivated me to become the person I am
Madison Henry
South Glastonbury, Connecticut
Advisor: Clay Miles
My Voluntary Public Service goals were to help young kids learn about their community
through sailing in Jamestown, Rhode Island and marine life as well as help citizens in
the town of Tobatí in Paraguay. I also volunteered at a Meals on Wheels service in a
town near me. My Personal Development goals included learning techniques in sailing
as well as how to create entertaining videos of me and my friends during fun times in our
lives. My Physical Fitness goals included improving my basketball skills by staying after
practice as well as working on my own during the off season. I also achieved my goal
by gaining all exibility and muscle back after my ACL reconstruction surgery. For my
Exploration, I went to a farm in Alburgh, Vermont where I learned how to milk cows and
the maple sugaring technique. This lifestyle is very different than mine in Connecticut.
Gabriella Lowe-Owens
Farmington, Connecticut
Advisor: Vera Polacek
Afliations: Special Olympics
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered with Special Olympics, the
Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and travelled to Neply, Haiti. I helped organize logistics
and escorted the competitors at the Special Olympics, volunteered at shelters and local
businesses with Jack and Jill, and helped with construction, tutoring, and laundry in
Neply. For my Personal Development, I studied Chinese, explored my artistic abilities
in different forms, and improved my public speaking abilities. This proved benecial
when I won the student elections. For Physical Fitness, I participated on a club soccer
team and the high school track and eld team. I achieved my personal goal for the
mile and 100-meter hurdles, and vastly improved upon my soccer defensive abilities.
Lastly, I planned a ve-night camping trip to the Berkshires. We went on hikes and
went through an extensive wilderness survival course that culminated in us becoming
certied wilderness rst aid responders. Through my work on the Congressional Award,
I have become more goal-oriented, and now have a better understanding of the impact an
individual can make in their community.
Emily Bergwall
Darien, Connecticut
Advisor: Kristin White
For my Voluntary Public Service, I participated as an active member of a local
Emergency Medical Services organization in my Town called Darien EMS Post 53. I
volunteered several hours a month to serve on an ambulance providing emergency
medical assistance in my town in several roles and ultimately as a State certied EMT.
For my Personal Development, I attended a 120-hour class to obtain my Connecticut
State EMT Certication. This involved classroom time as well as passing several
practical and written exams. I also attended monthly training sessions to improve
my skills and knowledge as an Emergency Medical Technician. For my Physical
Fitness goals, I played year-round soccer on my school varsity team and various club
teams. I set goals to improve my strength and speed on the ball and to be a starter and
valuable contributor on my teams in several positions. For my Exploration, I planned
a trip to France to explore and learn about the French culture in both the city and the
countryside. I also explored the gluten free food options in the country to determine how
well someone with celiac could manage visiting or living in the country. It was a great
experience and helped me to greatly improve my goal-setting and time management
Jack Ferreira
Trumbull, Connecticut
Advisor: Debbie Noack
For my Voluntary Public Service, which is the work I am most proud of within my
Congressional Award journey, I worked with an inner-city theatre group doing cabaret
shows. I made life-long friends and gained real-life experiences of working in the theatre.
For my Personal Development, I focused on my theatre skills as well. I was able to
move up from an usher to performing as an award-nominated lead character on stage. It
was a four-year journey that lead me to declare my major in college and begin a career
on Broadway. Also in college, I started to focus on becoming more physically t and
walk off what was almost my ‘freshman 15’. To achieve my Physical Fitness goal, I
implemented a walking/exercise routine into my lifestyle. It was important for me to
be healthy. The Exploration program area allowed me to travel to Illinois to research
some of the most famous museums in the United States. The research I did and rsthand
experience there allowed me to begin developing an app for the world-famous Barnum
Museum. It was a dream come true to earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal. I am so
proud of this honor and have found a great sense of accomplishment from being a Gold
Jake McGillion-Moore
Westport, Connecticut
Advisor: Kathy Lupoli
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
My Voluntary Public Service focused on supporting those in my local community. I was
able to use organizations in my school, Boy Scout troop, and church and concentrated
my efforts on a small number of worthy organizations including tutoring at a local
school for underprivileged children and serving at a nearby food pantry. I used Personal
Development as an opportunity to expand on areas I am passionate about - fencing,
neuroscience, and music. I became a nationally rated referee, performed at local and
regional music events, and had the opportunity to work on a neurological research
project. I structured my Physical Fitness through many hours of training and competing
as a fencer. I also added conditioning and additional instruction which allowed me to
show huge improvements in my performance as an athlete. I had the unique opportunity
to explore the city of Vienna, Austria. My Exploration included experiencing local
food, music, architecture, and learning about the history of the city. The highlight was
attending a ballet performance at the internationally renowned Vienna Opera House. The
Congressional Award provided a structure and motivation for me to get involved with my
local community and also to challenge myself to learn new things and to participate in
many once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
James Munroe
Weatogue, Connecticut
Advisor: Richard Ryan
Afliations: Special Olympics
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
the FIDELCO Guide Dog Foundation and the Pelican Eagle Tutoring Project. At
FIDELCO, I helped socialize and train German Shepherd puppies as seeing eye dogs for
blind veterans. For my Personal Development, I took up gardening, dog training, and
photography. For my Physical Fitness goal, I became competitive with powerlifting. My
goal was to bench 225 pounds and deadlift 365 pounds. I achieved this through specic
diet and programming. Additionally, I wanted to run a mile under eight minutes which I
achieved. For my Expedition, I went to Vancouver, Canada, and went on extensive hikes,
bike rides, and runs. In addition, I experienced much of the culture, history, and artifacts
that Vancouver has to offer. I even hiked the infamous Grouse Grind, which is a rigorous
two-mile steep mountain climb. The Congressional Award was an immensely enriching
experience that pushed me to step out of my comfort zone to personally benet myself
and my community for the greater good.
Lee Clyne
Washington, District of Columbia
Advisor: Amanda Choutka
Afliations: American Red Cross, HOBY, National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered over 150 hours in The George Washington
University Hospital and contributed over 500 hours to campus community-building by
leading organizations and programming for the benet of marginalized students and
communities throughout my high school and college experiences. For my Personal
Development, I worked over 600 hours in several part-time jobs. I dedicated over 400 hours
to political activism through congressional internships by serving constituents, individual
organizing, and within The Human Rights Campaign lobbying, canvassing, and organizing
for progressive legislation and candidates. I contributed to environmental sustainability
as well as my Physical Fitness goals by switching to walking and biking as a main source
of transportation in commuting to work and school. I committed to a routine of consistent
swimming in college, increasing my goals to improve my health. For my Exploration, I
traveled from DC to Baltimore and New York City for ve days, visiting a culturally historic
site, The Stonewall Inn in New York City, and gaining skills and condence in organizing
independent travel. Through my activities I’ve developed condence and interpersonal skills
that will be essential to my future as a medical provider. I’ve had the chance to serve my
communities through my time spent volunteering, and I have gained from those experiences
opportunities to meet people and do fullling work as well as valuable skills in goal-setting
and patience; these skills will serve me well in the long academic path ahead of me.
Lauren Eavenson
St Augustine, Florida
Advisor: Janet Koehler
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service, I helped raise awareness about local environmental
issues and contributed research towards conservation efforts surrounding them. I worked
with my local research reserve on research projects and organized public outreach
programs. For my Personal Development, I became a certied catechist in my diocese
and taught as a head catechist in an advanced religious education class. I prepared for
this role by attending lectures, serving as an assistant catechist, and volunteering as a
sacramental preparation peer minister. In pursuit of my initial Physical Fitness goals,
I began swimming year-round and participated in strength building classes. Unable to
continue swimming for health reasons, I began physical therapy and Pilates classes to
improve my balance and joint control. For my Expedition, I planned a ve-day, four-
night canoe camping trip for my father and I on the Suwannee River. This was something
I had never done before and had an amazing experience. I hope to conduct a similar trip
this summer.
Katherine Gates
Callahan, Florida
Advisor: Anderson Foote
Afliations: 4-H
I’m earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I dedicated over 400 hours of
Voluntary Public Service to 4-H Club. I volunteered as a day camp counselor, taught
emergency preparedness classes at state level 4-H events, and participated in many other
county and state level service-learning projects. For Personal Development, I spent
time as an intern for a dog trainer. I learned basic Dutch marker training techniques,
time-management practices, and communication skills when working with clients.
For Physical Fitness, I trained for and ran the DONNA half marathon twice. I also
trained and competed in horseback riding for AQHA and 4-H horse shows. For my
Exploration, I spent almost three weeks in Panajachel, Guatemala learning Spanish at
Spanish immersion school and participating in medical clinics. I spent my time in the
clinics working in the pharmacy and entertaining the local children. Participating in the
Congressional Award program has encouraged me to pursue excellency in my everyday
life and to not settle for anything less.
Ruhika Lankalapalli
Sanford, Florida
Advisor: Leah Gentry
Afliations: 4-H, Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I worked with my robotics team to teach
kids about STEM in my area. In addition, I put together and sent Spark Science kits to
underprivileged kids around the world. For Personal Development, I played violin in a
youth Indian American orchestra that performed in cultural events in the community. For
my Physical Fitness activity, I served as co-captain of my varsity tennis team and played
in local tournaments around central Florida. Finally, for my Exploration, I took a trip to
learn about our country’s government in Washington DC. I loved seeing the museums
and experiencing some of the great cultural events in the area, and I am grateful to the
Congressional Award program as it has had a positive impact on my life.
Sierra Tagman
Orlando, Florida
Advisor: Andrea Balanzategui
In order to complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I focused on volunteering at my
local Veterans Affairs facility in order to honor and give back to those who have served
our country. As music has always been an important inuence on me throughout my life,
I focused my Personal Development goal on improving my guitar skills. This allowed
me to learn a great deal about myself and about music. The majority of my Physical
Fitness activities were centered around volleyball, as I have been playing volleyball since
fourth grade and wanted to improve my skills and focus on a specic area of physical
activity. For my Expedition and Exploration goals, I helped plan a number of my family
trips in the past two years and also planned a couple of trips within Denmark while I
was an exchange student there. The Congressional Award allowed me to learn more
about myself, to become more physically skilled in a sport that I love, to give back to the
community, and learn lifelong planning skills.
Mark Lee
Vero Beach, Florida
Advisor: Lori Humenik
I garnered most of my Voluntary Public Service hours from summer mission trips to
underserved communities. My favorite trip included serving mentally and/or physically
disabled people. For my Personal Development activities, I took up acting at my local
theater. Being on stage denitely helped me learn to perform under pressure. I did a lot
of different activities for my Physical Fitness goal. My favorite activities in this program
area were baseball and cross-country. My Expedition was a trip to Canada with my
brothers. We went on several hikes in the mountains near Calgary. The Congressional
Award program has helped me improve in the areas I was lacking, especially in diligence
and accountability.
Cassandra James
Kissimmee, Florida
Advisor: Tess Carr
To earn the Gold Medal, I served as a leader and mentor for my speech and debate
club. I built a mentorship program pairing older, more experienced competitors with
novices to encourage the next generation of speakers to hone their performance skills
and advocate for the causes they care about. For my Personal Development, I focused
on becoming a better public speaker by actively competing in speech and debate. After
crafting a consistent practice schedule, I was able to sharpen my speaking ability and
become a National Champion in Open Interpretation and After Dinner Speaking. For my
Physical Fitness portion, I ran two miles a day at a consistent pace. This helped me bring
my mile time from 11 minutes to 8 minutes, allowing me to successfully run a 5k race
and later hike up an entire mountain in less than an hour. Based on my love of French
history, culture, and language, I planned and executed an Exploration to France. On that
trip, I learned about historical sites such as Notre Dame, Versailles, and the Louvre, all
while practicing the French language and immersing myself in an unfamiliar culture. The
Congressional Award helped me discover the power of committing to my passions in a
way that was not only personally benecial but allowed me to make a meaningful impact
in my community.
Jessica Bennett
Oldsmar, Florida
Advisor: Judy Brauner
I performed Voluntary Public Service for causes to improve literacy and STEM
knowledge, including First Book, which provides books to kids in need. I taught
engineering in my community and provided specialized literacy materials to retired
residents. In order to achieve my Personal Development goal of improving my musical
ability on the piano, I took weekly piano lessons, practiced at home, and performed in
recitals with other students twice a year. For Physical Fitness, I improved my golf ability.
I practiced a lot by myself, in group and private lessons, and with my school golf team. I
participated in competitions with family and tournaments with the school team. For my
Exploration, I traveled to places in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states where I hadn’t
been before to learn more about the history and environment of that area. While planning
this trip, I examined historical locations and places that were indicative of the area’s
environment and culture. Now that I’ve participated in the Congressional Award, I’ve
learned a lot about how my actions can make an impact.
Tanner Smith
New Port Richey, Florida
Advisor: Chris Borneth
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed 434 volunteer hours with Toys for Tots to collect,
sort and distribute toys to children in need. I also conducted several Cardboard Campouts
to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless and to collect hundreds of pounds of
canned foods to support those in need. For my Personal Development, I worked with
a leadership development group to learn valuable skills such as how to give a proper
handshake and table manners. I also focused on resume development and interview
skills. All these activities proved successful as I was able to obtain a job after my rst
interview. For my Physical Fitness, I devoted 880 hours to physical conditioning. The
hard work was benecial as I was able to qualify for the Junior Olympics in all three of
my events: shot put, discus and javelin. For my Expedition, I spent six days camping
and hiking in the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park. I experienced strenuous
hiking at high elevations, observed beautiful plants and wildlife, and experienced
geological discovery and immersion in the Native American Culture as I learned about
life on reservations. The Congressional Award afforded me the opportunity to grow and
explore in ways I never imagined and assisted in my development as a responsible adult
while I gained the realization that I can make a difference through volunteering in my
Michael LaShon Everhart
Clearwater, Florida
Advisor: Teresa Freeman
Afliations: YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
KidsZone for special needs children, the YMCA, and for ood victims in Missouri.
For Personal Development, I created lms for drama therapy for behavior analysts to
assist the individuals with meeting their mental health goals. For my Physical Fitness
portion, I dedicated myself to training and playing with Nike and Elite amateur basketball
teams for the Amateur Athletic Union. This led to me developing myself physically, and
honing my basketball skills to secure a position as a starting guard for college. Finally,
for my Expedition I planned a six-day, ve night trip to Puerto Rico to learn about the
culture and territory. Using Spanish I learned while in high school prepared me for my
encounters. The Congressional Award was a life-changing experience that taught me what
my time and efforts can be worth.
Alexander Goetschius
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Advisor: Elizabeth Stewart
Afliations: National Honor Society
The majority of my Voluntary Public Service was dedicated to serving at The Jupiter Inlet
Lighthouse, a Florida historical site that was built in 1860. During my time as a docent, I
hosted 45-minute historical tours, monitored the museum and answered visitor questions.
I focused my Personal Development on growing my prociency as a piano player. I am
inspired by learning challenging musical pieces in varying genres. My sight reading
uency and improvisational ability have greatly improved to allow me to play any piece
of music. For my Physical Fitness goal, I worked to become an impact lacrosse player for
my high school, which continues to be an important goal for me. This requires discipline,
consistency, agility, and overall strong physicality. My focus in this area helped me to
be a more disciplined player with a diversied skill set. My love of U.S. history and
history overall easily led me to Boston for my Exploration. From Bunker Hill to the John
F. Kennedy Presidential library to the NE Genealogical Society, my exploration was a
deep dive into the incredible history of Boston, a city lled with American patriotism and
pride. The Congressional Award process has enabled me to set critical goals and to have
a purpose in each important aspect of my life. It has helped me to continue to strive for
excellence, success, and balance.
Keelie Hanley
Jupiter, Florida
Advisor: Andrew Schaller
Afliations: Key Club
I decided that I would log my Voluntary Public Service with the Homeless Coalition of
Palm Beach County and I worked with my dad and his catering company to make meals
for the homeless. When we delivered the meals, we would always serve them; by doing
this I tried to offer my compassion and time through food. My Personal Development
goal was to gain more experience, precision in the design and writing style of newspaper
articles. I worked to increase my level of expertise in the computer programs, In-design
and Photoshop, to master my design. I also researched and practiced writing articles in
many different styles. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve my skills in volleyball
and add strength and precision to my serve. In order to accomplish this I spent many
hours a month doing upper body exercises and cardio in order to increase my overall
tness level. By increasing physical strength, I was able to accomplish my goal. My
family moved to Pennsylvania from Romania in the early 1900s. I decided to spend my
Exploration in places that were signicant to my family’s cultural background and life
experience. This includes the Romanian classroom with the cultural hall of University of
Pittsburgh. I spent a week exploring these sites This experience has taught me to be more
open-minded and generous with my time; it has also taught me the gratication and pride
that can be gained through working hard and serving others.
Rileigh Hanley
Jupiter, Florida
Advisor: Andrew Schaller
I spent over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service preparing meals to donate to the
Homeless Coalition of the Palm Beaches and I served them to the people who were in
need. My goal was to show my compassion through the food that I made with my dad.
I spent countless Personal Development hours creating promotional videos and news
packages in order to gain a better prociency in the editing program, premiere pro, as
well as news broadcasting in general. My Physical Fitness goal was to gain a ercer
prowess in volleyball. I spent a lot of time doing cardio exercises to increase my reaction
time on the court as well as upper body exercises to develop the force behind my spike.
My Exploration taught me about my Romania cultural heritage in Pennsylvania by taking
the time to visit the places that held signicant value for the Romanian community of
Christie Park, such as the Romanian Orthodox Catholic Church and the University of
Pittsburg’s Romanian classroom.
Royce Howley
Jensen Beach, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service. I fostered dogs from rescue
shelters in need of a home until adopted. I also volunteered at Habitat for humanity and
other organizations. For my Personal Development I prepped for the ACT exam. I got
a 30 on the ACT and hope to increase this score on my next attempt. For my Physical
Fitness, I played golf and worked out. I was able to lower my best tournament round
to a 68. For my Exploration, I went to Boston, visiting many historic sites and learning
about early American history. The Congressional Award was such a great experience that
taught me many life skills such as helping others and the community, independence, and
Maura Null
North Palm Beach, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: Key Club, National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service, I completed mission trips both nationally and
internationally serving inner-city and poverty stricken communities. I made no-sew
blankets for sick children in a local hospital and raised money for local cancer families
in nancial need. For Personal Development, I participated in local musical theatre
productions. I auditioned, rehearsed and learned public speaking skills in addition
to collaborating with cast members. For my Physical Fitness, I played for my high
school soccer and lacrosse teams developing my endurance, speed and coordination.
I was the captain of my lacrosse team senior year. I planned an Expedition to Belize,
where I experienced a variety of water sports including learning how to scuba dive.
I also immersed myself in their culture by visiting local markets. Participating in
the Congressional Award has taught me life lessons that I will never forget but most
importantly enabled me to discover my passion and love for serving others.
Harrison O’Donnell
Jupiter, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: National Honor Society
My Voluntary Public Service goal was to continue working at the Loxahatchee River
Center and teaching children more about the environment around them. I also volunteered
in many outreach programs including the Blue Blazer Project along with other things
such as beach clean ups. For my Personal Development, I charted my weight along with
the weights I was able to lift in categories such as bench, squat, and power clean. I did
this to see my progress and see what I have been able to accomplish. This chart also
kept me on track for what I needed to do better or x in my workouts. To complete my
Physical Fitness goals I spent hours almost everyday either in the weight room or outside
on the eld at practice to improve my physical health along with my skills as a football
player. For my Exploration, I planned a trip to Switzerland for my large family of ve
and it was quite the challenge. I had to adapt to language barriers and currencies along
with nding out exciting new experiences in a part of the world we have not even come
close to before.
A.J. Paksima
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: Key Club
For my Voluntary Public Service activity, I helped make blankets for St. Marys Hospital
and wrote cards for the troops overseas. Almost every month, I would go to a local
church and distributed food for the homeless. For my Personal Development I started
golng. I loved it and still play twice a week. I also learned the basics of shing. My
main Physical Fitness goal was to be able to play football for high school and becoming
better and better at the game every year. The workouts and training during the summer
were very though but I am very happy I was able to keep going and improve my strength
and conditioning. My Expedition was to Columbia. It was a memorable trip, mainly
because it was a rst for me to travel to South America. The vibrant colors of the forests,
the birds, the hikes we took and all the photographs I took will last a lifetime in my
memory. This amazing experience made me realize that it is important to stay organize
and keep a schedule in order to be productive. It was such an enriching experience that
taught me to keep going, keep discovering and mainly go out of my box to meet people.
Mariah Perez
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: National Honor Society
The majority of my Voluntary Public Service was spent with a local animal rescue
organization. I helped rescue and foster abandoned and abused puppies. For my Personal
Development activity, I took piano lessons and learned to play a variety of music genres.
I worked toward my black belt in martial arts for my Physical Fitness. My activites
included increasing my running speed and endurance. For my Exploration, I planned and
executed a trip to St. Petersburg, Florida where I explored the arts and outdoor activities
the area.
Lillian Pinkham
Jupiter Inlet Colony, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: United States Army
I completed over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service to earn the Congressional Award
Gold Medal. I spent many hours creating cards for soldiers overseas, army veterans
staying at the VA hospital, as well as critically ill children. For Personal Development,
I was able to further my love for photography by spending time photographing friends,
family, and other unique aspects of the world around me. For Physical Fitness, I was
able to develop my skill in golf. I frequently practiced my short game and long game on
my own as well as participated in weekly clinics to learn more about the sport. Finally,
for my Expedition/Exporation portion, I planned a ve-day, four-night trip to Costa
Rica. I was able to visit several cities around Costa Rica, gain a better understanding
of the interesting culture as well as viewing many beautiful and unique landmarks. The
Congressional Award was an incredible experience which not only enabled me to visit
new places, and meet new people but it also allowed me to learn more about myself.
Matthew Powers
Stuart, Florida
Advisor: Tina Hogle
In earning my Congressional Award, I completed over 450 hours of Voluntary Public
Service at the Florida Oceanographic Center. As a volunteer I educated the visitors about
the enviornment as well as beach and river clean-ups. I also helped to bag and deploy
oysters for oyster reef restoration. For my Personal Development I learned to play Piano
and performed at my High School’s Evening of the Arts. I also was Conrmed in my
Catholic faith as I had a strong devotion to better myself through religion. For Physical
Fitness I was determined to make Varsity Cross Country and Lacrosse teams. I trained
diligently and lowered my mile time and succesfully made both teams. I also achieved the
State Competition all four years for Cross Country and made a National Lacrosse team.
Finally, for my Exploration I organized 5 nights in the Florida Keys education myself
about the environment and the animals living in it. I learned about the dolphins and how
to keep them safe in the wild as well as what grasses are abundant for the sea life, as well
as how our reefs need to be conserved. The unforgettable experience I had earning my
award taught me that with hard work and determination I can achieve anything I can set
my mind to do.
Michael Powers
Stuart, Florida
Advisor: Tina Hogle
In earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 500 hours of
Voluntary Public service through the Florida Oceanographic Center. As a volunteer with
this program I was able to help bag and deploy oysters in the Indian River Lagoon. I also
help to educate visitors about the environment. For my Personal Development I wanted
to learn about my faith through Conrmation. After attending Catholic school for ten
years there was so much more to learn. For my Physical Fitness I trained for Lacrosse
and Cross Country to make the varsity teams. Determined to lower my mile time, my
Freshman year I made it to the State competition with the Varsity team and I was also
invited to play for a National Lacrosse Team as well as my High School Varsity team.
Finally, for my Exploration I organized 5 nights from the Everglades National Park to
Marathon Florida where I learned about the wildlife. I also went on a shark tagging trip
and spent time at the Turtle Hospital and Dolphin Research Center to learn about the
conservation of these wonderful animals. What I learned while earning my Congressional
Award was that perseverance and determination allowed me to see that I can achieve
success with hard work.
John R. Robinson III
Stuart, Florida
Advisor: Alexis Fontaine
Afliations: YMCA
To earn my Gold Medal, I logged over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service coaching
basketball with young players at a local YMCA and for the Treasure Coast Basketball
League. I began as an assistant coach and later became the head coach working to be
supportive, encouraging, and a positive role model. For Personal Development, I learned
the mechanics, graphics, and programming necessary to create apps. I am working on
several apps and have successfully launched one. For my Physical Fitness, I played
varsity basketball for my high school. I spent over 2,000 hours with my team and in my
senior year became captain. Lastly, for my Expedition I hiked the Inca trail to Machu
Picchu. This trip was a physical challenge, as well as an academic experience, where I
lived and learned the history of the Inca civilization. The goals that I have accomplished
for my Congressional Award helped me to be a well-rounded student, gain appreciation of
proper time management, and realize that anything can be achieved once I put my mind
to it.
Taylor Stevens
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: Key Club, National Honor Society
I have completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service through a variety of
service opportunities. A majority of my time was spent leading the Cards of Kindness
Committee in which handmade cards are created and sent to the patients of the Joe
DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. For Personal Development, I took an ACT classes with a
goal of improving my score by 3 points. I also participated in an online workout program
to improve cardio levels to benet my endurance for volleyball. For Physical Fitness,
I played volleyball for high school and travel teams. I played at practices, games, and
national tournaments. I improved from an intermediate level to an advanced level. For
my Exploration, I planned a ve-night trip to Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South
Carolina. There I explored the southern cultures and compared the two very historic and
traditional cities.
Lindsey Suncine
North Palm Beach, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
Urban Youth Impact, tutoring at-risk youth in my community in reading and math. I
also worked with Blue Water Babes to create a teen shing tournament raising money
for women suffering from breast and ovarian cancer. For Personal Development, I
scheduled weekly ACT tutoring sessions during my junior and senior year to increase my
score, resulting in my acceptance to the University of Florida. For my Physical Fitness
area, I worked to reduce my 5k running time by strength and endurance training and
frequent timed runs. I was able to successfully reduce my time by 3 minutes. Finally,
for my Exploration, I planned a ve-night trip to San Francisco where I explored historic
landmarks throughout the beautiful city and the Big Basin Redwood State Park. This
award has taught me that it’s my responsibility to give back to my community, to always
persevere in every goal I set for myself and that personal development is an exciting life-
long journey.
Lillian Tougas
Fort Pierce, Florida
Advisor: Dana Fahey
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service helping
with conservation events. I also worked many times as a citizen Scientist and an educator
on how youth can make a difference in the environment. For Personal Development, I
worked on my writing and journalism skills. I would write in my journal every night and
write pieces for Ocean Geographic as a Youth Field Journalist. For my Physical Fitness
portion, I worked on ballet and soccer, making sure to improve and be stronger in each.
For my Expedition, I planned 7 night trip to Utah, Wyoming (Yellowstone National Park),
Montana, and Idaho. I went camping, hiking, climbing waterfalls, and photographing the
most amazing views and wildlife. The Congressional Award was an amazing experience
that taught me how to set goals and be independent in achieving them. It also has inspired
me to lead a lifetime of travel and expedition, staying physical, and being the best I can
Cole Ellis
Wellington, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
To complete my Voluntary Public Service requirement, I logged over 400 hours as a tutor
in STEM-related subjects. I tutored students during my lunch time and after-school in
mathematics, ranging from Algebra I to Calculus III. For my Personal Development,
I studied to compete in Regional, State, and National competitions in Mathematics,
competing in subjects from Number Theory to Probability to Advanced Integral Calculus.
I have placed among the top 25 students in the nation in these subjects, working
individually and as a team. For my Physical Fitness, I ran Cross-Country and Track,
improving my abilities in short races and long distance. Because of Cross Country, I
have been able to participate in local 5K’s to support good causes. For my Expedition,
I planned a ve-night trip to explore San Francisco, California; Zion National Park in
Utah; and the Grand Canyon. During the hikes I learned how to push myself beyond
physical limits along with adjusting to a changing altitude, all while enjoying the scenery.
The Congressional Award truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that showed me my
passions and strengths that all lie outside the classroom.
Shravya Vasireddy
Boynton Beach, Florida
Advisor: Leslie Andreula
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 Voluntary Public Service hours at my
local hospital. I transported patients around the hospital, worked at the front desk to
check in visitors, and did clerical work in the volunteer ofce itself. For my Personal
Development, I took hour-long private ute lessons once a week and practiced for several
hours each week. I am now part of the Philharmonic Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach
County. To complete my Physical Fitness requirement, I took tennis lessons once a week
to improve my skills and increase the accuracy of my shots. Aside from the lessons, I ran
at least three times a week and did at-home workouts to strengthen my muscles. For my
Exploration, I traveled to New York City for ve days. While in New York, I explored
several different locations such as Little Italy, Chinatown, and Ellis Island to learn about
how different cultures have assimilated into New York. Participating in the Congressional
Award has provided me with a new perspective on life and has taught me the value of
hard work, altruism, and open mindedness.
Lorraine Angelakos
Coral Springs, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
With my Voluntary Public Service I made over 400 greeting cards for the military stationed
overseas and Veteran hospital patients. I also made dog collars for guide dogs at Southeastern
Guide Dogs, and I started my own nonprot “Lolo’s Cocoa”, hosting events at local children’s
hospitals. For Personal Development I participated with Florida Youth Orchestra as a
Percussionist, a member of Congressman Ted Deutch’s Youth Cabinet, participated in National
History day, with the topic of Missing and Exploited Children with personally interviewing
John Walsh, becoming a Florida nalist. For Physical Fitness I continued to grow with
mastering Greek Folk dancing from various regions of Greece. I applied to further my skills,
winning a scholarship to travel to Greece to learn dances from the area of Thessaloniki. I also
did marching band, played varsity soccer & ag football. For Exploration, I decided to travel
to Chicago and Indiana. In Indiana, I was able to explore Amish country,experiencing their
lifestyle, which was unforgettable. I traveled to Chicago and explored everything that they had
to offer, such as their architecture, museums, and famous deep dish pizza. The Congressional
Award experience took me out of my comfort zone, expanded my knowledge, strengthened
my passions and gave me new passions. More importantly, it propelled me into a lifestyle
equipped with leadership skills and goals, all with an excitement of knowing what I can
accomplish and how I can truly make a difference in the world.
Hannah Komroff
Coral Springs, Florida
Advisor: Lynn Lyons
While working towards my Voluntary Public Service goals, I made blankets for the
children at St. Mary’s Hospital, volunteered at Broward Health Coral Springs Hospital,
made dog collars for the guide dogs in training at Southeastern Guide Dogs, and
volunteered at the Coral Springs Museum of Art Camp. For Personal Development I
worked at Broward Hand Center, learning about health related careers. I also worked
on improving my skills on the French horn and becoming a better overall musician. I
participated in the marching band and soccer for Physical Fitness. I also created a tness
plan for the gym for strength training. I participated in the marching band and soccer
for Physical Fitness. I also created a tness plan for the gym for strength training. For
my Exploration I decided to travel all around California, Arizona, and Nevada. I visited
the Grand Canyon and ew in a small plane over it, which really pushed me out of my
comfort zone. This trip was amazing and I’m so glad I was able to experience everything
I did there. Pursuing the Congressional Award Gold Medal has helped me to become a
better person and pushed me out of my comfort zone. I am so thankful for the experience
and lessons learned.
Christian Petrisko
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Advisor: Missy Tougas
Afliations: National Honor Society
My Voluntary Public Service was through No Mangrove = No Man, a service project
that has been running for years. I arranged for an FIU professor to get us started. We
harvested, nurtured, and transplanted thousands of red mangrove seedlings along
Florida’s coastlines. For Personal Development, I wanted to improve my videography
skills and make better short documentaries. I was particpanted in the Congressional
Award GoPro Challenge and purchased accessories as well as a drone. I devoted many
hours to experimenting with lighting, landscapes, and underwater angles, to perfect my
techniques. I had good location as a pitcher, but for my Physical Fitness I wanted to
increase my velocity. I built up my upper body and went on a rigorous workout routine.
I was able to increase my velocity more than 10 mph. For my Expedition I arranged
to lm Galapagos Sharks, Manta Rays, and Green Sea Turtles in Hawaii for new short
documentaries. I also met with Dr. David Karl, the co-discoverer of Prochlorococcus, a
tiny organism responsible for a great deal of our oxygen. I felt the years involved with
reaching the Gold Medal were very rewarding to me in every aspect of life as I had to
push myself more than I ever dreamed possible.
Derek Petrisko
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Advisor: Missy Tougas
The non-prot I founded with my brothers, Wild Over Wildlife, has a project: “No
Mangrove = No Man”. This is where I logged my Voluntary Public Service. We harvest
thousands of red mangrove seedlings, nurture, and transplant them. Our goal is to restore
native habitats which protect communities and animals while absorbing atmospheric carbon
dioxide. For my Personal Development, I wanted to strengthen my upper body and be able
to bench press more than 150 pounds. I also wanted to work on my endurance by running
a mile in under 8 minutes. I was able to accomplish both goals through a stringent workout
routine. I am a baseball player and wanted to make the High School Junior Varsity team for
my Physical Fitness. I trained with private coaches and my brothers to achieve this goal. I
made the team as a Freshman and a Sophomore and have also improved my velocity and
accuracy as a pitcher. Some of my short documentaries have focused on shark protection
and stopping deforestation. I traveled to Costa Rica for my Expedition to investigate
illegally obtained shark ns and start a petition to stop their export. I also obtained
outstanding footage of rainforests used for another short documentary. I felt a real sense of
accomplishment upon completing my Gold Medal. The program really stresses improvement
in all areas of life, and I was physically and mentally stronger afterwards. I will never forget
the wonderful experiences I enjoyed while on this Gold Medal journey.
Jennifer Carvel
Miami, Florida
Advisor: Jennifer Callahan
I co-founded Hearts for the Homeless International, an organization aimed at providing
free blood pressure screenings as a part of my Voluntary Public Service. As secretary and
co-founder, I attended biweekly blood pressure screenings and hosted clothing drives to
donate to the homeless community. For Personal Development I practiced meditation
and yoga daily to combat stress in my life and improve my physical and mental
health. For Physical Fitness I trained for and ran a half-marathon (13.1 miles). For my
Expedition I planned a trip and traveled to Oahu, Hawaii where I explored the cultural
traditions and natural beauty of Hawaii.
David Edeneld
Savannah, Georgia
Advisor: Tracy Wood
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service, I worked at a Georgia state park, Wormsloe, doing
general yard work and helping at public events. I also served meals to families who had
a relative in ICU at Memorial Hospital, and lead a service project of building shelves
for the band at my public high school. For my personal development, I attended the
Savannah Engineering Academy at Armstrong State University where I was able to
learn about many different elds of engineering. I have also been a part of the Savannah
Science Seminar and I took private music lessons on the piano and clarinet. For Physical
Fitness, I participated on the track team at school and played soccer in 8th grade and my
high school sophomore year. I ran on my own time as well to stay in shape for my school
sports. For my Expedition, I hiked on the Appalachian Trail for one week from Amicalola
Falls to Neels Gap, sleeping in shelters on the trails and carrying my supplies with me.
My overall experience in earning the Congressional Award was very enjoyable because
even though it was hard work I was able to have fun and learn about many new skills and
interests that I have.
Ridhi Choragudi
Johns Creek, Georgia
Advisor: Angela Marten
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
My Voluntary Public Service was spent at the NICU at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital
consistently for many years. As I plan on going into a career in medicine, this volunteer
experience helped me learn about my future career and everything it entailed. For my
Personal Development I wanted to become a better violinist, working on things such as
shifting, tone quality, vibrato, etc. I practiced a couple hours a week along with taking
some private classes. I went to the gym multiple times a week to keep up my Physical
Fitness. As my schedule and medical reasons didn’t allow me to do intense sports
as school, going to the gym was my way of staying in shape. I went to Blue Ridge,
Georgia for my Expedition. Blue Ridge is home to hundreds of waterfalls and is every
adventurers dream. I learned so much about proper packing for a long day’s worth of
hiking and exploring. It was a very long journey, making me consistently keep up with
my promises to myself for many years.
Haig Baird Kazazian
Atlanta, Georgia
Advisor: Kevin Wyckoff
Afliations: YMCA
For Voluntary Public Service, I instructed children with additional needs in tennis and
enrichment activities. I led an outdoor awareness program to preserve natural spaces,
conserve the environment, and support people with diverse backgrounds, and serve
the community. For Personal Development, I pursued interests in politics, leadership,
international affairs, and economics. I interned for a gubernatorial campaign, participated
in Model UN, and learned about the protection of human rights through the UNICEF
and The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief. As a member of the Varsity tennis team
and tournament payer, I logged my Physical Fitness hours increasing my consistency in
hitting forehand/backhand cross courts as well as improving the depth and spin of my
ball, allowing more consistency with my shots. For the Expedition component, I planned
a 5 day canoeing and camping expedition down the St. Mary’s River and Okefenokee
Swamp. I paddled 40-60 miles noting differences between plants and wildlife. Earning
the Gold Medal has given me the mindset that although I play a small part in a larger
world, I am a catalyst for improving lives of others, especially from war-torn and
impoverished countries.
Albert Zhang
Marietta, Georgia
Advisor: Juan Acosta
Afliations: National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service, I coached table tennis at my local club and hosted
charity tournaments. For my Personal Development, I increased my experience in
journalism through becoming an editor of my school newspaper and learned to write in
different genres of creative writing such as poetry, short story, creative nonction, and
spoken word. For Physical Fitness, I improved my running speed by running under 18
minutes and 30 seconds in the cross country 5k, more than ve minutes faster than my
time in my rst season of running cross country. For my Exploration, I travelled from
Atlanta to Lookout Mountain and then to Chattanooga to immerse myself in nature and
improve my knowledge of Civil War history. Completing the Congressional Award has
increased my development in all areas physical, mental, and academic.
Justin Lee
Suwanee, Georgia
Advisor: Sunny Kim
To achieve my Voluntary Public Service goal, I brought books, workbooks, and supplies
to a local refugee community and taught underprivileged children basic math, reading,
and writing skills. I was able to accomplish my goal by diligently working with fellow
volunteers to coordinate lesson plans and bring supplies. My Personal Development
goal was to develop my writing skills, so I decided to read a certain number of books
of the canon to help my literacy as well as emulate great writers of the past. Also, I
tried learning at least 5 new higher-level vocabulary words to improve my lexicon. My
Physical Fitness goal was to improve my tennis game, so I went outside and practiced
my serve to improve net play. I also physically conditioned myself to withstand the
sweltering midday heat of tennis courts during the summer seasons. I have been able to
win more tournaments and matches ever since. My Expedition goal was to increase my
appreciation for nature as well as expand my perspective of the world, especially since
I have spent most of my life living in the suburbs. I was able to plan and pack a trip to
the Smoky Mountains to hike and bike on the nature trails. Overall, participating in this
experience has taught me how to accomplish big dreams by setting small goals along the
way and using motivation from my peers to persevere during difcult times.
Manas Mudunuri
Cumming, Georgia
Advisor: Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley
400 hours of Voluntary Public Service can be a huge task for most people. However,
I was able to complete it through perseverance and dedication. The number of hours I
volunteered was not the main concern for me; it was to ensure that I was giving back to
my community with my full potential. For my Personal Development I picked up the
tabla. I have been able to focus and have been able to master the this instrument. Patience
and practice helped me succeed in this journey and the hours spent on the tabla was just
an additional factor. My passion for golf assisted me through the steps of achieving the
Physical Fitness portion of this medal. I viewed this section of the award as more of an
interest rather than just playing the sport for the hours. Planning and execution were the
keys to having a successful 2 week Expedition to India. Every day is a new experience,
and being able to adapt quickly to the culture and society helped execute my plans
smoothly. The Congressional Award serves as a key spot in my life because it allowed me
to combine all my interests and skills in order to achieve something prestigious.
Cutler Shiver
Watkinsville, Georgia
Advisor: Janet Smith
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
My Voluntary Public Service beneted my local community when I worked to alleviate
hunger by helping at the Food Bank and serving at a Homeless shelter. I helped the
global community by building a Monarch Buttery Waystation that helps the pollinators
stay healthy on their migration to Mexico. For Personal Development, I learned about
the world around me by earning Merit Badges concerning nature, animals, birds, land,
rivers and the ocean. I learned about underwater life and got scuba certied. For Physical
Fitness, I trained to decrease my 5K time and because I did, I was able to win a local
race. For my Expedition, I backpacked 75 miles over 10 days at Philmont Scout Ranch in
New Mexico. I have seen views that were too beautiful to describe. I took away a sense
of accomplishment, better physical health, a bond with friends that will last a lifetime,
and a new knowledge of my abilities. Because of the Congressional Award, I learned
about the needs around me, the generosity of people, the effects of volunteerism, and I’ve
become a better me.
Emily De Wulf
Hilo, Hawaii
Advisor: Ethan Slusher
Afliations: Discovery Bound NLC, Special Olympics
For my Voluntary Public Service, I started a nonprot that provides women with pre-paid
cell phones for access to emergency services. I also tutored inmates at the Cumberland
County Prison to prepare for the GRE. For my Personal Development, I participated in
singing and guitar lessons. For Physical Fitness, I played basketball, soccer and lacrosse.
For my Expedition I traveled to France to explore the country by myself. I organized all
components of my trip.
Aila Carr-Chellman
Moscow, Idaho
Advisor: Steven Daley-Laursen
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, YMCA
My Voluntary Public Service to earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal included
Human Rights International and a trip to Mexico to save baby turtles. For Personal
Development, my brothers and I started a rock band and played many gigs around our
hometown of Moscow, Idaho. I learned about the music business, honed my skills as a
vocalist and learned to play the bass guitar. I logged my Physical Fitness at the North
Idaho Athletic Club, and I am happy to have set myself up for a lifetime of healthy
active living. For my Exploration I explored Austin, Texas. Being from a small town, it
was really important to me to learn about a bigger city and I really enjoyed the culture
and music scene in Austin. John F. Kennedy said, “Efforts and courage are not enough
without purpose and direction.” The Congressional Award has given me a structure for
that purpose and direction. It has been an amazing 3 years of my life and has given me so
many positive lifelong habits.
Asher Carr-Chellman
Moscow, Idaho
Advisor: Steven Daley-Laursen
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, YMCA
My Voluntary Public Service activity included my Eagle Scout project, which benetted
my former community in State College, Pennsylvania. For Personal Development, my
brother and sister and I started a rock band and played professionally in Moscow, Idaho.
I spent a lot of time learning to play the guitar and how to use a looping pedal to enhance
our sound. The YMCA and North Idaho Athletic Club were the center for my Physical
Fitness activity. I established a healthy tness routine and work out regularly now—and
plan to for life. For my Expedition I explored New York City. Having spent my life
in small college towns, I really wanted to test my big-city skills. My work in service
and tness have built lifelong patterns and habits. My Dad says, “You are what you
repeatedly do,” and the Award has really illustrated that for me.
Jules Carr-Chellman
Mosow, Idaho
Advisor: Steven Daley-Laursen
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, YMCA
My Voluntary Public Service area was primarily my Eagle Scout project which beautied
a parking lot wall and added plantings in State College, Pennsylvania. For Personal
Development, my brother and sister and I started a rock band, The Free Range Children,
and played professionally in Moscow, Idaho. I am a bass player, but learned to play
drums for the band. I worked out at the YMCA and North Idaho Athletic Club for my
Physical Fitness. This experience really established my lifelong habits for tness. I have
lived all my life in small towns so for my Exploration I explored Las Vegas. It was a huge
learning experience to be in such a big and exotic city. I have learned and gained so much
from the Congressional Award experience.
Kyler Liscinski
Caldwell, Idaho
Advisor: Angie Cox
In earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I volunteered in the Memory Care
division of a local Senior Community, as well as in a third grade classroom. I also
volunteered at the Humane Society, caring for dogs in the shelter. I attained my Personal
Development goal by continuing my STEM education in programming and robotics,
achieving the highest level possible in my program. By establishing a regular work-
out routine, consisting of jogging, sprints and distance running, I was prepared for my
Physical Fitness goal of running the Sawtooth Relay race for a total of 10.47 miles.
My Expedition consisted of a 5-day, 20 mile backpacking trip along the Toxaway Loop
through the Sawtooth Mountains. During this Expedition, my uncle and I explored
5 mountain lakes and traversed 4 creek crossings while gaining almost 3,000 miles
in elevation. Through my participation in the Congressional Award program I have
developed perseverance and determination and have come to see the impact I can have by
engaging in my community.
Quincey Lochard
Meridian, Idaho
Advisor: Teresa Rostron
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I spent time serving at a local nursing
home visiting, performing ute, and making handmade cards for the residents. I served at
a local dance studio outreach to economically underprivileged children by demonstrating
dance movements in jazz and ballet. To complete my Personal Development goal, I
worked diligently to improve my ute playing abilities. I mastered each level of the
Rubank Method: Flute music lesson books, performing and competing on ute as various
opportunities became available. My goal for Physical Fitness was to complete sixteen
fouetté turns en demi-pointe on the right and the left foot, separately. I attended several
weekly ballet, jazz, pointe, and stretch/strengthening classes. Additionally, I participated
in dance performances, and eventually achieved my goal. For my Expedition, I spent a
week living on a Spanish-speaking farm in rural Idaho. I enjoyed many challenging and
entertaining experiences: milking goats, caring for lambs, caring for cows, irrigating
elds, preparing meals, and practicing basic Spanish. What a wonderfully fullling
opportunity! Although much time, effort, energy and sacrice were required to complete
the goals I set for myself, I am exceedingly grateful for the Congressional Award program
and the many ways it has caused me to emerge a better individual and citizen.
Sydney Davis
Boise, Idaho
Advisor: Teresa Poppen
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed my Voluntary Public Service goals by serving as a
peer tutor, working as a basketball volunteer, helping as a counselor/volunteer at a STEM
camp, and leading the Spanish Assistance Center. For Personal Development, I learned
team building and leadership skills associated with basketball through studying both
independently and with my basketball coaches. I also engaged in an independent study
in Spanish to improve my language skills and cultural understanding. To complete my
Physical Fitness goals, I doubled my points per game average in basketball and increased
my bench press weight by 45-50%. Finally, for the Expedition/Exploration portion, I
traveled to New York City to explore the important landmarks, the art and architecture,
and the culture of the city. Because of the Congressional Award, I tried new things,
developed new interests and passions, met new people, and achieved my goals; as a
result, I became a better member of my school and local community.
Jasmine Willis
Twin Falls, Idaho
Advisor: Tracey Meyerhoeffer
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Boy Scouts of America, National Honor
My Voluntary Public Service hours were focused on helping the community through their
little ones. I offered my time to Boy’s and Girl’s Club, as well as the Boy Scout program
as a Wolfs Cub Leader. My Personal Development hours were focused on art. I did a
variety of things like learning how to put depth into a painting, crafting a quilt, and wood
burning. My Physical Fitness goals were to be leaner and stronger. I did this through
weight training, yoga, and tness training. I traveled to Southern California for my
Exploration. The activities I chose were to take me out of my comfort zone, learning how
to book ights, hotels, and rental cars. I had to learn to communicate better with others. I
got to experience very different ways life from what I am use to. In earning my Award, I
learned a great deal about the arts, different places, and working with the community.
Julia Canellis
Orland Park, Illinois
Advisor: Victoria Russell
Afliations: National Honor Society, YMCA
I completed 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service teaching children sports and crafting
skills through my community’s youth association programs. I helped children develop
athletic and social skills, positive relationships, and connections they can build upon
in the future. For Personal Development, I participated on the speech team and in the
broadcasting club at my school. I also mentored students on my community’s middle
school speech team and shared my knowledge and skills to help them compete at the
district-wide level. For my Physical Fitness portion, I increased my rst serve percentage
in Varsity tennis matches to 75%. I practiced accuracy drills, aiming drills, and mental
strength exercises to achieve my goal. Finally, for my Exploration I prepared and planned
a ve-night trip to Athens, Greece where I learned about my Greek heritage. I enjoyed the
challenges of navigating through the city, practicing the language, and exploring Greece’s
rich traditions and culture. Earning the Congressional Award taught me the value of goal
setting, organization and perseverance, leading to the development of many skills that I
shared with others to make my community a better place.
Tristan Taylor
Chicago, Illinois
Advisor: Madeline O’Malley
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service, I organized a donation drive of socks, toiletries, and
other items to benet The Night Ministry, a non-prot based in Chicago that serves
the homeless. I have spent time volunteering for South Suburban PADS, the Greater
Chicago Food Depository, and Best Buddies. I logged my Personal Development at The
Beverly Country Club, where I have worked for the past ve years. Through my years
of caddying, I have developed in the areas of perseverance, determination integrity, fair
play, sportsmanship, and working both independently and as part of a team. For my
Physical Fitness, I ran for my school’s championship winning cross country and track
teams. I look forward to continuing to run on the club team at the University of Illinois.
For my Expedition I traveled to Iceland in 2017 to learn about Icelandic culture and
history, island biogeography, and arctic ecology. I have learned countless lessons about
condently taking on new and unexpected situations that I encountered during my travels.
I am grateful for the honor of earning The Congressional Award, which really encouraged
me to take on new challenges.
Amanda Dynak
Harwood Heights, Illinois
Advisor: Jeanette Dziwulski
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed 411 hours of Voluntary Public Service through a
combination of volunteering at my local senior home and tutoring students in STEM
subjects. At the senior home, I supported individuals with dementia by offering
companionship and creative stimulation through art. For Personal Development, I
enriched the quality of my writing through journalism. I covered local stories for my
school newspaper and even rose to the position of Editor in Chief. For Physical Fitness,
I learned to play tennis and competed with a team for the rst time. I joined my high
school tennis team, trained to improve my serve, and successfully learned to play
doubles. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned and executed a two-week trip to Boston,
Massachusetts. I studied the city’s unique role in Revolutionary War history by following
the Freedom Trail and visiting local historic battle sites. The Congressional Award pushed
me to build upon my strengths and passions, and use them to improve the wellbeing of
my community.
Michael Miller
Chicago, Illinois
Advisor: Chris Beukema
Afliations: American Red Cross, National Honor Society
My Voluntary Public Service activity has run the gamut from working in the children’s
summer reading program at the public library, to working with animals in a rescue
shelter, to baking cookies alongside developmentally disabled aduts in a residential
program, and working at the local food pantry. For my Personal Development goals,
I used this an an opportunity to learn animation, develop my writing skills, expand
my musical repertoire in piano, and read new types of ction. I also explored various
aspects of theatre production and management. For my Physical Fitness, I developed
and improved my swimming skills so that I was eligible to join a recreational swim
league. I became a certied scuba diver and have completed multiple open water dives.
I also became a certied lifeguard and completed the American Red Cross rst aid/
CPR program. My Exploration activity was planning and completing an exploration of
the Native Americans by visiting several reservation and historical sites in the western
United States. Earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal has helped me to grow and
develop as a person, to set goals and work toward them, and to feel a sense of pride and
Max Bowman
Barrington, Illinois
Advisor: Michael Groble
In earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed my Voluntary Public
Service hours at the Chicago Adler Planetarium. I worked in the lab to design systems
for use aboard high-altitude balloons with the goal of bringing real space science to the
general public. For Personal Development, I studied for and competed on my high school
math team. I learned a variety of mathematical topics not normally covered in high school
through my experience and placed at State. For Physical Fitness, I set a goal of dropping
my freshman hurdle time by 1.5 seconds. I dropped my time by a full two seconds by
my junior year. For my Expedition, I planned a backpacking trip, where I hiked over
sixty miles. In completing the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I cultivated a sense of
dedication to volunteering, service, and personal improvement. The lessons and skills I
learned, as well as the perseverance I developed, will no doubt serve me well in college
and beyond.
Daniel Claud
Chicago, Illinois
Advisor: Jennifer Laible
I spent my Voluntary Public Service time as a counselor at an overnight wilderness
camp for the summer of 2018. I led fth and sixth graders to serve the Eagle River and
Three Lakes communities. I also volunteered at a food pantry about once a week to serve
the Northeld community. For my Personal Development activity, I improved upon
my Violin skills and increased my repertoire. I became the rst chair in my school’s
orchestra, went to different music festivals including ACSI and auditioned for ILMEA,
and played in the pit orchestra for the school play. For Physical Fitness, I joined my
school’s volleyball team and played as a middle. I also joined a club swim team and
achieved my goal of swimming a 50 free in under 30 seconds. For my Expedition, I led
my family on a trip to learn more about the history and culture of Hawaii. We learned
about the history of Hawaii by visiting famous landmarks of the Kingdom of Hawaii and
learned about the U.S. involvement in Hawaii by visiting the Dole Plantation and Pearl
Harbor. The Congressional Award has given me the motivation to do activities I would
usually not aim for and has given me a new understanding of the world.
Jacob Furne
Wilmette, Illinois
Advisor: James Connolly
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service tutoring
at nearby libraries, at chess tournaments, through online connections, and at my local
school. I learned that students best learn the same material differently, and that it was my
role to offer a variety of approaches. For Personal Development, I signicantly increased
my study and practice of chess. After an extended period of time, I was awarded the
ofcial title of FIDE Master by the Federation Internationale Des Echecs (World Chess
Federation). For my Physical Fitness, I worked to improve my skill at basketball.
I improved my endurance by increasing my regular jogging from 1 to 3 miles and
increased my basketball skill by studying training videos and implementing the lessons
during practices. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned an extensive trip to rural Montana.
While there, I visited the Lewis and Clark interpretive center, the First Peoples Buffalo
Jump, the copper mining town of Anaconda and historic Philipsburg. By participating
in the Congressional Award, I have increased my ability to set long-term goals, both to
improve myself and to help others.
Ajay Balaraman
Naperville, Illinois
Advisor: Jeff Diorio
To earn my Voluntary Public Service hours I tutored underprivileged kids and
volunteered at the local arboretum. For Personal Development, I studied and played
chess. For Physical Fitness, I played high school and club soccer. For my Expedition I
planned a week long trip to three cities in Italy. I had an amazing experience working
towards earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, in the process it made me a more
resilient and responsible youth.
Audrey Pack
Aurora, Illinois
Advisor: Lee Lowe
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
I served over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service through community outreach and
leadership in STEM as a member of a FIRST FRC robotics team and as board member
of a STEM foundation. I also worked to promote inclusion through my Girl Scout Silver
Award project and alleviate food insecurity in my community. My participation in FIRST
robotics has led to Personal Development of leadership, technical, project management,
and communication skills. I have had the opportunity to learn and lead through my roles
as Team President, working on industrial safety, and strategic planning. I developed life
long skills and interest in golf through achieving my Physical Fitness goals while earning
the gold medal. Setting aside time to develop these skills got me active, met new people,
and enjoyed time outdoors. A camping trip and exploring Iceland was both an outdoor
skills expedition and cultural Exploration. I gained new skills through the planning
process, experienced outdoor high adventure, saw the breathtaking natural beauty of this
country, and learned about other cultures. By earning the Congressional Award Gold
Medal I set goals, kept records, created relationships, and reected on my progress. I
developed skills that will help me in my education, personal life, and career.
Katherine Pack
Batavia, Illinois
Advisor: Vesna Poirier
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, Key Club
As a Girl Scout, I shared my love of the program through my Voluntary Public Service. I
helped to recruit new leaders, introduce girls to scouting, help to run events, and lead my
own troop of young girls as a Girl Scout Leader. Teaching for a summer in the slums of
Pune, India I learned about joy, service, and education. For my Personal Development I
developed skills in goal setting, learned perseverance, and gained knowledge through a four
year seminary program. By choosing this goal, I formed personal study habits and a pattern
of commitment that will benet me as I continue my education and expand my personal
faith. I love the outdoors, and through my Physical Fitness goals to develop my kayak, SUP
and canoeing skills, I was able to participate in experiences and adventures that I thoroughly
enjoyed. Not only is this an activity that I will participate in my entire life, but one I will
share with others. I fell in love with the people, cultures and landscape of India. For my
Exploration I traveled on my own in India for 2 weeks and learned about this amazing place,
culture, and history, and also gained self condence in my own independence and abilities.
Earning the Congressional Award helped me to set measurable goals, become more self
disciplined, and pause for reection on the things I have accomplished.
Cole Goggio
Naperville, Illinois
Advisor: Cort Graske
Afliations: YMCA
For my Voluntary Public Service I created a soap recycling plan which consisted of
collecting soap from hotels recycling that soap and donating the proceeds to Hesed
House a local homeless shelter. I also created a video promoting volunteering at Hesed
House. I also volunteered at the YMCA in their learn to swim program. For Personal
Development I participated in a robotics team where I learned to code and help others
who were struggling. I also taught a class in American culture at the American Embasey
in Struga Macedonia. For my Physical Fitness I was on the local hockey team for 3
years. I planned a trip to Ireland for my Expedition over the holidays to visit family there
I learned a lot about what I was capable of.
Sai Chalasani
Carmel, Indiana
Advisor: Craig Lammert, MD
I spent my Voluntary Public Service activity at Indiana University Health (IUH) facilities
from 2016 to 2018. IUH is a large hospital system in Indianapolis and it has several
hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, and ofces. My Personal Development activities were
participating in biomedical research at Indiana University School of Medicine under
Professor Andy Yu and Dr. Craig Lammert. My research was focused on immunology
and autoimmune hepatitis. I was able to present 3 posters at a national meeting in
Philadelphia. I was a varsity tennis and ultimate frisbee player at our school and that is
how I accumulated 200 hours towards Physical Fitness. My Expedition was to China
where I visited Xi’an and Beijing over a 7 day trip. This was a rich cultural and travel
experience. This required extensive planning, but I am glad I chose trip to China as my
Expedition project. The Congressional Award was a very rewarding experience because I
was able to participate in a number of activities which made me disciplined, well rounded
and compassionate.
Agrayan Gupta
Zionsville, Indiana
Advisor: Arun Jain
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
As the chair for the youth group at my local Hindu Temple, I used my Voluntary Public
Service time to organize events such as 5k runs to raise money to benet organizations
such as Habitat for Humanity. I also volunteered at the children’s museum by helping run
museum activities. For my Personal Development I particpated in my school’s robotics
team. I was the mechanical lead, allowing me to lead groups of students to prototype,
computer design, and build a robot. I also was very involved in my Boy Scout troop,
which allowed me to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. For my Physical Fitness, I played
soccer on travel teams and in a league with my friends. Along with soccer, I ran track
for the school team and independently. For my Expedition, my family traveled to Belize
to explore Inca ruins and interact with local. By staying at a lodge hours away from
a big city, we had a true immersive experience in the Belize culture and history. The
Congressional Award pushed me to strive in all aspects of my extracurricular activities by
setting and completing achievable goals that enabled personal development and growth.
Aryaman Gupta
Zionsville, Indiana
Advisor: Brian Decker
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To complete the Voluntary Public Service portion of my Congressional Award Gold
Medal, I spent hundreds of hours at my Temple dedicating time to serve the general
public. I volunteered at Temple-driven activities including soup kitchens, healthcare days
for the community, and 5k runs. For my Personal Development, I developed as a leader
through my high school robotics program where I spent time serving as the mechanical
lead. I guided my peers through the competition season to produce a high-level robot
and now use the lessons learned from this experience to complete my Biomedical
Engineering degree. I attained my Physical Fitness goals by playing in multiple soccer
leagues throughout high school, from travel soccer to recreational soccer to intramural
soccer. Learning how to become a better goalkeeper enhanced my agility and I steadily
became a stronger player. I completed my Exploration by organizing a trip Belize to
learn about the Mayan culture and spent my time hiking, visiting ruins while staying at
an isolated lodge. I also had to work through challenges with the itinerary but it was an
amazing experience. The journey of achieving the Congressional Award was one lled
with successes, failures, and obstacles but at the end of the road, each new experience
helped me develop as an individual.
Vahin Vuppalanchi
Carmel, Indiana
Advisor: Linda Cook
For the majority of my Voluntary Public Service hours, I worked with the Autoimmune
Hepatitis Association doing data analysis and research. I also worked in the Goodman
Hall Neurology Center studying Intracerebral Hemorrhaging. I also volunteered at my
local senior center and library. For my Personal Development, I was awarded my rst
degree black belt after I failed to pass the test the rst time. I also attempted to try yoga
and model in to expand my skills in two new elds for me. For my Physical Fitness,
I spent a lot of my hours running track at school. During the off-season, I tried ninja
training as my favorite tv show: American Ninja Warrior inspired me to try to excel at
such elite levels. With my parents permission, I spent my Expedition in Hawaii, a lifelong
desire of mine. I then went to TripAdvisor to nd notable attractions such as Road to
Hana and Haleakala Crater.
Amanda Feagans
Indianapolis, Indiana
Advisor: Steve Banet
For the Voluntary Public Service, I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer within the
healthcare setting through work with local hospitals and clinics. The experience allowed
me to see the impact that small acts can have on helping others. In pursuing Personal
Development, I had the opportunity to work part-time as a teaching assistant while
attending school, to participate in a leadership development program focused on creating
community outreach projects, and to dive into reading for personal interest. To improve
Physical Fitness, I explored yoga techniques and began actively walking/running.
The experience allowed me to discover new areas of interest in physical tness while
empowering me to achieve new tness goals. For the my Exploration, I planned travels,
learned about the history, and experienced different cultures of Hungary and the Czech
Republic. The experience working towards the Congressional Award allowed me to grow
through new experiences, helped me to become more disciplined through long-term goal
setting, and helped me to see the ways in which I could give back to, serve, and become
an active member in the communities I live in.
Thaddaeus Alexander Guy Broussard
Sellersburg, Indiana
Advisor: Chris Quillet
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society, United States Navy
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered at the NAFC Animal Shelter for two years as an
Animal Care technician. I also completed a year-long service project to renovate and
improve park facilities at Lapping Park, including construction of new trailhead markers
and tree identication plaques. For Personal Development, I trained weekly in jazz piano
performance, and worked to hone my leadership skills by attending multiple week-long
leadership conferences. For my Physical Fitness goal, I trained in martial arts, began
long-distance running, and developed a daily workout plan. Finally, my Expedition to
Puerto Rico was an adventure in language and culture that I will never forget! Overall,
the Congressional Award was an amazing experience for me, and the skills I learned will
last me a lifetime!
Amy Ryan
Des Moines, Iowa
Advisor: Clarke Scanlon
I earned the Congressional Award Gold Medal providing over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, a 9/11 memorial
organization raising money for catastrophically wounded veterans, fallen rst responders,
and Gold Star families with young children. For Personal Development, I took courses
on nancial literacy and developed a plan to pay off my student loans. I focused on
improving my running skills for Physical Fitness. For my Expedition, I planned a week-
long wilderness trip to Perrault Falls, Ontario, Canada where I learned to sh, build a re,
and navigate waters by boat. Through this experience to earn my Congressional Gold
Medal, I found the tools, relationships, self-discipline needed to lay a foundation for
continued service throughout adulthood.
Aditi Malay
Topeka, Kansas
Advisor: Marcie Frederickson
For my Voluntary Public Service, I distributed lunches to people in need during the
summer and supervised children. I also digitized data at our local museum and read,
assisted with activities, and played piano to entertain nursing home residents. For
Personal Development, I played piano and began debate and forensics. In order to
achieve my goals, I attended weekly piano classes, recitals, and piano competitions, as
well as attended debate and forensics class, debate camp, and weekend tournaments.
For Physical Fitness I continued classical Indian dance and playing tennis. I took 2 hour
tennis classes, private lessons, and played at JV and Varsity meets with my school team.
I also took 1 hourr dance classes and participated in dance competitions, performances,
and recitals. For my Expedition to New York I planned to try various cuisines and
restaurants, visit museums, go on educational tours, and see a
Broadway show.
John Martin Tomlinson
Baldwin City, Kansas
Advisor: Anthony Edwards
Afliations: People to People International, YMCA
I fullled my Voluntary Public Service as a member of the Youth Volunteer Corps
of Greater Kansas City’s Youth Advisory Board by volunteering in a wide variety of
projects in diverse areas, from community kitchens to urban gardens. I also worked with
People To People International to raise funds for an orphanage in Zambia. I took guitar
lessons, joined a band class and participated in workshops to become a better musician
for Personal Development. This culminated in performing at festivals. For the Physical
Fitness portion, I obtained my goal of passing lifeguard training, which required swim
lessons. While attending high school in Germany on the Congress Bundestag Youth
Exchange Program, I planned my Expedition to the oldest town in Germany, Trier.
My new German language skills enabled me to navigate the ancient Roman city and
appreciate the culture. Pursuing the Congressional Award was a rewarding challenge; it
provided me with a deeper sense of a purposeful life and taught me the skills to build a
stronger community.
Jillian Gillen
Stilwell, Kansas
Advisor: Caroline Kill
Afliations: National Honor Society
I spent my Voluntary Public Service working with the elderly at Homestead of Leawood,
an assisted living facility in my community, and also worked with children at a local
summer camp. Working with different age groups like the elderly and young taught me
valuable lessons about life and leadership. My dream was to play college volleyball,
so I decided to use my Personal Development to strength train and condition beyond
volleyball practice. I wanted to get faster, stronger, and increase my vertical to become
a better player. I played club volleyball to complete my Physical Fitness goals. I always
made sure to attend extra practices and lessons in order to get better in a specic skill or
to get some extra help. I explored the Lake of the Ozarks, a popular Missouri state park,
with my brother and grandma for my Expedition. I researched and determined what sites
we would visit on our trip, including other state parks and attractions in the area, like the
Bagnell Dam, Bridal Cave, Ha Ha Tonka State Park, and many more. I found that the
organizations I worked with appreciated the help of a consistent and young volunteer, and
I learned that the people in my community are truly grateful for the time I dedicated to
Aasim Hawa
Leawood, Kansas
Advisor: Caroline Kill
I volunteered at a local assisted living facility and interacted with the elderly by setting
up games and music, cleaning up after meals, and participating in other activities. Also,
I volunteered at a local hospital and facilitated lab technicians with overall lab activities.
For Personal Development, I read and memorized the Holy Quran in order to strengthen
my commitment to Islam. I practiced and reviewed multiple times a week to reach
my goal. For the Physical Fitness portion, I participated in the Cross Country team at
my school, and I also ran independently in order to improve my tness. I was able to
decrease my mile time by about 30 seconds. For my Exploration, I planned and went on
a trip to Scandinavia to experience the culture there. I visited historical sites, went on city
tours, and experienced the Norwegian fjords on this trip.
Lucas (Luke) Lopatofsky
Overland Park, Kansas
Advisor: Dr. Kill
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service. During that time I focused on volunteering at local diaper and food
banks across the Kansas City metro area. I also helped to improve the lives of children
from ages one to ten. For Personal Development, I worked to enhance my reading and
writing skills, and I also worked to improve my debate abilities. I increased my reading
and writing skill enormously and learned many fundamentals that I was lacking. For
my Physical Fitness, I played baseball on a club team and with my high school team. I
played soccer with my high school, and I worked out. I wanted to improve my athletic
abilities and become more of a team leader. I was able to become a captain of my
baseball and soccer team. For my Expedition I traveled to Florida to learn about the
different ecosystems and how they were affected by the hurricanes. Earning this award
has been an extremely rewarding experience, and has taught me how to set long term
goals and follow through.
Tierra Beard
Louisville, KY, Kentucky
Advisor: Claudette Patton
Afliations: YMCA
In earning my Congressional Award, I volunteered on numerous projects at Simmons
College of Kentucky, a historically black college located in Louisville. I also volunteered
with Living On Purpose, a nonprot dedicated to supporting individuals struggling
with grief and loss. For my Personal Development, I worked at a part-time time job at
St. Joseph Children’s Home, a licensed residential treatment program, where I taught
children. Additionally, I prepared for and won the title of Miss Simmons College at our
Homecoming event, the rst in Simmons College history. For Physical Fitness, I joined a
tness club and learned to improve my cardio and muscle strength with various exercise
programs and conditioning, including walking great distances. For my Exploration, I
planned a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which allowed me to explore both a
beach environment while learning about the history of this area. My personal experience
in earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal has truly strengthened my public
speaking skills, leadership abilities and capacity to learn even more about strategic
Lucas Fortwengler
Louisville, Kentucky
Advisor: Claudette W. Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
In earning my Congressional Award, I volunteered on numerous projects with the Boy
Scouts of America and Downs Syndrome of Louisville, including performing with
the Boogie Down Dancers at Shakespeare in the Park, local festivals and senior living
communities. For my Personal Development, I worked part-time at a sporting goods store
to improve my job skills, communications, team building and problem solving abilities. I
shadowed my supervisor and learned quickly, setting customer service and sales records
which allowed me to win recognition and awards. For my Physical Fitness, I learned
how to improve my strength, tone and endurance with a personal trainer at the gym I
joined and also how to include nutritious food to maintain my 40 pound weight loss.
For my Expedition, I planned a trip to the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum,
Fort Sumter and the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Spending the night on a ship,
camping in the mountains, and learning how native American people lived before modern
times were highlights of my experience. Earning my Congressional Award has been an
amazing journey that has enhanced my life so I can continue to be a life learner and live
independently with new goals I’ve set for myself.
Demetrius Gunn
Louisville, Kentucky
Advisor: Claudette W. Patton
While earning my Congressional Award, I volunteered to lead two community choirs.
One choir was with Dismas Charities for women leaving prison and learning to re-enter
society, and the other choir was with the West Louisville Performing Arts Academy,
an inner-city charity. For Personal Development, I had a part-time position with a
community choir where I taught voice lessons, learned to strengthen my direction
skills, and improved my piano skills as an accompanist. I also marketed and scheduled
performances, including the organization of traveling performances. For Physical Fitness,
I learned to walk long distances and improve my stamina by adding good stretching and
warm-up techniques, quality equipment and better nutrition. My Expedition included a
week long cultural study of Israel that included by rst airplane ight and opportunity to
learn outside the USA. The different languages, food, music and religious backgrounds
were very interesting and brought me to a better understanding of worldviews. Earning
my award allowed me to push myself with difcult but attainable goals so that my
creativity was stretched to a new and improved skill and performance level.
Cammeron Durham
Finchville, Kentucky
Advisor: Jim Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Habitat for Humanity, YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service.
I volunteered with the Boy Scouts of America earning my Eagle Scout Rank, The
Shelbyville Backpack Program, and a Habitat for Humanity auction. I learned the true
meaning of public service by participating in these areas. For Personal Development,
I earned my personal management merit badge and attended and led leadership
conferences with the Kentucky YMCA. I now have great knowledge of personal nance,
public speaking, and leadership skills. For the Physical Fitness portion, I increased my
weight lifting capabilities, endurance and strength for hiking greater distances. Lastly,
for my Expedition I completed the 100 mile trek at Philmont Scout Ranch, New Mexico
in 11 days and reached the top of Baldy Mountain. Participating in The Congressional
Award program was one of the greatest decisions of my life because it turned me into a
more persistent, courageous, and overall good citizen.
Benjamin Ferguson
Simpsonville, Kentucky
Advisor: James W. Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
I volunteered on many community service projects with the Boy Scouts that beneted
our local food bank and Friends of Scouting Campaigns. For my Eagle Scout project, I
designed and built shelving for the band program at my High School that allowed them
to store and protect their percussion equipment. For my Personal Development, I learned
to play the piano and my skill increased from beginner to intermediate level in a nine
month period. I also gained the condence to perform in public. My focus for Physical
Fitness was to improve my strength and endurance so I could complete a mountain hike
at high elevation. My Expedition was a 12 day backpacking trek covering 100 miles at
the Philmont Scout Reservation in Cimarron, New Mexico. The Congressional Award
challenged me, introduced me to new experiences and helped me realize what I can
achieve when I push myself.
Nathanael Sangster
Simpsonville, Kentucky
Advisor: Jim Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
While earning my Gold Medal I volunteered for many projects in my community
including Scouting for Food at the local food bank, providing security for community
fall festivals, honoring military veterans at Memorial Day events, and earning my Eagle
Scout rank with a community project. For my Personal Development, I participated in my
high school academic team and competed in numerous regional and state competitions.
I also developed my public speaking and presentation skills by participating and leading
sessions in National Youth Leadership Training seminars. For Physical Fitness, I wanted
to improve my cycling skills and speed and complete a 3 minute mile. My best time
after months of training was 2 minutes 41 seconds. For my Expedition, I planned a 12-
day backpacking trip with Boy Scout Troop 470 to Philmont, New Mexico where we
climbed Mt. Baldy. I experienced many challenges throughout the strenuous trek but
it was a great opportunity for growth and learning endurance. My time spent earning
the Congressional Award has helped me see how important it is to give back to my
community and learn how to be more grateful for the opportunities I have experienced.
I hope to recruit others in my community to earn their Gold Medal and grow from the
Alex Satterwhite
Shelbyville, Kentucky
Advisor: James W. Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To earn my Gold Medal for the Congressional Award I completed several Voluntary
Public Service projects with the Boy Scouts. My favorite project was the restoration of
a local cemetery which helped me earn my Eagle Scout rank. For Personal Development
I set very ambitious goals of improving my marksmanship and gun safety skills. This
helped me qualify to become the captain of my high school JROTC rie team. For
Physical Fitness I improved my strength, endurance, and overall health to better qualify
for opportunities with JROTC. For my Expedition I planned a 5-night marksmanship-
focused camping experience, and learned more from coaches to help me improve in small
arms re. I also learned skills in shing and wilderness safety. Earning the Congressional
Award taught me responsibility, organizational skills, and the resilience to complete a
difcult task.
Alderic Senecal
Simpsonville Kentucky, Kentucky
Advisor: Jim Patton
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed several Voluntary Public Service projects in my
community including helping organize community festivals, teaching teambuilding skills
to children and building a sidewalk at the Martha Layne Collins High School which
helped me earn my Eagle Scout rank. For Personal Development, I studied and practiced
the Mellophone so my skills greatly improved as I performed regularly with my high
school marching band and at band competitions. I also worked at a retail store in sales
as my rst job and learned valuable lessons in customer service and management. For
Physical Fitness, I trained and worked out many hours at a gym and also went on many
weeks of strenuous practice hikes to build up my endurance for my expedition. For my
exhibition I planned a 12-day trip to the Boy Scout Ranch in Philmont, New Mexico
which involved hiking on rugged trails, camping outdoors every night and activities along
the way. I completed the 100 mile trek and made it to the top of Baldy Mountain which is
an elevation of 12,400 feet. Participating in the Congressional Award program has been a
very rewarding experience and has been a journey I will carry with me throughout my life.
William Longsworth
Grasonville, Maryland
Advisor: Henry Faxon
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public service with
the Boy Scouts and National Ski Patrol. I also participated in various service activities
including designing and installing specialized lighting xtures at the Spaceight America
Museum and Science Center. For Personal Development, I taught myself advanced
computer coding to compete in extracurricular STEM activities, such as the State
Mathematics, Engineering, Science and Achievement(MESA) Cyber Robot competitions,
Regional Computer Science Bowls, and the 2018 Intel International Science Fair(ISEF).
For Physical Fitness, I spent many hours working on developing my snow skiing skills to
ski in a strong and stable manner and while maneuvering with a toboggan, and mountain
biking which helped me be prepared to be a National Ski and Bike Patrol volunteer. For
my Expedition, my endurance training included backpacking parts of the Appalachian
Trail. I planned and executed a week-long backpacking trip at Philmont Scout Ranch.
Along the way I challenged myself by hiking the three famous peaks of Philmont;
Mt. Baldy, Tooth of Time, and Mt. Phillips. The Congressional Award was valuable
experience which afforded life lessons such as perseverance, endurance, exploration of
the areas out of my comfort zone, and innovative thinking.
Benjamin Smith
Salisbury, Maryland
Advisor: Dawn Spicer
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service, I GPS mapped and transcribed historic headstones of
African American slaves and Civil War union soldiers to preserve a historic site. I also
helped feed the needy in my community and served as a camp counselor to children. For
my Personal Development I developed the art of landscaping and the art of playing music
in a local band. I obtained part time employment as a Life Guard. For Physical Fitness I
increased my batting average in baseball and my shooting percentage in basketball. I also
decreased my golf handicap. For my Expedition I explored the route of the Underground
Railroad, traveling the route from Cambridge Maryland to Wilmington Delaware. With
each new goal I set for myself, my determination grew but it was with each goal that I
met when I saw my perseverance became inuential to others.
Joseph Farroha
Columbia, Maryland
Advisor: Cliff Dize
Afliations: Special Olympics, United States Air Force, United States Army, United States
Coast Guard, United States Marine Corps, United States Navy
For my Personal Development I collected clothing, food and toys to donate to multiple
charitable organizations as well as organizing neighborhood cleanup days. For my
Personal Development, I took engineering and advanced college calculus over the
summers, which paved a path for me to achieve my scholarly objectives. For Physical
Fitness I played JV and Varsity basketball, cross-country, and tennis. The Congressional
Award enabled me to set goals of enhancing my athleticism and expanding my team
contribution. For my Expedition I explored the fascinating history and culture of
Germany, the fulllment of a life-long dream. This desire to immerse myself into German
history came from studying President Reagan’s impassioned “Tear down this wall”
speech at the Brandenburg Gate. Attaining the Congressional Award Gold Medal was a
great learning experience in how to set goals and achieve them, skills that will serve me
for the rest of my life!
Bridgette Kim
Fulton, Maryland
Advisor: Angela Furlow
For four years I volunteered at an Alzheimer’s nursing home facility, where I provided
assistance, moral support and friendship to the marginalized residents. I spent time
reading to the residents, taking individual residents on walks and leading card and bingo
games for small groups of residents. For my Personal Development I volunteered for 3
years at an urgent care clinic where I greeted patients, checked in patients and helped
out wherever needed. I met dementia patients and kept a journal of my observations of
different stages of Alzheimers and potential short and long term remedies that worked
best. I had severe asthma and took up swimming at age 9 to improve my breathing and
lung capacity. For my Physical Fitness I kept swimming year-round, improving so
much that I achieved a lifetime best in high school and made the junior national cut in
100 breaststroke. For my Expedition I raised funds to travel to Paris, France to visit two
renowned museums: the Louvre Museum and the Musee D’Orsay. I created a photo
journal book for underprivileged children who have never been to Paris or anywhere
abroad. After my trip, I met with Baltimore low-income students and shared my book.
Earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal was the crowning achievement of my high
school experience and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to persevere until I reached
my goals!
Candace Star Anderson
Oxon Hill, Maryland
Advisor: John Washington
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service I helped out in several areas in my community. I worked
at my local food banks, assisted in making meals for the homeless, helped educate
children on STEM elds, and volunteered at several STEM events. For my Personal
Development I learned a lot about robotics technologies through joining a robotics team
and later by mentoring younger girls through Vex, Vex Iq, and Project Lead the Way and
gained a love robotics. For Physical Fitness I learned a self defense method called Krav
Maga which is a very physically intensive self defense tactic that is overall peaceful. For
my Expedition I ew to Colorado to learn more about the native cultures that used to live
there and I learned about how they treated the enviornment with respect for the land.
Alex Jin
Darnestown, Maryland
Advisor: Melissa Nagy
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service, I became a certied Emergency Medical Responder
and provided rst aid at local and D.C. events as part of the Montgomery County First
Aid Unit. My junior year, I served as Captain, running the unit, leading meetings,
coordinating standbys, and training recruits. For Personal Development, I attended
weekly piano lessons and practiced at home to improve my technical skill and knowledge
of music. I achieved my goal of passing level 5 in the Carnegie Hall Royal Conservatory
Program. For Physical Fitness, I practiced the martial art of Tae Kwon Do, mastering
various forms, kicks, rolls, and ips, as well as sparring and board breaking. In 2017
I passed the 2nd Dan black belt test and have been teaching new students as well as
continuing to improve my own technique. For my Expedition, I planned a week-long
backpacking trip in the Monongahela National Forest. I studied the immense ecological
diversity of the region and traversed the many micro-ecosystems formed by the wide
variations in elevation and patterns of precipitation. The Congressional Award was an
empowering experience that allowed me to cultivate my passions and helped me gain
condence in my abilities and ambitions.
Robin Mia Tian
Potomac, Maryland
Advisor: Juewen Zhuang
For my Voluntary Public Service I planned and participated in community outreach
activities as a member of the board of Churchill Junior Civitans. I also taught free Kung
Fu classes at a Chinese school. Anyone was allowed to attend, and I taught important
values of hard work, discipline, and exercise. For my Personal Development I worked
to improve my Kung Fu, specically my jumps and endurance. My goal was to place at
the 2nd Taolu World Cup in Yangon, Myanmar. After rigorous training, I placed bronze
in broadsword. For Physical Fitness I play soccer with my team in order to improve my
athletic abilities and soccer skills. I also strived to become one step closer to getting
recruited to play soccer at the college level. I planned an Expedition to Hawaii with my
family. We visited multiple islands and tried everything from wind-surng to coconut
ice cream. The experience of applying for the Congressional Award taught me how to
effectively manage my time.
Thomas Pallan
Sparks, Maryland
Advisor: Amanda Sanacore
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Special Olympics
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered over 400 hours to the Department of Veteran
Affairs Hospital in Baltimore City. I helped transport patients around the hospital and
took patient samples to the lab. I also assisted doctors and nurses with anything else
they needed help with. My Personal Development goal was to improve my trumpet
playing skills in order to join an honor band. To achieve this, I practiced my trumpet
for one hour daily. Through my practice, I was able to play in a high school honor band
through Towson University. For Physical Fitness, I worked to improve my tennis serve
speed by 15 miles per hour. I practiced tennis at my local courts and played competitive
matches around Baltimore County in order to improve my overall game as well. For my
Expedition, I participated on an 11 consecutive night camping trip on Philmont Scout
Ranch. I hiked 60 rigorous miles through the wilderness of New Mexico and climbed
a 4,193 foot mountain. The Congressional Award has helped me develop diligence and
perseverance, two skills that I will use everyday for the rest of my life.
Elizabeth Rice
Columbia, Maryland
Advisor: David Weeks
As a volunteer for St. Vincent de Paul summer camp for homeless children, I made my
contribution in improving the quality of life of homeless kids. My Personal Development
was comprehensive. I played in community theaters, took drawing lessons and learned
languages, but my favorite activity was playing the piano. I passed ve levels of
Maryland musicianship tests and learned to be comfortable playing challenging music
pieces. Throughout my high school years I was played varsity soccer and varsity and club
lacrosse, which was my Physical Fitness activity. I was a school team co-captain and lead
my team to a conference victory. My Expedition was my rst solo trip to Munich, St.
Petersburg, Moscow and Brussels. It opened my eyes and made me condent and ready
for challenges.This program encouraged me to become a world traveller and to learn how
to do it independently. This program taught me how to set and achieve goals and how to
become a more accomplished person. It was a great guide that encouraged a caring and
consciencious attitude towards society and its people.
Orion Gangopadhyay
Bethesda, Maryland
Advisor: Danielle Montgomery
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America
To earn the Gold Medal, I committed to Voluntary Public Service and provided civic
engagement within the local community for over 600 hours as an Eagle Scout. This
included leading a project to benet a local animal shelter and other organizations such as
military families and the NIH. For Personal Development, I undertook a goal to improve
my First-Aid skills. Ultimately, I worked towards becoming a certied Emergency
Medical Technician at my local re station. For my Physical Fitness goal, I decided I
would set and train for specic endurance, strength and agility metrics. I also learned how
nutrition plays a large role in achieving a balance in my tness achievements During my
Exploration, I planned a ve-night trip to Europe. This included research and gaining
fascinating insights into the historic and architectural signicance of Paris, France and
London, England. Through the Congressional Award, I gained the self-condence to
undertake new challenges and enriching experiences that made me greatly appreciate the
role of others in helping me persevere and reach my goals.
Jonathan Simak
Rockville, Maryland
Advisor: Suzanne Bode
I volunteered in the eld of water conservation performing water quality monitoring,
stream cleaning, and restoration. I participated in advocacy meetings, and
environmentally oriented activities to help the Chesapeake Bay such as rebuilding
oyster reef ecosystem. I volunteered in nature centers. For my Personal Development, I
attended extracurricular eld courses, conferences, and lessons about aquatic and marine
biology, water quality and pollution. I worked on research projects in ichthyology where
I helped to design the studies, performed experiments, analyzed and presented data and
won multiple science awards. For Physical Fitness I attended multiple fencing lessons
every week and fencing camps in the summer. I worked on my speed and technique. I
attended fencing tournaments and renewed my C rating in saber which qualied me to
fence in the highest Division 1 competitions and at Junior Olympics. My Exploration
took me to different ecosystems of Everglades National Park, kayaking and hiking and
studying sh and reptiles. I used different shing techniques (including y-shing and
cast-netting) to document various sh species and took pictures of found sh and reptile
species. Working on the Congressional Award I learned a lot not just in my eld of
interest - aquatic biology, especially ichthyology and shing, but also in related areas of
environmental law, data analysis, and wildlife photography.
Michael Akerson
Sterling, Massachusetts
Advisor: Melissa Joyce
Afliations: National Honor Society, Special Olympics
My Voluntary Public Service activity centered around helping those most in need within
my community. I served as assistant coach for a youth baseball team for 3 seasons, raked
leaves for the elderly, and served meals at a local food pantry. My Personal Development
goals centered around three areas: improving my overall tness by developing and
implementing a strength training regimen, earning money to pay for college by working
as a Little League umpire, and enhancing my public speaking skills by becoming actively
involved in DECA. My Physical Fitness goals revolved around specic improvements
with regard to my performance in baseball and basketball. My Expedition involved the
clearing of a 200 year old historic cart road at a farm in Massachusetts. My participation
in the Congressional Award pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me important
lessons about time management, goal setting, and resourcefully solving any problems that
occurred in the execution of my goals.
Jean-Pierre De Jesus-De La Cruz
Worcester, Massachusetts
Advisor: Aglaya Caycedo
To earn my Gold Medal, I volunteered after school to teach and assist students in
the Robotics Club. I worked with the students to improve their skills and spark their
interest in a new STEM hobby. I set a goal in Personal Development to improve on the
violin. I learned to sight read more efciently, increased the dexterity in my left hand
and improved the quality of sound while playing. I participated in many lessons and
practiced at home and in the orchestra. For Physical Fitness I wanted to improve my
overall tness, endurance and strength by being active every day. I would go bike riding,
walking, and take weekly Martial Arts classes. Through my hard work I have noticed that
my endurance has increased, and I am now faster when running. For my Exploration I
planned a trip to Israel and Palestine with the Al Kamandjati Orchestra. This trip was a
chance for me improve my musical skills but also to experience a new culture.
Harsh Choudhary
Holliston, Massachusetts
Advisor: Elisa Taylor
For my Voluntary Public Service I served as an exhibit hall interpreter at the Museum of
Science in Boston, where I engaged visitors as I facilitated activities in such a manner
that they were able to reach their own conclusions. In this process of they developed
skills in scientic inquiry, engineering design, and math. For my Personal Development,
I have continually developed my level of photography. I published a photography blog
that compiled all of my photographs and experiences from my travels to roughly two
dozen countries. For my Physical Fitness, I competed on a Competitive Rowing Club
Team. It became a central commitment, as it took involvement six days a week. For
my Expedition, I took a road trip through Morocco. I immersed my self in a drastically
different culture as I explored the country and learned about its history.
Justin Chang
Middleton, Massachusetts
Advisor: Ritamarie Macadino
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
For my Voluntary Public Service I tutored economically disadvantaged students at the
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club, volunteered in a variety of positions at several medical
centers, and pursued a service project in the Dominican Republic through the Mariposa
Foundation, which aims to benet the lives of girls living there. I have been playing
in several school bands and taking extracurricular lessons for the saxophone for nine
years, which I did for my Personal Development. Playing the saxophone has been a
way for me to improve myself and to meet other students with similar interests. For my
Physical Fitness I improved my ability to play squash through an extensive set of drills
and out-of-school practices that spanned three years and allowed me to make many new
friends on the court. I planned an Expedition alongside several members of my local
Boys Scouts troop to Sea Base, a BSA National High Adventure site at the Florida Keys.
At Sea Base, we underwent a rigorous seven days on the 63-foot-long S.S. Observation.
To me, the Congressional Award characterized a journey of mental, physical, and moral
Connor Ryan
Hamilton, Massachusetts
Advisor: Jennifer Flynn
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, YMCA
I volunteered by helping veterans, selling Christmas trees to raise funds, and assisting
11 Boy Scouts with their Eagle projects. My own Eagle project included the planning,
fundraising and building of an information kiosk at a local pool. For Personal
Development, I learned to hang glide off sand dunes, participated in two History Fairs
at the State Level, and started a Robotics Club at my high school. Our new team won a
Greater Boston Rookie of the Year award and I learned about mechanical engineering.
For Physical Fitness, I improved my endurance to play entire varsity soccer games
without getting too tired. In winter and spring Track I improved my form and speed as
a sprinter. For my Exploration I planned a trip to Tanzania where I immersed myself
among the wildlife in the National Parks, marveled at the geology of the Ngorongoro
Crater and Serengeti grasslands, and visited Maasai and other tribal villages. The
Congressional Gold Medal was a great goal to pursue requiring dedication, perseverance,
and appreciation of those who supported me along the journey.
Calli Bianchi
Scituate, Massachusetts
Advisor: Sam Silverman
Working towards the Congressional Award I volunteered at Camp Sunshine to help
children with life threatening illnesses. I also volunteered with my local Watershed
Association to protect our waters and natural resources and subsequently started a
nonprot company that harvests invasive green crabs. My goal for Personal Development
was to become a more competitive softball player which I achieved by going to the
batting cage regularly and training throughout the year. For my Physical Fitness goal
I learned to play volleyball. Having never played before I was happy to play on my
school’s varsity team for the past three years as an outside hitter. My Expedition was
one of my favorite parts of this experience. I traveled to Maine and camped in Acadia
National Park, exploring the beautiful beaches and hiking along the rugged coastline. My
experiences while working toward the Congressional Award Gold Medal have been so
rewarding, especially my time volunteering and I am hoping to continue to pursue these
opportunities in college.
Dwyn McNeil
Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Advisor: Mrs. Lisa Tufano
To earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed my Voluntary Public Service
goal by working at two animal shelters. I had a lot of fun giving back to my community
and making a difference. It is very satisfying to help create a safe haven for pets while
they wait to nd their forever homes. For Personal Development, I decided to focus on
improving my golf game and spent 350 hours strengthening my skills. Through lessons,
practice, and participating in tournaments, I became more consistent. I improved my
average score and even earned a spot on the junior varsity golf team. To achieve my goal
in Physical Fitness, I improved my ability as a swimmer and accomplished 715 hours
swimming with the Bluesh Swim Club and my high school team. I greatly improved
each of the four strokes. For my Expedition, I planned a trip to Maine for a 15 day
Outward Bound Sailing and Rock Climbing course. I lived on a 30-foot open hulled
sailboat and sailed 45 miles using only sails and oars. During the trip, I learned about
my strengths and more importantly how to overcome my weaknesses. The Congressional
Award helped me stay motivated and kept me on track to achieve my long-term goals.
The four program areas provided a roadmap on how to become well rounded and kept me
from losing site of what is truly important. I am thankful that I learned many valuable
life lessons throughout my Gold Medal journey.
Marvin Jiang
Troy, Michigan
Advisor: Anne Young
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I became very involved with three separate organizations
within my school: NHS, Project LEAD, and buildOn. They taught me the importance of
public service, and I completed my goals enthusiastically through serving in these clubs.
For Personal Development, I continued to play the saxophone. My love for the instrument
dramatically increased through my particpantion in the award. I practiced more hours
every week than I ever did, and I loved every second of it. For Physical Fitness, tennis has
been my outlet for stress and a source of relaxation for a long time. However, by setting
my goal of increasing my skill level for tennis, not only did I enjoy my time on the court,
but I saw my skills develop as well as my enjoyment of the sport. For my Expedition, I
had never planned an entire trip before becoming involved with the Congressional Award.
An experience that I had always wanted to try was backpacking, so I planned a ve-day
backpacking trip with my brother. I organized plane tickets, permits, and supplies. My
time with the Congressional Award has truly been a critical period in my life, and through
setting goals, I have pushed myself to grow to become the person I am today.
Avery James Lehr
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Advisor: Michael DiNardo
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity
Through Voluntary Public Service to Habitat for Humanity, I learned that service comes
in many forms and to serve your community, you must come together as a community.
My Personal Development helped me move up scouting. As a new Scout, I watched and
listened to my older peers in order to learn; however, as I took more responsibility, the
program led me from learning, learning to teach and f The Congressional Award helped
me to make leaps and bounds in my Physical Fitness, athletic skill and ability to run long
distance. I went from being one of the last nishers in long distance running to running
my rst 10K in only an hour. While my 16 day Alaskan Expedition was more challenging
than previous outdoor experiences, the accomplishments that impacted me the most
were the internal ones—including learning to embrace change, being part of a team and
being given the privilege of serving as a peer leader. To me, the Congressional Award was
something that started out as a “to do” list to gain additional life skills, however, it ended
up being much more than that and I nd that I have become a more complete and fullled
Taylor Fields
Aberdeen, Mississippi
Advisor: Dr. Linda Mitchell
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service I promoted my individual service project Someone
Can See Through Your Eyes. We collecting used eye glasses for 3rd world countries,
performed in anti-bully plays, and mentoring elementary students in STEM projects.
For Personal Development I served on the 4-H State Ambassador Leadership Team. I
competed and won rst place in public speaking and visual presentation and postal girl
for Mississippi 4-H. For Physical Fitness I maintained my health through cheerleading,
competitive cheer competitions, gymnastics, routine tness walking and serving as
a cheer camp mentor for school age children. I traveled and toured New Orleans,
Louisiana, to experience its culture, music, and food for my Expedition. Learning of
its traditions and the melting pot of racial identities was a great education for me. By
participating in the Congressional Award program, I have gained a broader perspective
about my life goals. While participating in the program, my skills in leadership, public
speaking, and communication improved signicantly in helping mold me into a more
condent and responsible citizen.
Jessica Gates
Tueplo, Mississippi
Advisor: Teresa Roberts
Afliations: 4-H, American Red Cross
For my Voluntary Public Service I particpated in the State 4-H Technology Team. I
mentored third grade elementary students during STEM Fields Days. Also, I taught a
variety of science-based teachings on the concept of science experiments. For Physical
Fitness I attended required trainings for STEM projects. I attended several workshops
to enhance my understanding in technology, agriculture, science, and engineering. For
Physical Fitness I attended workshops to learn about the food ingredients to maintain
a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle relating to health and tness. For my Expedition I
directed tours on STEM Field Days at different locations. I attended several workshops
to enhance my understanding in technology, agriculture, science, and engineering. By
participating in the Congressional Award program while working part-time, I have
become became very skillful in time-management and how to multi-task. I have
gained greater condence in public speaking, communicating with others, and fullling
leadership roles. I have embraced a main “duty” of being a good citizen by volunteering
to aid others in the community.
Jacob Lindsey
Shannon, Mississippi
Advisor: Linda Mitchell
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service I helped shop for, pack and deliver food bags which
provided weekend food for students in need. I also assisted with packing and delivering
food to these students during the summer. I assisted a food pantry with fund raisers and
by packing food boxes and delivering them to the needy. Several of my friends from
diverse backgrounds wanted to have a soccer team at our school and asked me to lead the
effort. For my Personal Development I talked with the athletic director, found someone
willing to coach, and met with school ofcials numerous times. We elded our rst
soccer team this year. For Physical Fitness I worked with my high school coach and a
tennis instructor to develop better volleys and understand how and when to hit shots with
spin. I practiced these skills at least three times a week. I placed third in the state tennis
tourney last year and have advanced to the semi-nals this year. I planned and executed a
nine night ten day Exploration trip to Italy with my family. I visited its chapels, museums
and art galleries to learn more about its past and present. I talked to tour guides and local
residents to better my understanding of the country. I have learned how to challenge
myself to reach new goals and explore different opportunities.
Morgan Lyons
Plantersville, Mississippi
Advisor: Linda Mitchell
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service I tutored at a local daycare three days a week and one day
a week at El Centro for Hispanic students. I collected and delivered newspapers for the local
animal shelter. I assisted with food drive for needy families during the holiday season. For
Personal Development I conducted the Plantersville’s Mayor Youth Council meetings using
the Robert’s Rules of Order. I attended 4H National congress, 4H club congress and American
Legion Auxiliary girl state. I also attended a leadership seminar for Chuck E Cheese team
leaders. For my Physical Fitness I began a regimen of walking and jogging combined for 45
minutes a day three days a week. I was to build endurance while being physically active. For
my Expedition I met with and set up a date with the farm owner. I begin extensive research
about saddlebreed horses. I went to the library and got books, watched you tube videos on
the different riding styles and read many articles on the internet. I went and purchased items
needed for my adventure. Through Congressional Awards, I have learned stepping outside my
comfort zone is not as scary as it seems at rst. My original opinion about a subject does not
necessarily hold true. My self-condence has grown. My courage has increased. My frame of
reference has expanded. However, the best take away of all is the fact that I have changed. It
is not just about the initial experience but also about the knowledge that I have deeper reserves
that I can call upon when needed. This will inuence my life not simply an event in my life.
Kacilyn Pegues
Shannon, Mississippi
Advisor: Teresa Roberts
Afliations: 4-H
I spent my Voluntary Public Service hours promoting my individual service projects Cans
for Hands & Anti-Bully. We collected nonperishable food for Salvation Army, performing
in anti-bully plays, and mentoring elementary students in STEM projects. For Personal
Development I served as 4-H State Vice President on the State Ambassador Leadership
Team. I served as a National 4-H Convention & Congress Delegate, Vice President
of my local club, competed in Public Speaking and Visual presentations, winning rst
place in both categories. I maintained Physical Fitness through my high school marching
band which has received a “Superior” rating, tness walking, an volunteering planting
and picking vegetables in community gardens. For my Expedition I traveled and toured
Gatlinburg, Tennessee to experience its culture, music, and food. Meeting new people of
different backgrounds was a great education for me. By participating in the Congressional
Award program, I have become more skillful in leadership, public speaking, and social
interactions which contribute to the successes of my community service. My leadership
and communication skills have developed to the degree that I am condent in initiating
and enlarging conversations that matter.
Callie Shae Philips
Tupelo, Mississippi
Advisor: Linda Mitchell
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service, I worked with kids in a variety or category to help
them learn more about them selfs and the world we live in. I have run cooking camps,
science camps, and many other educational programs, where kids have experience
amazing opportunities to learn. For my Personal Development I strived to improve my
commutation and performance skills. I did this by participating in serval plays that ranged
from dramatic to comedy. One of these plays actual traveled to Washington D.C. and
New York, which we performed for the underprivileged kids. For my Physical Fitness,
I made it my goal to try different types of physical actives so that I may have a range of
different experiences. I tried different things such as walking, running, badminton, roller
skating, and ice skating. Over all I must say that skating was the most impactful. For
my Expedition I planed a nine day trip to Colorado, where my family and I went skiing
and experience the western culture. On this trip we tried new food, new sites, and a new
culture. It was this experience that led me to want to travel the world and learn about
different cultures. This was an experience that changed my life and helped me grow as a
person, and I will never forget all that I have learned from this program.
Mikayla Shelton
Bruce, Mississippi
Advisor: Trent Barnett
Afliations: 4-H, American Red Cross, National Honor Society
To bring awareness to the Mississippi 4-H program, my Voluntary Public Service was
to advocate for the organization. There was a need in my community to assist children
lacking proper attention in the classroom and I chose to spend a day a week focusing
on their needs. My ultimate Personal Development goal was to condently deliver a
speech to a large group of people and become a MS 4-H State Ofcer. I did so by writing
and delivering speeches to different groups of people and became better with time and
effort. I also learned that communicating with others goes a long way. To complete the
requirements for the Physical Fitness portion and better myself, I chose to ride bikes
outdoors, attend spin classes, and gradually work my way up to biking 11-12 miles in
45 minute increments at least three days a week. I planned and executed a nine day
Expedition in England, Ireland, and Wales. I visited cathedrals, historical landmarks
and areas rich in European history. I assessed architectural beauty, local geography
and became increasingly aware of how important it is to learn about global cultures. I
am overjoyed that I completed every single goal that I set for myself on the journey of
becoming a Congressional Award Gold Medalist.
Maurissa Shumpert
Tupelo, Mississippi
Advisor: Teresa Roberts
Afliations: 4-H
My Voluntary Public Service was spent promoting my individual service project
Expressive Art for Children, providing arts and crafts workshops for children, supporting
my club’s partnership with Mississippi Minority Farmers’ Alliance’s Technology Center.
For Personal Development I designed and won the 2015 State 4-H Club Congress t-shirt
Contest and created the t-shirt theme, “Admission to the Future.” I served on the Lee
County Ambassador Leadership Team and as my club’s Treasurer. Also, I represented the
4-H as a National 4-H Congress Delegate. I maintained Physical Fitness by participating
in my high school marching band and performed in the “Band of Parades” for the
2017 Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C. In addition, I planted and picked
vegetables in my family garden and community garden as a great way to give back. For
my Expedition I traveled to Washington D.C. for the rst time by way of airplane and
then to New York by train. My experience in both cities were a great unique learning
experience and very memorable.
Clemmie Weddle
Vardaman, Mississippi
Advisor: Trent Barnett
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service I wanted to create awareness for certain causes and
programs. I volunteered as a guest speaker for several events, and I also donated 12
inches of my hair after my high school graduation to Children with Hair Loss. For
Personal Development I wanted to improve my public speaking skills, so I began to
prepare my own speech content, practice my delivery methods, and nd events to speak
at. I also worked my way up to larger crowds. I started at audiences of 20 people and
grew to over 250. To reach my Physical Fitness goal, I wanted to be able to walk half a
mile in under 15 minutes. To do this, I time my self every time I walked, and endeavored
to complete the distance quicker each time attempted. For my Expedition, I wanted to
experience a culture shock. I planned a week long trip to the Great Smoky Mountain
National Park. The consistent fast pace of Gatlinburg, Tennessee was a completely new
experience for me, and the ultimate bravery of the wildlife in Cade’s Cove also shocked
me. While working towards my Gold Medal, I learned exactly how far I could push my
self. I also learned that big goals are to be worked towards in small steps. Greatness
doesn’t happen overnight.
Cammie Moore
Grenada, Mississippi
Advisor: Chantel Chandler
Afliations: 4-H, Key Club
For my Voluntary Public Service I co-organized needed items and distributed ood
relief kits for recent ood victims in the area. I also co-planned a STEM activity for
local elementary students. For Personal Development I dedicated twelve hours a week
to prepare for weekly Friday night performances. I was accountable for the given sheet
music to put to memory and strove to be part of the bigger picture, unity, as the front
ensemble is looked at as a single unit. For Physical Fitness I was on the tennis team.
Also I continually go to the gym almost everyday to prepare myself to the best I can be.
For my Expedition, me and some friends went camping in the woods. We had to nd
re wood, create a re, set up the tent. The experience I gained from this expedition was
that enjoying fellowship with friends. Over the past four years while working toward my
Congressional Award, I have become better at setting personal goals along with working
hand in hand with my community leaders to assist with their goals. I also have discovered
the impact one can make by contributing to the community. I have developed new social
skills, as well as personal skills. I have been able to assess my strengths and weakness. I
feel I have matured greatly while working toward completing my award.
Bree Baker
St. Louis, Missouri
Advisor: Allison LiCavoli
For my Voluhtary Public Service, I was involved in National Charity League, which
works with over 30 charities. I have spent every summer working with Variety St. Louis
as a volunteer with their summer camp. The camp works with children with disabilities.
This experience has made me want to become a Pediatric Nurse. I focused on learning
a Spanish as a second language as my Personal Development. For my Physical Fitness I
competed nationally on a synchronized gure skating team. This was a great experience
which taught me about the importance of being part of a team and setting goals to achieve
and succeed. I planned a trip to Chicago for my Expedition. The purpose of was to visit
different cultural areas within the Chicago area. I loved seeing the different cultural
museums and restaurants. This experience taught me how so many times we miss the
wonderful different cultures within our own community. This experience has made me
a more rounded individual and also made me recognize some of my strengths. I know
helping out makes a difference not only in my community but just being a role model to
my peers.
Andrew Fruend
St. Louis, Missouri
Advisor: Scott Cornwell
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society, Special Olympics
I enjoyed my many hours of Voluntary Public Service with the Boy Scouts of America
and working with children in local summer camps. My favorite opportunity was a
mission trip to Costa Rica where I developed carpentry skills, met gracious people, and
enjoyed the beauty of the country. For my Personal Development I grew as a leader in
programs at my school and was able to experience an urban social justice immersion
week. My favorite experience was joining a Partners Club which pairs students with
and without disabilities for games, crafts, community service, school events and fun.
In Physical Fitness I became skilled in Aikido Martial Arts and participated on the
school Swim & Dive Team where I recently earned the Coach’s Choice Award for
Determination. My Exploration to Los Angeles was incredible as I explored opportunities
in lm, television, and broadcast journalism. Thank you to the Congressional Award
sponsors for this journey.
Robert “Trey” Fruend III
St. Louis, Missouri
Advisor: Scott Cornwell
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Habitat for Humanity, National
Honor Society, Special Olympics
While working for the Congressional Award logged over 450 hours of Voluntary Public
Service with various organizations including Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, where I
collected and donated over 3,000 books for children of adult patients for over three years.
While working on my Personal Development I had the opportunity to grow in leadership
as I have acted as Student Body President, served on the Principal’s Leadership Panel,
and represented my school at Missouri Boy’s State. Recently these skills have helped
me to be nominated to my hometown’s new City of Ladue Youth Council. For Physical
Fitness I had a goal to become a faster runner on my school’s Cross Country and Track
and Field teams, but this award has added to the challenge of beating my fastest times
every season. One major highlight of the program was my Exploration of Washington
D.C. Politics and history have always been major interests and it was inspirational to
prepare for and experience the trip.
Nathanial Marsters
Frontenac, Missouri
Advisor: Amy Gassel
Afliations: National Honor Society
I was active in volunteering at my local library and community, helping others through
the educational route. At the library, I spent time to sign kids, teens, and adults into the
summer reading club to keep expanding knowledge through the summer. In school, I
tutored younger kids in their studies. For my Personal Development I learned more about
my Russian culture by studying and practicing the language. From my experiences, I
also learned about certain traditions and customs of the Russian culture. I was engaged in
swimming and waterpolo, preparing for my military future as well. By setting Physical
Fitness goals, I could track my progess and reach for new limits. I spent outside time
in running and lifting so that I could further push my mind and body. I went out of my
comfort zone for my Expedition by staying on a farm, helping out with building fences,
planting bushes, and feeding livestock. I learned the value of teamwork in getting a job
done efciently, as well as using communication for effective results. I developed my
condence and resilience in entering new stages of life, as well as making it my goal to
help people every day.
Vivian Marsters
Frontenac, Missouri
Advisor: Amy Gassel
To earn my Congressional Award Gold medal, I completed 400 hours of Voluntary Public
Service at Kids Camp Ladue, World Bird Sanctuary, and my local library. What I gained
most from volunteering, was the ability to effectively and simultaneously lead and work
with others to achieve the task at hand. To complete my Personal Development goals,
I learned about my family’s native language and culture by attending weekly tutoring
lessons: and utilized these learned skills at home. For my Physical Fitness portion, I
attended dance classes every week. I achieved a lot of exibility with consistency and
condence from performing on stage and dancing in lead. Last but not least, for my
Expedition I explored the rural lifestyle of farming. I was so lucky to harvest raw honey,
understanding the true importance of nature and the hard work required to create the
everyday products we consume. I had a memorable and life-changing experience in
achieving not only my goals in the Congressional Award, but playing a role in making my
community a better place.
Caitlin Souers
Saint Louis, Missouri
Advisor: Mary Walsh
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service with
the Lewis & Clark Fife and Drum Corps. I helped pass on the fe and drum tradition
to many young recruits, and honored our veterans at many performances. For Personal
Development I took Irish Flute lessons and practiced learning different types of tunes.
My technique and sound showed great improvement. For Physical Fitness, I learned to
Irish dance again after a devastating foot injury. I attained a higher level of dances than
I ever have before. For my Exploration, I planned a 2-week trip to Ireland to explore my
heritage and attend a week-long Irish music school. I saw many famous landmarks, but
I also stayed in a hostel, learned to manage money, do my laundry, and completely take
care of myself. Earning the Congressional Award has been an amazing experience that
has made me a better leader, and prepared me for life.
Divya Srihari
Chestereld, Missouri
Advisor: Mrs. Laura Fogarty
Afliations: American Red Cross
Working towards my Voluntary Public Service goal, I was able to give back to my
community by volunteering at a pediatric hospital and the American Red Cross. I also
created a nonprot to raise awareness among children about healthy eating and obesity.
For my Personal Development goal, I elected to pursue biomedical research to explore
a career as a scientist. As I challenged myself for the Physical Fitness goal, I took
Indian classical dance lessons and progressed from an intermediate to an advanced
level. For my Exploration goal, I planned a trip to Madras, India, where I explored the
roots of Christianity by visiting ancient and historic churches. My journey towards the
Congressional Award Gold Medal has been an exceptional experience – one of personal
growth and self-realization; as I look back at this incredible journey, I have no doubt that
these experiences will continue to inspire me in all my future endeavors.
Yijin Huang
Chestereld, Missouri
Advisor: Zhaowei Jin
For my Voluntary Public Service I worked to improve animal welfare and led fund
raising activities for animal charity organizations. I led scouts to build two memorial
benches for the World Bird Sanctuary and also organized many service events for
Open Space Council. I also volunteered in the NCADA to raise the awareness of drug
abuse. For Personal Development I learned and achieved a high level of understanding
in the programming languages of Java, C++, web development, App development and
Web development. I also attended ACT training program to improve my ACT scores.
For Physical Fitness I improved my basketball skill in order to play on the Marquette
freshman basketball team. I increased my speed/endurance in order to run a 5 kilometer
race in under 20 minutes. I have also increased my strength in the bench press, deadlift
and squat. For my Expedition I hiked a 77 mile trek in 12 days in the Rocky mountains as
a part of the Troop 677 boyscout screw at Philmont Scout Ranch. In my participation in
the Congressional Award, I have realized that achievements come from internal drive and
Olivia Johanns
Jefferson City, Missouri
Advisor: Debbie Malzner
Afliations: American Red Cross, National Honor Society, YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I served over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service at the local
Salvation Army, American Red Cross, leading youth retreats, and helping provide holiday
meals for federal housing. I was able to provide nourishment and company to a secluded
group of people within our community. For Personal Development, I worked in two
restaurants to increase my knowledge of business, customer service, and management.
I found that empowering employees provides a successful business, and that any kind
of experience develops a person. For my Physical Fitness portion, I developed my
basketball skills to the point that I became a Division I prospect. I also worked to increase
my free throw percentage over 80%. For my Expedition I traveled to Ireland, Belgium,
Germany, Holland, France, and Luxembourg to enrich my cultural knowledge. I became
more culturally competent which will help me in all of my endeavors. The Congressional
Award taught me that outside of my comfort zones are where discorvery, knowledge,
compassion, and experience begin.
Abbey Grooms
Saint Joseph, Missouri
Advisor: Jim Clayton
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn the Gold Medal I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service growing
and selling sweet corn to raise money for scholarships for students with special needs
to attend summer camp. I also planted a garden each summer to raise produce to donate
to the local food bank—over 2,000 pounds. For Personal Development I spent over
200 hours job shadowing and volunteering with organizations that provide services
for children and adults with special needs. I also spent a week out of state working at a
facility for adults with special needs. For my Physical Fitness portion I swam after school
and on weekends as part of a private swim team in addition to my school swim team.
I achieved my goal of swimming on the varsity and state swim teams. Finally, for my
Expedition I spent 5 days in Colorado mountain climbing, hiking, bike riding, touring
historical mining towns, and more. The Congressional Award encouraged me to nd a
variety of ways to enrich my high school experience. I learned valuable lessons from all
four areas.
Ambrose Terneus
Bellevue, Nebraska
Advisor: Rodney Wheeler
Afliations: National Honor Society, Boy Scouts of America
To complete the Gold Medal, I dedicated hundreds of Voluntary Public Service hours to
playing classical piano and accordion for nursing home residents, serving community
meals for the homeless, and tutoring children in mathematics and the Latin language.
To further my Personal Development, I began studying computer programming and
participated in a robotics team as its programmer. Additionally, I participated in the
National Junior Classical League where I strengthened my knowledge of the Classics
while competing with a Latin quiz-bowl team. For Physical Fitness, I trained with a track
and eld club as a decathlete and became ranked as the USATF Junior Olympic state
decathlon champion in my division. I also trained and competed with a homeschool
archery team in state tournaments. Lastly, I traveled to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of
New Mexico for my Expedition. I backpacked and achieved two peak ascents. During
the trip, I experienced the history of the pioneers’ travail in this rugged region. I am very
grateful for these enriching opportunities fostered by the Congressional Award Program
to grow in condence, leadership, and virtue.
Mary Aumen
Omaha, Nebraska
Advisor: Sheila Keller
In earning my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I spent over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service serving our community in various ways. I helped serve the poor
through our local St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, volunteered weekly at the library,
and participated in educational outreach at the Fontenelle Forest Preserve. For Personal
Development I studied the piano and participated in several choirs. In striving to strike a
balance between beauty in the mind and the beauty of created life, I also spent more time
at Fontenelle Forest, learning about plant and animal life and the splendor of nature. To
improve my Physical Fitness, I hiked, played volleyball, ice skated, and learned ballroom
dance. I increased my skill and endurance levels playing varsity volleyball, hiked
through different parts of Africa, Europe and Asia, and acquired new skills in ice skating
and dance. For my Expedition, I planned a trip to the Jane Austen Festival in Bath,
England. We visited the places that were important to Miss Austen’s life, and explored
museums which showed what life was like in her time. We also viewed the Magna Carta.
The Congressional Award Program has taught me many important life skills and instilled
in me qualities which made me a more responsible and capable citizen of the United
Zachary Hammer
Henderson, Nevada
Advisor: Murat Ozdemir
Afliations: National Honor Society, YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
my local hospital and various organizations within the community. I interacted with
doctors, nurses, and patients, learning the importance of compassion while coming to
the realization that I want to become a Physician. For Personal Development, I took
several SAT and ACT Prep Courses, and studied on my own. I achieved the scores I was
looking for with a 1510 on the SAT and a 35 on the ACT. For Physical Fitness, I decided
I would train hard at basketball so I could make the Varsity Basketball team. I made the
Varsity team as a freshman, and continued through my senior year, where I made the
All-Conference First Team. For my Exploration, I planned a four-night diving trip to
Cozumel, Mexico to earn my Advanced Scuba Certication. I completed several dives,
classwork, embraced the Mexican culture, and sharpened my Spanish speaking skills all
while earning my certication. The Congressional Award has enhanced my life by taking
me out of my comfort zone and exposing me to experiences I may have never had.
Ritvik Janamsetty
Henderson, Nevada
Advisor: Ismail Kocabiyik
Afliations: National Honor Society
I spent my Voluntary Public Service at my local library and started a free tutoring
service. I also worked with my local NSF chapter to educate Indian students. Finally,
I did a service project in India where I taught disadvantaged Indians English and life
outside their community. Through my Personal Development goals, I sought to improve
my self as a speaker, writer, and scientist. I did the rst by participating in Speech and
Debate, while I did the second by reading books and writing essays. I also I set to create a
cleaner, more efcient biomass stove. For my Physical Fitness goal, I sought to decrease
my weight to a much healthier 180 pounds. While I wasn’t able to fulll my goal, I
still lost nearly 55 pounds and have noticed a myriad of personal health, physical, and
athletic improvements. My Expedition took me to a culturally signicant city in India:
Hyderabad. There, I learned about the rich, centuries-old history of the city—lled
with religious, cultural, and linguistic strife and harmony—with a backdrop of a city
undergoing a technological and pollical revolution. The Congressional Award was pivotal
in me discovering myself, both personally and societally, by helping me learn more about
myself and my role in the world.
Salomée Levy
Henderson, Nevada
Advisor: Zharina Flores
Afliations: National Honor Society
I wanted to focus on giving every student a right to an equitable education. Throughout
my two years of Voluntary Public Service I volunteered at the Green Valley public library
and not only assisted the homework program but heard input on education. I also helped
organize Las Vegas Dance Marathon for children hospital. For my Personal Development
I focused on improving my art skills and learning how to drive. I want my work to one
day be seen my thousands in an art gallery in my community. I learned from local artists
how to expand my current painting skills with oil paint and studied the composition of
oceans. For my Physical Fitness, I focused on my strength. My dad inspired me to lift
weights to years ago and I started to deadlift 60 lbs and worked my way up by increasing
10 lbs every week. While I focused on improving my weightlifting ability, I learned
about foods that give good carbs and protein. For my Exploration I traveled to the
Eastern Coast of the United States, as it was far from Las Vegas and out of my comfort
zone. I visited New York City and Washington DC to learn about new environments
and the different cultures which later inspired me to major in international relations. My
experience earning the Congressional Award was my journey. It was not a straight path
and it took me hard work and dedication to reach my goals.
Zane Pasha
Las Vegas, Nevada
Advisor: Rita Vaswani
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, National Honor Society
My sister and I are co-founders of our own non-prot organization, “AIM OutReach
Foundation”, through which I organized annual food drives, coat drives and mentorship
programs. I am also a member of YMSL where I volunteered at Catholic Charities,
Rescue Mission, JOY Prom and Miracle League. For my Personal Development, I played
violin daily for at least 60 minutes with my goal being to play with orchestras in venues
of repute. I reached my goal by getting accepted to play with an orchestra at Carnegie
Hall and at the Sydney Opera House in Australia. For my Physical Fitness, I set a goal to
improve my skills at Olympic Recurve Archery by regular practice, focus and to develop
my mental strength, which is so vital for this sport. I continued my weekly practice and
lessons and as of now, my average score has improved by 50 points. Finally, For my
Expedition, I planned a trip with my English teacher to visit South Africa and visited
Johannesburg and Cape Town to see in person the township where Nelson Mandela
lived, what inspired him, where he was imprisoned , both for the initial house arrest and
then in Robben Island. The Congressional Award taught me perseverance, diligence,
follow through and respect for all the personal liberties that we take for granted. It got me
out of my comfort zone and encouraged me try different outreach experiences.
Sydney Richardson
Bedford, New Hampshire
Advisor: Scott Lucid
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at the Boys and Girls Club in
Lawrence, Massachusetts, an underserved community. I coached the swim team and
taught swim lessons. I also ran a swim suit drive to make sure those who wanted to learn
had proper swim attire. We collected over 250 suits. For Personal Development, I picked
up crew and archery. For crew I joined the high school team, and learned the skills
necessary to make the varsity team. For archery I joined Stonedale Archery and earned
multiple pins, while becoming a Level 1 Certied instructor. For my Physical Fitness
I wanted to improve my 100 and 200 Buttery and 100 Freestyle. Through improved
technique and interval training, I improved all three and got my 100 Freestyle under one
minute. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned an immersion trip to Peru. I went on an
excursion to the dunes of Ica, got over my fear of small planes to y over the Nazca lines,
lived with a local family, and attended a school, all while improving my Spanish. The
Congressional Award was an amazing experience, as it pushed me outside my comfort
zone and shaped me into a well-rounded person, and I am thrilled to have completed it.
Zachary Asselta
Millville, New Jersey
Advisor: Lisa Gaudio
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered with the local library,
Historical Society, and our local Levoy Theater. While helping at these places, I
organized les, sold concessions, and helped patrons nd what they were looking for. To
complete my Personal Development goals, I have worked on my marching band skills.
I have improved my marching and playing skills by practicing multiple times a week.
To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I practiced every day and worked to achieve
faster times running both in the mile and in 5k’s. To complete my Exploration goals I
traveled to Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. On this trip I learned a great amount
of information about the area, culture, and history that particular area and of the country.
While participating in The Congressional Award I have learned many new skills and have
learned to push myself past what I thought were the limits.
Robert Cuff
Millville, New Jersey
Advisor: Lisa GaudioTo
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 600 hours of Voluntary Public Service at my
local community theater. I was an usher and concessions worker at the Levoy Theater
and I supervised campers as a Junior Counselor for the New Jersey National Guard Youth
Camp. For Personal Development, I wanted to improve my singing abilities to audition
for the New Jersey All-State Chorus. I improved my vocal ability and made great strides
in my time practicing. I auditioned and was accepted into the New Jersey All-State
Chorus. For my Physical Fitness portion, I decided I would improve my endurance,
strength and agility in Cross Country and Winter/Spring Track. I trained and by the end
of the year, I earned three varsity letters in those sports. Finally, for my Expedition, I
planned a ve night trip to Williamsburg, Virginia. While exploring historical Jamestown
and Yorktown, I learned to paddle board! I physically and mentally challenged myself
while white water rafting and hiking. The Congressional Award has made a huge impact
on my life that is unforgettable, I will never forget to always persevere through even the
most difcult of tasks.
Evan Gregory Doliszny
Ocean City, New Jersey
Advisor: William Bratun
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society, People to People
In earning my Gold Medal, I completed over 611 hours of Volunteer Public Service
which strengthened my work ethic, compassion for those in need, and a greater
appreciation for a clean and sustainable environment while servicing the public for the
greater good. In pursuing my Personal Development goals, I invested over 1,148 hours
developing advanced mathematical, logic, analytical and reading comprehension skills,
all which were instrumental to my success in the pursuit of academic excellence and top
performance on my SAT. My Physical Fitness goals were completed with over 1,040
hours over a 2 year period dedicated to the team sport of crew. I increased my physical
strength, coordination, stamina, and reduced my 2k sprint time from 8:30 down to a 7:20,
and qualied to compete in regional and national races. For my Expedition, I developed
a strong interest in exploring Middle Eastern traditions, culture, history, and a desire
to strengthen my language prociency in Arabic through Arabic immersion. I realized
my goals by travelling to Amman Jordan. With focused dedication, I learned that hard
work, effective teamwork and committed determination leads to success, and I intend
to continue to apply these traits in pursuit of my future self-improvement/development
Alexandra Kukal
Millville, New Jersey
Advisor: Lisa Gaudio
I volunteered in my community by promoting our local arts through our community
theater and through our historic glass factory. I also volunteered at our local WWII Army
Aireld to promote history in the community. For Personal Development I strived to
become a better ute player. I put countless hours toward practicing and joined my high
school marching band. For Physical Fitness I ran and swam daily to become a better
athlete and increase my stamina. For my Expedition I traveled to Maine. Overall the
Congressional Award broadened my horizons making me a better person by allowing me
to help my community and better myself.
James Joseph Laberee
Medford, New Jersey
Advisor: Rebecca Nugent
It has been a great pleasure to spend my Voluntary Public Service at the oldest natural
science institution in the Western Hemisphere - The Academy of Natural Sciences. For
three years I have helped young students learn about the natural world. I will continue
this rewarding work throughout my high school years. For my Personal Development I
learned how to play the bagpipes, which helped me connect with my Scottish heritage.
I take lessons and also march in parades. This is a proud instrument with a distinct
patriotic appeal. For my Physical Fitness I joined South Jersey Rowing Club and
rowed on the Cooper River. This sport taught me more about life than I every imagined
possible. It is a true team sport. Through heat, rain, and cold I rowed and competed
in an eight-person shell and gained a very high level of tness and endurance. I spent
my Expedition learning about the Amish culture in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I
pitched a tent in a nearby campground and visited historical Amish sites daily. I was able
to interview people directly and interact on a limited basis with some Amish youth. I
gained respect for this lifestyle! The Congressional Award Program has taught me how to
stick with a goal and nish strong!
Krishna Parikh
Toms River, New Jersey
Advisor: Heather Handzo
For my Volutnary Public Service I went to the hospital and nursing home often. In both
places, I helped out individuals, whether they were visitors, patients, or elders. I also
am one of the volunteers of my Indian community’s annual 5k color run. For Personal
Development I went to dance classes at Satrangi School of Fusion in Edison, NJ. By
continuously practicing routines and preparing for multiple shows, I have gained more
self-condence and learned how to control my body better, coordinate with others, and
increase my endurance. For Physical Fitness I practiced tennis outside of school most
of the year, preparing to to play on my high school’s JV team the past two years. My
practice and commitment helped increase my velocity over the last two teens seasons,
which in turn made me better overall. I also developed a greater level of stamina. For
my Expedition I planned a trip to London and Paris as part of a group. We put together
an agenda by going on various websites, where we booked plane tickets, hotels, and
tickets for all the sites we were seeing. I expanded my leadership skills as one of the head
coordinators. The Congressional Award encouraged me to be involved in my community,
allowing me to make a greater impact than before.
Khushi Patel
Toms River, New Jersey
Advisor: Heather Handzo
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals I partook in hours at Rose Garden
Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. At the center I specically assisted the elderly with
a cooking class. For my Personal Development goals I worked on my soccer skills and
techniques. I did three days of practice on my soccer team and then one to two days of
soccer games over the weekends. I grew as a person being that I worked on my technical
skills as well as teamwork. For my Physical Fitness goals I went to the gym and I worked
on increasing my endurance. I grew physically and mentally strong from this goal of
mine. In order to fulll my Exploration goals I chose my trip to Japan and China. On
this trip I learned about two unique cultures that I have never experienced before. My
overall experience for earning this prestigious award is that I feel as if i have made a true
difference in my community and in myself. I was able to grow as a person and truly learn
more about my community.
Shannon Leahy
Neptune, New Jersey
Advisor: Brigit Albrecht
For my Voluntary Public Service I was a counselor at Camp Invention, a non-prot
organization who inspire children to be future innovators through science. I also
volunteered my time at a local hospital and I organized a Halloween Costume Drive
for families residing at a homeless shelter collecting over 300 costumes. For Personal
Development I worked at a local ice cream shop. I have been with the store since it
opened over 4 years growing in my role by taking on additional job responsibilities. I
started out as an ice cream scooper, was promoted to a shift leader and last summer I
was promoted to store manager. For Physical Fitness I decided to improve my skills as
a dancer. I increased my studio time in order to improve my technique. Through my
commitment and hard work I was awarded a solo on my competition team and currently
I am a member of the Loyola University Dance Team. For my Expedition Trip I planned
a camping trip to Cape May, NJ. I coordinated 6 families, researched campsites, planned
day trips and organized daily meals for everyone. I learned the proper way to set up a
base camp, went biking and visited the Cape May Bird Observatory. The Congressional
Award has taught me the importance of setting goals, to always follow through with
commitments and that it takes hard work to achieve great success.
Julia Jeong
Paramus, New Jersey
Advisor: Yu Jeong Lee
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at Bergen New Bridge Medical
Center, aiding the elderly in the long term care center, as well as serving at nursing
homes through the musical performances of the Good Neighbor Ensemble in which
I participated. For Personal Development I sought to develop my skills as a violinist
through practicing regularly, learning from a teacher, and joining music organizations
such as the NJ Region I Orchestra, NJ All-State Orchestra, and even the All-Eastern
Orchestra. For Physical Fitness I attended my local health center for at least 3 hours a
week to maintain my goal of staying t. I was able to build up endurance, running for
longer periods of time, and even build a better metabolism. On my Expedition I visited
many major historic sites in Korea to understand the history of my culture and heritage.
Ciara DiMaiolo
Morganville, New Jersey
Advisor: Doug Young
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
The Solana of Marlboro and Robertsville Volunteer Fire Company. At the Solana of
Marlboro I assisted with activities and social gatherings. At my local re house, I went
on numerous types of calls and participated in drills. For Personal Development, my goal
was was to become a stronger vocalist. I wanted to expand my knowledge in musical
theatre, opera, technique, solfege, and sight singing. I also spent a lot of time learning
to act through the songs I sing. For my Physical Fitness portion, my rst goal was to
strengthen my training in dance to help me become a stronger performer. My second goal
was to enhance my skills in circus training. Both of these goals helped my to become
more exible, graceful and a better performer. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned
a ve-day hiking trip in Hickory Run State Park, located in Pennsylvania. I hiked
physically demanding trails in the park for 15 miles a day. I wanted to do something I
never thought I could do that would be personally challenging and fun at the same time.
The Congressional Award was a life changing experience that taught me independence,
responsibility, selessness and enabled me to grow as a person and discover so many
wonderful things.
Kunal Kanwar
Edison, New Jersey
Advisor: Archana Sood
Afliations: HOBY, Key Club
For the Voluntary Public Service portion of the Congressional Award, I decided to co-found a
non-prot organization called Must Educate. The organization strives to provide unprivileged
children with the resources needed to receive an education. Together, we have raised over
$7000. For my Personal Development goals, I participated in FIRST Robotics which is an
international organization for high school students that incorporates teamwork, leadership
skills, engineering design, and presentational skills focused on building robots. For the
Physical Fitness portion, I joined the varsity golf team in my high school and the Junior PGA
for New Jersey. As a pivotal member on the team, I received the Most Improved Player
Award during the 2016-2017 Varsity Golf season, and qualied for the Greater Middlesex
County Golf Finals. For the Expedition, I organized and planned a 5-day trip to a camping
ground in Pennsylvania for my family and over 25 other friends. During the expedition, I was
able to go white water rafting and had the unique opportunity to visit two state parks while
learning basic camping skills. Overall, the Congressional Award was a unique experience
which allowed me to not only excel in four different life areas but changed my perspective on
what it means to get involved and make a difference in the lives of others.
Tanvi Bekal
Bridgewater, New Jersey
Advisor: Eve Wasserman
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service by volunteering at a Habitat for
Humanity ReStore. I collected, priced, and stocked donated items; prots from selling
these items are used to procure supplies and build homes for those in need. My Personal
Development requirement was fullled through participating in a leadership program
in my community. It entailed discussing issues with community leaders and learning
about the roles that different components of my county play in solving problems that the
community faces. For the Physical Fitness portion of the program, I played volleyball
at my school for four years and attended camps to hone my skills. This allowed me to
transform from a novice to a lover of the sport, and inspired me to continue to pursue
my passion in college. My Expedition included travelling to Louisiana and Texas for
a cultural and historical immersive experience. I learned about the French colonization
in Louisiana, and visited the JFK Museum in Dallas to learn more about our country’s
history. Overall, the Congressional Award was an opportunity that allowed me to broaden
my horizons and encouraged me to explore activities and ideas that I would not otherwise
have been exposed to, giving me newfound passions that I am thankful for.
James Foran
Stewartsville, New Jersey
Advisor: Robert Marciello
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America
As an Eagle Scout, I felt it was my duty to give back to the program that had offered me
so much. In order to do so, I had continued my service to Scouting through its National
Honor Society: the Order of the Arrow. I was awarded the Vigil Honor through my
service as Lodge Chief and an Arrowman. My Personal Development revolved around
ne tuning my leadership abilities to prepare myself for my career in the United States
Air Force. I was the captain of both my Cross Country and Swim teams and served in
many extracurricular clubs. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve my 100 yard and
50 yard freestyle times in swimming. I dropped signicant time through hard work and
enthusiasm. I was commonly known as the loudest and proudest swimmer on my team
and I worked hard with countless hours of swimming during my time. Outward Bound
was where I had done my Exploration requirement. As an experienced Scout, I thought I
was well prepared for the 22 day expedition. Frustrations and difculty with my fellow
crew members taught me the importance of compassion and understanding in high stress
Eunice Bae
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Advisor: Kevin Jong
For my Voluntary Public Service I worked the reference desk of my local library
weekly, built homes for homeless veterans through Habitat for Humanity, and restored
a public park far from home with the Student Conservation Association. Through these
experiences, I was able to interact with those I helped. Language is a strong passion
of mine, so I decided to learn Italian through an online college course for my Personal
Development. I also worked on improving my piano skills through individual practice.
For my Physical Fitness I partiicpated in the varsity fencing and softball teams at my
school. I practiced, competed and strove to become a leader on both teams. I also went
to batting cages on my own time in order to improve my batting. I planned a 5-day
Expedition around Korea in order to become better-connected with my roots. As a
Korean-American, I wanted to have a more profound knowledge of my familial and
cultural history.
Vicky Trieu
Secaucus, New Jersey
Advisor: Catharina Sofjan Wolf
Afliations: Key Club, National Honor Society, People to People International
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service through People to People International and the Hygiene Project. I
distributed hygiene kits and served meals at shelters. For Personal Development, I
worked on developing interpersonal skills to become an effective leader. I served as the
President of People to People International GIFT Community Chapter and the National
French Honor Society. The leadership experience enabled me to become a condent
public speaker. Dance is one of my greatest passions. For Physical Fitness, I participated
in daily dance classes embedded in my school schedule, along with after school
rehearsals in ballet, pointe, tap, and contemporary. I attended summer intensives and
dance festivals. I also performed in charity showcases. After completing my second year
taking French, I wanted to explore the culture rst-hand. For my Expedition I traveled
to Europe for the rst time and spent six days visiting museums, eating delicious foods,
and admiring the famous sights. I had the opportunities to utilize and improve my French
language skills. My participation in earning the Congressional Award has enabled me to
grow personally and professionally by allowing me to gain a new perspective on life and
develop skills to help prepare me for a future career as a successful educator.
Caitlin D’Souza
Denville, New Jersey
Advisor: Nicholas Pelosi
My Voluntary Public Service was at my local hospital. I helped deliver specimens or
transport patients around the hospital. I spent my summers volunteering with my church
through Operation Appalachia to rebuild houses in Preston County, West Virginia. For
Personal Development, I wanted to become a better utist so everyday I would practice
scales and breathing techniques. Now I can play complex pieces more uidly. For
Physical Fitness I wanted to decrease my mile time to 7 minutes so I would run on the
treadmill and lift weights. I incorporated high intensity sprints with jogging in order
to build my endurance. I am very passionate about tness and love going to the gym
now. I planned a trip for my family and I to go to California for my Expedition. We
observed the Hispanic culture in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco by going
to authentic restaurants, museums, and shows. I even got to practice my Spanish skills!
By participating in the Congressional Award, I was able to grow as an individual by
participating in my community and gaining more exposure to other cultures.
Krishant Putrevu
Parsippany, NJ, New Jersey
Advisor: Lawrence Hart
For Voluntary Public Service I volunteered at St.Clare’s hospital as youth volunteer. I
assisted with transportation and front desk. During that time I made new friends, worked
as team and enjoyed the satisfaction of helping others. For Personal Development I took
violin lessons two times a week and practiced at home. I am now in the nal level of
symphony orchestra. For Physical Fitness, I took tennis classes and trained by jogging
and weight machines at gym. Finally for my Exploration, I planned a ve days trip to
explore ancient moverian culture and early settlers of North Carolina. The Congressional
award program has taught me hard work, dedication, perseverance and helping others.
Andre Biehl
Princeton, New Jersey
Advisor: Janet Monge
The Amazon rainforest is being rapidly deforested and my goal was to help protect it
and to empower communities living within it. For my Voluntary Public Service I worked
with a science-based NGO monitoring deforestation and I conducted outreach activities
to support sustainable development for a vulnerable Amazonian community. For my
Personal Development I developed interviewing and journalistic skills. Focusing on the
history of migrant labor in the US, I conducted interviews with migrant farmworkers in
New Jersey and wrote reports, stories, and blog posts. Having the chance to interview
farmworker activist Dolores Huerta was a powerful experience. My Physical Fitness goal
was to improve my strength and overall health. I weightlifted at a higher level, introduced
more cardio into my tness regimen, and ate a more nutrient-rich diet to enhance my
workouts. I saw unexpected positive side effects from my program, including a lack of
illness and improved sleep. For my Expedition I explored my family history and the
history of 19th century southern Brazil, particularly as it relates to immigration. I visited
historical sites and local cemeteries. I combed through parish registries and tombstone
inscriptions for data about the baptisms, marriages and deaths of my ancestors. Through
The Congressional Award, I developed a set of passions and practical skills that I will
take into a lifelong career of public service and civic engagement.
Anushka Iyer
West Windsor, New Jersey
Advisor: Harini Fredrickson
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service by starting and mentoring two robotics teams (one local and one abroad),
hosting outreach events and giving presentations on the importance of STEM education,
and teaching programming classes at local schools. For Personal Development, I learned
how to make nutritious and healthy meals, prepare and pack my food ahead of time,
shop for groceries, and read nutrition labels. I also researched and prepared pre and post
workout meals to meet my needs during my volleyball season. My goal for the Physical
Fitness portion was to lead my school’s varsity volleyball team and be a well-rounded
player who could play all positions, while also building muscle strength and tone. I
attended all volleyball practices and trained extra with my coach and teammates to
expand my skillset. For my Expedition I planned a ve day trip to India, inspired by one
of my favorite movies, which tracks the life and exploits of a warrior, Bajirao Ballal from
Pune, India. My family and I visited famous sights from the movie, met with professors
who had studied Ballal, and explored parts of India we had never been to! Participating in
the congressional award has been both motivating and motivating. It has helped me hone
in on my specic interests while also allowing me to share them with my community.
Through this journey, I have become more self-sufcient, a better leader, and a better
David Takacs
Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Advisor: Steve Hancock
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
My Gold Medal journey spanned ten years and my activities varied over the years.
My Voluntary Public Service revolved around scouting, rising to the level of Assistant
ScoutMaster. My Personal Development involved leadership courses and activities. For
Physical Fitness, I engaged in different physical challenges and joined a local rowing
team. Finally, for my Expedition I planned a ve-night Historical Markers quest.
Visiting towns across the State of Pennsylvania locating Markers, I learned the historical
signicance for their placement and immersed myself in each towns unique history.
The Congressional Award has taught me to reach beyond my comfort zone and learn a
valuable lesson in perseverance.
Saiomkar Iyer
Wheatley Heights, New York
Advisor: Sushama Tangella
For my Voluntary Public Service, I taught Martial Arts to children for free as well as
made food for the homeless. I also spent my time volunteering at a hospital for children
who are wheelchair bound and cannot speak. For the Personal Development aspect, I
regularly attended Human Value classes that helped me appreciate the world more. I also
worked hard to signicantly increase my skill in playing drums. For Physical Fitness I
began lifting weights in hopes to lose weight and gain muscle. I also trained diligently
to obtain my First Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. For my Exploration I went to
New York City and explored many different areas full of culture, great food and beautiful
museums and architecture. Overall the Congressional award has helped me grow and
appreciate the small things given in life that no one should take for granted.
Noah Stiles
East Islip, New York
Advisor: Judith Daley
For my Voluntary Public Service I held various drives to help the disadvantaged in my
community. I did coat drives and also suit and dress drives for working people. I also did
a towel and sheet drive and donated them to a local animal shelter. Finally, I worked with
local special education children. For Personal Development I worked for a local rental
company and learned all aspects of the business. I learned how to take orders, follow
through with the orders and also create satised customers. I observed how to negotiate
with people so that everyone is happy with the deal. For Physical Fitness I played on a
travel soccer team and then learned ji jitsu and kickboxing. Physical activity is a lot of
fun and helps me to keep in shape. For my Expedition I planned a trip to Mexico for my
entire family. We went to the ruins there and swam in beautiful caves. I am condent that
I can plan additional adventures in the future. I enjoyed earning the Congressional Award
Gold Medal. I learned a lot in order to obtain it and acquired skills I will use for the rest
of my life!
Muhammed Colak
Commack, New York
Advisor: Emirhan Yenidunya
For Voluntary Public Services I helped out set up dialogue dinners with my community.
I also helped out organize international trips to Haiti and Tanzania. I volunteered in
teaching kids English in Haiti and volunteered in renovating an orphanage in Tanzania
To achieve my Personal Development goals, I helped out kids in elementary school in
reading and writing. I also went to a 1-month mentoring camp and seminars to help
out kids who are in high school who are planning on going to college. To achieve my
Physical Fitness goals, I set up 90-minute soccer games every week with my friends
and mentors. I also trained every day in my front yard until I felt pain in my body and
continued playing so I could learn not to quit so easily. For my Exploration goal, my
friend set up a trip to Turkey and learn about our culture. We also made this trip to learn
how to stand on our own feet. The overall experience in earning The Congressional
award was one of the best things, it thought me so much and made me gain a lot of
knowledge that I will later use in my life. It also helped me open up my eyes and see
things in different perspectives. I recommend everybody to experience this award.
Becky Han
Port Washington, New York
Advisor: Myeong Suk Chae
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 470 hours of Voluntary Public Service through
my own non-prot dedicated to helping elementary school adoptees. I also worked as a
part of an organization afliated with the UN by serving homeless individuals food and
actively fundraising for their cause. For my Personal Development portion, I improved
my research skills in business by working alongside a mentor to create a methodology
measuring the social impact of the online education industry. In addition, I advanced
my skills in video editing and producing alongside my church’s multimedia editor.
For Physical Fitness, I trained to hike a 2-mile trail and, ultimately, longer trails under
the average time by following strict workout routines. Lastly, for my Expedition, I
planned and led a four-night, ve-day camping trip at Wildwood State Park. I obtained
and organized the necessary supplies, as well as arranged all activities, which included
biking nearby trails and hiking in areas near the beach. The Congressional Award was an
incredible, unique experience that truly helped me grow both as an independent person
and as a condent leader. All of the hours I put into reaching each of my goals enabled
me not only to discover my passions, but also to develop my overall endurance and
diligence when fullling any kind of responsibility.
Darshi Shah
Rego Park, New York
Advisor: Dr. Ilija Dukovski
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public service at the Emergency Department in the Greater Boston area, serving patients
from myriad of socio-economic, linguistic, cultural, and medical background. For
Personal Development, I conducted cancer biology research, both in wet laboratory
settings and using computational tools, and have immensely enhanced my knowledge
in the eld, further inspiring me to become an Oncologist in the future. In the Physical
Fitness area, I worked my on running and lifting skills to improve my core strength, to
be able to better serve as an EMT-B. For my Expedition, I planned 7 days and 6 nights
trip while I was in India to explore Vadodara, the city I was born in, and immerse in
the culture by living like locals. Working towards the Congressional Award helped me
enhance my planning and time management skills, become more diligent about my goals,
and helped me realize the power of persistence and self-belief.
Baird Johnson
New York, New York
Advisor: Jay Peterson
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
My Voluntary Public Service mission was to make the concrete jungle a little greener.
I worked in numerous community gardens; my favorite was Jenny’s Garden where we
planted, irrigated and harvested hundreds of pounds of vegetables to donate to local soup
kitchens. New York City is also the perfect setting to embark on a self study of the works
of William Shakespeare. For my Personal Development I explored 25 plays - attending
staged readings, professional theatrical productions, watching televised and lm versions
as well reading his works - all for free! For Physical Fitness I logged 993 hours and ran
thousands of miles. This program inspired me to expand my efforts in cross training
which is a major benet to my running. Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks were
the setting for my Expedition. I camped, hiked, photographed nature and investigated the
effects of global warming on the ecosystem.
Kristen Brennan
Staten Island, New York
Advisor: Robert Gullickson
Afliations: National Honor Society, The Maverick Foundation
For my Voluntary Public Service I attended clinics at Saint Teresa’s Youth Program,
teaching and coaching elementary school girls basketball. I was the book and score keeper
at Mount Carmel after CYO basketball league. I volunteered before and after school hours,
helping my classmates with homework and studying. For Personal Development, I took
art classes twice a week to improve my drawing and painting skills. As Student Council
President, I organize events in my school and strive to discuss ways to make everyday life
for my colleagues better. For Physical Fitness I played on my High School varsity softball
team, where we won the 2017 NYS Championship. I practiced 5-6 days a week, as well as
played league games to improve my skills and strive for another Championship. I went to
Virginia for my Expedition. I wanted to learn more about my country’s history by visiting
museums, parks and battleelds in the area. I also wanted to expand my knowledge about
aquatic life by visiting aquariums. Earning the Congressional Award has kick started my
development into a young adult. The skills I’ve learned such as; time management, work
ethic and community involvement are ones I will use throughout the rest of my life.
Madison Rose Gorman
Staten Island, New York
Advisor: Robert Gullickson
Afliations: The Maverick Foundation
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service, including hours at the
Seton Foundation for Learning. This volunteer experience was rewarding because I worked closely with
young children with developmental disabilities, helping them to master skills such as communicating and
playing cooperatively to help them succeed throughout their young lives and beyond. Bringing a warm
smile to their face and brightening their day was especially meaningful. For Personal Development, I
earned a Lifeguard and CPR certication and am now a Lifeguard for three years. I also stretched myself
by participating in high school theatrical productions and serving as a lawyer for the Prosecution as part
of the Mock Trial team. For my Physical Fitness requirements, I committed to training and improving my
swimming skills, ultimately becoming the Varsity Swim Team Captain for Saint Joseph Hill Academy
High School. Finally, for my Expedition I planned a unique learning adventure and went snorkeling
and scuba diving for the rst time to learn more about the underwater habitat in Providenciales, Turks
and Caicos. The Congressional Award was an experience that expanded my mind and challenged me
personally, helping me to realize that hard work and stretch goals are possible and rewarding in reaching
my highest potential. The experience has forever instilled in me the importance of voluntary public
service, and I plan to continue volunteer work with developmentally disabled children throughout
college and beyond. My aspirations are to study Business and Law, ultimately defending the innocent
and bringing justice that is deserved to others. Through the Congressional Award program, I learned that
young adults can be the heroes of everyday life and have a lasting impact on others.
Tasneem Ibrahim
Brooklyn, New York
Advisor: Nehal Elfeky
I spent my Voluntary Public Service hours at my local volunteer ambulance service. As
a volunteer, I learned First Aid skills such as CPR, bleeding control, measuring blood
pressure and pulse. I also helped train new volunteers in these skills. For Personal
Development I attended the Girls Who Code program at my school which took place
every Tuesday after school. In the club, I was exposed to computer science, and learned
about different coding languages. I was then able to apply this knowledge in coding to
build games and websites. For Physical Fitness I dedicated more than 200 hours playing
basketball. I constantly practiced in school and outside of school by competing against
others. Through this practice, I was able to increase the shots I make in and my overall
strength. For my Expedition I planned trips for my family to explore Washington DC
and Virginia. I researched about various fun activities that my family would enjoy. Most
important, I was able to organize the events of each day to make the trip run smoother.
Through my participation in The Congressional Award, I learned that with dedication,
anything is possible.
Jacqueline McCabe
Staten Island, New York
Advisor: Vickie Bedore
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed 420 hours of Voluntary Public Service at the
Staten Island Children’s Museum and the Children’s Harbor Montessori School. These
experiences conrmed my career choice to work with young children. For Personal
Development, I dedicated 440 hours to working with my tutor and my Hearing Education
Specialist. Through these activities I was able to improve my focus and my grades.
For my Physical Fitness portion, I competed in three different sports (volleyball,
cheerleading and softball), one for each season, logging over 460 hours. In the process
I was proud to receive the Coaches’ Award for Volleyball and the Sportsmanship Award
for Cheerleading. Finally, for my Expedition, I completed a summer learning program
in Vermont. I lived with a roommate, did my own laundry, and learned how to be self-
sufcient. The Congressional Award allowed me to combine my various individual
interests into a larger and powerful long-term project.
Hannah Nyquist
Staten Island, New York
Advisor: Robert Gullickson
Afliations: The Maverick Foundation
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service as an
assistant swim coach for the Blessed Sacrament Swim Team as well as the Staten Island
Special Olympics. I also volunteered at Eger Nursing Home assisting the elderly with
activities. For Personal Development, I was a lifeguard at different pool clubs on Staten
Island and I was also part of the RUMC Teen Leadership Program where I was able
to work with nurses and doctors in different areas throughout the hospital. This helped
me decide to pursue my college career in a part of the medical eld. For my Physical
Fitness, I continued my competitive swimming throughout high school doing over 350
hours per year. This was a major part of receiving a swim scholarship to attend Southern
Connecticut State University. Finally, for my Exploration portion, I travelled with my
family and visited signicant cultural areas and studied their history. The Congressional
Award is an amazing accomplishment that I am extremely proud of. It has helped me
to learn to put others before myself and to continue to strive and work hard towards the
goals I have set for myself.
Jacqueline Sutera
Staten Island, New York
Advisor: Robert Gullickson
Afliations: National Honor Society, Special Olympics, The Maverick Foundation
For my Voluntary Public Service, I participated in many charitable walks and held a
special needs clinic for young children at Extreme Baseball and Softball Academy. I
organized and ran the clinic in order to give all children an opportunity to learn and play a
sport. For my Personal Development I worked at Extreme Baseball and Softball Academy
in order to perfect my organizational skills so that I was well prepared for college. For
Physical Fitness I was a member of the Notre Dame Academy Varsity Cheerleading
Team. I perfected my tumbling and stunting skills during my four years on the team.
I decided to take my Expedition to the state of Maryland. Since I have always had an
interest in history and Maryland was one of the original thirteen colonies, I thought this
would be the perfect trip for me. I focused on points of interest and the history of the state
Joseph Hong
New York, New York
Advisor: Faith Bekermus
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
Voluntary Public Service has been a integral part of my high school life. I went to
missions trips to Mexico where I worked to construct and maintain a school, until moving
back to the city where I was routinely involved in the Legal Aid Society Books for Kids
program. At school I taught chess and skating. Personal Development has included
a multitude of experiences that has helped me grow and develop hobbies along the
way. I became an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America and focused on music.
After hurting my knee in middle school, Physical Fitness has been difcult for me. The
activities I’ve done with the Congressional Award have helped me quite a bit. I worked
on physical therapy, continued playing fencing and volleyball, and discovered a love
of ice skating. For my Expedition I traveled overseas to England where I was able to
learn about a country that was not my own, and nd differences and similarities in all
our aspects of life. While I may have done many of my activities independently, The
Congressional Award allowed me to stay organized and pursue other goals in pursuit of
balanced, individual growth.
Henry Lin
Briarcliff Manor, New York
Advisor: Sue Huang
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at the Briarcliff Manor Public Library
and Senior Living Apartment. I offered technological assistance for the residents,
primarily pertaining to usage of mobile devices. For my Personal Development, I
enrolled in extra classes at Stanford Online High School in addition to my traditional
courses. Furthermore, I also conducted independent research in the eld of computational
linguistics with a mentor. This research was published at the ACL Melbourne 2018 SRW.
For my Physical Fitness, I ran long distance with a personal running coach on various
trails in my area. For my Expedition I traveled to Berlin and Vienna over the summer of
2017 to see various historical sites.
Sophia Pao
Chappaqua, New York
Advisor: Anthony Rizzo
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
In earning my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service.
As a Techno Chix robotics team member, I planned numerous STEM outreach events
reaching over 1000 people. I also volunteered with the local ambulance corp. For
Personal Development, I learned multiple programming languages. Later, I even taught
other students how to program. For my Physical Fitness portion, I learned about yoga,
golf, rowing and fencing. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a ve-night trip to
Washington, D.C. The Congressional Award taught me to try new things and to set goals.
Along the way, I had the opportunity to meet new people and to help my community.
Blake Guzy
Cooperstown, New York
Advisor: Dr. Doug Gable
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service as
an Eagle Scout and a Volunteer Fire Fighter with the Cooperstown Volunteer Fire
Department. I also completed and passed a 2-week overnight training program at the
State of New York Academy of Fire Science. For Personal Development, I set a goal of
improving my Algebra II grade. I achieved this goal by working with my teacher during
my lunch period 3 times a week. I also worked with a tutor outside of school and attended
extra help sessions on the weekends and during school breaks. I set a Physical Fitness
goal to lower my body fat to 9%, increase my muscle mass, and to decrease my mile time
to 6 minutes. I accomplished this goal by working out and lifting weights 5 days a week
for 2 hours each session. I also ran 3 times a week and altered my diet. Finally, for my
Expedition, I planned a week-long hiking and camping trip to the Grand Canyon with
my Boy Scout Troop. We hiked over 15 miles each day on steep terrain. This expedition
was the most challenging but the most amazing experience I have ever had and I am so
thankful I did it. The Congressional Award was an enriching experience that taught me
the importance of giving back through service and the value of setting personal goals and
experiencing personal expeditions.
Olivia Zhou
Albany, New York
Advisor: Andre O’Neil
I completed over four hundred hours of Voluntary Public Service at the Albany
Stratton VA Hospital and Albany Medical Center, two major hospitals in my area.
Through volunteering at these two hospitals, I was able to aid in the treatment and
care of patients, specically veterans and children. The next part of my Gold Medal
journey was improving my skills as a cello player for Personal Development. I have
improved now both as a soloist and as a part of an ensemble. For Physical Fitness, I
focused on honing my skills as a tennis player. I focused on increasing my accuracy
and endurance, specically for my serve, which was difcult for me because I had hurt
my shoulder earlier. Through perseverance, I greatly improved my serving and general
tennis performance. For the last part, I went to Hangzhou, China, for my Expedition.
While there, I was able to improve my prociency in Chinese and interact and learn
more about the culture and country that my family is from. Through these activities, the
Congressional Award helped me improve myself, taught me new skills, strengthened my
perseverance, and allowed me to connect more with my family’s culture.
Grayson King
Raleigh, North Carolina
Advisor: Barbara Mulkey
Through Voluntary Public Service I put my passion to serve others by volunteering
more than 400 hours as a student athletic trainer, helping students reach leadership
goals through the Shelton Leadership Center, and serving in hurricane recovery efforts
for libraries in eastern North Carolina. My Personal Development goal was to build
leadership and public speaking skills. I worked through the Shelton Leadership Challenge
developing group leadership strategies and earning the role of Peer Leader, Master of
Ceremonies, and Scholar. I also founded the Honors Service Club at my school. For my
Physical Fitness I worked to improve my strength, endurance, and swim speed in 50-
yard breaststroke and freestyle. I chose the same race for three seasons and improved
my speed by an average of ve percent per year. For my Expedition, I embarked on
a six consecutive day trip to Heifer International Ranch where I worked as a ranch
hand. This was a physical and psychological challenge as I learned to herd goats on
horseback, test them for parasites, and prepare them to deliver to communities in need.
The Congressional Award provided a invaluable framework, measurable milestones, and
motivation to complete all the projects and activities I sought for the past several years.
Garrett Gerdau
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Advisor: Stacy Payne
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America
My Voluntary Public Service activities included making 3D-printed prosthetic hands
for children whose families cannot afford commercial prosthetics. I also mapped
walking routes of Durham NC’s most re-prone neighborhoods for American Red
Cross volunteers to follow when installing and replacing re detectors. For Personal
Development I earned BSA Venturing’s highest award, the Silver Award, after earning
Bronze, Gold and Ranger awards. These accomplishments were no less challenging
than earning my Eagle Scout award. For my Physical Fitness I became an intermediate
level table tennis player, learned to play golf, and practiced lap swimming to increase
my physical endurance. For my Expedition I planned a tour of landmarks and museums
in New York City. Earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal gave me valuable
experiences to improve my leadership skills by rst focusing on the needs of my Venture
Crew and travel companions when making decisions.
Geoffrey Gerdau
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Advisor: Stacy Payne
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America
For my Voluntary Public Service I helped plan and coordinate six blood drives resulting
in the collection of 150 pints of blood for the American Red Cross, potentially helping
save the lives of 450 patients in need. For my Personal Development I earned the BSA
Venturing Silver Award, Venturing’s highest, with skill mastery levels and requirements
similar to my Eagle Scout award. This required earning both Venturing’s Bronze and
Gold awards. I also earned the Ranger award for high-level outdoor/high-adventure
skills and leadership. My Physical Fitness improved signicantly by learning to play golf,
increasing my swimming stamina and practicing to become an intermediate level table
tennis player. My Expedition included planning travel to explore landmarks and museums
in New York City. Of all the skills and experiences from earning the Congressional Award
Gold Medal, my lasting impression is learning that I could persevere and achieve my own
lofty, long term goals while leading others to make their best decisions.
Abigail Amato
Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Advisor: Sarah Jackson
For my Voluntary Public Service, I cleaned the facilities and built animal habitats at
Grand Father Mountain. I also worked with the Project on Aging in my local community
by organizing and participating in events. Lastly, I volunteered at the Coal River Group
Project by testing the river and helping events run smoothly. For Personal Development,
I worked to increase my lower body strength, speed and agility, and explosiveness. I
did this by training with former NFL player Dexter Jackson. During the training, I did
sprinting drills, box jumps, quick ladder, explosive moves, and various weight and
resistance training. My Physical Fitness goal was to increase my endurance, and to
achieve this I had soccer practice three days a week, along with games and tournaments
on the weekends. I also trained at home with different workouts. Lastly, but most
importantly, I cleaned up my diet by cutting out processed foods and sugar. For my
Expedition I was able to learn about the rich history of St. Augustine, Florida, by visiting
many signicant historical sites in that area, specically the oldest chapel in the world.
I also took a tour of the fort and explored the city’s culture by eating at local restaurants
and trying new foods.
Lillian Amato
Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Advisor: Sarah Jackson
To receive my Gold Medal, I volunteered for the Coal River Group. I assisted in the
education of children on water cleanliness and dangers of E. Coli and fundraised for Tour
de Coal. For Personal Development, I worked to increase my speed and endurance by
working two times a week on various drills. Over the years, I cut time on my sprints and
gained endurance. For the Physical Fitness portion, I participated in competitive soccer
four times a week and trained on my own. My game improved and I acquired a greater
level of tness. For my Expedition I went to St. Augustine Flordia and explored the
architecture and history. The toughness and grit that the early settlers possessed amazes
me. Earning the Congressional Award has been one of the most rewarding experiences
of my life, I have become more condent and learned to serve others through this
Ashlyn Edmisten
Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Advisor: Sarah Jackson
Afliations: Special Olympics
For my Voluntary Public Service I worked to provide relief work in Kenya to many
people there who were living in poverty and sickness. I was able to serve many disabled
children by delivering wheelchairs to them and was also able to able to assist with
immunizations and education for women and children. For Personal Development I took
a job as a dance teacher assistant to learn how to teach children in tap, jazz, and ballet.
This job included choreographing and teaching dances, creating costumes and props, and
organizing energetic children. This job has advanced my multi-tasking, communication,
and leadership skills. For Physical Fitness, my goal was to develop my dance skills,
strength, and conditioning in order to audition and be accepted into a precision dance
troupe, the Carolina Snowbelles. I achieved this goal by frequently training in dance
and working at home to develop strength. My Expedition goal was to immerse myself
in African culture and explore a new environment, new languages, and a completely
different way of life. While in Africa I chatted with locals to learn more about their
languages, food preparation, ways of living, and available resources. I have enjoyed
serving my community by striving to be a glimmer hope in places that need joy.
Hattie Rose Greene
Boone, North Carolina
Advisor: Gena Amato
Afliations: United States Coast Guard
To earn the Gold Medal, I spent my Voluntarily Public Service served the elderly in
my community and volunteered at my local Hunger and Health Coalition. I also made
blankets for the Linus Blanket Project and directed fundraisers for the cause. To complete
my Personal Development goals, I took on a part-time job as an assistant dance teacher to
improve my teaching and choreography abilities and make steps toward my future goal of
teaching my own dance class. As I progressed, I was given opportunities to lead warm ups
and teach choreography on my own. To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I challenged
myself to make huge leaps in my dance and health goals. I had high expectations for my
improvement in different dance techniques and skills as well as organized specic days
to work-out and practice on my own. To complete my Exploration, I traveled to the East
coast of Florida to observe the wildlife. I explored the beach, ocean, intercoastal, marshes,
and other habitats. Experiencing a completely different environment from my home in the
mountains of North Carolina was unique and educational. The experiences and knowledge
I gained from competing the Congressional Award have impacted my life, and I am
grateful for the opportunity to take part in this program!
Kylah Jackson
Boone, North Carolina
Advisor: Laura Edmisten
For my Voluntary Public Service, I spent my time at Grandfather Mountain, one of
North Carolina’s many state parks. Additionally, I volunteered with a non-prot, river
restoration and economic development group called the Coal River Group, located in
West Virginia. For Personal Development, I had two goals. The rst was to explore
possible career paths through child care. My second goal was being able to converse in
Spanish. I spent many hours using online resources to learn as much as I could. I also
traveled to Honduras and practiced the language there. For Physical Fitness, I set some
very specic goals for my sport of choice, swimming. I trained daily, sometimes twice
a day, for over 2 years to cut time off of my favorite races. I traveled to many swim
meets across the Southern states to compete and reach the goals I set for myself. For
my Expedition portion, I planned a 13-day road trip with my family to drive through
the Western states. We visited national parks like the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and
Mt. Zion. We also explored many cities including some in Texas, New Mexico, and
Wyoming. Earning the Congressional Award gave me many amazing experiences and
taught me the importance of determination and perseverance.
Alaina Randolph
Pittsboro, North Carolina
Advisor: John Gerwin
I spent my Voluntary Public Service in the ornithology lab of the North Carolina Museum
of Natural Sciences preparing bird skeletons for use in scientic studies. I also assisted
with public outreach using the live animals I helped care for as a Junior Curator. For
Personal Development, I worked with a young horse, training him to canter smoothly
under saddle without bucking. While at rst even his trotting was inconsistent, I was
able to canter him bareback by the end. For Physical Fitness, I did powerlifting, yoga,
swimming, and running. I increased my powerlifting total (over three lifts--squats,
bench presses, and deadlifts) by more than a hundred pounds to over 350. To learn more
about the culture, architecture, and notable gures of the Colonial Age and Gilded Era,
I journeyed to Newport, Rhode Island for my Expedition. I walked down brick streets,
explored trading wharfs, toured opulent cottages, and hiked the Cliff Walk. During my
participation in the Congressional Award, I was inspired to volunteer more actively at
the museum, to put more focused energy into horseback riding, and to be more proactive
about staying t. I developed methods of setting and meeting goals which could be
applied to almost any hobby or work throughout my life.
Bryson Rose
Concord, North Carolina
Advisor: Tina Fillmer
Afliations: American Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boy Scouts of America,
Habitat for Humanity, Key Club, Special Olympics, YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service by
serving underprivileged families in my community. I served meals at a local soup kitchen,
organized community Pancake Days and Blood Drives, planned canned food drives and
Angel Trees for gifts for the local children. For Personal Development, I earned my
Lifeguard and Swim Instructor Certications and worked at local pools to apply my skills
and gain experience. I also taught myself Spanish and traveled to Nicaragua and Colombia
to practice speaking Spanish with children at schools and churches. For my Physical Fitness
I improved my running endurance and speed by reducing my 1 mile time from 7:30 min
to 6:30 min for a minimum of three miles. I also employed weight and agility training to
increase my pitching speed from 70 to 80 mph. For my Expedition, I planned a 5 night
exploration trip to the Outer Banks to travel and explore the major events of the last 500
years in the Outer Banks and learn more about the role of the Outer Banks in the making of
American History. The Congressional Award was an incredible experience for me! It taught
me how to serve others around me, to give of my time to improve my community and to try
challenging things to help me discover my passion in life.
Kamin Bond
Wesley Chapel, North Carolina
Advisor: Elizabeth Hartley
Afliations: YMCA
To earn the Gold Medal, I have completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service
by serving at YMCA camps, coaching at local basketball camps, and assisting in the
classroom at a local elementary school. My favorite activity in the Personal Development
category was working at Kumon Learning Center, where I tutored young students in their
math and reading homework. This opportunity has allowed me to develop relationships
and gain effective teaching and leadership skills. For Physical Fitness, I wanted to make
my varsity basketball team as a sophomore and be the starting point guard. In addition
to practicing passing, shooting and dribbling, I conditioned my body by jogging around
the neighborhood and training with coaches during the summer. My favorite aspect of
my Congressional Award journey was my Expedition. I traveled to Washington, D.C. in
August of 2017 for a ve-day exploration to immerse myself in my African-American
heritage and culture. My parents and I explored ten museums, four memorials, and
several cultural landmarks and restaurants. The Congressional Award was an enriching,
four-year journey that has taught me commitment and endurance and the importance of
service and selessness while enabling me to discover my passions.
Rucheer Dave
Matthews, North Carolina
Advisor: Melissa LaBue
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
In my journey towards earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed
just over 640 hours of Voluntary Public Service serving as a STEM Intern at a science
museum, completing my Eagle Scout project. For Personal Development, I completed
a three-year intensive online Sanskrit course and residential summer camps for deeper
immersion into the ancient language. I have learned the Sanskrit grammar and script
which has enabled me to read my Hindu scriptures without transliteration. To complete
my Physical Fitness goals, I ran Cross Country for my school team and learned yoga.
Over the course of two years, my race time improved by two minutes. While practicing
yoga, I perfected the sun salutation and learned different poses and breathing exercises
to improve balance and focus. Finally, for my Expedition I hiked one hundred miles over
ten days at Philmont Scout Ranch which challenges a scout’s resilience and perseverance.
As a crew leader, I was responsible for delegating, navigating, and fostering a motivating
atmosphere. We summitted Little Costillal, which is 12,585 feet tall. The process of
setting and completing goals in each category has taught me the importance of time
management, documentation, and the power of persistence.
Aislinn Niimi
Matthews, North Carolina
Advisor: Sherri Madden
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service with local organizations
that directly provide assistance to homeless and under-privileged people, including
Bright Blessings, Crisis Assistance Ministry, Second Harvest Food Bank, H.O.P.E.
for Union County, and Room in the Inn. My Personal Development goal was to pass
the Japanese Language Prociency Test at the N3 level. I met with a native Japanese
teacher once a week and did daily lessons to prepare for the test, which greatly improved
my comprehension, and I was able to pass the test. For Physical Fitness, I hiked the
challenging 10 mile Prole Trail to Calloway Peak at Grandfather Mountain, with an
elevation gain of 2,358 feet. To prepare for this hike I walked every week, gradually
increasing the difculty, and I practiced yoga to build muscle and improve exibility.
For my Exploration, I experienced what life would be like on an early 20th century farm,
including having no electricity, no running water, no air conditioning, no Wi-Fi, and no
cell service. I stayed at the Pioneer House at Willet Ponds Farm, learned to cook on a
wood-re stove, and did chores on the farm.
William David
Asheville, North Carolina
Advisor: Michael Mohney
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary
Public Service researching, planning and leading four ongoing conservation initiatives
related to my completion of the William T. Hornaday Silver Medal in Conservation.
In addition to my personal work, over 1000 students contributed over 3000 hours to
these environmental service projects. For my Personal Development, I participated in
a FIRST Robotics Competition Team where I gained communication and leadership
experience, as well as technical skills. My conservation service and robotics experiences
inspired me to found programs to provide mentorship, STEM education and outdoors
experiences to disadvantaged students. For my Physical Fitness goal, I trained for and
completed challenges in Hiking, Backpacking, Aquatics, and Mountain Biking, through
the Boy Scouts of America. I also earned my Open Water Diver scuba certication which
I later used to work on coral reef restoration. For my Exploration, I planned a trip to 3
European countries. This included exploring and enjoying the natural beauty of Iceland,
and learning about its unique culture and geology. Through my conservation work and
STEM education and mentorship program, I gained the skills to bring people together to
accomplish something larger together.
Kristina Vaher
Belmont, North Carolina
Advisor: Mr. Johnathon Huitt
Afliations: YMCA
For my Voluntary Public Service I installed ve children’s reading libraries in my
community. I provided a summer camp experience for underprivileged children in my
town by being a volunteer camp counselor. I started a local book club in by community
to get young children excited about reading at an early age. My Personal Development
activity was to improve my public speaking and critical thinking skills by being on the
award winning Mock Trial team at my school for four years. I also improved my piano
playing skills with weekly lessons and practice time. For Physical Fitness I improved my
running time to consistently achieve a 7.5 minute mile and I became a running buddy for
the Girls on the Run team at school by running their 5K races with them. I also improved
my volleyball skills and became a starter for my school varsity team. For my Expedition
I traveled to Kenya to immerse myself in a completely unfamiliar culture so I could learn
how the lifestyle of children in Kenya was different from mine. I also wanted to share
my life with those children and teenagers. I spend two weeks traveling and meeting with
children and teens in Kenya. My participation in this program has challenged me to set
goals for myself and persevere to achieve those goals while overcoming obstacles and
learning to become a leader in my community.
Angelina Bayrak
Mooresville, North Carolina
Advisor: Karen Lehew
For my Voluntary Public Service, I worked as a Young Adult Volunteer at the Mooresville
Public Library. I set up and broke down events, shelved books, worked as a substitute
at the reference desk, and acted as assistant to the librarian. I also participated in events
such as Adopt-a-Highways and teen clubs. For Personal Development, my goal was to
develop cooking and baking abilities over the course of two years. For this, I made at
least one recipe every week, and tried to cook or bake for at least three hours a week. I
also made a personal blog where I recorded my progress and how each recipe went. To
reach my Physical Fitness goal, I practiced synchronized swimming for over 15 hours
a week which also included land training workouts, gymnastics and stretching, and lap
swimming. For my Exploration, I organized a planned trip to Kiev and Lviv, Ukraine,
where I explored the culture by visiting many national landmarks and trying traditional
Ukrainian dishes. I genuinely believe that the Congressional Award helped me become
more independent in many aspects of my life, and taught me to organize and plan more
Carson Cook
Mooresville, North Carolina
Advisor: Angela Sims
For my Voluntary Public Service I did my Eagle Scout project, which was to create 10
chess training videos that were distributed to each chess club in my school system and
run a chess tournament which raised over $1000 to purchase chess sets and clocks. I also
taught chess and tutored students in academic subjects. For my Personal Development I
worked to get my United States Chess Federation (USCF) rating to 1800 where I would
gain the Category A title. I played in USCF rated chess tournaments, took private chess
lessons, and practiced by myself using chess books and online resources. For Physical
Fitness I took tennis lessons, played in practice tennis matches, and did tennis drills in
order to make my high school tennis team. I also purchased and used a vertical jump
training program called “Vert Shock”, did exercises with and without weights, and ran
sprints to increase my vertical jump. For my Expedition I planned and led a family trip to
Boston, Massachusetts, Ithaca, New York, and New York City, New York, to explore the
cities and learn more about life in each one. Earning the Congressional Award helped me
become a better communicator, be more outgoing, and actively seek out my interests for
my own betterment, and for that, I am extremely grateful.
Cole Heinrich
Mooresville, North Carolina
Advisor: Peter Browne
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Key Club, National Honor Society, YMCA
In order to complete my Voluntary Public Service requirement, I spend a lot of my time
as a junior volunteer at my local re department, the Lake Norman Fire & Rescue. I also
participated in events for the Boy Scouts of America including food drives and Eagle
Projects. In order to earn my Personal Development hours, I spent a lot of my time
lifeguarding at the Lowes YMCA of Greater Charlotte in Mooresville, NC. I also trained
for many years at the R.T. Berry School of Taekwondo and earned 4 black belts. In order
to maintain Physical Fitness I participated in three seasons of football for my high school
team and I also participated in three seasons of varsity track doing pole vault and jumping
events. In order to earn my nights for Exploration, I went to philmont with my Boy Scout
Troop for twelve days and learned about the exciting activities the outdoors have to offer.
In my overall experience with The Congressional Award, I learned the overall benets
and values of living a service-oriented life while also maintaining physical tness and
learning values that are applicable to multiple areas of my life.
Sruthi Mannepalli
Mooresville, North Carolina
Advisor: Elizabeth Hagaman
Afliations: American Red Cross, National Honor Society, YMCA
I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at my local hospital a local
charity. I helped low-income families by assisting them in grocery shopping, ensuring
each family had free food for the week. At the hospital, I volunteered in the ER and
Women’s Services. For Personal Development, I focused on improving my piano skills.
With over 200 hours of learning and practice, I have won superior titles and a gold
trophy for three National Federation of Music competitions. I can now play a range of
classical music, including Mozart, Beethoven, Sonata, etc. For Physical Fitness, I focused
on improving my tennis skills. Participating on my school’s tennis team for 4 years
and taking lessons almost every week, I am now a varsity tennis player in the Top 6 on
my school’s tennis team. I have earned 3 varsity letters and was the 2018 Conference
Champion. For the Exploration aspect of the program, I planned and executed a trip to
Asheville for a week, exploring its historical and popular sites such as Biltmore and the
Thomas Wolfe Memorial. The Congressional Award was a very rewarding experience,
where I was able to not only improve my perseverance and communication skills but also
meet new people and explore my interests.
Brett Sims
Mooresville, North Carolina
Advisor: Sharon Cook
Afliations: 4-H
I completed Voluntary Public Service activities with my robotics team and a wide
variety of local organizations to teach kids about STEM concepts including electronics,
programming, mechanical design, and robot operation. For Personal Development I
learned the Java and Python coding languages to expand my coding skillet. I also taught
myself mathematics and physics to compliment my coding knowledge. For Physical
Fitness I practiced archery, working toward improving my accuracy and went on walks
of increasing distance to improve my endurance. I planned my Expedition to Yellowstone
National Park with my family. I researched what sights and restaurants would be best to
see and in what order to maximize the trip.
Lauren Knoll
Fargo, North Dakota
Advisor: Matthew Larson
Afliations: National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service, I sought to combat hunger in my community and
surrounding areas by serving at my local homeless shelter and starting three community
gardens. I also volunteered at Vineyard Kids and raised awareness for our nation’s
veteran’s through essays, speeches and choir tours. For my Personal Development, I
honed my piano skills by doing piano competitions, performances, and attending weekly
lessons. I feel that I have grown as a pianist and also in my performance abilities. For
the Physical Fitness portion, I spent two hours every week working out, doing weekly
dance lessons and other activities, such as kayaking, skiing, paddle boarding, and hiking.
I challenged myself with a variety of workouts that were fun and pushed me to grow
and persevere. For my Exploration, I planned a week visit to Washington, D.C., where I
visited many historical sites and followed the story of our nation. I learned how to plan
and execute a detailed itinerary, navigate a large city, and think on my feet when things
did not always go as planned. The Congressional Award has motivated me to grow
and develop my character, encouraging my servant’s heart and allowing me to make a
difference in the hearts around me.
Ishita Kode
Springboro, Ohio
Advisor: Anant Deshpande
Afliations: National Honor Society
Although I pursued many activities in my journey to achieve the Gold Medal, I was most
impacted by my time spent assisting the local hospital. As I assisted the nurses in the ER
and spoke with the patients in rehab, I learned how to encounter every problem swiftly.
My Personal Development goals were met through my commitment to the Springboro
Kumon Center. I went there weekly in order to educate young children on a multitude
of math topics (ranging from addition to advanced differentiation), as well as reading
topics (ranging from the alphabet to Shakespeare). I completed my Physical Fitness goals
through the completion of my Bhartanatyam Arangetram. An Arangetram is an intensive
solo classical dance recital symbolizing the graduation of a dancers career as a student.
After 9 years of hard work and intense choreography, I met the goal I aimed to achieve.
In order to experience a culture different from my own, I planned an Expedition to Hilton
Head, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia. Here I embraced a new culture by taking
long walks down historical streets, growing my appreciation for street musicians, and
trying new and unusual cuisines. By participating in the Congressional Award program,
I have learned the importance of setting goals and how each of my individual goals can
affect my community as a whole for the better.
Varshini Odayar
Mason, Ohio
Advisor: Haridas Radhakrishnan
I dedicated hundreds of hours helping underprivileged children in third world countries
with educational and medical support and also volunteered to prepare high protein food
packs for orphans and vulnerable children around the world. At the Children’s Hospital,
I helped kids with sports therapy. For Personal Development I improved my Violin skills
by challenging myself with new songs every week, perfecting the pitch, intonation,
rhythm and sight -reading skills. I chose songs which involved many transitions
between various positions. To achieve my Physical Fitness goal, I created a personal
workout schedule and set time limits to run on the treadmill and jogging outside school.
I increased my basketball skills by practicing for more time and thus increased my free
-throw percentage. For my Expedition, I planned a ve day trip to London. I learned
about the Gothic architecture, structure of the government, and the culture as I visited the
city. From the Royal Mews to the Buckingham Palace, it was a wonderful experience.
Through this award, I have learned to set goals and attained knowledge and prociency in
several elds from service to music and physical tness.
Heema Vyas
Springboro, Ohio
Advisor: Venugopal Yerubandi
Afliations:, National Honor Society
In pursuit of the Congressional Award, I experienced a variety of volunteer opportunities.
I often visited the Atrium Medical Center as an E.R. volunteer, and served as a volunteer
waitress at “One Bistro” Restaurant. I also participated in many community events
through National Honor Society. For Personal Development, I wanted to expand upon my
musical abilities and my emergency preparedness skills. Through diligent violin practice
and music theory study, I became a more experienced member of my school orchestra. I
also became certied in CPR, AED, and Emergency Oxygen Administration. To achieve
my Physical Fitness goals, I joined my school’s Cross Country and Swim teams in hopes
of improving my 5k and 50 meter freestyle race times, respectively. For each goal, I
attended daily practices, followed self-made nutritional plans, and attended weekly
meets/races to gauge my progress. Finally, I planned a family Exploration to three major
tourist destinations: Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. For each city, I mapped
out a daily itinerary of family-friendly activities that expanded upon our understanding
of tourist culture through unique immersion experiences. With the completion of each
portion of The Congressional Award, I am grateful for the time I have given back, the
people I have met, the places I have visited, and the determined, passionate mindset by
which I will continue to live my life.
Sai Ashish Bommasani
Beavercreek, Ohio
Advisor: Anant Deshpande
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
To earn the Congressional Gold Award, I volunteered for over 400 hundred hours over
the span of two years. Most of my volunteering took place in various hospitals, where I
gave back to various different aspects of my community such as veterans and the elderly.
For Personal Development, I continued to work toward the rank of Eagle at my local Boy
Scout troop. I also furthered my knowledge by joining my local Kumon center. I am now
a proud Eagle Scout and I have also successfully completed the Reading program for
Kumon. For Physical Fitness, I joined my highschool’s Cross Country and Track teams
to get into shape and run a 10K. I have now successfully nished a 10K in less than 55
minutes. I am also on leadership council for my Cross Country team. I went to Philmont
Scout Ranch for my Expedition. It was an enriching experience where I was forced to
think on the y, gain new insights, and act as a leader. The Congressional Award has been
a life changing experience which taught me that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.
Rohan Desarapu
Beavercreek, Ohio
Advisor: Lalitha Mahadevan
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
In earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I volunteered over 400 hours at Miami
Valley Hospital and at Soin Medical Center. In addition, I donated handmade items
such as blankets and ponchos to St. Vincent de Paul homeless shelter. For Personal
Development, I worked towards and attained the rank of Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts. In
progressing on achieving the rank, I planned and led a community service project where
120 trees were planted for the Beavercreek Wetlands Association. My goal for Personal
Fitness was to be able to hit a 30 groundstroke rally in tennis. I can now hit a 15-20
groundstroke rally recurrently and have hit a 35 groundstroke rally. For my Expedition, I
went on a Philmont backpacking trek in New Mexico with a Boy Scout crew. We hiked
over 70 miles in 10 days. Overall, working on the Congressional Award has allowed me
to explore my interests toward a potential career in medicine as well as made me much
better at setting goals and creating a plan to reach them.
Shravan Kalahasthy
Dayton, Ohio
Advisor: Venugopal Yerubandi
Afliations: People to People International
I conducted bone marrow drives in my local community in order to add more potential
donors to the National Bone Marrow Registry, amassing over 700 new potential
donors. I also tutored refugee children and volunteered at Miami Valley Hospital and
Atrium Hospital. I enhanced my piano skills through hours of practice. I play piano in
order to keep my mind off of the stresses of every day life and through my Personal
Development, I was able to strengthen this calming mechanism. For Physical Fitness, I
practiced and played tennis. I practice at a local club called South Regency Tennis and
Fitness Center and I also played for my high school’s Junior Varsity and Varsity teams.
For my Exploration, I went on a trip to Spain, France, and Italy with People to People
International. I interacted with local citizens, volunteered, and learned about local
cultures. I also had a brief experience in which I stayed with a Spanish family and learned
about their daily lives while also enjoying myself. My experience with The Congressional
Award has helped me give back to the community while also learning about myself.
Manaswini Nedunuri
Fairborn, Ohio
Advisor: Venugopal Yerubandi
For my Voluntary Public Service activities, I chose to help in the areas of hospitals,
homeless shelters, and fundraising for associations such as the American Cancer Society,
LLS, St. Vincent de Paul and American Heart Association. For Personal Development,
I chose speech and debate and music. I furthered my skills in speech and debate by
attending more competitions and workshops. In music, I practiced more hours a day to
improve my technique. For Physical Fitness, I set goals in both yoga and running to later
improve my dance skills. Yoga helped me to improve my exibility for Indian classical
dance and running helped me improve with my endurance and be able to perform a solo
recital for three hours. Lastly, for my Exploration, I planned a trip to Grenada, West
Indies to perform a KAP study and immerse myself in a culture that is wholly different
then the one I grew up in. During the trip, I gained an appreciation for diverse cultures.
Earning the Congressional Award allowed me to experience immense gratitude and
sharpen skills and techniques that not only beneted me, but the community as well.
Pavan Raghupathy
Centerville, Ohio
Advisor: Krishna Nedunuri
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of volunteering at a local hospital,
nursing home, and library. At the hospital and nursing home, I restocked supplies and
played games like Bingo and Trivia with residents. At the library, I helped at teen
programs that encouraged reading. For my Personal Development goals, I worked to earn
a black belt in karate and to perform an hour long solo concert on the Indian ute, both
by attending classes and by practicing individually. For Physical Fitness, I had goals to
complete a half marathon and to improve my tennis accuracy. For the former, I trained for
months to gain the endurance to run for that long of a distance. For the latter, I attended
various clinics and private lessons to rene my technique. For my Expedition, I planned a
trip to Washington, DC with a goal to gain a more complete understanding of our nation’s
history. During this trip, I visited and explored various monuments and historic sites, as
well as different museums around the DC area. The Congressional Award has been an
amazing experience and has taught me the importance of being dedicated to not only
enriching myself, but also enriching the community at the same time.
Anjali Raju
Centerville, Ohio
Advisor: Saru Enukonda
To earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I volunteered my time at the local hospital
over the summer and at a soup kitchen on various Sundays. I was also a part of a local
library’s teen organization, where I volunteered my time helping out with various
educational programs they put on for people of all ages. For Personal Development, I was
involved with various school organizations and dedicated my time to my high school’s
Mock Trial and Science Olympiad teams. I also took on a leadership position at my local
dojo, where I taught classes. For Physical Fitness, I worked towards getting my black
belt, which involved improving my mental and physical skills, and I learned how to
effectively defend myself and be aware of my surroundings. Lastly, for my Exploration, I
took a trip to India to learn more about my culture and heritage. I fully immersed myself
by eating the food and talking to various individuals about my family and getting a
glimpse into their daily lives.
Neha Rokkam
Springboro, Ohio
Advisor: Anant Deshpande
In order to earn The Congressional Award, I spent 400 hours volunteering at a medical
center, preparing and serving fresh meals to the local community, making handcrafted
items for charity, and donating books to a children’s hospital. Volunteering in my
community was an eye-opening experience. For Personal Development, I became a
stronger violinist by enhancing my shifting skills; this enabled me to play challenging
pieces cohesively. In addition, I worked on becoming a better Indian Classical Music
singer by memorizing the rst six chapters of music. My Physical Fitness goal was to
switch to an advanced tennis serve grip. Changing the grip, though a slow transition,
makes it harder for an opponent to receive the ball, as the ball has more spin to it. This
helps my tennis drive immensely. My Exploration was an exciting trip to the Big Apple. I
was immersed in the culture and adjusted to the New York City lifestyle, and it was truly
an amazing experience. I got to experience many new opportunities such as navigating
subways and trying new foods. Overall, the Congressional Award had a positive impact
on many aspects of my life and I am happy to have received this award.
Samith Venkatesh
Centerville, Ohio
Advisor: Johnathan Derr
To earn The Congressional Award Gold Medal, I volunteered at VA Medical Center in
Dayton, Ohio, where I supported Veterans and gave back to those who gave so much to
our nation. For Personal Development, I competed in Speech & Debate. I learned how
to write effective speeches and improved my linguistic techniques in order to become
a more procient debater. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve my tennis skills.
I practiced regularly, took group and private lessons, and competed at the USTA and
Varsity levels. Lastly, for my Exploration, I traveled to Spain, where I immersed myself
in a new culture and environment.
Ryan Brady
Shaker Heights, Ohio
Advisor: Gail Emmet
Afliations: HOBY, United States Marine Corps
For my Voluntary Public Service, I reported on city council meetings and initiated a
political club at my school, founded a non-prot pen pal program to foster friendship and
literacy in hearing impaired children, and raised money to help fund the construction of
two local Veterans’ Fisher Houses. For the Personal Development portion, I improved my
debate and research skills by participating in my school’s debate team, attending camps
and competitions, and mentoring younger students. I learned to effectively construct
evidence based speeches and deliver them with conviction and strength. For Physical
Fitness, I improved my strength, endurance, and speed by attending eld hockey and
lacrosse tournaments and camps with both club and school teams. For my Exploration, I
traveled from Cleveland, Ohio, to Barcelona and Madrid in Spain to immerse myself in
Spanish culture. I compared and contrasted the language, food, and architecture of the
two cities and summarized my ndings and my trip in a detailed research paper. From
participating in the Congressional Award, I learned to set challenging yet attainable goals
and to manage my time in four aspects crucial to living a well-rounded life.
Emmanuel Scaria
Broadview Heights, Ohio
Advisor: Natalie Smyczek
Afliations: Key Club, National Honor Society
To earn the Congressional Award, I dedicated over 400 hours of volunteer work to my
community by volunteering at a local hospice and assisted living facility. I also worked
at a community organization, distributing food and washing dishes. For Personal
Development, I decided to commit my time to language studies, spending over 200
hours learning how to read, write, and speak in my native language. For the Physical
Fitness component, I focused on improving my tennis skills. By isolating and training
fundamental skills with my tennis coach, I was able improve my overall play style and
win a greater percentage of my matches during my formal season. For the Exploration
requirement, I planned and executed a trip to Europe. By immersing myself in the rich
culture of Germany, France, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands, I gained a greater
appreciation and interest in exploring new environments and trying new things. The
Congressional Award has instilled in me the unbounded goals of serving my community,
trying new things, and dedicating myself to a greater cause.
Genevieve Hager von Carlowitz
Utica, Ohio
Advisor: Stephanie Stephens
My diverse Voluntary Public Service activities at the Salvation Army, The Woodlands,
Licking Memorial Hospital, Red Cross, and Adopt-a-Highway while in high school, and
throughout college in Cincinnati during XU Community Action Days, broadened my
understanding of the countless ways to help others. My Personal Development activities,
including voice and guitar lessons and developing leadership skills through OMUN and
TEDx event planning, each taught me something new. I gained self-condence and a
fearlessness when sharing my talents with others. Physical tness activities of volleyball,
swimming, and running, came with new challenges. My involvement in team sports
developed my ability to work collaboratively, and individual activities expanded my
understanding of my own determination and endurance. Skills gained from the above
activities benetted me during my Exploration to Sweden when, immersed in a new
culture, I was challenged and pushed beyond my comfort zone. Participation in this
program has given me self-condence, immense self-awareness, a love of serving others,
and the ability to dare greatly.
Paul Hager
Utica, Ohio
Advisor: Stephanie Stephens
I provided Voluntary Public Service to Adopt-a-Highway, the Salvation Army, Licking
Memorial Hospital, and as a member of the Licking County 4-H Band. These efforts
remind me how the voluntary work of others benets me. For Personal Development,
I advanced my musical and theatre skills through lessons and performances. I also
improved my leadership skills through OMUN, Buckeye Boys State, and RYLA, and
made great strides toward becoming a person who can better interact with many; skills
I will utilize throughout my life. For Physical Fitness, I strove to develop and maintain
productive health and tness habits through running and swimming. These experiences
solidied my intuition that a life which focuses on good health is better than one that does
not. For my Exploration, I travelled to China and learned more about the local culture of
another nation. This experience will continue to inform my perspective on my community
and its interaction with the greater world. Earning the Congressional Award Gold Medal
reignited my belief in the strength of people in my community; especially those who
guided me to plan, organize, and achieve it.
Bailey Quitter
Utica, Ohio
Advisor: Lisa Blair
Afliations: YMCA; Civil Air Patrol
I volunteered at two humane societies, a YMCA, and hospital in addition to serving
with my local Civil Air Patrol squadron. I really appreciated the friendships I made as I
served the public. A Personal Development goal I chose for the Congressional Award was
to improve my musical performance skills by participating in recitals, chamber music
ensembles, and orchestras. Another goal I set was to complete my rst solo airplane
ight; fullling this goal helped me become more condent. For Physical Fitness, I
focused on improving my overall tness, increasing my endurance, and learning about
water safety and rescue. I accomplished this through strength and cardio training,
swimming lessons, and scuba diving courses. For my Congressional Award Exploration,
I spent two weeks in Guatemala on a medical Spanish trip. I lived with a host family,
studied daily with a native speaker, explored Guatemala, and assisted clinic, pharmacy,
and nutrition outreach teams. I had so many amazing experiences and learned so much
about myself through this experience.
Grace Cousens
Chardon, Ohio
Advisor: Heather Means
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA; Senate Page; Boys and Girls Club
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at my
community garden whose fresh produce goes to food pantries, The Giving Garden. I built
new trellises, weeded, planted new vegetables, stained garden beds, and raised money
for additional garden expenses. For Personal Development, I improved my skills as a
high school public forum debater and learned more about public speaking and the art
of communication. Debate taught me the power of words and social discourse to create
empathy for all sides of current issues. For Physical Fitness, I worked out at my school’s
athletic campus over my high school years & learned more about health and wellness.
Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a six-night trip to Belgium. While in Belgium,
I navigated through public transportation and communicated with local Airbnb hosts.
We traveled to different cities including Bruges, Brussels, and Ghent where I learned
about Belgium’s rich history and culture. The Congressional Award was an incredible
experience that helped me discover what I am passionate about. I found the courage to
pursue my dreams, the empathy to look past my own perspective and the perseverance to
conquer any obstacle that comes in my life.
Chatura Tamirisakandala
Solon, Ohio
Advisor: Archana Nayar
Afliations: Key Club; Senate Page
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered at the Cleveland Zoo by helping to teach
people how to protect wildlife and strengthen people’s conservation efforts. I also
volunteered 200 hours for my school’s Drama Club in building the sets for the shows
and I volunteered at local libraries and for a program called “Safety Town,” teaching
young children the importance of road safety. For Personal Development, I improved
my debating skills by participating in Model UN. I also improved my coding skills from
novice to advanced by participating in a summer camp at a university. For Physical
Fitness, I hiked through parks, local and national, and worked toward building endurance
while also exploring the outdoors. I also improved my weight lifting skills by providing
assistance to my school’s show choir crew lifting the sets during competitions. Lastly,
for my Expedition, I backpacked in Yosemite National Park’s backcountry for nine
consecutive days and nights, completing a hiking trip of about 52 miles. I coordinated
my travel, meals, navigation, exploration, and research throughout this Expedition. The
Congressional Award has provided me with the ability to explore the world around me
while improving my skills constantly and discovering my hidden passions.
Ted Bigler
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Advisor: Ethan Tonne
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at the local library, where I helped shelving
and organizing books. I also volunteered at Cross-over Community Impact, where
I managed, taught, and assisted lower opportunity elementary kids and at the Hope
Pregnancy Center keeping the facility organized, clean, and patient-friendly. Over the
past four years I have been learning the Chinese language. I have studied both Mandarin
and the Chinese culture through working through curriculum every week with my private
instructor. I am a swimmer on the City Dolphins swim team. For Physical Fitness, I
practiced 2-3 times a week, attended meets, and helped coach the team. Swim team has
not only pushed me physically but has taught me how to set and attain my goals. In the
summer of 2018, I planned and executed an Expedition to Washington D.C. Being from
Oklahoma, I was able to immerse myself in a completely different culture and lifestyle
as well as simultaneously learning a great deal about our country’s unique history. From
learning how to attain my goals, to learning how live on my own in an entirely foreign
environment, working towards The Congressional Award broke me out of my comfort
zone in every way possible, and has given me a great deal of condence and indepence.
Pat Kane
Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Advisor: Russell Hill
To complete my Volunteer Public Service, I served at my local soup kitchen and served as
a camp counselor in a local summer camp. To complete my Personal Development goals,
I participated in speech and debate. I completed my Physical Fitness goals by competing
in soccer. Lastly, I lived life out on a ranch to complete my Exploration. The experience I
had in earning the Congressional Award was life changing. It made me realize the joy in
bettering myself for not only myself, but my community as well.
Patrick Ignatius Townsend
Portland, Oregon
Advisor: Jan Scrivans
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over four hundred hours
of Voluntary Public Service. I dedicated my entire 2013 summer to a local Boy Scout
summer camp. During my time at the camp, I helped young adults through many
challenging obstacles and learned lifelong leadership skills. To complete the Personal
Development portion of this award, I took on the role of Senior Patrol Leader of my
Boy Scout Troop to ultimately better my time management, personal condence, and
multitasking skills. To complete the Physical Fitness portion, I dedicated many hours
to the pool to increase my stamina so that I could swim a full mile without rest. For my
Expedition, I planned and carried out a one-hundred-mile hike in central Oregon from
Mount Jefferson to the Three Sisters. This award has taught me that if I truly put my mind
to anything it can be accomplished through a bit of hard work and dedication.
Allison Yang
Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Amy Sun
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I completed over 400 hours of service at my community
hospital. I started with simple chores such as stocking and passing out waters but soon
was promoted into a patient ambassador, talking to patients and helping them feel as
comfortable as possible during their stay. For Personal Development, I practiced my
critical reading and analyzing skills and then transferred what I learned into my writing.
I read passages in various genres and wrote rhetorical analyses on the passages to
understand the nuances of the piece. To achieve my Physical Fitness goals, I joined my
school’s lacrosse team to improve my technique while gaining endurance. I worked
on decreasing my mile time and increasing the percentage of passes that I could catch.
Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a 5-day trip to Europe. I prepared the itinerary
for each day, including transportation, hostels to stay in at night, and tickets for the
attractions. I was immersed in a new culture and was able to try foods outside of my
comfort zone, including steak tartare! The Congressional Award was one of the most
fruitful activities that I’ve participated in and it taught me responsibility, dedication,
and commitment while providing me opportunities to meet inspiring people and form
amazing memories.
Alec Yarnoff
Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Joseph Tagliaferro
Afliations: Key Club
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered at the Northern Children Services where I
organized and participated in “Game Night,” playing sports with children once a month.
I also participated in Abington Reads, teaching young students to read and I volunteered
at the Jewish Relief Agency, packing food boxes. For Personal Development, I spent
many hours a week maintaining and caring for an exotic reptile collection consisting
of large lizards (monitor, tegu and bearded dragon) and small turtles. I also worked
during the summers for a pool cleaning company, where I serviced and maintained local
pools. My Physical Fitness activities included playing singles on the Abington High
School varsity tennis team and also competing in the District doubles tournament. I also
participated in USTA tennis events in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and worked with a
private coach practicing up to four days a week. For my Exploration, I planned and went
with my family on an eleven day trip to Spain where we visited many different cities,
including Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Granada and the Isle of Ibiza. In each city, we
visited historical landmarks and immersed ourselves in the culture and food. In attaining
the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I strived to be a well-rounded person, always
seeking to balance school work, personal endeavors, and service to others.
Julia Jones
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Mark Nelson
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, HOBY
I volunteered with the Olivet Boys and Girls Club and participated in Pottstown Cares.
For Personal Development, I aimed to continue to develop my musical performance
skills by participating in the school’s musical to further enhance my vocal skills and stage
presence. For my Physical Fitness goals, I decided to begin running weekly in order to
prepare to join the Track & Field club, which was a new sport for me. I also ran in a 5k
race supporting a local school. For my Exploration, I traveled to Costa Rica for a three-
week Summer Spanish Immersion to explore the local area, understand the culture, take
Spanish classes, and visit various attractions in the region. Overall, my experience has
opened my eyes to the world around me and helped me look at my surroundings with a
new perspective.
Rebekah Fodale
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Carol Lacock
In earning the Gold Medal, I accumulated over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service
by organizing programs for low income children and by helping people who are
affected by disability. Through this, I gained compassion and understanding of people
who do not have the advantages that I take for granted. For Personal Development, I
studied Music Theory 1 and 2 and mastered violin Suzuki books 4 and 5. Additionally
I researched how phones positively and negatively affect their users in order to pursue
social and mental health. For Physical Fitness, I improved my skills in lacrosse. I learned
the attack position and increased my average number of assists per game. Finally, for
my Expedition, I planned a seven night trip to a Cherokee Indian reservation in North
Carolina. While I was there, I learned about the Native American culture and languages.
The process of applying and qualifying for the Congressional Award pushed me to hone
my organizational skills and encouraged me to grow in areas that I was not particularly
experienced in or comfortable with.
William Huang
State College, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Dr. Jun Ni
Afliations: HOBY
In earning The Congressional Award, I found a passion in helping my community while
experiencing working in different settings. Most of my Voluntary Public Service involved
interacting with children. For Personal Development, I explored my ancestral culture by
learning Chinese myself. I also practiced it daily by talking with my family members. For
Physical Fitness, I worked to exercise and improve my athletic skills. I gained a better
form and higher accuracy in basketball shooting. I also worked to exercise and improve
my athletic skills and gained a better form and higher accuracy in basketball shooting.
For my Exploration, I immersed myself into another environment by visiting and staying
at a farm. By doing farm work and sleeping overnight, I was able to understand a culture
far different than the one I was accustomed to. I enjoyed challenging myself and breaking
up my goals into many smaller ones through my journey in attaining The Congressional
Juan Aleman
Addison, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Carrie Merschat
Afliations: 4-H, United States Air Force, United States Navy
I volunteer over 250 hours a year in the movement of expanding STEM knowledge.
I hosted STEM events in my community and volunteered as referee in robotics
competitions up to the state level. I was a part of a project that handled and distributed
over $250,000 in STEM supplies to over 50 Air Force bases. As the head programmer
of FTC robotics team 2818 G-FORCE, I learned how to code in Java and think critically
in a software setting. In addition, I was taught how to use numerous other software such
as Solidworks, Inkscape, and Autodesk Inventor Professional. I am a second degree
black belt in Taekwondo and third stripe white belt in Brazilian Jujitsu. In training for my
next belts, I have competed in multiple tournaments, broken boards, sparred, wrestled,
and learned new forms. As well as training myself, I also prepare my students for their
next belt. For my Expedition, I biked the entire Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) in ve
nights. Its was an over 150 miles bike ride in which I camped on the path every night.
An extra challenge in my Expedition was completing my school work every night as I
camped out. The Congressional Award is an amazing opportunity to display the activities
I participated in and has given me motivation to explore new adventures.
Victoria Jawork
Abington, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Cindy Begley
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service by
focusing on aiding in the medical eld and in the development of young children. I
volunteered at my local hospital and schools in my area. For Personal Development, I
took singing lessons and participated in various theater productions. I was able to earn the
lead role in the nal year of my school show. For my Physical Fitness portion, I trained
to decrease my mile time to 5:50 per mile. I trained with my school team and on my
own in order to race a mile under this time. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a trip
to Pittsburgh where I experienced the the city’s culture and nature. The Congressional
Award was a life-changing experience that drove me to work hard and challenge myself
in ways I never thought possible.
Ruby Chen
Jeannette, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Shuhui Wang
Afliations: National Honor Society
To earn The Congressional Award Gold Medal, I dedicated my time to various
organizations and causes in my community. This included assisting in organizing a school
district-wide food drive, volunteering at my local hospital, and volunteering at my local
library. For Personal Development, I focused on improving my musicianship and played
in the Three Rivers Young People Symphonette on the violin. For Phsyical Fitness, I
attended tennis practices year-round which helped me achieve the 1st singles position on
my high school varsity tennis team. Lastly, for my Exploration, I organized trips to places
like Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. The path to The
Congressional Award Gold Medal has been an unforgettable and amazing experience that
has taught me invaluable life lessons.
Ayush Sharma
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Advisor: Sharonlea Bayles
Afliations: National Honor Society
My Voluntary Public Service goals were centered upon volunteering at the St. Clair
Hospital and my temple youth service camp. My overarching goal in this area was to be
able to make a lasting impact on others in my community. My Personal Development
goal comprised of two activities that I have been a part of: USC Speech and Debate and
a part-time job at Kumon Math and Reading Center. My overarching goal for Personal
Development was to effectively prepare myself for the competitive workforce we live in
today. My Physical Fitness goal was based upon my primary sport of tennis and training
for the tennis season. My goals were specied to tennis: increasing my win percentage
as a varsity starter as well as increase the speed of my serve and ground stokes. My
Expedition experience was one of everlasting impact as I traveled to Bulandshahr, India,
which is three hours east of New Delhi, with my father, Dr. Vijaya Kumar of Wayne
State University, and his pre-medical students to teach public and general health to rural
and impoverished areas. The Congressional Award program has taught me about the
importance of being resilient in my high school career and how setting and following
through with goals is ultimately the only method of achievement in today’s world.
Josef Mueller
Allison Park, Pennsylvania
Advisor: James Katungyi
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of volunteer work at Sunrise Senior
Living, serving meals, assisting with activities, and playing violin for the residents
frequently. I also helped to set up local church festivals and served as a mentor for young
musicians at a summer music camp. For Personal Development, I enrolled as a member
of both the Pittsburgh Youth Concert Orchestra and the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony
Orchestra. Both of these orchestral ensembles have helped me to gain experience in
instrumental practice, rehearsal, and performance in a competitive environment. For
my Physical Fitness goals, I participated weekly at Young Brothers Tae Kwon Do. Tae
Kwon Do has helped me to improve my physical and mental discipline, and to better
myself in the art of self-defense. I currently have a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a week long visit to the Chautauqua Institution of
Chautauqua, New York. While at Chautauqua, I explored the cultural diversity of music
and the arts by attending various concerts, performing a recital, and visiting important
landmarks in the Institution. While achieving my goals, I came to realize that time is
a precious commodity that must not be wasted; the importance of being a productive
member of society; prudent decision making is an acquired skill; and that one must not
only be grateful for this great country we live in, but seek to pay it forward.
Grace Sowa
North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Advisor: Amy Pierson
In earning my Congressional Award, I completed my Voluntary Public Service hours
at the Exeter Animal Shelter and at an after-school program at Quidnessett Elementary
School. I took care of animals at the shelter and taught gymnastics to children after
school. For Personal Development, I complepted several knitting projects and I learned
a variety of knitting techniques along the way. I also created blankets and hats and
donated them to homeless shelters and hospitals. I completed my Physical Fitness goals
by competing in gymnastics. In addition, I also engaged in tumbling at a cheer gym. My
Exploration encompassed a trip to Halifax, Canada. I stayed at a local family home, and
we traveled to a multitude of historical and picturesque locations including Citadel Hill
and Peggy’s Cove. I enjoyed building relationships with all the people I interacted with
along my journey in earning the Congressional Award.
Bella Kissell
Charleston, South Carolina
Advisor: Caroline Morey
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked nearly every weekend for two years at a local South
Carolina State Park doing a variety of duties. Some of my responsibilities included being
an active interpreter of the park while educating visitors of the rich historic signicance of
Charles Towne Landing. For my Personal Development goal, I took a side job at a local
coffee shop while attending school full time. I worked my way up in two years from an entry
level position as being a runner, and making coffee to running the front register and making
biscuits. The Physical Fitness aspect of the program was the easiest for me to achieve as I am
already on a competitive swim team. However, the goals I set for myself and had to meet were
rigorous and took a substantial time to achieve. In fact, I am still working through some follow
up of these same goals. Traveling to Peru was the most exciting part of the program. I planned,
executed, and immersed myself totally in a culture I was not familiar with while my family
tagged along. They fully relied on me for the daily itinerary and execution of each day. This
challenging program has given me the ability to have excellent time management skills which
will benet me in my future endeavors, and allowed me to see that each day can be lled with
tasks that I enjoy and the fulllment and satisfaction of completing my commitments.
Harrison Miller
Barnwell, South Carolina
Advisor: Eleanor Jones-Edwards
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, National Honor Society, Special Olympics,
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 450 hours in Voluntary Public Service, mentoring
and motivating youth. I worked with youth during school and at camps and during Boys Scout
adventures, impressing upon them the importance of self-condence to look upon failures as
another life skill learned. For Personal Development, I participated in our school job shadowing
events as I researched potential future career paths. I put myself out there even more by applying
and getting my rst job working in a law ofce and assisting with the South Carolina elections.
For my Physical Fitness portion, I did stamina training to be able to run a mile as I pushed
through my exercise-induced breathing concerns. I started walking and then running with breaks
to progress to compelting a half mile to a mile run. I also played high school tennis and we won
two region titles. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a family RV camping trip centered on
exploring state parks in South Carolina. I was responsible to make reservations and map out
traveling routes to avoid interstate highways. I visited historical landmarks as we camped near
lakes and river streams. As I earned Congressional Award, I was able to set goals that kept me
engaged with meeting and making new friends. During my job shadowing, I improved my public
speaking skills, whcih helped me during my interviews for college scholarships. I did realize how
important it is to be able to express myself. My experiences overall have provided me worthy
talking points and I am glad to talk about earning The Congressional Award Gold Medal.
Micah McKnight
Anderson, South Carolina
Advisor: Andrew Barnes
In order to fulll my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at a local food pantry
and taught martial arts to kids from a local children’s home. I also volunteered with
the reading program at a local elementary school and at various summer children’s
camps. For Personal Development, I elected to improve myself musically by practicing
piano and box drum. As a result of this goal, I played in a piano recital and helped
lead in worship at our church by playing the box drum. To fulll the Physical Fitness
requirements, I sought to earn my black belt in Kenpo karate and was able to meet that
goal. Lastly, I planned a ve-day Expedition to Chattanooga, Tennessee to explore both
the Native American and Civil War history of the region. My overall experience with the
Congressional Award has been fantastic. I have learned and matured much more than I
would have if I had not pursued the award, and I am thankful that it has helped me reach
the point I am at now.
Noah McKnight
Anderson, South Carolina
Advisor: Andrew Barnes
I volunteered at my local food pantry to help serve and meet the needs of the
impoverished and destitute. I also taught self-defense at the local children’s home for
orphaned or in need kids. Additionally, I taught at music and recreational camps to
help children learn, appreciate, and love the arts. For Personal Development, I practiced
guitar in order to hone my craft as a guitarist. Guitar is a passion of mine and I overcame
obstacles that I previously was unable to surpass. For Physical Fitness, I trained every
week in order to achieve and aquire the skills of black belt in the art of Kenpo-jujutsu.
I am able to defend myself and help to defend others who cannot defend themselves.
For my Exploration, I traveled to Georgia in order to learn more about my family’s
anscestors and heritage. I also explored numerous Civil War battleelds throughout the
state. This was an excellent experience and I learned a lot about military strategy and the
tolls that my anscestors overcame. My experience was life changing. I would not trade
the relationships built and kept or the numerous hours of tears, sweat, and even blood
for anything in the world. The Congressional Award has helped me become a better
Gunnar Hensley
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Advisor: Laura Summer
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics
For Voluntary Public Service, I helped people through tutoring, cleaning, and helping
those less fortunate than me. It was so humbling to be able and help all of those people.
Volunteering was a great experience that I am thankful I did. For Personal Development,
I learned to play the guitar and conitunued to improve my skills throughout the years.
Guitar has become a major part of my life. For Phsyical Fitness, I wanted to improve my
5k time and strived to surpass my time with practice and determination. I also became
a better baseball player with practice and devotion. For my Exploration, I planned three
different trips on my own and had an excellent time on all three; all of which were very
different experiences. I am so thankful and overwhelmed in gratitude that I was able to
participate in this prestigious program.
Garrett May
Fort Mill, South Carolina
Advisor: George Halas
Earning The Congressional Award was a journey to learn new things. For my Voluntary
Public Service, I completed over 450 hours at my local Greenway, engaging in activities
from trail keeper to marketing assistant that grew into bridge builder and volunteer
trainer. This experience is shaping my future studies. My Personal Development
activities encompassed learning a new language, Arabic, and learning how to shoot
a pistol and how to correctly lift weights. I have continued learning Arabic, can
successfully shoot a bullseye at 15 ft, and I built a life-long workout habit. I chose to
challenge myself in Physical Fitness by becoming a high-level tennis player. With a
lot of work, I exceeded my goal and inspired my fellow teammatesFor my Exploration,
I visited Washington, D.C. to see all the history I had studied. I learned planning is
complex, that traveling has a lot of responsibilities, and that I love history and D.C.
These experiences have broadened my world. For me, the journey was rewarding and I
never imagined how much I could enjoy interpersonal interactions and helping people.
Lucas Moyon
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Advisor: Joe Raad
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked in the planetarium at the Museum of York
County to present cosmological shows to large audiences and I used computer programs
to create original shows for the planetarium dome. I also helped patients and nurses
in the emergency room by working with nurses to administer medicine and comfort
patients. For Personal Development, I spent hours with my telescope scanning the sky
to see and document all eight planets, dozens of nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters. I
also prepared for model UN conferences and implemented policy plans while working
with other delegates. I recently placed rst at the 37th Duke Model UN conference. For
Physical Fitness, I captained my club soccer team to become the number one team in
the state of South Carolina. To measure my skill, I practiced many hours to increase my
juggling record and I ran in my neighborhood to decrease my mile time to six minutes
and 35 seconds. My Expedition was a ve day trip to the Appalachian Mountains where
I explored the super dark night sky. I documented seeing several dozen deep sky objects.
I also analyzed over 20 species of plants and how they behave in mountainous settings.
The Congressional Award was a daunting challenge, but I am so grateful for everything I
learned on the journey, and for everyone who supported me.
Andrew Tyler Engebretsen
Lenoir City, Tennessee
Advisor: David P. Lewen, Jr.
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
In earning my award, I served over 400 hours at Second Harvest Food Bank of East
Tennessee and the mobile food pantries they support. This included building six raised
beds, increasing the output of fresh vegetables for the seniors in the community by 33%.
Logging over 1000 hours for Personal Devlopment with the FIRST robotics team 3824,
cemented my decision to become a mechanical engineer. Serving as Electronics, Proto-
type, and Build Team Captains, my team qualied for the World Championships in 2016,
2017, and 2019. For Physical Fitness, I joined a summer swim program and learned
to swim and dive. Training with Tennessee Aquatics, I decreased my 50-yard freestyle
time to 0:29.80. Lastly, I completed my Expedition at Philmont Scout Ranch in New
Mexico, where I hiked 85 miles in 12 days. As an experienced camper, I was prepared
for everything except the bear that tried to join me for dinner and not showering for 12
days. The Congressional Award taught me that anyone, no matter their age, can positively
impact their community.
Christine Li
Nashville, Tennessee
Advisor: Andy McInturff
To reach my Voluntary Public Service goal, I volunteered at the Little Pantry by helping
deliver food to the hungry population in Nashville and rebuilding the Little Pantry. I also
helped to raise youth awareness of hunger and homelessness in Nashville by creating
a Youth Advisory Council that involves 30 local youth. For Personal Development, I
devoted personal time to upkeep my skills of R and Javascript through self-study, and I
applied those skills and learned how to effectively utilize Microsoft CRM and Tableau
in an internship with the Center for Economic Research of the Tennessee Department
of Economic and Community Development To reach my Physical Fitness goal, I joined
the school’s soccer team to help my stamina and keep my levels of physical activity
high while bonding with my teammates. For my Exploration, I traveled from Nashville,
Tennessee to Guilin, China to explore Chinese culture and to learn more about my
heritage. I explored the rich culture and history while also getting rst-hand knowledge
of the Chinese high school education system by visiting a local high school. The
Congressional Award challenged me to explore my multi-faceted interests, to be my best
self, and to better serve my community and for that, I am very thankful.
Mitchell Morrison
Franklin, Tennessee
Advisor: Reney McAtee
Afliations: Special Olympics, YMCA
I spent over 500 hours of Voluntary Public Service creating athletic opportunities for
children with special needs. I served multiple organizations as a coach, camp counselor
and swim instructor, as well as led and trained others as special needs volunteers. I
worked at creating a greater understanding of cultures outside of the United States. I
served as an Advisory Board leader for Sister Cities of Nashville, traveled as an exchange
student to Argentina and hosted Argentinian and Chinese exchange students at my home
and school. For Physical Fitness, I focused on improving as an athlete by developing my
technical skills in soccer and football and increasing my coachability and versatility by
trying new positions. My Expedition was a ve-day hike on the Appalachian Trail that
I planned and executed. My friend and I were the youngest solo hikers we met on the
trail that week and we met both some unexpected challenges and some really interesting
people! Because of the Congressional Award and my commitment to achieving the goals
I set out when I was 13 years old, I’ve experienced a great deal outside of my comfort
zone and it’s led me to nd some of the passions that make me who I am today.
Saachi Dalal
Flint, Texas
Advisor: Robert LaMont
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at local medical facilities, where I advocated
for healthcare by interacting with patients and physicians. For Personal Development, I
continued my advanced piano studies and won several awards. By doing this, I learned
different genres of music. For Physical Fitness, I improved my karate and Kata skills.
I have moved on to achieving a brown belt. For my Exploration, I planned a seven
night trip to Boston and Maine, exploring local culture and history. By planning this
trip, I gained the condence to become a more independent traveler. Participating in
The Congressional Award gave me the condence to serve and lead others within my
community and follow my passions.
Cristian Roma
Spring, Texas
Advisor: Michael Gabriel
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
Texas Children’s Hospital. I helped family’s with questions and directions, assisted
nurses in perioperative, and held babies in the NICU. For Personal Development, I
learned an Introductory to Culinary Arts and Meal Prepping once a week. I now have
the basic understandings of cooking safety, cooking methods, culinary terms, and knife
cuts. For Physical Fitness, I hiked and trail walked to prepare for my Expedition on the
Mt. Whitney Trail. I began logging in ve miles a week and nished averaging 30. For
my Expedition, I camped in Sequoia National Park and Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
for ve nights. While on my trip, I hiked, learned and studied Natural History, and star
gazed and cooked my meals over self built res. The Congressional Award gave me the
unforgettable experiences of growth, self discipline, courage, and gratitude.
Nevedita Ramachandran
Plano, Texas
Advisor: Sakthivel Arumugam
I volunteered for Manegait by leading special needs children through equestrian therapy by
horse riding. For Minnie’s pantry, I volunteered and organized many fundraisers for the low
income families. Through Vibha, I organized and lead several events and also volunteered
in the Frisco library. For Personal Development, I improved my public speaking skills by
attending Leadership training classes, learning to use speaking methodologies and improved
greatly as a speaker. Also, I took SAT lessons and I am especially proud of the work that I put
in to improve my SAT scores. For Physical Fitness, I improved my serves and different shot
consistency in tennis by taking private lessons. The journey I’ve taken to. For my Exploration,
I explored the history and ancient culture of the Early Texans. I immersed myself in this
culture through dining, museums, shrines and interpersonal exploration. I enjoyed organizing
the trip to accommodate my parents, sister and my dog Bentley’s interests. We also learned
a lot and had fun. receive The Congressional Award Gold Medal has taught me the strength
of perseverance, self-motivation, and maintaining and nding a balance in my life with extra-
curriculars and school. It has made me a better person and taught me that with hard work, time
and determination, one person can make a difference. Serving others has become a passion of
mine, which I will carry with me the rest of my life. I am incredibly honored to have been able
to participate in the Congressional Award program and receiving the Gold Medal along with
my sister, I will forever consider this as one of my greatest accomplishments.
Nikita Ramachandran
Plano, Texas
Advisor: Sakthivel Arumugam
For Voluntary Public Service, I organized several fundraisers for the low income families for
Minnies Pantry. Through Vibha, I organized and lead many events and taught kids STEM
projects during events. In Manegait, I helped special needs children through equestrian therapy
by horse riding and volunteered in the Frisco library. For Personal Development, I took
leadership training classes and improved my public speaking skills. I also planned and learned
to cook healthy meals from different cuisines with my mom’s help and worked on my SAT to
improve my scores. For Physical Fitness, I took private lessons to improve my serve and shot
consistency in tennis. In doing so, I got on my school’s varsity tennis team and attended many
local tournaments won several medals. For my Exploration, I learned about the history and
the culture of the early Texas. I enjoyed the whole process of planning and completing the trip
with my family and my dog, Bentley. This award personally means so much to me because
of the huge honor to me, my family, and my community, as well as representing Texas. It has
pushed me to become a better version of myself and has allowed me to realize the amount of
things I can accomplish if I put my mind to it. I am incredibly honored to have been able to
participate in the Congressional Award program and receiving the Gold Medal along with my
sister. I will forever consider this one of my greatest accomplishments.
Elias Mosby
Van Alstyne, Texas
Advisor: MaryBeth Basye
Afliations: American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, National Honor Society, People
to People International, Special Olympics, United States Army
To earn my Congressional Award Gold Medal, I served as a Special Olympics Coach
and volunteered in the Student Conservation Association. For Personal Development,
I learned sign language and learned to speak Japanese. In order to achieve my Physical
Fitness goals, I competed in Power Lifting, Cross Country, Football, and learned to play
tennis. Lastly, for my Exploration, I traveled to Cyprus and studied conservation on this
island. I also traveled to Japan and improved my linguistic skills. I am thankful for this
Sam Mosby
Van Alstyne, Texas
Advisor: MaryBeth Basye
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Habitat for Humanity,
Key Club, National Honor Society, People to People International, Special Olympics,
United States Army
For Voluntary Public Service, I particiaped in numerous activiites incuding, serving
in Partners PE and as a Special Olympics Coach. I also volunteered as a SEEK Camp
Counselor. For Personal Development, I improved my ability to speak Spanish and I
learned to speak Arabic. For Physical Fitness, I competed in football and baseball andI
learned to compete in Cross Fit. Lastly, for my Exploration, I traveled to the Republic
of Jordan to improve my linguistic skills and to learn about the Arabic culture. The
Congressional Award was a challenging and very rewarding experience.
Jimmy Liu
Katy, Texas
Advisor: Shixia Huang
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked with an organization called We Care Act to
help disaster relief victims, promote awareness for electronics recycling, and organize
fundraisers for children in third-world countries. For Personal Development, I practiced
several hours of violin each week in order to improve my skill. I recently got into both
dance and volleyball at my new high school. For Physical Fitness, I practice those
activities several hours per week with the respective teams. Lastly, for my Expedition, I
went camping in Davis Mountains State Park with my parents and a couple of friends.
Ashley Turnage
Houston, Texas
Advisor: Brendon Singh
I completed over 475 hours of Voluntary Public Service and donated over 150 blankets
to cancer patients, orphans, and the elderly. I delivered blankets to people in hospitals
and to families who were affected by Hurricane Harvey in order to provide awareness
and comfort. For Personal Development, I completed over 200 hours of strength and
conditioning to strengthen my body and mind. I learned to trust the process because
results are not immediate, and I worked my way up to a 4x4 total of 425 pounds. For
Physical Fitness, I decided to improve my basketball skills and I.Q. With over 650 hours
of individual training and lm study, I improved my offensive and defensive efciency.
Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a ve-night trip to Boston. I went to Hynes Center,
Copley Square, toured Cambridge, and attended MIT’s 2.009! The Congressional Award
was an incredible experience that taught me how to be self-sufcient and truly make a
difference in my community.
Todd Christian
Huntsville, Texas
Advisor: Armando Aguirre
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
I volunteered hundreds of hours as the Youth Advisor Representative for the Host Team
to prepare and deliver the transformative 26th Interamerican Scout Conference, a triennial
gathering of the leadership of 33 National Scout Organizations spanning from Canada to
Chilé. As the Boy Scouts of America’s most prestigious and rigorous training for young
people, I served in varying integral roles on the staff of four National Advanced Youth
Leadership Experience. Courses were held at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico
and the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. Six times throughout 2014, 2015, and
2016, I set my sights to transform myself physically - relentlessly training to summit a
high-altitude mountain, progressively more rigorous than the last. Each time, I helped
others overcome their own challenges to achieve what they thought once impossible. For
10 days in December 2017, I completed an independent immersive study of Ecuadorian
culture. During this trip, I met people from more than 30 countries, ate local cuisine, and
participated in a number of cultural exchanges, including native dancing and producing
chocolate from raw cocoa pods. On the journey to complete the Congressional Award, I
learned the incredible value and benet of critical self-reection, as well as conding in
trusted advisors; thanks to the Congressional Award, I am a more whole leader.
Paige Cromley
The Woodlands, Texas
Advisor: Margaret Paulsen
I spearheaded a high school voter registration campaign across the state of Texas. By
meeting with government ofcials and superintendents, I ensured that voter registration
would occur in schools across the state. For Personal Development, I worked for my
neighbor, house sitting as well as providing administrative support. For my Physical
Fitness goal, I ran consistently between sports seasons to maintain my physical tness
and increase speed. By working out every day in the winter and summer, despite being
off-season, I learned discipline and was able to stay healthy. Lastly, for my Exploration,
I traveled independently, ying overseas to Scotland without my family. In the UK, I
engaged in activities that took me outside my comfort zone.
Ashley Gibson
The Woodlands, Texas
Advisor: Stephine Ranes
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I collected and refurbished over 500
used pairs of eyeglasses to donate to people in low income communities. I was able
to network with people in my community and spread the word about my project.
To complete my Personal Development goals, I attended weekly violin lessons, and
practiced various techniques. Additionally, I participated in many musical concerts.
To complete my Physical Fitness goals, I attended weekly golf lessons and practiced
daily. During each practice I drilled on putting, chipping, and full swing. Additionally,
I competed in a substantial amount of golf tournaments. To complete my Exploration
goals, I canoed and camped around Fort Desoto’s St. Jean Key. I explored different
types of mangroves and looked for different species of birds. I enjoyed earning The
Congressional Award because it helped me gain a better understanding of the world
around me.
Allison Sharer
The Woodlands, Texas
Advisor: Jennifer Kaiser
I learned a lot by volunteering at the hospital, where I took a book cart that I helped stock
around to patient rooms. Most of these patients were having a really bad day, and I was
proud to be a small part of making it better. For my Personal Development, I started pet-
sitting for people in my neighborhood. I created a monthly calendar that helped me plan
my schedule as well as keep a record of payment due. I also learned how to create a CV
and used my new pet-sitting job experience. After competing in gymnastics for ten years,
I spent the next year training to be a better track athlete. I worked to improve my 400m
sprint time, but the hurdles were my main focus. I was very determined to compete at
a 6A UIL meet, so I was very excited when I made the Varsity team as a freshman. For
my Expedition, I planned a trip to explore an area of rural Wyoming. I loved the natural
beauty of the area, but one highlight of the trip was speaking to the children at a local
K-5 school about the value of service and how the Congressional Award was helping
me do that. Accomplishing these goals this year made me become a more determined,
competitive and hard-working person.
Ashley Sharer
The Woodlands, Texas
Advisor: Jennifer Kaiser
I served several non-prots in my local community, where I assisted with various
activities, such as stocking food pantries, calling bingo at senior centers, and assisting
with pet adoptions. I also learned how to sew in order to make special tote bags for newly
diagnosed breast cancer patients. For my Personal Development, I took two test prep
classes and worked with an English tutor, leading to an increase of over 200 points on my
PSAT. I also learned how to technically and cleanly swim the buttery swimming stroke
and completed over 550 hours of training for cross country and track and eld. I am
proud of the personal bests I have achieved and the team contributions I have made in the
5K, 1 mile, and 800m races. I also learned how to triple jump and pole vault. My favorite
part of my Congressional Award journey was planning and completing my Exploration.
I enjoyed exploring the culture and history of two of Europe’s capital cities, London and
Paris. Going through this process has brought me the condence and enthusiasm to do
even more in the future.
Emily Kate Mosley
Waco, Texas
Advisor: Sarah Baranowski
Afliations: National Honor Society
In the process of earning the Gold Congressional Medal, I worked at my local library and
partnered with Baylor University to provide STEM education for youth in my communiy.
I also worked at Texas Presbyterian Hospital in women’s healthcare to promote healthy
living and explore related policy issues For Personal Development, I researched current
events and followed congressional votes as well as Supreme Court cases, investigating
the ways in which the government’s actions effect our daily lives. I also became involved
various GOTV activiites to promote civic and voter participation. For Physical Fitness,
I worked to perfect my own dancing abilities so that I could teach classes to the younger
girls trying out for my high school dance team. By combining physical tness with
leadership development, I was able to help aspiring dancers achieve their goals as well
as reach my own. For my Exploration, I stayed with an Indian-Pakistani Muslim family
and wore a hijab documenting xenophobia in the south. I also explored communities
affected by travel bans and border policies in order to expand my understanding of the
heated political climate around immigration and racial conict Earning such a prestigious
award that requires such dedication has taught me that while in fearless pursuit of my
own dreams, I can use my voice to empower others and make conscientious change in the
Daniel Garza
San Antonio, Texas
Advisor: Veronica Benhalim
Afliations: National Honor Society, Special Olympics, US Air Force
I achieved my Voluntary Public Service goal by volunteering with Texas Parks & Wildlife
and the Texas Historical Commission. As a re-enactor, I portray a private in the U.S.
Army circa the mid 1800’s and educate the public regarding military life. I accomplished
my Personal Development goal by working with the SAPD Public Safety Corp, where
I learned the responsibilities of police ofcers. Additionally, I served as president of
student council and Parliamentarian of the Texas Association of Student Councils which
enhanced my leadership skills. I attained my Physical Fitness goal to run a sub ve-
minute mile by setting a PR of 4:53. I had the honor of serving my team as cross country
captain for two years. For my Expedition, I planned an extensive road trip visiting
the Dakota Wyoming area. I explored the national parks and the western expansion,
which enhanced my living history activities. I was able to experience some of the most
historic and majestic sites in America. I’ll always carry the life lessons learned from this
challenging experience.
Hunter Beaton
Boerne, Texas
Advisor: John Peterson
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
IFor Voluntary Public Service, I created a sustainable means to continue a duffel bag and
backpack donation for foster children that were being removed from their homes. To date,
I have provided over 27,000 bags or backpacks to foster children throughout 14 states.
Through my Day 1 Bags and Backpacks program, I needed to improve my ability in the
public speaking arena. I did this by training as well as applying for Ted Talks throughout
my area. I have played tennis for many years but had always had a rst serve issue that I
knew I needed to improve. I established a goal to practice my serves and have my coach
monitor my rst serve improvements over the course of years. I modied technique and
practiced hours to improve. I love my Catholic Faith and it has always been a part of my
life. I set a goal to visit missions in my community. I ended up being able to plan and
experience a trip of a lifetime to the Vatican, see Pope Francis, and visit other religious
sites throughout Europe. I have learned through my multi-year journey to achieve the
Congressional Award Gold Medal that perseverance and grit kept my focus on the goal.
Fernando L Miranda-Fred
San Antonio, Texas
Advisor: Twain Tharp
Afliations: American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I continued building upon my volunteer camp counselor
commitments to help special needs campers experience traditional camping, I also
enjoyed helping diabetic children attend Camp Independence. However, my biggest
efforts, particularly relating to an extended time commitment, were undertaken at Haven
for Hope shelter. I am interested in the world of business, so I undertook two signicant
projects to learn about budgeting and basic accounting. Building upon this self-directed
learning, I was able to pursue an incredible internship at Valero Energy whereby I learned
about the eld of corporate social responsibility. While I have always enjoyed playing
sports, through my Congressional Award Phsyical Fitness goals, I have become much
more aerobically-t and go to Lifetime Fitness four times a week. As a New American
and appreciative of the opportunities to learn about different cultures in addition to
my Hispanic heritage, I also undertook a great exploration of Midwest culture and our
nationals parks whereby I helped restore some of the parks’ trails. To-date, participating
in our nation’s Congressional Award program has helped me become more independent,
adventurous, and appreciative of the great learning and educational opportunities to
Americans and how we all can make a difference for individuals in need.
Ben Romero
Kerrville, Texas
Advisor: Kurt Gaudette
Afliations: Scouts of America
My Voluntary Public Service goals were to support both the welfare of needy people and
my local public library. I worked at the food pantry, supported Eagle Scout projects, and
provided manual labor for the needy and elderly. Furthermore, I served at the library,
working with children and providing administrative duties. My Personal Development
goals were to learn the complex video system at my church and develop my skills on
the French Horn. I became procient on the $85,000 video system, while leading the
congregation through the Mass and potential emergency situations. Additionally, I took
lessons and performed on my French Horn. My Physical Fitness goal was to improve
my performance in preparation for the Air Force Academy’s physical tness test. My
multi-faceted approach included pushups, sit-ups, running, biking, and hiking. In the
end, I reduced my mile time by over 2 minutes. My Expedition was to participate in a
high adventure Boy Scout camp. At Philmont, over the course of 12 days, I hiked over
80 miles and learned new skills such as tomahawk throwing, trail maintenance, black
powder loading, and leadership as my crew Guia. This program gave me the ability to
take responsibility for the mental, physical, and community aspects of my life.
Siddhant Ahuja
Katy, Texas
Advisor: Atul Kothari
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
To earn my Gold Medal, I served over 400 hours at diverse organizations, including
Interfaith Ministries and Boy Scouts of America. I created ten risers for two high
school orchestras, providing infrastructure for them to grow and increasing visibility
of musicians in the back of the orchestra. For Personal Development, I focused on
improving as a musician by expanding my repertoire of Violin Concertos. I’m proud to
have had the opportunity to perform in San Antonio as part of Texas’ Best High School
Orchestra. To improve my Physical Fitness, I trained for several months to run a Half-
Marathon and complete the BP MS150, a 150-mile bike ride from Houston to Austin
that raises millions of dollars of research funds for Multiple Sclerosis. Finally, for my
Expedition, I trekked over 100 miles across the Rocky Mountains with a crew of 12
at Philmont Scout Ranch, applying the outdoor skills that I learned as a Boy Scout.
The Congressional Award was an enriching experience that enabled me to pursue my
individual passions while making impact to the greater community.
Smriti Ahuja
Katy, Texas
Advisor: Atul Kothari
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service by
engaging in numerous initiatives with several non-prots, my school, and Interfaith
Ministries for Greater Houston to organize events and service days impacting the Greater
Houston communities. For Personal Development, I worked to improve my skills in
argument and critical thinking by being on the debate and mock trial teams. Because
of my experiences, I hope to pursue a career in law. I set up a goal to focus on Physical
Fitness through eating healthy and exercising regularly and was able to lose 40 pounds to
improve my overall health. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned and executed a service
trip to India with ten youth for two weeks. My goal was to increase awareness about the
circumstances that underprivileged children grow up in and to identify the areas to help
them through those circumstances. The Congressional Award truly enhanced my life by
teaching me perseverance and allowing me to serve the greater community.
Sachi Kalvakaalva
Pearland, Texas
Advisor: Lata Krishna Rao
For my Volunteer Public Service, I volunteered at the Houston Food Bank, the Children’s
Museum of Houston, Memorial Hermann Hospital, and the American Youth Leadership
Foundation. Through each of these places, I was able to take a well-rounded approach
to help out my community. In completing my Personal Development goal, I studied the
classical North Indian dance form of Kathak. I regularly attended classes every week,
practiced on my own, and performed at community events. Currently, I hold certicates
at 3 levels from an accredited dance college in India. I trained to complete a 10K race for
my Physical Fitness goal. To prepare, I focused on building my endurance, conditioning,
and pushing myself by rst running a 5K. I completed the whole 10K race in November
under the qualifying time. I planned and executed a 6 day trip to Banff and Vancouver,
Canada as part of my Expedition goal. Through this, I was able to improve my planning
and coordination skills while overcoming logistical challenges. I was able to learn about
a new culture and admire the natural beauty of the area. The Congressional Award has
taught me the value of perseverance, hard work, and grit in everything that I do, making
my Gold Medal journey extraordinarily rewarding.
Shikha Lakhi
Pearland, Texas
Advisor: Ms. Binila Muthalaly
Afliations: National Honor Society
In partnership with my dance school, I initiated a program called HealthyMe and visited
local daycare, libraries, dance studios and parks. I educated children under the age of
13 on how to lead a healthy lifestyle by teaching them importance of a healthy diet and
enjoyable and simple exercises. I worked on improving my dance technique and stamina
by practicing for at least 4 hours a week. Through this journey, I built my endurance and
performed a two hour long solo dance performance with minimal breaks. After being
diagnosed with high cholesterol levels as a thirteen-year-old, I wanted to reduce my
cholesterol level to 170mg/DL through kickboxing and running. These activities helped
me bring my cholesterol levels back to a healthy range, and developed a life long passion
to kickboxing. I planned a trip to Gardena, California to explore and divulge myself
into Japanese culture. I was introduced to a multitude of dishes, learned about Japanese-
American history, with a focus on the internment camps Japanese-Americans, and the
effects it has on modern society. The Congressional Award was an enriching experience
that showed me the benets of staying dedicated to my goal, and also gave me the
opportunity to meet new people from various backgrounds and experiences, helping me
grow as a person. I have gained a better understanding of who I am as a person and the
overall impact every small action could take to improve our community. This journey has
also developed my passion in kickboxing, healthy lifestyle, and community service.
Raheem Memon
Katy, Texas
Advisor: Richard Guillen
I completed over 800 hours of Voluntary Public Service at a local convalescent home
and at a County Trauma Hospital. I worked in the psych ward and the emergency room
interacting with doctors and patients. For Personal Development, I took Spanish lessons,
practicing incessantly. Today I am uent in Spanish and communicate with my soccer
teammates and patients at my volunteering with ease. For Physical Fitness, I sharpened
my soccer skills, graduating high school as the captain of the varsity team. Checks and
balances within the framework of the Congressional Award made me cognizant of my
weaknesses and enhance newly realized strengths. For my Expedition, I planned a nine-
night trip to Europe. My brother and I used funds from a lifetime of birthday/Christmas
gifts, to reward points from American Express and hotels, to where we spent nothing on
this trip. As I walk away with a Gold Medal, I have acquired a lifelong commitment to
volunteering, gained uency in Spanish, became top notch in soccer, and learned about
diversity and culture.
Rehman Memon
Katy, Texas
Advisor: Richard Guillen
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 600 hours of Voluntary Public Service at a
local convalescent home and at a County Trauma Center Hospital. I worked in a clinical
setting, shadowing the doctors and interacting with patients and in the laboratory setting
at the hospital. For Personal Development, I took Spanish lessons, and studied and
practiced on my own. I am now a uent Spanish speaker and serve as a translator at the
hospital and convalescent home. For Physical Fitness, I honed and escalated my soccer
skills being the rst junior as the captain of the varsity team. For my Expedition I planned
a nine-night trip to Europe. My brother and I used our own money from a lifetime of
birthday and Christmas gifts to loyalty points from our parent’s American Express and
hotel reward points wisely, to where we spent nothing on this trip. The structure of the
Congressional Award program instilled in me unparalleled discipline and my success has
encouraged me to raise the bar on goals in all aspects of life.
Rhea Mudnal
Pearland, Texas
Advisor: Harish Rao
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of service! Over the summer, I
helped special-needs kids participate in summer camp activities, and I also volunteered
at the Baylor St. Luke’s hospital. During the school year, I helped to organize and
conduct activities at the Children’s Museum. For my Personal Development, I pursued
the Spanish language. In doing so, I was able to delve into the Hispanic culture and
become familiar with many of the holidays and traditions. For my Physical Fitness
goal, I signicantly improved my tennis serves. By practicing everyday and competing
in tournaments, I was able to speed up my serves and consistently hit the corner of the
service box, which made my serves more difcult to return. Finally, for my Exploration, I
planned a ve day trip to Italy. I visited Venice, Pisa, Pompeii, Florence, and The Vatican.
While there, I was able to learn more about Italian history and culture as well as see
architectural marvels and sample delicious cuisines! Through the Congressional Award,
I was able to reach out and touch the lives of so many different people, which has helped
me to develop important life-skills and has enabled me to discover my passions!
David Wang
Pearland, Texas
Advisor: Shixia Huang
I volunteered at the Children’s Association of Maximum Potential camp as a friend,
counselor, and guardian for those with special needs. Volunteers are required to stay on
campus for the entire duration and take care of campers from morning to evening. For
Personal Development, I played percussion for the Houston Youth Symphony, which
required extensive practicing of the snare drum, marimba, timpani, and other instruments.
I also played for retirement homes. I ran long-distance, from the 1 mile to the half-
marathon. My mile time cut down to 5 minutes and 22 seconds (as compared to 8 minutes
and 5 seconds before I started running) and my half-marathon time fell below 2 hours.
Visiting Chicago and St. Louis, I caught more than a glimpse of the highlighting qualities
the Northwest has to offer. From the food to the landmarks, I discovered a lifestyle I had
never imagined here in Houston.
Mamoon Khalid
Irving, Texas
Advisor: Arif Kuniyil
While working towards the Congressional Award Gold Medal, one of my most
memorable experiences while volunteering was the time I spent at numerous hospitals. I
helped re-instill hope in patients who felt hopeless and tended to their needs. For Personal
Development, I participated in my local Toastmasters group. Through Toastmasters, I
learned how to effectively communicate and inspire others. For my Physical Fitness
portion, I joined a Tae Kwon Do dojo and consistently practiced day to day. Tae Kwon
Do not only made me more physically t but also improved my focus and determination
in general. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned an eleven night trip to Canada. The
experience as a whole taught me life lessons that I would never be able to learn in a
classroom setting. Pursuing the Gold Medal was an invaluable experience that helped me
grow in every aspect of my life, making me a more well rounded individual.
Jana Sabri
Irving, Texas
Advisor: Jumana Alkhatib
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at different
organizations that related to my passions. I focused mostly on education and non-prot
organizations, volunteering at an ESL summer school, summer camps, and Amoud
Foundation. For Personal Development, I took a karate and self-defense class every
week, advancing all the way to a red belt. For Physical Fitness, I trained for and ran a leg
of the BMW Dallas Marathon relay. Finally, for my Exploration, I planned a four night
trip to Washington D.C. While we were there, we viewed and learned about a plethora of
American monuments, visited as many Smithsonian museums as possible, and explored
the city. The Congressional Award was an incredible experience that has truly helped me
grow as an individual and a leader. I am grateful to have been part of a program that has
helped me nd and pursue my passion for public service.
Weronika Konwent
Hamilton, Texas
Advisor: Johnnye Gautier
I helped to establish a Food Recovery Network at my college, working with partners
in the community and administrators and students on campus to raise awareness about
food waste and to direct the ow of food to areas and people who could make use of it.
For Personal Development, I became relatively uent in Spanish. This involved taking
high school and college courses, participating in conversation classes and cultural
activities, and traveling to the Spanish speaking countries of Costa Rica and Spain for full
immersion. I became a consistent yoga practitioner, improving my strength, balance, and
exibility through group and individual practice. For my Exploration, I completed the
Camino de Santiago de Compostela trail in Northern Spain, backpacking more than 500
km over the period of about a month. I learned about religion, culture, food, language,
and met many Spanish and international people along the way. Participating in the
Congressional Award program made me particularly thankful to have the opportunities
to pursue self development, while realizing that we grow and learn in big and small ways
every day.
Matthew Mitchell
Fort Worth, Texas
Advisor: Steven Jackson
To earn my Gold Medal, I completed 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service at
Community Storehouse, an organization helping families in need. There I learned how
many people in my community are struggling and need assistance. My two Personal
Development goals were to improve my leadership skills and to learn to drive. I spent
time teaching Taekwondo to children, adults, and special needs students and completed
the training to successfully earn my drivers license. For Physical Fitness, I attended
martial arts classes, studying both Taekwondo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I earned my
Second-Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and received my Blue Belt in Jiu Jitsu. For my
Expedition, I planned a trip to New Orleans where I learned about the city’s food, history
and culture. I also learned about the bayou and the threat hurricanes pose to the local eco-
system. The Congressional Award has been a life-changing experience, shaping me into a
man who aspires to help others and who, hopefully, will also inspire others.
Connor Crowe
Georgetown, Texas
Advisor: Calvin Gray
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
My primarily goal for Voluntary Public Service was to support my local community
through beautifying outdoor spaces, maintaining local parks and recreational areas,
and constructing sustainable structures for outdoor areas that could be utilized by the
community for many years to come. One of my primary Personal Development goals
has been to become a more effective leader and learn more about what it means to
successfully lead through servant leadership and effective communication. I was able to
primarily learn this through leadership roles in Boy Scouts such as Senior Patrol Leader.
My Physical Fitness goals revolved around consistent practice, conditioning, and weight
training to improve my strength, endurance, and agility in order to prepare myself to
be able to perform successfully on the basketball court. Through my experience in Boy
Scouts, I was able to participate in a 15 day backpacking trip to Philmont Scout Ranch,
where I learned the true hardships of having to survive and travel through 95 miles of
rugged backcountry wilderness with nothing but a backpack and the clothes on my back.
One of the primary lessons I learned through my experience is that life can be extremely
tough and challenging, but by working as hard as you can everyday towards your goals
with condence and positivity, you can overcome any obstacle or hardship.
Grace Nemec
Taylor, Texas
Advisor: Gwynetha Vrabel
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA
For the Voluntary Public Service component, I participated in quite a bit of Scouting and
many other leadership positions. These events included stafng at camps for younger
Scouts, committing to at least one service project over Christmas break, and involvement
in many other organizations. Regarding Personal Development, I took part in one of my
local youth groups and stepping up to a leadership position in a speech and debate club.
For Physical Fitness, I tried many different sports and work out strategies. A few of these
included hiking, basketball, running, and weight lifting. Lastly, for my Expedition, I went
to New Mexico, where I hiked for roughly two weeks in the back country.
Wilson Sands
Dallas, Texas
Advisor: John Dzminiski
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked within a service organization, Youth for West
Dallas. I concentrated my service work in the West Dallas area, where I tutored kids,
helped with youth camps and sports teams, lead drives for used sports equipment and
school supplies, and did Meals on Wheels. For Personal Development, I developed
specic tness goals at a workout facility that I would like to open in the future. For
Physical Fitness, I established specic goals to improve in lacrosse and eventually made
DI Varsity team. Lastly, for my Expedition, I planned a shing trip to research native
trout in Northern New Mexico. This helped me identify, plan and execute specic goals
that I want to achieve. Through the Congressional Award, I have gained a great sense of
accomplishment in setting and achieving long term goals.
Daimion Davis
Lehi, Utah
Advisor: Brett Nelson
Afliations: Boys Scouts of America
I provided service to assisted-living groups by going to their place of residence and
performing the violin and singing for them. I performed for them and helped them have
uplifting evenings of great entertainment and fun. I love acting and singing and wanted
to participate in all school musicals while in high school to improve my acting and
singing skills. For Personal Development, I tried out for every play and musical and was
leads in “Robinhood,” “Much Ado About Nothing,” “Cinderella,” and “Lion King.” For
Physical Fitness, I wanted to make USFSA Nationals in Pairs Figure Skating. I practiced
gure skating 5 hours/5-6 days per week. Each Fall the competitions begin: qualication
through Regionals, Sectionals, and then Nationals. I placed 7th at Nationals. Lastly, I
planned and organized an Exploration trip to New York City, where I went to the musical
“Hamilton.” It was very inspiring for me and the man that played George Washington
in the musical inspired me to tryout for “Cinderella,” which I played Prince Charming.
Because of the inspiration of the Congressional Award, I have accomplished and
participated in many activities that I would not have done.
Katie Drennan
Sandy, Utah
Advisor: Michelle Estrada
For my Voluntary Public Service, I enjoyed making personal connections with kids as
I served as a robotics tutor, mentor, and volunteer. I taught kids and adults more about
robotics at events. I also fostered ten kittens recovering from calicivirus to help them
regain their health and prepare for adoption. For my Personal Development, I helped
to create a new way to nd survivors in earthquake rubble via a network of controlled
cockroaches, made a business plan and applied for a patent, and am now part owner
of an LLC business producing portable bird scare devices. I have always wanted to be
a good dancer because I love theatre, so for Physical Fitness, I worked on my dancing
ability. This improved my technique and memory for choreography. I planned a four
night camping Expedition to hike and explore various caves in Utah and Idaho. I
now understand more scientic aspects of ongoing geologic changes and am more
conscientious of the needs of bats and other cave creatures.
Kim Drennan
Sandy, Utah
Advisor: Megan Theorine
Afliations: American Red Cross
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered as a robotics tutor, mentor, and teacher
and at several FIRST Robotics competitions. I fostered kittens recovering from calicivirus
to help them regain their health and prepare for adoption. For Personal Development, I
improved my programming while preparing for and competing in FIRST Lego League,
Cyber Patriot, participated in cyber security camp, python programming camp, arduino
programming camp, and I’ve done my own programming with my arduino and raspberry
pi. For Physical Fitness, I tracked my running time improvement, ran in 12 different 5k
races and participated in Tae Kwon Do. I experienced life as a part of a Turkish family by
staying at their house for a week and participating in their normal day to day activities.
Through the Congressional Award Program, I have learned how to set goals, track my
activities, and how to be comfortable in a large variety of places and scenarios.
Fatima Faizi
Cottonwood Heights, Utah
Advisor: Sumeyye Guney
Afliations: 4-H, Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
I volunteered with my Girl Scout troop, working on various projects such as working
with Syrian refugees and gathering gifts for refugees to give during our religious holiday,
Eid. I also volunteered at Davis hospital, gaining the experience of discharging patients
and escorting them to their cars. For Personal Development, I attended my club meetings
weekly for the College Mentorship and Leadership program. There, we worked on our
Congressional Award, the ACT, and studied for classes as a group. One of the ways I
earned some of my Physical Fitness hours was by taking a kickboxing class. For my
Exploration, I planned a trip to San Diego, California. I researched some places to visit
including Balboa Park, Old Town, Gaslamp Quarter and La Jolla Cove. Working towards
the Congressional Award has been one of the most rewarding experiences because I
gained leadership, planning, and personal development skills.
Nihal Kariparduc
South Jordan, Utah
Advisor: Hulya Kablan
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at Emerald Hills Institute teaching
Turkish to Russian-Turk kids. I helped organize, plan, and set-up events that take place at
the Emerald Hills Institute. I also volunteered with my school’s National Honor Society
bimonthly. For Personal Development, I practiced my violin and guitar. I also attended
my weekly College Mentorship and Leadership meetings and took practice ACT tests
while preparing for college. I also learned how to secure a computer with Beehive
Science and Technology Academy’s all girl Cyber Patriot team. For Physical Fitness, I
attended fencing classes every Thursday, physical exercises at least 3 times a week, and
walked at least 8000 steps everyday. For my Gold Medal Expedition, I planned a trip to
northern Utah and visited landmarks located within that area. The Congressional Award
allowed me to follow through a goal for an extended period of time.
Thomas Klingonsmith
Saratoga Springs, Utah
Advisor: Laura O’Connor
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
For my Gold Medal, I was able to give several hundred hours of service to Camp Maple
Dell, teaching young men important outdoor skills to help them begin their progression
through the ranks of Scouting. As part of my Personal Development goal, I was able to
grow my skills in music by singing in my church’s choir, as well as learning to play the
euphonium. In Physical Fitness, I made a goal to strengthen my accuracy and precision
in archery. I joined my high school’s archery team and saw dramatic improvements of
my score in state competitions. Finally, for my Expedition, I was able to complete a
much-anticipated trip of touring every national park in Utah in one week. I explored each
and in addition, saw several state parks, gaining more appreciation for the beauty of my
state. Through this activity and others, earning the Gold Medal has truly been a fullling
experience and I’m grateful for the opportunities and adventures it has presented me with.
Sarah Shwani
Sandy, Utah
Advisor: Kristina Pavlovic
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at an elementary school, where I worked with
teachers in the classroom and I specialized in working with special ed students. I helped
them in the classroom and I made sure they stayed focused. This was a difcult task,
however, I did learn a lot by working with the kids. For my Personal Development goals,
I went to a Saturday camp almost every week to work and practice for my ACT test and
to raise my score up a bit higher. I also practiced knitting and crocheting and tried to
improve my skills. My Physical Fitness goal really changed my life. I beneted a lot from
it. I decided that I should become healthier and start having daily workouts. This ended
up changing my appearance and my life. I became so much more condent and up to this
day, I still do my daily workouts. My Exploration was an eye-opening one. I went back
to my home country, Iraq, and I explored my Kurdish culture. I went to two cities in Iraq;
Dukan and Halabja. I got to explore the incidents that took place in Halabja, and I got
to explore Dukan’s beautiful scenery. While working towards my goals and earning the
Gold Medal, I experienced the best things and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Dua Azhar
Bluffdale, Utah
Advisor: Kristina Pavlovic
Afliations: National Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered at my local library and through
clubs at school. Volunteering at the library was a great experience because I’ve always
loved books. At school, through National Honor Society and Student Council, I put
together school events and activities. Through my Personal Development goals, I
improved by writing style, my ACT score, and my high school resume for the future,
including college and my career. I really wanted to gain experience and expertise to have
good qualications as I continue my education. My goal for Physical Fitness was to level
up in gure skating for competitions, while staying t and healthy in general. Putting
together the hours for this goal allowed me to go up several levels in gure skating,
learning many spins, jumps, footwork, and other advanced moves. For my Exploration, I
visited Seattle, Washington. From this trip, I learned about Seattle, its history and culture,
and it was also a great experience to learn how to be independent as I will soon leave
for college. My overall experience in earning The Congressional Award was one that I
truly enjoyed and learned from over the past couple years. Through all my goals, I have
become a bigger and better person in society and hope to carry on the skills I developed
as I continue my journey in life.
Sami Kandil
Bristow, Virginia
Advisor: Ebuekir Balpetek
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered hundreds of hours at refugee communities, nursing
homes, and homeless shelters, tutoring children, cooking food, gathering and distributing
clothes and blankets, and offering every bit of help that was within my ability. For
Personal Development, I held three jobs for a combined total of a little less than two
years, through which I disciplined myself with my time and nances. With the money, I
was able to assist in my college expenses and other costs that would’ve otherwise been
a burden to my parents. For my Physical Fitness portion, I consistently worked out at
least an hour a day, ve days a week, for the past year. Through my commitment, I nearly
doubled my consecutive pull-up rate, increased my max bench-press by over 50 pounds,
and successfully completed my rst three muscle-ups. For my Exploration, I founded,
organized, and led a 6-member team on a 10-day journey to Burkina Faso. We raised
over $30K, with which we opened 3 water wells, supplied a village school with school
uniforms, prepared and distributed 150 food packages, and donated toys and candy to the
children. In my pursuit of The Congressional Award, I gained priceless knowledge and
experiences on multiple aspects of life, developing myself as not only a student, but also
as a contributing member of society.
Ànnika Jenkins
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Advisor: Marguerite Alley
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
For Voluntary Public Service, I prepared and performed violin recitals throughout my
community. My programs were designed to garner children’s interest in learning a
musical instrument, as well as to share a love of music throughout a number of hospitals,
rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, theaters, and concert halls. For Personal
Development, I pursued a dual canine training certication through the Animal Behavior
Institute. My areas of study included animal minds and emotions as well as canine health,
nutrition, behavior, and enrichment. For my Physical Fitness goal, I decided to conquer
four new, challenging hiking trails. The culmination of my endeavor was a nine mile
hike to the summit of Old Rag Mountain. For my Exploration, I planned a whirlwind
international adventure. Over a summer, I travelled and performed throughout France,
Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Iceland. The Congressional Award was a
powerfully unique experience that allowed me to hone my leadership skills and serve my
community on a deeper level.
Ciara Noelle Smith
Chestereld, Virginia
Advisor: Tiffany Simoneaux
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
To fulll the Congressional Award Voluntary Public Service requirements, I utilized my
volunteer work with the Science Museum of Virginia as well as my community service
hours gained building rehabilitation structures for a local wildlife foundation. For the
Personal Development portion, I set the goal of reading 300 books in a two-year time
span, setting certain parameters like minimum book length. The purpose of setting this
goal was to build technical skills as well as gain exposure to new authors, perspectives,
and thought processes. For my Physical Fitness, I learned weightlifting. I worked with
a trainer to learn proper form and technique. I then used this knowledge to continue
to gain strength as a solo lifter. To complete my Expedition, I traveled to Iceland with
a few travel companions. This was an experience of a lifetime and I was able to cross
off the number of items on my bucket list. I also learned valuable skills in traveling
internationally independently.
Kasey Mize
Jeffersonton, Virginia
Advisor: Barbara DeJarnette
For Voluntary Public Service, I used my ability to sew to create dresses to donate to
girls living in extreme poverty around the world. I also formed a sewing group which
produced in excess of 200 dresses each year for this purpose. The dresses enable the girls
to attend school and better their lives. I taught myself how to play guitar and worked to
improve my keyboard skills to an advanced level for Personal Development. I practiced
and used these skills to accompany my singing abilities and I joined a band to share
my love of music. I increased my physical strength, tness and endurance by training
daily. I improved my 5K running time by 7 minutes and increased my soccer foot skills
juggling record to 729. For my Exploration, I traveled to Barcelona, Spain for six nights
to immerse myself in its culture by exploring its unique cuisine, architecture, dancing
and historical background. I learned about the work of famous architect Antoni Gaudi
and saw how his creativity separated Barcelona from other major cities. I am grateful
to have had the opportunity, over the two and a half years I worked toward earning the
Congressional Award Gold Medal, to continually challenge myself to become more
independent, disciplined and goal oriented person.
Melina Seng
Fairfax, Virginia
Advisor: Deborah Wooldridge
Afliations: American Red Cross, Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
To achieve over 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service, I completed a ve-year-long
community service project with my Girl Scout troop: collecting, organizing, and then
distributing books and stuffed animals to an underprivileged school in Washington,
D.C. To complete my Personal Development goals, I attended numerous leadership
conferences, such as the Northwestern Medicine and Health Care National Student
Leadership Conference and the Brandeis Global Youth Summit on the Future of Medicine
to develop my leadership skills and medical knowledge. For Physical Fitness, I joined
my high school crew team freshman year with the intention of learning a new sport and
staying active. However, I ended up enjoying rowing so much that I also joined a club
team for a couple of the fall seasons and was on the varsity boat for two years. Finally,
for my Exploration, I planned an “end-of-senior-year” trip to Greece with some of my
friends in my Girl Scout troop. We went on a ten-day trip to the western coast of Greece,
visiting cities such as Athens, Kalamata, Corinth, and many others while experiencing
authentic culture every day. The Congressional Award was an unforgettable experience
that truly made me step out of my comfort zone and enabled me to understand more
about myself and others.
Sarah Valley
Falls Church, Virginia
Advisor: David Gogal
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, Habitat for Humanity
I completed over 400 volunteer hours through rescue organizations, Scouting, and a
STEM program. I helped to save the lives of more than a dozen dogs. I taught cub scouts
wilderness survival skills at Goshen Scout Reservation, Camp PMI, and I taught kids
how to code at Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab. For Personal Development, I got my rst job
at a local camera store where I worked as a sales associate and learned about the lm
developing process. I also experienced high adventure activities with my Venture Crew,
like ropes courses, white water rafting, and rock climbing. For Physical Fitness, I played
lacrosse at George Mason High School as well as joined a yoga studio where I did hot
yoga. I also decided to play basketball through the McLean rec league, where I learned to
work with a team. For my Gold Medal Exploration, I went to Santa Fe, New Mexico and
explored the art, architecture, and culture of the area. While there, I volunteered to help
build an adobe home through Habitat for Humanity. While earning the Congressional
Award, I learned a lot about myself along the way and developed skills that will help me
to be successful in the future.
Anne R. Kickert
Leesburg, Virginia
Advisor: Bradley Burzumato
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, Youth Service America
The bulk of my Voluntary Public Service was focused on founding of my non-prot, The
Sunshine Brigade, which involves over 12,000 students in service to undeserved groups. I
have also taken interest in helping the environment and became a beekeeper by starting my
own apiary with 100,000 bees. For Personal Development, I explored entrepreneurship,
developing a startup at MIT LaunchX and taught myself how to use CAD software,
which helped me obtain a provisional patent. Additionally, I honed my passion for music,
culminating in a solo performance at the Kennedy Center and performing in the 2018
Honor Band of America. I challenged myself physically by competing on my school’s
varsity crew team. I supplemented this with a regular yoga, chi-gong, and barre routine
to cultivate a healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit. My Exploration afforded me
the opportunity to investigate my Dutch heritage by traveling to the Netherlands to
research ancestors who emigrated from Texel, a small island off the coast, in the late
1800s. Completing the Congressional Award has been a rewarding and special journey,
albeit challenging at times. I began this journey my freshman year of high school, and
it culminates in accordance with my senior year of high school. While reecting upon
this formative time as I prepare to enter into adulthood, I have recognized that the
Congressional Award has been instrumental to uncovering and developing my identity.
Varun Kota
Fairfax, Virginia
Advisor: John Lambeth
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered at Inova hospital system
Friday from 3:30 PM to 6.00 PM for a period of two years. I also volunteered at the
Vienna Volunteer Fire Department and provided my assistance whenever possible. To
complete my Personal Development goals, I learned and took golf classes while also
practicing weekly to improve my golf game. I also played for my school’s golf team in
order to hone my skills. Lastly, I worked towards earning my EMT license in order to
provide care as the rst responder. To complete my Physical Fitness goal of wanting to
reduce my weight and to decrease my mile time from 9 minutes to 7 minutes, I ran on a
treadmill for 30 minutes during the school days. Also, on the weekends I would run for an
hour and push my body to its limits. To complete my Expedition, I charted out the routes
and participated in BSA Philmont high adventure trek and coordinated out transportation
plans. To prepare for out Expedition, I started hiking on some smaller trails before
tackling harder and longer trails. I enjoyed my experience in earning the Congressional
Award as it was one of my driving factors to accomplish these goals.
Madeleine LeBeau
Chantilly, Virginia
Advisor: Karen Feldman
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
My Volunteer Public Service culminated in my founding a 501(c)(3),
iWitnessediRemember, dedicated to connecting my generation to the everyday heroes
who came together to win WWII. My programs are run nationwide, empower teens to
contribute to their communities, and have honored hundreds of veterans. In addition
to my passion to serve my community, I have a passion for bringing joy to the world
through song. I was motivated to extend my vocal repertoire in both classical and musical
theater and that work helped me win a national award from the largest nonprot music
organization in America. For Physical Fitness, I set a goal to engage in regular endurance
training. Over several months, I gained sufcient stamina to hike the Alps on my Girl
Scout troop’s trip to the Girl Scout World Center, Our Chalet, in Switzerland. Finally, I
learned so much from planning a cycling Expedition through 100-plus miles of changing
terrain and 100-plus years of history along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, including how
to adjust to the unexpected and to appreciate what life was like for everyday Americans
in earlier eras. Through the Congressional Award, I developed skills and condence to
accomplish whatever goals I set in the future.
Samantha Lee
McLean, Virginia
Advisor: Steve Canales
I volunteered for Second Story, formerly Alternative House, as a Youth Advisor Council
member and by planning and creating snack packs for the youth who live there. Now,
I create kits for those in need and keep them in my car to give out at red lights. For
Personal Development, I created two triptychs on large, door-sized, wooden panels,
exploring texture and color by using gesso and acrylic. I also visited widely-regarded,
prominent museums in New York City, Paris, and Barcelona to experience how art feels
and understand various artists’ inuence. For Physical Fitness, I ran after school, refereed
youth basketball and lacrosse, and played lacrosse for my school and club team. Feeling
lighter and more agile, I became more energetic and excited each day. Overall, I am now
a faster runner and more physically active. For my Exploration, I traveled from McLean,
Virginia to Barcelona, Spain to immerse myself in a Spanish-speaking country, improve
my Spanish-speaking abilities, and increase my knowledge of Spain and its culture
as well as learn about the Catalan language, visiting La Sagrada Familia, the Picasso
Museum and Montjuic. Most importantly, the Congressional Award helped me realize I
can set seemingly impossible goals and eventually, I will achieve them. My goals are now
my reality and I continue to dream, imagining bigger goals in pursuit of my life goal: to
make a positive difference in the world.
Puja Punukollu
Fairfax, Virginia
Advisor: Ashley Kovachik
Afliations: American Red Cross, Honor Society
For my Voluntary Public Service goals, I volunteered at the D.C. Veterans Affairs
Medical Center. I completed administrative tasks and served our nation’s heroes at the
Mental Health Clinic, Research Lab, and other areas. My Personal Development goal
was to pursue my career interest in healthcare. I joined my school’s Health Occupations
Students of America club. Through this club, I competed, attended seminars, and
organized events as a state ofcer. For my Physical Fitness portion, I worked to increase
my skills in my two favorite sports: soccer and tennis. I continued playing soccer while
focusing on improving my defensive skills. For tennis, I was a four time varsity player
and focused on improving the accuracy of my volleys. Lastly, I planned an Exploration
to India. I visited several places including Varanasi, Jaipur, and Delhi. The Exploration
allowed me to learn how to raise money to travel, and I was able to better learn about the
history and culture of my Indian heritage. My experience in earning the Congressional
Award has helped me learn so many skills that I can apply in daily life such as
communicating efciently, setting goals, and providing service.
Timothy Rah
Burke, Virginia
Advisor: Jason Wheatley
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
I partnered up with an organization called Global Youth Mission (GYM) to provide
help to places that are in need of aid. Specically, I went to Mexico to support orphans
in orphanages and went to homeless shelters to help those in need. I started playing the
violin four years ago and have been honing my skills since then. Violin was the rst
instrument I dedicated my time into, and my skills have signicantly improved since I
started the Congressional Award Program. Soccer has always had a place in my heart
as it increases my teamwork while providing a fun experience. There are many areas
where a player can improve in, but I focused on my passing accuracy. With many hours
of practice, my passes hit the mark 80% of the time, which is a drastic improvement. For
my Expedition, I traveled to Arizona. Specically, my journey led me to its many caves
and caverns. Because of its diverse geography, I was able to learn and uncover the earth’s
mineral wonders. The Congressional Award has helped me bolster my dedication towards
my daily activities and helped me understand that anything is possible.
Kayla Rothstein
Springeld, Virginia
Advisor: Pamela Kipps
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA, National Honor Society
I spent a substantial amount of time serving as the Student Representative for the
Fairfax County Commission for Women and working with the special needs community.
Also, I volunteered through the Smithsonian Institution and my local homeless shelter,
ECHO. For Personal Development, I spent over 800 hours developing my performing
art skills by participating in shows, directing, choreographing, and taking voice lessons.
To develop my Physical Fitness, I took tap dance class and improved my techniques as
well as improved my long distance running time. The Exploration part of my award was
spent planning and traveling to Thailand. I spent time with my family, enjoying the local
culture, including visits to Buddhist temples and historic sites. The Congressional Award
allowed me to explore my passions and work towards my goals.
Hailey Farrington
Redmond, Washington
Advisor: Paula Peterson
To pursue my Gold Medal, I contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer work at my
local food bank. The work that I did there helped ensure that over 4,000 underprivileged
members in my community were able to access the resources (food, necessities, etc.)
they needed to provide for their families. For Personal Development, I took weekly piano
lessons and practiced on my own. I am now an intermediate pianist, and enjoy playing
classical and new age music. For Physical Fitness, I trained for a local Hot Chocolate
5K/15K race. I started with short distances, and worked my way up to the distance of the
race. Finally, for my Exploration I planned a ve day trip to Manhattan. I experienced the
city through the historical landmarks, food, architecture, and a Broadway show. Through
the Congressional Award, I have learned the value of public service, challenging myself,
and being willing to step out of my comfort zone. I am very grateful for the experience.
Sarah Stewart
Redmond, Washington
Advisor: Paula Peterson
I had the opportunity of volunteering at a variety of different places from sorting food at
a foodbank to building a meeting tent for refugees in Ecuador. I had the opportunity to
try new things like working on a graphic design team and becoming a note taker, while
developing a strong work ethic in the process. For Personal Development, I was able
to develop my painting and photography skills, improve my crocheting, work in a new
environment, and increase my piano skills, eventually being able to play for my church.
This was denitely the easiest category for me to complete since I have a lot of interests
and hobbies. For Physical Fitness, I challenged myself to run longer distances, bike more
miles, improve my basketball skills, and branch out with CrossFit. I was able to travel
to Ecuador for three weeks and see another culture up-close. I got to go down into the
jungle and experience life with natives in a world so different from my own. I pushed my
comfort zone by traveling as a minor, trying new foods, and attending a youth Spanish
conference. I was pushed out of my comfort zone many times while completing the
Congressional Award, developed useful and practical skills, became more physically t,
and persevered through the many hours of volunteer service. I have been able to meet so
many interesting people, make lots of connections, and discover more about the world
other than what we may see from the surface.
Trevor McArthur
Spokane, Washington
Advisor: Alyssa Nagai
Afliations: 4-H
For my Voluntary Public Service, I did a number of things, ranging from building off
the grid homes to life guarding. The thing that I did the most was three trips to Bend,
Oregon, where I helped build off the grid housing for a church, where people can practice
mindfulness in the peace of the desert. For my Personal Development hours, I mostly got
them from my job as a local barista. I also participated in drivers education, life guarded
in the community, gardened, and started a small yard work service in my neighborhood.
Additionally, I participated in 4-H Know Your Government for two years. For my
Physical Fitness, I already lead an active lifestyle, so I recorded all of my bike rides,
varsity high school tennis activities, walks, and even participated in a doctoral study
in the summer which encouraged physical tness in many different avenues. For my
Expedition, I planned and executed a trip down to the northwest coast. I led a group of
kids and adults through beaches, forests and rocky areas. We visited Indian reservations
and museums, in order to earn about where we were exploring. We also looked at tide
charts and timed our hikes. The Congressional Award has provided me with an invaluable
experience that has taught me perseverance, time management, and skills that will enable
me to accomplish my future goals in life.
Phillip Wang
Bellevue, Washington
Advisor: Janet Towne
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours, primarily through work in civic
service and education. I worked with my city’s youth government program to host
community events and outreach to other youth in my city. For Personal Development,
I took Chinese language classes every weekend and studied on my own. These courses
gave me a deeper connection to my cultural roots and I gradually learned how to not
only speak, but to read and write in the Chinese language as well. For my Physical
Fitness, I worked to hone my technique in competitive swimming to qualify for higher-
level competitions. I trained in and out of the pool almost daily, and have seen my times
improve greatly as well as qualifying for many more events. Finally, for my Exploration,
I planned a trip through three select cities to learn more about the signicance of our
history, culture, and geography. While hiking one day, I learned about the natural ora
and fauna that thrived in a certain region, and how our migrations changed these places.
The Congressional Award was truly a magnicent experience that taught me self-
discipline and helped me to discover my passions, of which I will carry into college and
the future.
Rose Wittenmyer
Bellevue, Washington
Advisor: Cindee Stewart
In earning my Gold Medal, I did a variety of service projects including making dolls
for kids in Guatemala, serving foster children, and helping in summer schools. My
favorite opportunity was starting a knitting club with my choir that now knits hats yearly
for homeless men in the Bellevue area. For Personal Development, I vastly improved
my harp playing technique and abilities. I enjoyed preparing for an international harp
competition, as well as becoming a Seattle Youth Symphony harpist. For Physical
Fitness, I decided to do karate. I trained 1-5 times a week and ended up earning the
Joshua Williams Award for the best black belt. For my Expedition, I had fun taking ten
teenagers to Boundary Dam for a 5-day waterskiing trip. We outran bees, learned history
behind the Pend-Oreille river and mines, and admired the beauty of creation. I really
enjoyed how the Congressional Award helped me keep my eyes open for opportunities to
explore, grow, and better serve people.
Olivia McClain
West Bend, Wisconsin
Advisor: Nate Shubat
Afliations: National Honor Society
In pursuit of the Gold Medal, I was inspired to dig deeper into my community. My
favorite volunteer experiences were spent leading a camp experience for children at
a nature center, tutoring refugee children in Milwaukee, and meeting locals at the
food pantry near my house. At age sixteen, I started my own photography business
with my twin sister. Since then, we have done countless senior sessions and multiple
weddings, growing in our technical and management abilities each year. Photography
has always been a creative outlet for me and now it is also protable. After suffering a
muscle condition and major surgery that made me unable to run for a year and a half,
my Physical Fitness goal focused on getting back to my former abilities as a passionate
runner. I trained for and completed a half marathon, which was one of the most
triumphant moments of my life. Having been dreaming of days spent in Paris since I was
little, I was ecstatic to nally ex some French-speaking muscle and verify (or dismantle)
my previous school-based understanding of French culture in France for a summer! I
learned so much while becoming a part of my host family. The Congressional Award is
much more than a medal or a checklist; so many of my most formative experiences in the
last couple years were put in to action because of this program and I am forever thankful
for that.
Alice Katherine Attebery
Laramie, Wyoming
Advisor: Meredith McLauhlin
I was a member of FOA and through this group I did various community service events,
mostly for community youth. For Personal Development, I spent time doing a great
deal of self reection through a journaling process to help me realize what goalS are
important to me. For Physical Fitness, I had a medical condition which caused loss of
strength so I focused on rebuilding my strength through endurance exercises. Lastly, for
my Exploration, I went on a service trip to Croatia where I was able to help others while
learning about a different culture. While there I attended a youth leadership conference
which connected me to like-minded peers from around the world. I feel like I have grown
not only intellectually and culturally through this experience. It has also empowered me
to reach high for my goals and have more self condence as I embark on my adult life.
Mercedes Bartels
Burns, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society
I participated in Boy Scout volunteering opportunities such as Cub Scout Day Camp and
conservation activities through my Venture Crew. I have also been the president of my
Venture Crew for a couple of years, so I also helped to run meetings. Through NHS, I
also participated volunteering activities. I practiced piano and singing for my Personal
Development. Every week, I would try to dedicate at least an hour to sitting at the piano
to practice or working on some exercises for singing. Both benetted me greatly as I love
to perform and ensure I continued to improve. I also completed some of my Physical
Fitness goals through Venture Crew doing activities like rock climbing, hiking, and
backpacking. However, I completed the majority of my time by competing and practicing
for golf tournaments during the summer, spring, and fall as it is my favorite sport to play.
For my Expedition, I helped to plan and execute trainings for Boy Scouts during a 6
day and 5 night camp which worked alongside the 2019 Cub Scout Day Camp. I trained
the boys in Leave No Trace, campsite etiquette, and appropraite camp jobs over those
days. I also helped to run a mock campsite for my Expedition. The Congressional Award
exposed me to like-minded people and enabled me to not only benet myself, but others
through community service and getting others involved.
Alyssa Bedard
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Advisor: Laura Schmid-Pizzato
Afliations: National Honor Society
I volunteered in my community and state through our local Cowboy’s Against Cancer
program, my High School’s Make a Wish Campaign, and the Wyoming Congressional
Award Council’s Youth Service Retreat. My Personal Development goal was to improve
my leadership skills. I served as the Vice President of my class for the past three years,
planning various school and community activities. For Physical Fitness, I earned Varsity
letters and received All-Conference/All-State recognition the past two soccer seasons,
led the state of Wyoming in scoring last season with 33 goals, was nominated for the
Gatorade Player of the Year Award, and verbally committing to play Division 1 Soccer
for the University of Wyoming. I planned and organized a ve-day, four-night trip to
Zion National Park in completing my Gold Medal Expedition. The highlight of the trip
was a hike through The Narrows. I have learned that through hard work and dedication,
I can achieve my goals. I will always value my participation in the Congressional Award
Sydney Bell
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
To complete my Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at the Laramie County Library
by helping in various youth programs. I was also an outdoor track manager for my
high schools outdoor track team and helped the coaches out. Lastly, I was a member of
Mariachi 307, a Mariachi band at my school, and we played at many community events.
For Personal Development, I played my violin in the Cheyenne Fiddle Orchestra. I
memorized the songs that we played on our oat in the Cheyenne Frontier Days parades
and at the beginning of rodeos. I also learned how to drive and gained experience by
driving my parents around. For Physical Fitness, I tracked my steps by using my Fitbit
and accomplished my goal of getting 10,000 steps everyday and getting at least thirty
minutes of physical activity. Lastly, I planned at 5 day 4 night expedition to South Dakota
and stayed at the Mount Rushmore KOA Palmer Gulch campground and resort. My
family and I camped in a tent and visited many tourist attractions in the area, including
Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse. Through this program, I learned that hard work really
does pay off in the end.
Makaylah Berkovitz
Rawlins, Wyoming
Advisor: Judy Stepp
I volunteered through both my local and state’s student council. I was the Wyoming
Association of Student Councils president and our local student body president. We
organized activities to raise money for Make-A-Wish and hosted blood drives and other
activities for our community. For Personal Development I had two goals over my course
in Congressional Award; to build my communication skills through serving and to learn
more about art history and the techniques that they used on their pieces. I wanted to nd
the best way to communicate with people that I possibly could. For Physical Fitness, I
found ways to push myself in everything, including running or weightlifting. I wanted to
push myself to be able to move past my limits. I practiced every single day to build my
strength and run faster to complete my goal of getting a 21 minute 5k time. To complete
my goals for my Expedition, I went to the Black Hills of South Dakota to study the
geological formations and the rich fossil deposits there. I used this to help me in my
competition for Science Olympiad the next school year. This amazing program opened
my eyes to see all the possibilities that are opened when we give back to those who give
to us.
Madison Bindl
Fort Bridger, Wyoming
Advisor: Laura Schmid-Pizzato
For my Voluntary Public Service activities I organized an eyeglasses drive and a
Christmas giving tree. With the eyeglasses, I collected the glasses, cleaned them, and
donated them. For the Christmas gifts, I collected, wrapped, and delivered the gifts to
families in need in my community. For my Personal Development, I concentrated on
improving my baking and cooking skills by making new recipes. As I prepare for college,
being able to cook and bake are two vital skills I needed to master. I centered my project
on making simple, delicious, and healthy food. For my Physical Fitness, I trained to
complete an 8-mile hike around Alligator Lake. This was denitely a challenge, but I was
dedicated to improving my physical health even if it was difcult. After a few months
of training I was able to complete the hike with ease. For my Expedition, I organized a
5-day, 4-night camping trip for my family and I. The goal of the trip was to connect with
nature and enjoy time away from technology. The week was lled with hiking, biking,
and many more adventurous activities. Overall, the Congressional Award has really
shown me the impact my actions have on other people, myself, and my community as a
whole. Through this program, I have learned a lot about myself and the value of working
hard to achieve my goals.
Abigael Bylow
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
For Voluntary Public Service, I have been involved in choir, orchestra, and Strolling
Strings. I was a student aide for Deming-Miller Elementary School, working in a 2nd
grade class. Additionally, during July, I was a volunteer for Cheyenne Frontier Days,
helping with concessions, tickets, the Indian Village, and the Challenge Rodeo. My
Personal Development goal was learning how to cook; my favorites were pork fried
rice, beef kabobs, and rib roast. I also took personal voice lessons at Laramie County
Community College. My voice lessons included vocal warm-ups and singing in vibrato;
in Italian, German, and Spanish. For Physical Fitness I walked 30 minutes a day to
improve and maintain my overall health; increasing my cardiovascular tness. I chose
to walk from the bus stop to my home, and I took my four dogs for their cardiovascular
exercise. My Exploration was to California, exploring different geological landmarks
such as the Great Salt Lake, Lake Tahoe, Castle Air Force Museum, and Carnegie
Museum. One highlight was to hold a handful of unrened salt from the Great Salt Lake.
Another highlight was learning the history of WWII planes. I feel that the most important
experience of the Congressional Award was the Voluntary Public Service.
Elijah Cole
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
I volunteered in my community at Calvary Chapel Cheyenne by running sound during
community engagement events such as blood drives and food drives. Additionally, I led
games for AWANA. For Personal Development, I learned how to drive and received my
license. Almost every day, I drove my family to and from places, so that I was able to
receive my license. I learned to drive safely around our community. For Physical Fitness,
I worked towards running a sub 2 hour half marathon. While I didn’t quite achieve my
goal, I ran a personal best of 2:02:56. In addition, I competed on my high school golf
team. My goal was to shoot in the seventies on average. My average is currently 78.4.
For my Expedition, I went on an eight-night and eight-day Bighorn Sheep hunt in the
Washakie Wilderness near Cody, Wyoming. This was a new experience for me as I had
never and probably will never again draw this tag in my life. I enjoyed the planning of
the hunt as well as the hunt itself. The Congressional Award program has shown me that
anyone can change their community for the better and that an individual’s hard work can
pay off in great ways.
MyKenzie Dean
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
I volunteered at Cheyenne East High School, where I was a part if the Marching Band
as the low brass section leader. I went to practice every morning and marched in parades
throughout Wyoming. I also helped out with a lot of things around Cheyenne when
people needed help. For Personal Development, I wanted to be able to read two books
a month, so every chance I had I was reading. I am now reading 3-4 books a month.
For Physical Fitness, I walked as much as I could every day. My goal was to get in
10,000 steps everyday and ended up with at least 14,000 a day. Lastly, I planned a trip to
Bowling Green, Kentucky, where I went and saw quilt barns and also old churches and
cemeteries. My overall experience was amazing and I learned how to be independent and
to be able to push myself to help out more in the community.
Noah Dreiling
Laramie, Wyoming
Advisor: Meredith McLaughlin
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I directed trafc for the Laramie Community’s Trunk or
Treat, set up and took down equipment for soccer competitions, and volunteered at the
Cheyenne Botanical Gardens. I also was part of a fundraising team which helped students
attend an International Youth Summit in Rijeka, Croatia. For Personnel Development, I
served as the local DECA Chapter President and worked on improving my performances
to qualify for the International Career Development Conference. This year I qualied in
the Individual Entrepreneurship Series Event. For my Physical Fitness goal, I challenged
myself to increase my strength and conditioning. I achieved this goal by taking a weight
lifting class and lifting after school. For my Expedition, I participated in a 5 day, 4
night backpacking trip from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I helped plan, pack,
distribute and carry all our food, water, and supplies. This unforgettable trip pushed my
endurance and conrmed how much one can achieve with diligence and discipline. The
Congressional Award has allowed me to have diverse experiences which have changed
my perspective and how I might continue to serve in the future. I will continue to use the
skills I learned throughout my life.
Abigail Fearneyhough
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity, National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I made tie blankets for the Linus project and Laramie
County Blankets for Kids. Through Future Business Leaders of America I planned,
organized, and ran an “Action for Autism” 3v3 basketball tournament. I also volunteered
for the Wyoming State Fair, performing a variety of needed activities. For Personal
Development, I challenged myself to read literature in all genres. I also learned how
to write business plans which included industry analysis, identifying potential risk
and target markets, nancial aspects of the business, and other necessary elements. To
complete the Physical Fitness requirement, I participated in varsity basketball and soccer
at Cheyenne Central High School. I also participated in basketball for Hastings College.
For my Exploration, I planned a family vacation to Washington DC. I had not been to
Washington DC, so we toured the monuments and various historical museums around the
city. We also got to watch the Changing of the Guard at Arlington Cemetery and tour the
Capitol. The Congressional Award has enriched my life in so many ways and I believe
that it is a worthwhile endeavor; I would encourage every young individual to pursue it.
Emma Geringer
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
I volunteered at my local hospital in the gift shop and in the maternity ward so that I
could be exposed to a hospital setting while helping others. Another experience I had for
volunteering was on my service trip to Haiti. I got the opportunity to help with a food
distribution and play with kids. For Personal Development, I participated in Speech and
Debate for two years to gain more condence in public speaking. In order to accomplish
this goal, I went to multiple tournaments and got help from my coaches. I also worked
on gaining more skills on my guitar by taking lessons to prepare for a talent show. In
order to make my Physical Fitness more fun and diverse, I spent a lot of time exercising
outdoors. I went on hikes, went white water rafting, and went cross country skiing in the
winter. Another goal that I accomplished was learning how to cook healthy meals to learn
more cooking skills. I spent a lot of time planning my family road trip to Yellowstone
National Park and Custer, South Dakota. The itinerary I made consisted of lots of
outdoor activities to see more of nature. My favorite part of the trip was rafting down the
Yellowstone River after walking through the geyser basins. Earning The Congressional
Award has been my proudest accomplishment because I have gained many skills that will
help me with my future, and I am very thankful for this opportunity!
Andrew (AJ) Gronning
Casper, Wyoming
Advisor: Chase Olsen
Afliations: Special Olympics
To earn the Gold Medal, I have volunteered at Kelly Walsh High School for over 300
hours by serving as the manager for the Varsity football, basketball, and track teams this
year. I was the mascot for the Valentine Speedway in Glenrock and this past year I had
the chance to race my own car as part of my Personal Development. With my school
group this year I had the privilege of working over 20 hours to help the local rescue
mission sort donations for the holiday food drive as well as a local food distribution center
that assembles backpacks for students that face food insecurity on weekends and school
breaks. I also had the opportunity to forge new friendships with peers from a high school
in another school district through email and various activities in both our communities. For
my Physical Fitness I continue to work out several days a week at the Recreation Center
and the local YMCA to keep my heart strong and healthy after undergoing open-heart
surgery in 2016. I will also participate in the area and state games of Special Olympics
basketball competition later this spring. My Exploration trip was to Florida, where I was
challenged to travel without an escort. While in Florida I went shing, swimming, go-
cart racing as well as attending several concerts. By participating in this program, I have
explored new challenges I would never have had the condence to try before. Thank you
for the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and to be a part of this program once again.
Logan Grosz
Torrington, Wyoming
Advisor: Dawn Coxbill
Afliations: 4-H
To earn the Congressional Award Gold Medal, I completed over 560 hours of Volunteer
Public Service at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado. I also learned how to knit so I
could make hats for babies in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). For Personal
Development, I wanted to improve my cattle ownership knowledge by participating in
educational classes and demonstrations put on by the Goshen County Supreme Cow
Program. The program taught me the basics of owning and running my own cattle
operation. For the Physical Fitness portion, my goal was to get back into shape after
being sick for a few years. I wanted to be able to run a mile. In order to achieve this, I
exercised every day for at least thirty minutes. I was able to exercise my 4-H and FFA
animals at the same time. For my Expedition, I planned a ve-night camping trip in
the Medicine Bow National Forest in the Snowy Range Mountains, Wyoming. While
camping, my dad and I went shing, hiking, and ATV riding. I also was able to spot
different species of wildlife in their natural habitats. In earning the Congressional Award,
I learned how I can impact not only myself but others around me. I have learned so many
new friends and pushed myself to better myself and my community.
James Hayes
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
I volunteered with a local church, a local car dealership, NEEDS, and other organizations
as a part of my school’s FBLA chapter. As a part of helping these organizations, I have
organized events, collected and organized food donations, served food to the elderly, and
much more. For Personal Development, I served as a member and ofcer of East High
FBLA, organizing meetings, planning trips, arranging sponsorships and participating
in competitive events. I also competed in Wyoming Academic Challenge competitions,
qualifying once for the East High State team and twice for the All-Star playoffs. For
Physical Fitness, I learned to play golf and developed my skills through my high
school golf team. I planned my FBLA chapter’s National Leadership Conference trip to
Baltimore, Maryland. On this trip I planned activities to learn about Edgar Allen Poe,
ocean life, seafood, the Baltimore Orioles, and Babe Ruth.
Sydney Holles
Laramie, Wyoming
Advisor: Meredith McLaughlin
Afliations: Girl Scouts of the USA
I volunteered with Laramie Animal Welfare Society, helping to socialize the cats and
clean their kennels. I learned how to be responsible for something other than myself.
I also learned how to read emotions when working with the cats, which translates into
how to read human emotions. As an active member of my Girl Scout troop, I helped to
conduct fundraisers and participated in Journey’s. We held many fundraisers to take a trip
to London and Paris, including a stop to Pax Lodge - World Association of Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts. Through Journey’s, I have learned how I want to change the world. For
Physical Ftiness, my goal was to qualify for High School Swim State in the 100 breast. I
dropped my time, but I missed my goal. I was diagnosed with Vocal Cord Dysfunction
and was able to overcome it by learning new breathing techniques and implementing the
techniques in practice. For my Exploration, I traveled to Germany for a month, living
with a host family for three weeks in the Bavaria Region and spent a week in Berlin.
Experiencing a new culture and food was something I will never forget. While I was
there, I had to deal with my anxiety without my family there to help me. I learned how to
set goals, how to achieve them, and how to deal with the disappointment and frustration
when I don’t achieve my goals.
Belle Houseman
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: Habitat for Humanity
East High School provided me with volunteering opportunities from helping at
elementary school carnivals to helping with charity organizations. The East High School
student council was also a huge help with volunteering. We did several activities to
help our community. For Personal Development, I have improved my skills through
a part time job. I learned skills such as being hard working and what it means to be a
leader. It also taught me how to be fast and follow directions with a smile on my face. I
achieved my Physical Fitness goal through home videos and improving my mile time.
I spent an hour a day on exercise videos at home. In addition, I ran a mile several times
a week to decrease the time it takes. For my Exploration, I visited France for a week.
This trip helped me understand a culture very different from my own. It was an amazing
opportunity that has inspired me to travel and explore more cultures. The Congressional
Award drove me to explore outside of my comfort zone and I have learned and
experienced many things that I would not have originally.
Lane Hutchison
Green River, Wyoming
Advisor: Laura Schmid-Pizzato
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America
I spent many hours volunteering with the Backpack program, “Meals For Kids,” where
I delivered food to families who cannot afford to eat on the weekends. Also, I have
spent many hours working with the National High School Finals Rodeo. For Personal
Development, I worked with the backpack program by getting information from the
elementary schools and shopping and planning the meals for each week. Physical Fitness
was the easiest to achieve due to my love for athletics. I lifted weights everyday and
practiced basketball for at least two hours each day, getting in various cardio. For my
Exploration, my mother and I went to Los Angeles for ve days and four nights. On this
trip, we went to many historical sights and beaches. Through this program, I learned to
put others before myself and to always lend a helping hand to those in need. Also, hard
work does pay off.
Caroline Johnson
Gillette, Wyoming
Advisor: Cinnamon Lenheart
Afliations: 4-H
I put in multiple hours at 4-H camp to help kids gain leadership skillsand help develop
their team building skills. Another project that I did was doing a Can- Creation project
where we had to have a certain amount of non-perishable food items to make a creation.
For Personal Development, I took multiple hours out of my day to better improve my
piano playing skills. With the help of my teacher, I managed to go to level 4 piano book.
Along with that I also improved my violin skills. Mrs. Edwards, my orchestra teacher,
pushed me to be able to play very advanced song on my violin. To futher advance my
archery skills I started to go to the archery range more and improved my ability of
shooting at the 20 yard line. Additionally, I went to my outdoor shooting range and I
placed a small target at 50 yards and gured out how to shoot it from a distance with a
20 yard pin. To complete my Expedition, I decided to go on a trip to Idaho. On this trip
we went through Montana for sight-seeing and to not get hit by the snow storm in Utah.
We stayed in the same motel going there and coming back. While in Idaho we stayed
with my Uncle and his family. My overall experience in the Congressional Award was the
most challenging but the best time in my life.
Jayla Johnson
Casper, Wyoming
Advisor: Chase Olsen
Afliations: Key Club, National Honor Society
I volunteered at the Wyoming Foundation for Cancer Care to help run fundraisers,
events, and activities. I also volunteered through my school’s Key Club in which I
would volunteer for clothing and food shelters. I then would volunteer at my school by
managing our varsity volleyball team. For Personal Development, I worked to grow my
driving and script writing skills by practicing in my free time and using resources to
further my skills. By continuing to practice, I earned my drivers license and I entered
two of my lms, by which I wrote, into the Wyoming Student Film Festival. I have
furthered my Physical Fitness by playing golf, basketball, and track in high school while
continuing to push my bench weight from 65 lbs. to a 95 lbs. As a result, I reached my
bench goal and have been on varsity for all three sports. For my Exploration, I prepared
for an eight day international trip to Austria. I had never been outside of the United States
and traveling to Europe was a truly great experience. I learned about a new culture and
was luckily prepared for the changes it brought me. The Congressional Award pushed me
to new experiences and sometimes uncomfortable situations but I grew as a person and as
a student. By working hard to achieve the Gold Medal, I realized working hard for your
goals is worth it in the long run.
Katie Johnson
Casper, Wyoming
Advisor: Chase Olsen
Afliations: Big Brothers Big Sisters, Key Club, National Honor Society
Volunteering for the Congressional Award gave me the opportunity to meet people that
enriched my relationships and life. The award also reinforced my idea that service is the
basis of a fullling life. For Personal Development, I learned about leadership through
books such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Lean In, Daring Greatly, The
Audacity of Hope, Master of the Senate, and Proles in Courage. After reading the books,
I discussed ideas from the books to gain additional perspectives. For my Physical Fitness
goal, I wanted to run faster in the mile. Over the course of the two years, I improved my
mile time by nearly two minutes. Finally, for my Expedition, I planned a trip to Salida,
Colorado with my extended family. The most rewarding experience that the Expedition
provided was the feeling of accomplishment when I summited the second highest
mountain in the continental United States, Mount Elbert. The Congressional Award
fundamentally changed the way that I look at leadership, overcoming serious obstacles,
and the community at large.
Makala Johnson
Gillette, Wyoming
Advisor: Cinnamon Lenhart
Afliations: 4-H
I served my community through my many extracurricular activities, such as FFA, 4-H,
National Honor Society and Student Representatives. I helped at my local soup kitchen
and animal shelter by making dog toys and cat beds. I also helped with a Seat Belt
Awareness at my school this past fall. I have been playing the piano since I was ve. For
Personal Development, I set goals for practicing and performing. I played at our hospital
during Christmas time for the patients and staff that came down to the lobby for that hour.
For Physical Fitness, I made a goal to walk at least 10,000 steps each day. I acheived this
by parking further away at public places and taking a walk in the evening when it was
nice with my dogs and my family and friends. For my Exploration, I went to Hawaii with
my best friend for a senior trip. Her brother lives there and we went to visit. I got to sight
see and learn a lot about the Polynesian culture. Through the Congressional Award, I have
learned a lot about myself as a leader and about my community. I found so many more
ways to help my community strive, which helps me grow as a person as well.
Lorin Jones
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Advisor: Marianna Pizatto
I volunteered for several organizations throughout Wyoming including; Urban Renewal
Agency, Cowboys Against Cancer, NHSFR, Make-a-Wish Foundation, RSHS Student
Council and the Food Bank. I also attended two summer retreats where we helped in
several different locations across Wyoming. I practiced my sewing, cooking and driving
skills to complete the Personal Development portion of the program. For my Physical
Fitness portion, I practiced regularly on my dancing and tennis skills to become more
procient as an athlete. I researched, planned and navigated for a trip to San Francisco,
CA. I was lucky enough to have the former state WCAC Executive Director on my
Exploration! This program has offered me many amazing opportunities to step outside
my comfort zone and I have made many new friends from around the state of Wyoming.
Michaiah Jones
Elk Mountain, Wyoming
Advisor: Trista Ostrom
Afliations: 4-H, Big Brothers Big Sisters, National Honor Society
I volunteered with the Laramie Foster Closet and the Laramie Animal Welfare Society,
serving children in foster care and advocating for animal rights. I served as the Volunteer
Coordinator for both organizations, developed a youth program, and also planned
numerous awareness and fundraising events. For Personal Development I created my
own charitable business, Giving Hands, where I sold my homemade jellies and jams.
I learned key business and time management skills all while making an impact in my
community by donating the prots to local non-prot organizations. I met my Physical
Fitness goal by increasing my overall endurance through dedicating time to workout
each day. I was able to increase my plank time from 30 seconds to 4 minutes throughout
the course of the Congressional Award. I also took various tness classes such as Zumba
and HIIT training. For my Expedition I planned various running routes in West Virginia
while traveling with a runner. I was also responsible for updating her social media pages
throughout the run and for scoping out roads as her support crew. I learned how to roll
with the unexpected punches of traveling. The Congressional Award has immensely
shaped me as a person and my future plans; I am eternally grateful for this program and
all that I have learned from the experiences it has provided.
Samantha Jurkowski
Laramie, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: 4-H
I spent a lot of my time working to make my community a cleaner place, as well as
worked hands on with my local animal shelter. Whether it was picking up trash with my
FFA group or spending time working with the animal shelter, my time was spent giving
back to the community. I have played piano for as long as I can remember, but a few
years ago I started to prioritize other things and fell away from practicing. For Personal
Development, I decided to learn a song I had always wanted to learn. I ran track and
cross country in high school. For my Physical Fitness goal I wanted to decrease my 5k
time by thirty seconds. I was able to decrease it by a minute! In the summer of 2016, my
family and I went on a trip to Breckenridge, CO that I planned. We experienced things
together that we had never before and really grew together as a family. The Congressional
Award helped me appreciate all the things I was already doing in my life, and recognize
everything else I could do if I just made the time to give back to my community and
Maeve Knepper
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Diane White
Afliations: National Honor Society
Throughout the course of the Congressional Award program, I volunteered in my
community through theatrical advocacy projects that raised awareness for human
trafcking and child soldiers. I helped at various benets and fundraisers throughout
my community for groups such as the Boys and Girls Club. For Personal Development,
I competed at speech and debate tournaments and attended several hours of practices a
week. Speech and debate has helped me to stay informed and speak out about issues that
matter to me, personally, but are also relevant to the world. For Physical Fitness, I took
dance classes. I learned the importance of perseverance, as I had to work hard to learn
the choreography and build up exibility. For the Exploration, I planned an excursion
around Long Island, N.Y. which included visiting museums and historical sites in the
area, as well as a solo trip into Manhattan. The Congressional Award program taught me
the importance of individual growth in order to help others. By working towards Personal
Development and Physical Fitness goals and growing as a person, I was better able to
serve the community as a whole.
Kamry Knotwell
Encampment, Wyoming
Advisor: Trista Ostrom
Afliations: 4-H
To earn the Gold Medal, I volunteered for our local food pantry gathering and delivering
food to those in need. I served in various ofcer capacities for my 4-H club and FFA
chapter. I also attended a multi-day camping and service retreat in Yellowstone assisting
the Forest Service with projects. For Personal Development I raised show cattle and
breeding beef projects by selecting, managing and showing at local, county and state
levels. I exhibited the Wyoming State Fair Champion of Champions Market Steer. I
reached my Physical Fitness goal by riding my horses, practicing roping daily, and
working on my upper body strength to improve my roping skill level. I felt condent to
enter my rst rodeo. For my Expedition I planned a 5 day 4 night trip to South Dakota
with a good friend. I visited Mount Rushmore, Bear Country, Deadwood, and Devil’s
Tower among other sites and I did all of the driving. The Congressional Award experience
has helped me grow as an individual, gain condence in myself, persevere and meet new
Selena Landa
Rawlins, Wyoming
Advisor: Judy Stepp
Afliations: Special Olympics
For Voluntary Public Service, I have participated in Best Buddies and Special Olympics.
The two programs have allowed me to mentor others while building friendships with a
variety of unique individuals! Personal Development guided me on my path to satisfy
my desire to nally do something outside of my average routine. I am able to say that
I am close to being bilingual in English and Signed Exact English (SEE)! The Physical
Fitness aspect helped me realize that I am capable of pushing myself to work hard on my
own, fullling my desire to become a stronger athlete for tennis and baseball. Seattle,
Washington, was the chosen destination for my Exploration; it was this exploration
that changed my vision of the future. I discovered and explored my true passion for
medicine through this remarkable experience! The Congressional Award has broadened
my perspective of the world, particularly in my ability to consistently demonstrate my
compassion for helping and healing others. I can now condently picture myself as an
astounding trauma and pediatric surgeon in the future.
Megan Leavitt
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Advisor: Marianna Pizzato
My volunteering improved because I take the initiative to help with events even when I
am not seeking hours. I take pride and respect in our community and want to make it a
better place to live in. I volunteered in various areas and know that this is something I
will continue to do as I grow older. I increased my Personal Development and leadership
skills by joining RSHS Student Council and babysat kids in my community. By using my
leadership and organizational skills, I was able to organize and raise money for our High
School events and activities. I also was able to earn a spot in our High Schools FLLA.
Physical Fitness is an area that comes easier for me because I have been dancing since I
was two years old. However, my goal was to increase my dance skills to make it on my
High School’s dance team. I succeeded at this goal and made the team at the end of my
Freshman year. I continue enjoy gaining new skills at dance. For my Expedition I went to
Idaho with my family for 5 days and 4 nights. This trip kept me very busy since I was the
one planning everything. I planned the food, the activities, set up the camp site, and kept
everything clean. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about myself. I cannot express
enough how this program has made me a better teenager and person. I encourage all to
participate in this program. It is AMAZING!!
Araceli Ledesma Miranda
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
The Congressional Award allowed me to expand my world and develop a greater
sense of community. I volunteered a lot of time at local schools and various nonprot
organizations. I helped put together projects and helped to plan lessons. For my Personal
Development I formed a greater sense of responsibility through my job at Little America.
In addition I improved my driving skills. For Physical Fitness I walked for at least 30
minutes every day. For my Expedition I went to Idaho and explored a new place trying
many activities that I would not have been exposed to otherwise.
Carmen Leon
Laramie, Wyoming
Advisor: Meredith Mclaughlin
Afliations: National Honor Society
I volunteer in my community by helping homeless cats at Laramie Animal Welfare
Society (LAWS), being a teen advisor for the Wyoming Latina Youth Conference, and
serving as president of Sources of Strength at Laramie High School. At LAWS, I helped
socialize kittens and helped clean the cat kennels. For Personal Development, I made
vegetarian meals every Sunday, including Puerto Rican dishes and food from around
the world. For Physical Fitness I have had cheer practice twice a week and have cheered
football, wrestling, volleyball, and basketball, including two University of Wyoming
basketball games. Lastly, my Expedition was a week of camping in Yellowstone with my
family and best friend. From the Congressional Award I have learned how to set goals
and work hard for what I want.
Arianna Lewis
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
To earn the Gold Congressional Award Medal, I volunteered at the Cheyenne Frontier
Days Old West Museum. I started helping with children’s camps and eventually
became the camp education content manager; curating crafts and lessons. For Personal
Development, my goal was to improve my state standing for speech and debate. Over
the past three years I participated in more than 40 tournaments. I have been a national
qualier for two years in a row. This year I have two state championship titles. For
Physical Fitness, I improved my nutrition and health knowledge by being more engaged
in all aspects of food planning, gathering, and preparation. My Exploration was amazing.
I planned a two week trip to Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark to see my sister who was
studying abroad. The Congressional Award was an amazing lesson in how hard work and
dedication through goal setting can help you achieve more than you thought possible.
Taylor Maese
Casper, Wyoming
Advisor: Chase Olsen
Afliations: Special Olympics
My Voluntary Public Service goals were achieved by giving my time to help with school
organized activities, reading to elementary students, and helping with Special Olympic
downhill ski races. My Personal Development goals were achieved by learning how to
drive, taking piano lessons, and learning how to play the ukulele. My Physical Fitness
goals were achieved by attending all of my summer weight lifting sessions, preparing
for football in the fall during all 4 years I was in high school. My Exploration goal was
achieved by coordinating a trip to Orlando, Florida, where I competed in USA National
Power Lifting competition. My experience while earning the Congressional Award was
one that I will never forget and will be cherished for years to come.
Jazy Manoukian
Jackson, Wyoming
Advisor: Lori Shockley
I volunteered for Grand Teton Skating Association and JH Therapeutic Riding
Association. In both instances, I assisted in classes, in maintaining equipment, and
in daily operations. For Personal Development, I attended weekly piano classes and
regularly worked to learn the Armenian language through Pimsleur courses. I was also
able to practice my language skills by taking a one month trip to Armenia. For Physical
Fitness, I practiced gure skating techniques through weekly on-ice sessions. In the off-
season, I continued to hone my abilities through off-ice training. For my Exploration,
I conducted a ghost town tour throughout the southern portion of Montana. I toured
and discovered the histories of each town and documented their connections. The
Congressional Award has proven to me that I can indeed accomplish long-term goals.
Claudia Miller
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Linda Dixon
Afliations: National Honor Society
While earning the Gold Medal, I had diverse volunteer experiences involving many
aspects of STEM and education. For me, the most rewarding experience was volunteering
at the local Botanic Gardens and assisting with kid’s classes about conservation and
gardening. For Personal Development, I focused on many aspects of music. I learned a
new instrument after nding my great-great-grandfathers violin, and continued to play
my viola at the All-State conference. For my Physical Fitness goals, I worked to improve
my cross-country running times. Over three seasons and more than 300 hours, I dropped
2 full minutes in the 5K. For my Expedition, I kayaked approximately 6 miles per day in
the Bighorn Canyon. I was able to experience some of my state’s natural water resources
and the spectacular canyon scenery. Overall, the Congressional Award pushed me to take
small ideas and interests, and grow them into tangible, achievable goals.
Audrey Mitchell
Casper, Wyoming
Advisor: Chase Olsen
Afliations: 4-H, National Honor Society
For Volunteer Public Service, I volunteered at Wyoming Medical Center in Casper. I also
volunteered for the Jerry Behrens Foundation and helped organize two concerts with
the Lander Volunteer Fire Department Pipe Band to raise money for the foundation. For
Personal Development, I practiced my bagpipes at least ve times a week. I also worked
as a lifeguard at Mike Sedar Pool and a swim instructor for Swim America during the
summer. For Physical Fitness, I have been a varsity swimmer for the Kelly Walsh High
School Girls Swim and Dive team. I practiced in and out of season totaling about 20
hours a week. For my Exploration, I organized a family trip to Europe. I researched local
historical sights to visit. I also learned common phrases in foreign languages in order
to help navigate. The Congressional Award is an important component in helping me to
grow as an individual; additionally, it has inuenced me to continue to better myself as a
student and as a person.
Junuenth Morales
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
I volunteered for many different organizations. I volunteered for two consecutive
summers at Cheyenne Frontier Days as well as many Elementary Schools in Cheyenne.
For my Personal Development goal, I started out by cooking with my mom. After I
learned from my mom, I started meal prepping for myself. For Physical Fitness, I was
able to run a mile in under six minutes. I was also able to meet my squat goal which was
160. For my Expedition I went on a camping trip with my family. Overall, I learned a lot
about myself while working towards The Congressional Award Gold Medal.
Abby Morillon
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Key Club
I volunteered at my local Boys and Girls club, where my goal was to get out of my
comfort zone and be able to plan and schedule activities for children. I also organized a
Greenway clean up, through Key club. We picked up trash on the sidewalks around the
school. My Personal Development consisted of being more creative. I joined more clubs,
one of which was art club. I was able to improve my artistic abilities. In college I also
joined Student Government, which was a big step out of my comfort zone. I learned a lot
about myself. My Physical Fitness goal was to do extra work outside of soccer. I weight
lifted and ran extra before or after practice. Yoga was a different type of tness I wanted
to incorporate with my soccer workouts. For my Exploration, I went to San Francisco.
My goal was to plan an amazing trip with a tight budget. I had to look on the internet for
great hotel room deals and interesting places to visit. I was lucky enough to nd a CITY
PASS which allowed me to see many hot spots of San Francisco.
Tommy Neal
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
For Voluntary Public Service, I helped coach youth wrestling along with youth football.
I was also a part of G-Team, which is a select group that helps incoming freshman
transition into High School. For my Personal Development, I worked with my dad in
our shop building various things for our family and for our house. For Physical Fitness,
I would go to wrestling and football practices and lift weights to improve my overall
strength. I also would do physical therapy exercises to strengthen my knee. For my
Expedition, I went camping with friends to Sand Lake. Goals of ours were to learn more
about the area and how to wake board.
Adelle Ostrom
Cody, Wyoming
Advisor: Ashli Koster
Afliations: 4-H
My Voluntary Public Service consisted of working at my local vet clinic and at free spay
and neuter clinics put on by the local animal shelter. I also gave showmanship clinics to
4-H kids and helped them with their projects at county fair. With my FFA chapter I did
community agriculture expos to raise agriculture awareness. I showed animals in 4-H
for ten years and FFA for four years. I showed rabbits, chickens, cattle, pigs, dogs, cats,
and horses. I was heavily involved in dance for 13 years; the last seven at Cody Center
for the Performing Arts, where I was an assistant teacher and student. I was also on the
performance and competition teams and did a solo competition. My main styles where
ballet/pointe, and lyrical/contemporary/modern. For my Exploration, I went to Waimea,
Hawaii on the big island of Hawaii. There I explored local traditions, customs, and food.
I booked the ight myself and contacted local residents to help me nd actives and places
to eat while I was there. My overall experience in earning the Congressional Award has
been an amazing feeling of accomplishment. This program has changed my life for the
better. I also learned that if I apply myself I can accomplish anything, no matter how
daunting or impossible a challenge my seem.
Kendra Ostrom
Powell, Wyoming
Advisor: Tiffany Herring
Afliations: 4-H
I volunteered extensively through the Shoshone National Forest and the Bridger Teton
National Forest by clearing trail and revitalizing areas for the public to utilize. I also
volunteered for the Wyoming Congressional Award to help the executive director with
events and preparation. My Personal Development goal was to work with yearling horses
and develop them into horses that I could ride by the time they were older. I also worked
for the Forest Service during the summers when I was in college to learn more about
trail crew management. My Physical Fitness goal began as a running goal and it ended
after I had an accident and broke my elbow. I went to physical therapy and did exercises
daily to improve my ability to bend and straighten my arm. I am not back to full working
ability but I hope to be at some point. My Expedition was a trip to the Thorofare with one
of my friends where we rode horses several miles into the wilderness. We spent several
days riding our horses, shing, and embracing the outdoors while also cooking over a
re, eating our sh and camping. The Congressional Award has taught me that no matter
how busy you are, there is always a way to help someone else and there is always time to
better ourselves.
Julianna Pizzato
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Advisor: Daulton Grube
I volunteered in my community at many events such as the National High School Finals
Rodeo, Cowboys Against Cancer, blood drives, and Make-A-Wish. I helped run the
Wyoming Congressional Award Golf Tournaments in Jackson Hole and participated each
summer in the Service Retreats. For Personal Development, I improved my leadership
skills by serving as my class secretary on Student council, improved my cooking and
interior design skills, and spent the last year researching treatment options for a disease
with which I have been diagnosed. My Physical Fitness goals were to improve my dance
skills. I practiced several times per week and I was able to move to a higher competition
level as well as score high points at a competition. I executed a 5 day, 4 night camping
Expedition at Green River Lakes, Wyoming. I learned how to both y and cast sh in
rivers, from the shore and from a canoe. I also explored miles of the beautiful mountain
range. Through the Congressional Award I have learned how to volunteer and that I love
giving back to others. I believe it has changed the focus of my life to be of service to
others. I know that even a youth can make a difference in other people’s lives and I want
to always be that person who is helping others make that most of their lives.
Ruth Potter
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: HOBY
I volunteered through the Cheyenne Fiddle Orchestra and Strolling Strings through
multiple performances in the community. Outside of performing, I volunteered at the
CFD Old West Museum by working at the front desk, helping visitors nd their way
through the museum and Cheyenne. For Personal Development, I took private lessons
and practiced my viola to better my performance ability. I also taught young kids how
to swim, learning how to better convey teaching points. For Physical Fitness I swam
on our high school and club teams. I was also a captain on the East High School girls
swim team, aiming not only to better my abilities, but to help others achieve their
goals. My Expedition in South Dakota was to put on an annual camping fundraiser for
cystic brosis. I learned about working with others, relaxing, and having fun even in
stressful times. This Expedition was similar to other camping trips I have done before,
but the experiences were some I won’t forget. The Congressional Award program has
taught me how much volunteers really help a community through its businesses, clubs,
members, and so much more. To me, the program shows the real value of hard work and
dedication, and how you not only benet yourself
Emily Purifoy
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: National Honor Society
I volunteered with the local animal shelter, as well as school carnivals and events.
I also went to nursing homes and played my cello with an ensemble. For Personal
Development, I worked with veterinarians in my local area to gain experience in the eld.
I also worked on driving and crocheting. For Physical Fitness, I was a referee for soccer,
which required running up to three miles per game. I had to stay in shape throughout the
off season as well, which included running and hiking. For my Expedition, I planned a
trip to Keystone, Colorado and planned meals for the trip and a few excursions, such as
paddle boarding. The Congressional Award taught me a lot about perseverance and the
value of that; as it taught me that my goals are achievable if I work hard enough.
Haley Purifoy
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
To earn my Gold Medal, I worked as a manager for my high school’s boys basketball
team. I also volunteered at elementary school events, where I worked with kids to show
them that learning can be fun. During the summer I volunteered at Cheyenne Frontier
Days by being a rodeo usher and working slack. For Personal Development, I wrote a
full length novel that I will one day publish. I also worked on my photography skills,
becoming procient enough that my sister wanted me to do her senior pictures. For
Physical Fitness, I refereed youth soccer games. I judged my tness level on the number
of higher level games that I could do in a day. My best was three back to back games
with a lower level game after a short break. Lastly, my Expedition was to Keystone,
Colorado where I planned ve days of activities for my sister, friends, and myself. We
hardly followed the plan because of unforeseen circumstances, like weather, but we still
had fun, nonetheless. The Congressional Award has made me into a better people person,
even into a leader by teaching me the values organization, planning, and commitment in
anything that I do.
Chloe Rankin
Gillette, Wyoming
Advisor: Diana Enzi
Afliations: National Honor Society
I volunteered through a summer science camp working on STEM with youth in my
community and volunteered at the local science center. I also volunteered through
the Women’s Resource Center in Gillette, helping families in need. For my Personal
Development I enhanced my sewing skills, and learned many new techniques. I even
made a dress, which is something I had never done before! To complete my Physical
Fitness goals, I went through many long hours of training. One of my goals being 80%
accurate volleyball serves, and I now have 100% accuracy in games. My other Physical
Fitness goal was to go 26 and a ½ feet in triple jump and I’m now able to jump 30 feet
consistently. For my Expedition, I went on a ve day trip to Yellowstone, something I had
never seen, even after living in Wyoming for 14 years. This was a fun, new experience
where I was able to enjoy nature and have fun times with my family. The Congressional
Award taught me many things over these past two years, I can’t underestimate myself and
I can never give up on the goals that I set for myself. All it takes is a little motivation and
a lot of dedication.
Dylan Raymond
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: Boy Scouts of America
I volunteered through Boy Scouts with food drives, Eagle Scout projects, community
development projects, and by mentoring younger scouts. I also volunteered with IB and
various East High clubs, such as Wyoming Academic Challenge, Key Club, and FBLA,
serving dinners and helping with food drives. My Personal Development goals were to
improve my driving skills and to increase my reading exposure. I got many practice hours
of driving to get my license and got better in various situations, including snowy and
icy roads. I also read for many hours and expanded my reading selection. My Physical
Fitness goal was to increase my overall strength, which I measured with my bicep curl.
To work on this, I regularly went to the gym and became more conscientious about
what I was eating. My Expedition was at Camp New Fork in Cora, Wyoming. While
at the camp I helped younger scouts learn valuable life skills. I also gained valuable
skills myself and had fun and interacted with others, by participation in merit badge
workshops such as swimming, climbing, archery, and chess. By participating in the
Congressional Award, I not only developed as a person with both tness and experience,
but I also gained an understanding of how much we really can make a difference in our
Nicole Reyes-Aguilar
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: National Honor Society
For Voluntary Public Service, I helped raise $4,000 for a non-prot organization called
Unaccompanied Students Initiative that helps build homes for homeless youth students
in my community. This was done through collecting donations, hosting school events,
and partnering up with local restaurants. For Personal Development, I worked at a local
restaurant both during the school year and over summer. I also participated and held
many positions in multiple school clubs including being the President of my DECA
chapter, and the Vice-President of my National Honors Society chapter. For Physical
Fitness, I began by taking short 30 minute walks and then began to do home workouts. I
later began to take Zumba classes and Strong by Zumba classes that included cardio and
muscle conditioning workouts. For my Exploration, my family and I wanted to travel on
a road trip for summer, so I recommended going to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I choose
these two cities because both of the cities are rich in diversity and culture that would
allow me to explore new things. The Congressional Award program has given me the
opportunity to expand my horizons and explore new things about myself and help serve
my local community.
Grace Ritschard
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
Afliations: National Honor Society, United States Air Force
I served my community with over 600 hours of service at local organizations, including
Cheyenne Frontier Days, the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, and the Old West Museum.
I also served the Air Force Airmen and Family Readiness Center and the F. E. Warren
Air Force Base Spouses’ Club. I spent over 600 hours of practice, lessons, and recitals
completing my Personal Development goal of learning and memorizing over 15
challenging classical piano pieces. I performed my memorized pieces at esteemed piano
auditions, including National Guild of Piano Teachers and Area Achievement Day.
For Physical Fitness, I set a goal to strengthen my arms and back in order to improve
my balance and ballet (fouette) turns. I spent over 600 hours in dance rehearsals,
classes, performances, and photoshoots. As a result, I successfully achieved my goal of
strengthening my arm and back muscles. I chose to lead a 5-day, 4-night backpacking
for my Expedition. I planned the route, food, and schedule for this backpacking trip
through the backcountry of Colorado. Throughout my four years of participation in
the Congressional Award, I learned to work diligently, to persevere despite a variety of
challenges, and to exhibit servant leadership.
Lauren Salsgiver
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
Afliations: 4-H, Key Club, National Honor Society
To complete my Voluntary Public Service goals I worked with various organizations
and my high school to involve as many community members as possible in service
projects. Many of these service projects I organized and executed. Key Club was the most
inuential club in helping me reach my goals. To complete my Personal Development
goals I aided disabled children in physical therapy, learning how to establish patient
relationships, and improved my customer service skills to prepare myself for my future
career. I also painted, both watercolor and acrylic, to improve my artistic abilities. To
complete my Physical Fitness goals I joined Pink Gloves Boxing and tested out of tier
one into tier two. I have grown to love boxing. I also regularly lifted weights to keep
myself in healthy shape. To complete my Expedition I researched activities and housing
in Florence, Italy. I booked my chosen activities and navigated around Florence when my
family arrived there. I feel I have grown to appreciate the reward of helping others and
personal growth tremendously through The Congressional Award.
Kathryn Sauerwein
Cody, Wyoming
Advisor: Maggie Kirkham
Afliations: 4-H
For Voluntary Public Service, I worked with the Wyoming Outtters and Guides
Association at various events to promote the industry in Wyoming. I also volunteered
with a horse facility and the fairgrounds in my local community. Lastly, I volunteered
at my high school to help with prom and other events. My Personal Development goal
was to learn more about raising and exhibiting pigs and steers at the county fair. I didn’t
show steers until my last two years of 4-H so I had to learn how to feed them, take care
of them, groom them and ultimately exhibit them. I have always loved running so my
Physical Fitness goal revolved around improving my 5K time for competition. I ran the
2 mile in track and ran cross country in high school. I also ran indoor track. I received a
scholarship to run track and cross country in college and am currently competing. I went
on my Expedition with my dad into the mountains. I rode on horseback where I camped
and experienced the outdoors. I learned how to cook, pack, communicate and help to
make my trip a success. The Congressional Award has taught me how to give of myself
to others and how to participate in community activities that I may not have otherwise
volunteered for.
Abigail Shameklis
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
For Voluntary Public Service, I taught health in a preschool and collected toy donations
and baby supplies for children and new mothers in the hospital. I went on two volunteer
retreats where we volunteered with Meals on Wheels, Foster Closet, and picked up trash
in state parks. I held an art show to raise money for BDAR. I held a job in retail to learn
responsibility and people skills. I also held a job at a child care center to prepare myself
for a career in teaching. I was my chapters president of Family, Career, and Community
Leaders of America to develop leadership and public speaking skills. I participated in
ballet and lyrical classes throughout high school to improve my strength and exibility.
I went on a road trip through Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina with my
family. We tried a lot of new food and I learned a lot about the culture and history of the
south. Participating in The Congressional Award motivated me to get involved in new
experiences which were hard work, but they were also very rewarding. I have many great
memories from my experiences with The Congressional Award!
Jakob Shuey
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
I completed my Voluntary Public Service requirement by helping repair instruments for
my community through the help of a local luthier and violin teacher. I started out by
working with bigger instruments, but gradually wormed my way up to higher end violins
for older students. To complete my Personal Development goals I really focused on my
musicianship as I am very passionate about music and especially the violin. I focused on
it by making it a requirement that I practiced a minimum of an hour a day on my violin,
but would practice at my discretion after that hour. I wanted to really focus on my cardio
and in an effort to lose weight I started a plan to improve my mile time. When I rst
started I was running a 12 minute mile but by the end of the programme, I have shortened
it down to a 5 minute mile which is a bit shy of where I wanted it to be. I visited Northern
France in an effort to learn more of the history of the region and the culture. I visited
museums and walked around the local towns to really be immersed in the French culture.
I also took the time to learn French from locals. Overall it was a great experience of
learning. I have loved the whole Congressional Award programme and it has taught me a
lot about myself and my role in the communities of which I am a part.
Colby Stockton
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: 4-H
For Voluntary Public Service, I volunteered at the Cheyenne Animal Shelter, helping
animals in need. I also attended two Wyoming Volunteer Retreats and assisted in
planning the second. I also volunteered at the 2018 Golf Fundraiser for the Wyoming
Congressional Award. For Personal Development, I practiced blacksmithing and tried
to build my tool inventory. I also worked to better my cattle and showed them at several
large livestock shows and now have my own herd. For Physical Fitness, I ran track and
cross country for my high school and continued to improve personal records every time
I could. I also shot 4-H archery in local, county, and state competitions. Lastly, for my
Exploration, I went to Hawai’i and worked to expand my cultural knowledge and and
enjoyed the Hawai’ian experience.
Nicole Talkington
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Trista Ostrom
I volunteered by serving my school within the Burns High School Student Council,
teaching kids in my area how to shoot, and serving as Chairman for the Wyoming
Congressional Award Service Retreats of 2017 and 2018. I developed my leadership by
serving as my school’s student body president and vice president and by participating
in the Junior Leadership of Laramie County. I also developed by learning to drive. For
Physical Fitness, I competed in cross country and track. In between seasons I ran around
my neighborhood and lifted weights. I completed my Expedition in the Medicine Bow
National Forrest. I explored the opportunities within outdoor cooking, hiking, shing,
kayaking, and much more. I also documented my expedition with a GoPro I won from
the Congressional Award GoPro Challenge. Thanks to Congressional Award, my advisor,
and my supporters, I have been inspired to keep developing and improving myself every
day and I am forever grateful.
Amelia Van Winkle
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: National Honor Society
In earning my Gold Medal, I completed more than 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service
with the majority coming from the Wyoming Historic Governors Mansion. I helped
maintain the grounds and provided needed miscellaneous work to make sure the Mansion
remained open to the public. For Personal Development, I participated in the Junior
Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) program practicing most Saturdays. I earned
a 6-star pin through practice, which meant I scored 200 points in 10 rounds. For my
Physical Fitness portion, I trained at the Universal Kempo Karate School with the goal of
becoming a Junior Brown Belt. I’m now a Junior Brown Belt-Advanced which required
a 2-hour test consisting of endurance, strength and knowledge. For my Physical Fitness
portion, I trained at the Universal Kempo Karate School with the goal of becoming a
Junior Brown Belt. I’m now a Junior Brown Belt-Advanced which required a 2-hour test
consisting of endurance, strength and knowledge. Finally, my Expedition was a trip to
Hawaii which required planning for each island, like when and how my family would
tour Kilauea. Overall, the Congressional Award Program has shown me I am capable of
doing things and learning new things, while also making an impact in other people’s lives
as well as my own.
Cassidy Weibel
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
Afliations: 4-H, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
To earn the Gold Medal, I completed over 400 hours of Voluntary Public service. I
volunteered through the Wyoming Congressional Award by helping plan and execute
the annual Wyoming Congressional Award service retreat. For Personal Development
I served as my school’s student body Vice President, developing my leadership skills.
I attended the Wyoming Association of Student Councils and brought back ideas for
my school and community. I improved my free throw percentage in basketball for my
Physical Fitness goal, and even made 10 free throws in a row during games in my regular
basketball season. I planned a trip to South Dakota for my Exploration. I visited small
towns, rode a train, rode horseback, and tried new things throughout the trip, including
riding a zip line for the rst time. The Congressional Award was a great experience that
allowed me to meet new people and get more involved in my community.
Eleccia Wells
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Misty Whetstone
I volunteered to help with several companies within my community. I went on two of
the Congressional Award retreats, built a deck, collected money for Salvation Army
and for new mothers at the hospital, and so much more! I love to volunteer and thank
The Congressional Award for this opportunity. I did things that I never thought I would
be able to to do if I didn’t have this program. For Physical Fitness, I tracked my steps
everyday when I was at school and at work. I went to the gym at least three times a week.
For my Exploration, I planned a trip to Cancun, Mexico, where we went scuba diving,
tried new foods, and traveled to different islands to see the different ways locals live. I
continued to volunteer and push myself throughout the program, school, and my life at
home. By joining Congressional Award I learned so much about myself and how I love
to help others.
Taylor Wilson
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Advisor: Dianne Kirkbride
Afliations: Special Olympics
I volunteered as a Cheyenne Frontier Days Dandy. My responsibilities included
performing with fteen other girls on an equestrian drill team, traveling throughout
Wyoming and Colorado, advertising Cheyenne Frontier Days, and promoting the sport
of rodeo. I chose to improve my cooking skills for personal development by searching
for new recipes, collecting recipes from family, and putting together my own recipes.
I enjoy being able to cook for family and friends; especially during the holidays, while
camping or hunting, and for birthdays. As a way to stay in shape, I chose to improve my
horse riding skills and bond with my horse through time in the saddle. Riding horses
requires a large amount of balance and strength. I focused on strengthening my core
to help with balance while in the saddle and strengthening my shoulder for Dandies.
For my expedition, I planned a 5 day, 4 night hunting trip with my father and a family
friend to Battle Mountain in Wyoming. I learned to set up outtter tents and use wood
burning stoves. While hunting, we hiked many miles, observed many types of wildlife,
and cooked meals over an open re. The Congressional Award has been an enriching
experience that has allowed me to achieve many goals, learn perseverance and pride, and
has taught me that working hard is the key to success.
Thank You to Our Lead Supporters
We Would Like to Acknowledge
Abbott Laboratories
AbbVie Inc.
Aac Incorporated
Altria Group, Inc.
American Airlines Group Inc.
American Gaming Association
American Trucking Association
AmeriSourceBergen Corporation
Amgen Inc.
Anne Bruce
Arnold & Porter LLP
Aufricht Foundation
Marc Baer
Paxton and Rachel Baker
Bank of America
Bayer Corporation
Ed Blansitt
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Beverly Gilyard
Bridgestone Firestone
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck,
Ceasars Entertainment
Century Link
Comcast Corporation
Mitch Draizin
Edward Jones
Entertainment Software
FedEx Corporation
Florida Power & Light
FMC Corporation
Fraport USA
G2 Secure Staff, LLC
Dr. Larry Green
Jonathan Heatz
David Hunt
International Leadership
Johnson & Johnson
Brad Johnson
JM Family Enterprises
Lee Klumpp
Brad Knox
Kountoupes Denham
Larry H. Miller Companies
Chris Leahy
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Sherry Maddox
Magdaleno Institute
Lance Mangum
McGuire Woods
Merck & Co., Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
National Association of
National Beer Wholesalers
Mike & Laura O’Connor
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical,
Pharmaceutical Care Management
Mike Pitts
Rite Aid
Steve Roberts
David Schiappa
Shell Oil
Mike Skahill
Rodney Slater
Smitheld Foods, Inc.
Chris Spear
Kimberly Talley
TD Bank
United Rentals
United Technologies
Valero Energy
Jason Van Pelt
Verizon Communications Inc.
Viacom Inc.
Win Roberti
Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of
We Would Like to Acknowledge
Congressional Award Partners
American Red Cross
AmeriCorps NCCC
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boy Scouts of America
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Civil Air Patrol
Discovery Bound NLC
Girl Scouts of the USA
Habitat for Humanity
Lion’s Heart Foundation
Military Family Advisory Network
People to People International
United States Air Force
Youth Service America
The Congressional Award Foundation
Board Ofcers
Paxton K. Baker*
Washington Nationals
Vice Chairman
Secretary Rodney Slater*
Squire Patton Boggs
Vice Chairman
Shawn Whitman
FMC Corporation
Laura O’Connor*
Congressional Award Medalist
Lee Klumpp
National Director
Erica Heyse
The Congressional Award Foundation
Board Members
Marc Baer*
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
Edward Blansitt III
Montgomery County Inspector General
Romero Brown*
Congressional Award Medalist
Anne Bruce
Johnson & Johnson
Nick Cannon*
Edward Cohen
Lerner Enterprises
Anthony Crowell
New York Law School
Congressional Award Medalist
Kathy R. Didawick
BlueCross BlueShield Association
Hon. Debbie Dingell*
U.S. Representative
Michigan’s 12
Mitchell Draizin*
New York
Larry Duncan
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Melissa Cortese Foxman
Entertainment Software Association
Beverly Gilyard
Patrick Gliha
George Gould
Washington, DC
Raymond Hall
Miller Management Corporation
J. Steven Hart, Esq.*
Washington, DC
Jonathan Heatz
Jesse Hill
Edward Jones
Hon. Richard Hudson*
U.S. Representative
North Carolina’s 8
David W. Hunt, Esq.*
Legal Counsel
Hon. Johnny Isakson*
U.S. Senator
Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee*
U.S. Representative
Texas’ 18
Raymond F. Kerins Jr.
Bayer U.S. LLC
Bradley Knox, Esq.
Karlos LaSane*
Caesars Entertainment
Christopher Leahy
Mateo Magdaleno*
IDQ Group
Congressional Award Medalist
Hon. Joe Manchin*
U.S. Senator
West Virginia
Lance Mangum
FedEx Corporation
Dr. Linda Mitchell
North Mississippi Research & Extension
Michael Pitts*
Steven Roberts*
The Roberts Companies
Molly Ryan
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc.
The Congressional Award Foundation
Board Members
David Schiappa*
The Duberstein Group
Karen Sessions
Michael Skahill
Smitheld Foods
Chris Spear
American Trucking Associations
Kim Talley*
G2 Secure Staff
Chiling Tong*
International Leadership Foundation
Kelsey Troy
KinderCare Education
Jason Van Pelt
Crossroads Strategies
Rita Vaswani*
Nevada State Bank
Kathryn Weeden*
U.S. Senate Page School
Ben Zandi
Fraport USA
National/appointed members denoted by asterisk (*)
The Congressional Award Foundation
Advisory Board Members
Simeon Banister
New York
David Falk
Dr. Larry Green
Adrian Harpool
Adrian Harpool Associates
Dr. Brian Johnson
Advance Higher Ed
Beth Ann Ruoff
Washington, DC
Will Stute
Washington, DC
The Congressional Award Foundation
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