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BGD101217.E 11 May 2006
Bangladesh: Procedures for a Bangladeshi national who does not have a Bangladeshi
passport to have a passport issued at the Bangladesh High Commission in Ottawa, and
identity verifications made before the passport is issued (April 2006)
Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ottawa
During an interview on 8 May 2006, the Counsellor of the Bangladesh High
Commission provided the following information:
It is possible for an individual who does not have a Bangladeshi passport or who
has lost his/her passport to apply for a passport at the Bangladeshi High Commission. A
personal interview is required for all applications for a lost passport and for an individual
who has never had a Bangladeshi passport. The applicant must also submit a notarized
copy of Police report.
According to the Counsellor, if during the interview the individual cannot provide
evidence that he/she is a Bangladeshi national, his/her application is cancelled. On the
other hand, if during the interview the individual can prove that he/she is a Bangladeshi
national, his/her information is sent to Dhaka for verification. After verification with the
authorities in Bangladesh, the individual who has proved that he/she is a Bangladeshi
national can obtain a first passport with a validity period of one and a half years, after
which time, the High Commission may renew the passport for five years (Bangladesh 8
May 2006).
The information that follows, published by the Bangladesh High Commission in
Ottawa, provides information on the procedures for a Bangladeshi national to apply for a
new passport, if the original has been lost:
[the applicant] must have the photocopy of [his/her] lost passport. Fill in the
prescribed form and attach all documents as stated in the application form,
including photocopies of [the] lost passport and the police report.
If [the applicant] cannot submit [a] photocopy of [the] lost passport, [the
High Commission] will not be able to issue a new passport until it is verified
by the authorities in Bangladesh i.e. [the High Commission has] to refer the
matter to Dhaka. However, [the High Commission] can issue a Temporary
Citizen - Identity Certificate free of charges in [the applicants] favour, which
will be valid for 90 (ninety) days. In that case [the applicant] still need[s] to
apply in the prescribed form for a new passport.
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If [the applicant] ha[s] lost the previously issued Bangladesh passport, two
(2) Bangladeshis should sign [the] application form as guarantors/attesters
certifying that they know [the applicant] personally and that [he/she is] a
Bangladeshi in origin. Even [the applicant] ha[s] to obtain the signatures of
two (2) guarantors/attesters in the form before [the High Commission]
issue[s] any Temporary Citizen - Identity Certificate in [his/her] favour...
Information posted on the Website of the High Commission for Bangladesh in
Ottawa indicates that to apply for a new passport, the individual needs to provide the
...KA form to be filled and signed by the applicant at both places on
the back page of the form and sent back to [the Bangladesh High
Commission] with applicant's old passport. Four (4) recent colour
passport size photographs are needed. If the passport is more than
twelve (12) years old, six (6) copies [of] photographs are required.
Child Endorsement: (up to twelve years [of] age only)
If child is already endorsed in his/her mother's old passport: 2 copies
of stamp size (2.5cm X 2.6cm) photographs are needed.
If not endorsed before: 2 copies of stamp size (2.5cm X 2.6cm)
photograph needed.
Birth certificate where both mother and father's names are mentioned.
A statement of facts on plain paper.
Physical appearance of the child is required.
In the case of a lost passport: six (6) recent coloured passport size
photographs, a police report, birth certificate, academic certificate and
a statement of facts on plain paper is required. The applicant must
[go] to the High Commission to apply for a new passport. KA form has
to be filled by the applicant.
Physical presence of the applicant is required for issuance of fresh
passports in the case of lost passport.
Money order / bank draft amounting to C$160.00 only in the name of
Bangladesh High Commission, Ottawa as consular fees within 10
working days for ordinary service urgent fee is $240.00 only for
passport issued within 72 hours (3 working days) (n.d.b).
During an interview on 8 May 2006, the Counsellor of the Bangladesh High
Commission indicated that the Website of the Bangladesh High Commission, Canada, is
up to date and its contents are valid.
Please find attached copy of the Application form for a new passport containing the
application instructions (Bangladesh n.d.c).
This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information
currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for
refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this
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Important Notices
Information Request.
Bangladesh. 8 May 2006. Bangladesh High Commission, Canada. Interview with the
counsellor conducted at the Embassy.
_____. N.d.a. Bangladesh High Commission, Canada. Consular Services. "Frequently
Asked Questions : Lost Passport." <> [Accessed 4 Apr.
_____. N.d.b. Bangladesh High Commission, Canada. Consular Services. "How to Apply
for a New Passport." <> [Accessed 4 Apr. 2006]
_____. N.d.c. Bangladesh High Commission, Canada. Consular Services. "Application
Form for New Passport." <> [Accessed 4 Apr. 2006]
The attached reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by the
Government of Canada. The reproduction has not been produced in affiliation
with, or with the endorsement of the Government of Canada.
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