Year 7 | Cycle 3
100% Book
Hard work Excellence Integrity
Tutor group:
Correcting spelling, punctuation and grammar
Your work will be marked across all subjects to help you improve your literacy.
This is the code that will be used.
Year 7 Cycle 2 Art & Design
1 Illustration A drawing or design used to decorate or explain something
2 Mark-making Lines, dots, marks, patterns and textures created in artwork
3 Texture The feel or appearance of a surface
4 Myth A traditional, fictional story
5 Greek mythology Myths from Ancient Greece about gods, heroes and the origins of the world
6 Hybrid Something made by combining two different elements together
7 Ceramics The art of making three dimensional objects from clay
8 Scoring Scratched lines in clay that create texture to lock pieces together
9 Coiling Clay rolled into a long sausage-like form and wound like a spring
10 Slip A mixture of clay and water used to glue
11 Coil pot A clay pot made by gradually stacking and joining coils
12 Sgraffito A form of decoration made by scratching into a clay surface
Year 7 Cycle 3 – Drama
A: Live review
1 Live review A piece of writing that gives an opinion on a play, based on examples
2 Cornell notes A revision method used to note the key areas, words and summary of a topic
3 Evaluation A balanced judgment on a performance
4 Theatre conventions The rules the actors and audience follow during a performance
5 Adaptations Changing the way of performance of an original source; often book to screen
6 Staging The way the performance is presented on stage
7 Blocking The planning of movements and stage positions for actors in a scene
8 Themes The main ideas that run throughout the story
9 Plot What happens in the performance to the characters
B: Costume design
1 Garments Clothing
2 Shape / fit The way a costume fits on the body, e.g., loose, fitted
3 Condition The age and appearance of a costume, e.g., torn, worn
Year 7 Cycle 2 Design & Technology
1 Corrugated card Thick, strong card made up of layers
2 Sustainability Actions to reduce damage to the environment
3 Responsible design Design that considers environmental impacts
4 Circuit A path between two or more points along which an electrical current can be carried
5 PCB (Printed Circuit Board) A printed or etched board with electronic components mounted to connect a circuit
6 LED (Light Emitting Diode) An electronic component that emits light when current flows through it
7 Solder A metal with a low melting point used to create a permanent bond
8 Soldering The process of bonding together metal by melting solder into the joint
9 Dry joint A soldered joint which has not completely bonded due to insufficient melted solder in the joint
10 Phototransistor An electronic component which can detect a change in lightness and darkness
11 Resistor An electrical component used to reduce current flow
12 Capacitor An electrical component that draws energy from a battery and stores the energy
Year 7 Cycle 3 Design & Technology
1 Design brief The scenario or problem your design will solve
2 Specification A list that defines a design brief and can be used to evaluate design ideas
3 Adobe Illustrator Software used to create visual graphics
4 Graphic A visual representation of an object
5 Graticule A network of lines which can be used for plotting, scaling and measuring
6 Laser cutter A machine which uses a laser to cut or etch into materials
7 Typeface Characters of the same design including letters, numbers, punctuation and symbols
8 Icon A symbol that represents an application, function or concept
9 Vector file An image that can be increased in size without losing quality
(Computer Aided Design)
Digital software used to create 2D and 3D models and drawings
(Computer Aided Manufacture)
The use of software and computer-controlled machinery for manufacture
12 Dxf file A storage format for CAD models called Drawing Exchange Format
Year 7 Cycle 3 English
A: Key terms
1 Allegory (n) A story with two layers of meaning
2 Rhetoric (n) The art of persuasive writing or speaking
3 Fable (n) A short tale that teaches a moral or message often using animals to represent human ‘types’
4 Totalitarianism (n) A state of being ruled by complete and unrestricted power in government
5 Satire (n) A text which makes fun of a person or idea in order to criticize it
B: Writers methods
1 Omniscient narrator (n) A narrator who is not involved in the action of the story but instead is all-seeing
2 Tricolon (n) Listing or talking about things in groups of three
3 Rhetorical question (n) Asked in order to produce an effect or make a statement, not to receive an answer
4 Emotive language (n) Strong, emotional words to play on people’s feelings
5 Direct address (n) Speaking directly to the reader / audience
6 Listing (n) Grouping ideas in lists to add emphasis
7 Symbolism (n) The use of an object to represent an idea
B: Vocabulary
1 In a small apartment dans un petit appartement
2 In a big house dans une grande maison
3 In the countryside à la campagne
4 In the mountains à la montagne
5 By the seaside au bord de la mer
6 In a city dans une ville
7 Entertaining divertissant
8 Noisy bruyant
9 Pretty joli
10 A living room un salon
11 An office/desk un bureau
12 A kitchen une cuisine
13 A bathroom une salle de bains
14 A bedroom une chambre
15 A bed un lit
16 A computer un ordinateur
17 Shelves une étagère
18 A wardrobe une armoire
19 In front of devant
20 Behind derrière
21 Next week la semaine prochaine
22 Tomorrow demain
A: Verbs and structures
1 I live j’habite
2 You can on peut
3 To swim nager
4 To go on walks faire des promenades
5 To play in the street jouer dans la rue
6 I like it je l'aime
7 I don't like it je ne l'aime pas
8 There is il y a
9 There is not il n'y a pas de
10 There is a lot to do il y a beaucoup à faire
11 There is nothing to do il n'y a rien à faire
12 I go to the shopping centre je vais au centre commercial
13 We go to the swimming pool on va à la piscine
14 They go to the library ils/elles vont à la bibliothèque
15 He/she goes to the park il/elle va au parc
16 I do my homework je fais mes devoirs
17 I do swimming je fais de la natation
18 I play video games je joue aux jeux-vidéo
19 I eat at the restaurant je mange au restaurant
20 I listen to music J'écoute de la musique
21 I watch TV Je regarde la télé
22 I am going to go je vais aller
23 I am going to do Je vais faire
Year 7 Cycle 3 French
Year 7 Cycle 3 Geography Rivers
1 Water cycle The movement of water between the sky, ground and oceans
2 Source Where a river starts
3 Tributary A small river that joins the main river channel
4 Mouth Where a river ends and meets the sea
5 Sediment Smaller rock material that has broken off from larger rocks
6 Erosion The breaking down of sediment
7 Transportation The movement of sediment
8 Deposition The laying down of sediment due to a loss of energy
9 Flood When water overflows the riverbanks and spreads onto surrounding land
10 Impermeable A surface that fluids are unable to pass through
11 Hard engineering Man-made structures to prevent erosion and flooding
12 Soft engineering Making changes in a natural-looking way to prevent erosion and flooding
Empire A large group of states ruled over by a single ruler
To annex To add a conquered territory to your own territory
Legacy How someone, or something, is remembered
4 Renaissance A period of time from the 14th-16th centuries that saw a cultural rebirth in education, science, art and music
5 Printing press A machine for printing text or pictures onto paper
6 Humanism An idea that said all people should aim to be educated in art, literature and science
7 Exploration The action of searching a place that is not familiar
8 Colonialism A process in which countries take over and control other countries
9 New World The name given to America when it was discovered by Christopher Columbus
10 Anatomy The study of the human body
11 Dissection The process of cutting open a dead body to examine it
12 Great Plague A large outbreak of disease in 1665-66
Year 7 Cycle 3 History
Year 7 Cycle 3 Maths
A: Types of triangle
1 Equilateral All sides equal, all angles equal (60°)
2 Isosceles Two sides equal, two base angles equal
3 Scalene No sides equal, no angles equal
B: Types of angles
1 Acute Less than 90
2 Obtuse Greater than 90
and less than 180
3 Reflex Greater than 180
C: Angle rules
1 Angles on a straight line add up to 180
2 Angles around a point add to 360
3 Vertically opposite angles are equal
4 Angles in a triangle add up to 180
5 Angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360
6 Base angles in an isosceles triangle are equal
Year 7 Cycle 3 Music Singing
1 Three areas of warm up Stretching, breathing, diction
2 Diaphragm The muscle below the lungs that helps to push out breath
3 Tonality The musical scale or key of a piece of music, e.g. major or minor
4 Articulation How a note is played
5 Staccato Notes played detached and separated
6 Legato Notes played attached and smooth
7 Melody The main tune in a piece of music
8 Accompaniment The musical background
9 Phrase A musical sentence often balanced using question and an answer
10 Call and Response One voice or instrument makes a call and the rest of the group respond
11 A Capella A song for voices with no instruments
12 Round Musicians play the same music, starting at different points
Year 7 Cycle 3 PE
A: Athletics - track Events
1 Sprinting
Running a short distance (400m and
2 Middle distance
Races that are longer than sprints
(800m to 3000m)
3 Relay
A racing competition where members
of a team take turns completing parts
of a race
B: Athletics - track disqualifications
1 False start
Moving / leaving the starting blocks or
line before the gun goes off
2 Lanes
Running outside of your lane at any
C: Athletics - terminology
1 Heat
Early rounds of a race where the top
two or three finishers qualify
2 PB Personal best
3 Push pass
Outgoing runner holds arm out with
the hand open and the incoming
runner puts the baton straight into the
open hand
D: Badminton - key terminology
1 Clear A shot hit deep into the opponents court
2 Shuttle-cock
The object that is hit back and forth in
3 Net shot
A shot hit from near the net that only just
clears the net and drops sharply
4 Passing shot A shot which passes the opponent
5 Service court
The area in which the shuttle must land when
you serve
6 Fault
A foul shot that hits the net or lands outside
the court
E: Badminton court lines
1 Long service line for doubles
2 Side line for doubles
3 Short service line
4 Centre line
5 Side line for singles
6 End line and long service line for singles
F: Rugby - key terminology
1 Try
When the ball is grounded over the try
2 Try line The goal line extending across the pitch
3 Forward pass
An illegal pass where the ball goes
4 Offside
When a player is in front of a team-mate
who is carrying the ball
5 Ruck
One or more players close in around the
ball on the ground to protect it
6 Knock on
If a player drops the ball ‘forward’ or
loses the ball and it goes forward
G: Fitness - key terminology
The ability to exercise the body for long
periods of time, without getting tired
The ability to use muscles repeatedly,
without getting tired
3 Circuit training
A series of exercises repeated one after
the other
4 Repetitions (reps)
The number of times you repeat an
5 Heart rate The speed at which the heart beats
6 Pulse raiser
An activity that safely raises the heart
rate up from its resting state
Stretching while moving
8 Static stretching Stretching while not moving
H: Football - key terminology
1 First touch Controlling the ball to keep it near you
2 Goal kick
A restart by the goalkeeper from inside the
goalkeepers area
3 Offside
When the attacking player is beyond the last
defender as the pass has been played
4 Free kick
Awarded when a foul or handball has taken
place outside of the penalty area
5 Defender
A player who plays in front of the
goalkeeper, protecting the goal
6 Midfielder
A player who links the defenders with the
attackers and contributes to both the attack
and defence
7 Striker A player that leads the attacking moves
Year 7 Cycle 3 PE
K: Table tennis - key terminology
1 Ready position
A starting position from which all
table tennis strokes can be played
2 Volley
Hitting the ball before it bounces on
your side of the table
3 Push
A shot where you push the ball
where you want it to go
4 Deuce A term used when the score is 10-10
5 Let serve
When the ball touches the net, but
still lands in the right place, the serve
is replayed
6 Drive
An attacking shot played with speed
and power
L: Cricket - key terminology
1 Wicket-keeper
Player on the fielding side who
stands right behind the batting end
2 Wicket
A term used when a batsman has
been dismissed
3 Bowling
Delivering the cricket ball to the
4 Over
The delivery of six balls by one
5 Four
A shot that scores four runs by
reaching the boundary after
6 Innings
One players or one team’s turn to
bat (or bowl)
Year 7 Cycle 3 PE
I: Basketball - key terminology
1 Double dribble
When you bounce the ball, stop and hold the
ball with both hands, and then bounce the ball
2 Travelling
Walking or running with the ball without
bouncing it
3 Offense
The team that is attacking and trying to score a
4 Carry Carrying the ball in one hand whilst dribbling
Three second
When you are inside the opposition’s key for
more than three seconds without the ball
6 Free throw
Awarded when you are fouled inside the key,
taken from the free throw line
J: Basketball court lines
1 Free throw line
2 Side-line
3 Halfway line
4 Three-point line
5 Key
6 Baseline
Year 7 Cycle 3 Religious Studies – Christianity
1 Trinity The three persons of God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
2 Original sin The evil within all human beings, inherited from Adam and Eve
3 Virgin birth The belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ without having sex
4 Last Supper The final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion
5 Eucharist A service commemorating the Last Supper, where bread and wine are blessed and consumed
6 Crucifixion Nailing someone to a cross; this is how Jesus Christ died
7 Resurrection The Christian belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, three days after his crucifixion
8 Ascension The rising of Jesus Christ into heaven, forty days after his resurrection
9 Gospel The teachings of Jesus and the disciples
10 The Pope The leader of the Catholic Church
11 Protestant A branch of Christianity whose main source of authority is the Bible
12 Evangelism Churches that promote the preaching of the Gospel and scripture in order to convert others
Year 7 Cycle 3 Science
A: Chemical reactions
1 Acid A solution with a pH of less than 7
2 Alkali A solution with a pH of more than 7
3 Neutralisation A reaction between an acid and an alkali making a salt and water
4 Reactant The substances that react together in a chemical reaction
5 Product The substances that are produced in a chemical reaction
6 Universal indicator A substance that is used to measure how strongly acidic or alkaline a solution is
B: Forces
1 Force A push or a pull on an object
2 Newton (N) The unit of force
3 Mass The amount of matter in a substance; the unit for mass is kilogram (kg)
4 Weight
An object with mass and within Earth's gravitational field experience a downwards force called weight.
Weight = mass × gravitational field strength
5 The equation for pressure
Pressure = Force
6 The equation for speed
Speed = D
Year 7 Cycle 3 Spanish
A: Where I live - verb structures
1 Where do you live? ¿dónde vives?
2 I live in vivo en
3 I believe that my house is creo que mi casa es
4 In my house there is en mi casa hay
5 Where I can donde puedo
6 The good thing is that lo bueno es que
7 The bad thing is that lo malo es que
8 There is no no hay
B: Directions - verb structures
1 Its on the left está a la izquierda
2 Turn right dobla a la derecha
3 Cross the first road cruza la primera calle
4 Take the second road toma la segunda calle
C: Weather - verb structures
1 What do you do when…? ¿qué haces cuando…?
2 It is sunny hace sol
3 It is windy hace viento
4 It is raining llueve
5 It is snowing nieva
6 It is hot hace calor
7 It is cold hace frío
D: Free time - verb structures
1 I dance bailo
2 I play the guitar toco la guitarra
3 I take photos saco fotos
4 I ride a bike monto en bicicleta
5 I do athletics hago atletismo
6 I play football juego al fútbol
7 I’m going to voy a
8 We are going to vamos a
9 They are going to van a
E: Opinions - verb structures
1 I love me encanta
2 I really like me gusta mucho
3 I don’t like at all no me gusta nada
4 I hate odio
5 It entertains me me divierto
6 Its my passion es mi pasión
7 I have a wicked time me lo paso bomba
8 It makes me laugh me hace reír
9 Its a waste of time es una pérdida de tiempo
10 It bores me me aburro