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BGD100419.E 10 August 2005
Bangladesh: Whether it is possible for an individual who has an expired Bangladesh
passport to renew his or her expired passport or obtain a new passport through any
Bangladesh foreign mission; if so, whether the passport can be renewed or a new one
obtained even if the original passport expired more than six months ago; whether the
same policy on passport renewal and issuance is followed by all Bangladesh foreign
missions (August 2005)
Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa
During a telephone interview on 10 August 2005, an official of the Consular
Affairs section of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Ottawa provided the following
information: It is possible for an individual with an expired Bangladesh passport to
renew his or her expired passport through a Bangladesh embassy or consulate so long
as the passport was issued not more than ten years ago. Renewals are generally valid
for five years. In the case of an expired passport being issued over ten years ago, an
individual must apply for a completely new passport, which a Bangladesh embassy or
consulate also has the authority to issue. The official added that if an individual has
never had a Bangladesh passport, the High Commission of Bangladesh in Ottawa
generally issues a first passport with a validity period of approximately eighteen months,
after which time, the High Commission may renew the passport for longer.
The official also indicated that regardless of how long ago the passport expired,
the renewal or the issuance of a new passport, depending on the date of issuance, could
be arranged through a Bangladesh embassy, high commission or consulate.
The aforementioned policy is followed by all Bangladesh embassies, consulates and
high commissions.
This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim for refugee protection.
Bangladesh. 10 August 2005. High Commission of Bangladesh in Ottawa. Telephone
interview with an official of the Consular Affairs Section.
The attached reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by the
Government of Canada. The reproduction has not been produced in affiliation
with, or with the endorsement of the Government of Canada.
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